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    The Sam/Jack shippines was made all the more cloying by the fact that it was going on WHILE HER DAD WAS DYING.

    Sure, watching a parent can make you appreciate the people that you CAN count on, but you aren't going to be in any dating shape for a VERY long time. The whole concept of resolving that issue with Jacob's death makes for two very shallow characters in my estimation. I've seen some shallow folks lose a parent... I've never seen folks in real life be quite that flippant about it.


      Originally posted by jyh
      I have previously posted my opinion of Threads (in a nutshell: GREAT episode, and would have been the PERFECT way to end the season or series).

      But after watching it again last night on SciFi, I have to express a bit (quite a bit, actually) of annoyance with our friend Pete, on two counts. First of all, and most egregious, is that he would actually call Sam at the SGC to see why she's not meeting him at the florist. Of all the nerve!!! It's not like he's clueless as to what her job really is, so he knows that when she's at work, the fate of the planet could literally be at stake. That's a little more important than what color carnations to put in with the baby's breath. When she didn't answer her cell phone, he should have taken the hint that she could NOT be disturbed. But no, he calls the SGC, and has her INTERRUPTED while she's in a conference. I didn't notice that the first time I saw the ep, but it really bothered me last night. If I'd been Sam, I would have been royally ticked.

      Second annoyance: Pete's presumption in buying (OK, putting a down payment on) a house without consulting her. I suppose he thought he was being romantic in finding what she had described as her dream house, but a house is little too big of an investment for one half of a couple to buy without consulting the other. A car would have been bad enough (been in that situation, and it STUNK), but a house is a huge investment, not to mention something that both halves of the couple literally have to live with. Note to guys: "surprising" your better half in such a way is probably NOT a good idea.
      I agree with you. I figured Pete must have gotten shot on duty or something for a call to be important enough to interrupt her at work.


        Originally posted by jyh
        But after watching it again last night on SciFi, I have to express a bit (quite a bit, actually) of annoyance with our friend Pete, on two counts. First of all, and most egregious, is that he would actually call Sam at the SGC to see why she's not meeting him at the florist. Of all the nerve!!! It's not like he's clueless as to what her job really is, so he knows that when she's at work, the fate of the planet could literally be at stake.
        Just have to point out to you, because A LOT of people seem to gloss over this fact, Sam wasn't supposed to be working that day. Jack said it was her DAY OFF, and Jacob said Sam told him that she was to meet Pete at the florist that morning (to which Sam denies herself so she could stay at the base and save the world). We have no less than THREE people to Sam's idea of what is happening that day, and it comes off as Sam being flakey to Pete, and not the other way around.
        I will rule the world... and find that truly good cup of coffee.


          I'm sorry to do this, and I feel bad about it, but i posted this at 2:30 last night and noone has answered anything of it so here was my post.

          Signature oversized: Click to view.


            Originally posted by Darth Buddha
            I must be odd man out. I've really been disappointed with SG-1 for about two seasons now, but felt this episode was great.

            The metaphor of the diner was clever, and the casting of George Dzunda as Anubis was inspired. He was more EVIL than any special effect enhanced Goa'uld, Replicator, Wraith, or Unas we've seen so far. A good actor (and Dzunda is great by my book) beats special effects any day.

            What's more, I wish this had been it. The scene at Jack's cabin was a perfect place to leave the series. The Goa'uld are on the run, the Jaffa are free, the Replicators are metallic Rice Krispies, and Anubis has been taken care of via the "What of Lazarus" answer from Star Trek:TOS. Everything is hunky dory.

            That's plenty of action, and LOTS of conclusions packed into one episode. Just not whizz-bang shoot-em up or special effects laden action. I don't need to be wowed with special effects to make Oma's battle with Anubis satisfying. Battle scenes for the sense of battle scenes aren't necessary.

