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    i saw sam react exactly how i'd expect her to react. Her character is not an effusive person, she's not the type to bounce up and down the halls or be openly emotional

    now i am NOT saying that she's cold, far from it, she's just reserved and has been taught to keep her emotions in check.

    How many of us, if you get bad news in public, go off somewhere private to express yourself?

    and there is also the fact that sam had several days to prepare. They definitely imply a passage of time and this wasn't a horrible shock like it was in Heroes. She had time to make her peace with Jacob's fate, time to say goodbye

    I've been around when both of my mom's parents died. my mom wasn't at either bedside, however in both cases she was able to say goodbye. with my grand mother (she had lou gehrig's disease) my mom visited her the day that she died, talked to her, told her that it was ok to let go and die. She passed on later that night.

    it was similar with my grandfather. he wasn't necessarily ill, but we knew for about a month that he was dying. his body just started to shut down and we knew that his time was coming.

    we all had our chance to say goodbye and, yes there were tears, but there was no dramatic outbursts of emotion.

    Sam had time to say goodbye adn i personally found her emotions very believable and very 'sam like'

    if she had turned into this weeping puddle of goo, i would have been very disappointed
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Here's a thought to consider:

      If the Ancients used the device on Dakara to recreate all the life in the Galaxy, then the Ancients also created the Goa'uld. The Wraith, the Goa'uld... these guys just like making things hard on themselves.

      "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
      "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
      BAD WOLF!!!


        Originally posted by joasia
        Please... Daniel says that it's the place his grandfather took him to after his parents' funeral! I wouldn't call it "the happiest memory of his childhood"...
        Oops... hmmm, I wonder why Oma chose it then? Maybe Daniel just remembers it as a safe place.

        Actually, my first thought was it resembled the White Spot restaurant I visited when I was in Vancouver a few years back.
        To Infinity And Beyond!

        O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


          Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
          Oops... hmmm, I wonder why Oma chose it then? Maybe Daniel just remembers it as a safe place.

          Actually, my first thought was it resembled the White Spot restaurant I visited when I was in Vancouver a few years back.
          My first thought was "Where's Kiffany? She's always on duty." Followed by "Rube's gonna be annoyed when he finds Daniel at his table."

          "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
          "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
          BAD WOLF!!!


            Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
            Oops... hmmm, I wonder why Oma chose it then? Maybe Daniel just remembers it as a safe place.

            Actually, my first thought was it resembled the White Spot restaurant I visited when I was in Vancouver a few years back.
            it's my understanding that it was the set from Dead Like Me...which is also taped at bridge. they just borrowed their diner set for a few days
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              it's my understanding that it was the set from Dead Like Me...which is also taped at bridge. they just borrowed their diner set for a few days
              They can probably keep the set now... Dead Like Me seems to be Dead...

              "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
              "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
              BAD WOLF!!!


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                i saw sam react exactly how i'd expect her to react. Her character is not an effusive person, she's not the type to bounce up and down the halls or be openly emotional


                Sam had time to say goodbye adn i personally found her emotions very believable and very 'sam like'

                if she had turned into this weeping puddle of goo, i would have been very disappointed
                I wasn't crazy about some of Sam's scenes in Threads (the writing - not AT), but I had no problem with Sam's scenes with Jacob. I thought they were very moving and I thought AT did a great job in those. So did Carmen - jeez I'm going to miss Jacob. He's been such a great character.

                The passage of a parent is very sad but as you say Sam had time to say goodbye. There's also the fact that we all prepare to one day say goodbye to our parents. As sad as it always is, it's the usual cycle of life.

                A more shocking death such as the unexpected death of a close friend or spouse at a young age or (even worse) a child. Well that's often the kind of grief that brings forth the kind of emotions you really can't handle. I've seen people completely lose control in those situations. Yet those same people manage to handle the passing of a parent with a much quieter, more resigned grief. Doesn't mean they don't love their parents - just that they handle it better.
                Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                  Originally posted by IMForeman
                  Here's a thought to consider:

                  If the Ancients used the device on Dakara to recreate all the life in the Galaxy, then the Ancients also created the Goa'uld. The Wraith, the Goa'uld... these guys just like making things hard on themselves.