            (Mel Harris is still amazingly beautiful at age 47... I'm afraid I can't see anyone else on SG-1 EVER competing with that... Oma is the all time Stargate Babe!)
            I think the SFX were lacking this ep. You can't really have SG1 without SFX. I mean ... sci fi? Isn't it liek supposed to have SFX? Explosions and such? Well, i like 'em - as long as they're not meaningless. But I agree about Mel. Age is beauty, huh? My only problem would have to be Oma as a waitress. I dunno...
            TEAM SG1 LIVES


              Didn't anyone else see it comming that Jim was Anubis. If you remember back in Full Circle Daniel mentions he hasn't met any of the others. Then he confronts Anubis and attempts to break the rules by trying to take Anubis out before Oma stops him. After that he is sent back or apparently he chose to come back. Now he meeets JIm in the diner and he is saying he knew Daniel from when he was ascended the last time and he knew about how Daniel had a hard time with the rules the last time. The only two people who qualify for that that we have seen was Oma and Anubis. Plus it was obvious that Oma didn't like Jim. She even told him to find true enlightenment. Seems like an odd thing to tell an acsended being unless it an ascended being who is twisted like Anubis.
              Teal'c "I killed you"
              Daniel "Why?"
              Teal'c "You were a Go'uld spy"
              Daniel "a good reason"


                Thought 1: The more I learn about the Ascended the less I like them. But at least Oma has redeemed herself.

                Thought 2: I don't blame Jack one bit for refusing to accept Daniel was dead, I mean given the number of times the guy has 'died' and come back....

                Thought 3: Poor Pete! But it's for the best really, though he doesn't want to hear it now. Someday when he's got a little perspective he's going to thank Sam for pulling out now. Just think how complicated and stressful their marriage would have been!

                Thought 4: Kerry is one smart girl getting out now - or maybe just more cautious than Pete. She also makes a very good point; suppose Jack did resign his commission that's no reason why he couldn't promptly be re-appointed as head of the SGC. For that matter there's no reason why Sam couldn't leave the airforce and become a civilian employee like Daniel.

                Thought 5: You don't suppose Kerry and Pete....?

                Thought 6: I am very sorry to lose Jacob and Selmak. Was that Mark standing beside his bed in the death scene?

                Thought 7: I can't get over how great Teal'c looks with hair!

                Thought 8: So Sam finally accepts Jack's offer to go fishing, but they bring along the rest of the Team as chaperones.


                  Originally posted by Amakusa
                  Just have to point out to you, because A LOT of people seem to gloss over this fact, Sam wasn't supposed to be working that day. Jack said it was her DAY OFF, and Jacob said Sam told him that she was to meet Pete at the florist that morning (to which Sam denies herself so she could stay at the base and save the world). We have no less than THREE people to Sam's idea of what is happening that day, and it comes off as Sam being flakey to Pete, and not the other way around.

                  Agreed. Sam should have canceled with Pete or asked him to handle it, not left him hanging. It made Sam look bad in my opinion.

                  But onto what I did like about this episode.

                  Michael Shanks and Mel Harris were excellent during the diner scenes. Daniel saves the universe again.

                  Jacob (sob). I thought the scene where Jacob told Sam that he and Selmack were dying was very touching.

                  In spite of everything else in the episode, I really liked the scene with Jack offering comfort to Sam--I saw caring between two friends. It wasn't the ackward scenes that we usually get between the two of them.

                  Kerri and Jack were very comfortable with each other--I'd like to see more of the character but as a plot device, she doesn't have a very long shelf-life. But I didn't get why she would tell Jack that as a civilian head of the SGC, he could be with Sam--he would still be in charge and responsible for overseeing the entire staff. Hypothetically, could Jack and Weir have had a relationship when Weir was at the SGC?

                  The whole shippy quadrangle thing had a few plot holes and out-of-character moments for me, but I won't dwell. If the shippers are happy with it, then good.

                  The team together at the end. Yea!


                  When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.

                  Abraham Joshua Heschel


                    Originally posted by Darth Buddha
                    The Sam/Jack shippines was made all the more cloying by the fact that it was going on WHILE HER DAD WAS DYING.

                    Sure, watching a parent can make you appreciate the people that you CAN count on, but you aren't going to be in any dating shape for a VERY long time. The whole concept of resolving that issue with Jacob's death makes for two very shallow characters in my estimation. I've seen some shallow folks lose a parent... I've never seen folks in real life be quite that flippant about it.