                  Here's athought to consider: Don't post Atlantis spoiloers. As far as we know the Ancients didn't create the wraith.
                  Banner By JME2


                    Originally posted by IMForeman
                    Here's a thought to consider:

                    If the Ancients used the device on Dakara to recreate all the life in the Galaxy, then the Ancients also created the Goa'uld. The Wraith, the Goa'uld... these guys just like making things hard on themselves.

                    Some spoilers for Atlantis herewith.

                    The Ancients call humans the second evolution of their kind.
                    When they recreated life, I'd guess that they recreated it as primordial soup and gave it a prod rather than saying 'and this planet will be inhabited by big lizard-men dudes and malevolent brain parasites with a taste for bling'.
                    Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                    - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                      Why is it that Sam's father can't keep living without the symbiote? Didn't the symbiotes just die and they are absorbed into the host? Why would he die? Any answers on this one?
                      Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


                        Originally posted by DelTrax1
                        Why is it that Sam's father can't keep living without the symbiote? Didn't the symbiotes just die and they are absorbed into the host? Why would he die? Any answers on this one?
                        The one from the episode?
                        A Tok'Ra symbiont can die without killing the host but has to be conscious to do it. And according to Jacob Selmac is in coma since they fired the ancient weapon in 'Reckoning II'.


                          This has probably already been said - but I thought I'd say it anyway.

                          Having had another chance to watch it again on Sky Mix, I still loved it; though I concur with the view that the end was rushed (I felt that the first time, too), but given how much they had to cram into so little time, I suppose it was inevitable (it still amazes me that they had a 42 minute version of this episode in case Sci-fi and Sky didn't go for the 90 minute one!). I guess it was inevitable that something with so much to say would lack the 'oomph', dramatically speaking, that 'Reckoning' had - what with all the explosions and guns going off and all.

                          I'd like to have seen a bit more of where Ba'al went off to once he found out what Anubis was intending to do. I guess he just did a runner again. Shame really. He's a cool dude - but he's a self-interested poltroon as well. I rather like that in a Bad guy.

                          And I'm gonna miss Jacob too . There was nothing decent on the telly last night after the SG1 repeats finished so I dug out 'The Tok'ra' pts I and II from my season 2 DVD box - a sort of minor tribute to one of my two favourite recurring characters (the other being Bra'tac). I might watch 'Seth' tonight while I'm waiting for 'Moebius' pt 1...

                          Obsessed? Moi?


                            Originally Posted by DelTrax1
                            Why is it that Sam's father can't keep living without the symbiote? Didn't the symbiotes just die and they are absorbed into the host? Why would he die? Any answers on this one?

                            I was under the impression that a symbiote releases toxins as it dies?
                            Sinse Selmak was began to release toxins into Jacob.
                            However - if the symbiote is "well-enough" and has enough strength to make the conscious effort, it can save a host from dying along with it, but only if toxins havent been released first.

                            Mind you - you gotta wonder why one of those healing-Hand-Devices wouldn't help the Tokra symbiote recover...maybe it was "too far gone"....thats how i understood it anyway.

                            "How long have you been waiting there?"

                            "You said half-an-hour, an hour ago"
                            "General Hammond's waiting"
                            "S'cuse me..."
                            "The fate of the world is hanging in the balance and you've been sitting in your truck finishing this?"...
                            "I believe it was double or nothing"...
                            "OK 23-across, the atomic weight of Boron - The answer is TEN"...
                            "You wrote the word FAT"


                              Originally posted by DelTrax1
                              Why is it that Sam's father can't keep living without the symbiote? Didn't the symbiotes just die and they are absorbed into the host? Why would he die? Any answers on this one?
                              When a symbiote dies it secretes a toxin that is lethal to a human host. With the Tok'ra, generally the symbiote would either leave the host before it reached that point, or make an effort not to secrete the poison. Selmak would have done this for Jacob, but Jacob wouldn't let him, because he felt earth needed Selmak's knowledge, so by the time the Replicators were defeated, it was too late. Selmak had already slipped into unconciousness and started secreting the toxin.


                                i liked how when OMA started fighting anubis all the others just stop and watch like they are finally saying "see now you have learned your lesson. This what we wanted you to do in the first place"

                                i wonder what happens? I bet the others wipe out anubis since collectibly they can use there powers to strike him down.

                                also, daniel retains the knowledge of what happens? hmmmmm
                                come read my website!!!!!!!!!