                    Look, I for one have seen couples brought together by the loss of a parent. One party is losing a parent and somebody who loves them is there for them to support and comfort them which can foster a growing relationship. It wasn't as if Jack and same threw down right on top of Jacob's death bed, we don't even know how much time there was between Jacob's death and Jack and Sam getting together if they even DID get together and not just go fishing as friends. Bottom line is all we really saw was two friends fishing, nothing more, nothing less... They like eachother but we don't know if they REALLY will get together if it weren't for all the writers spilling beans and a few other sources of information out there but just taking the story lines at face value we don't have any idea what will happen with their relationship. Heck, two people who are interested in eachother can always not develop that relationship further if they don't have the courage to or if they want to keep it less formally romantic and so forth... One thing I would like to say is that it appears that too many people have this whole "when harry met sally" complex believing that men and women (who are heterosexuals) can never be just friends and I for one thing that is bunk... Men, women, are humans and humans don't HAVE to be animals surrendering to their baser instincts all the time, no matter HOW they act on real world or The OC or basically any show on Fox or MTV.


                      Originally posted by Amakusa
                      Just have to point out to you, because A LOT of people seem to gloss over this fact, Sam wasn't supposed to be working that day. Jack said it was her DAY OFF

                      People in certain professions (and security work in which you regularly save the world is certainly one of those professions) get called in to work on their 'days off' all the time. When something is going on that needs to be addressed, they need to address it, no matter what the day or time. And I think the conversation in the conference room was a little more important than just a casual meeting. They may have been discussing whether or not the "magic weapon" needs to be destroyed, which, since the thing can destroy all life in the galaxy, is a somewhat important conversation.

                      And for the person who expressed disbelief that Sam (& Jack & Daniel & Teal'c) would take some time to go fishing "WHILE HER DAD WAS DYING," I was definitely under the impression that her father had already died. There may not have been a funeral, but the Tok'ra were there with him at the end, so I assumed that Jacob was already dead and all the formalities that needed to be followed had been followed, and then the fishing part came afterward.


                        Though not among the best of SG-1, Threads is probably the best written epiosde of this season. As TPTB had intended, it tied up many of the loose ends of the character arcs of the series.

                        The "ascension" segment answered a lot of questions. Anubis tricked Oma into breaking The Rules, and she subsequently must spend an eternity atoning for her mistake. The punishment meted out by The Others may seem cruel to us, but for them it makes sense: one has to live with the consequences of one's action. But, if all it takes to stop Anibus is for Oma to lock in an eternal fight with him, then why did she wait till now?

                        The Jaffa story line had a fitting end, although it felt a bit rushed to me. Bratac had it right -- they had been so preoccupied with the fight for freedom that they hardly thought about what to do with it. I think the Jaffa need Teal'c leadership and experience now more than ever, so there must be a good reason for Teal'c to turn his back on that. I don't think this issue was adaquately explored.

                        But the part that really tugged at my heart-string was the death of Jacob (and Selmet). In some sense, I knew it had to happen. With the demise of the Goa'uld, the Tok'ra would also dwindle and soon become a lost civilization. Yet Jacob has been my favorite recurring character, one I loved above many of the so-called "regulars" at SGC. It really saddened me to think that Sam would never be able to take comfort in his presence again. And I, as a viewer, will forever miss his wisdom, his sharp wit, and that twinkle in his eye. Rest in peace, Jacob

                        As for the personal relationship stuff, what a bunch of messed up people! The only one with any good sense seemed to be Kerry. So, walk on by, you smart girl!
                        Last edited by Liebestraume; 12 March 2005, 09:28 PM. Reason: Spelling
                        In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane. ~ Oscar Wilde


                          Originally posted by Leah Jenner
                          Thought 1: The more I learn about the Ascended the less I like them. But at least Oma has redeemed herself.

                          Oma didn't so much redeem herself as flesh-out here character more and get a whole lot more interesting... She is a bit better now cause she makes mistakes, which shows that she's thinking.

                          Thought 2: I don't blame Jack one bit for refusing to accept Daniel was dead, I mean given the number of times the guy has 'died' and come back....

                          I agree... Jack had no body and strange junk was happening all over the place...

                          Thought 3: Poor Pete! But it's for the best really, though he doesn't want to hear it now. Someday when he's got a little perspective he's going to thank Sam for pulling out now. Just think how complicated and stressful their marriage would have been!

                          Pete was sorta asking for it though cause he wasn't very trusting, he stalked her for one thing and next he had to know her heart wasn't completely invested in the relationship cause she was always so distant. He had to KNOW that something was up. She took so long to accept his marriage proposal for one thing and she was less vocal about things than one would expect. "yeah, that's great..." hmmm either she's got some sort of disorder that takes away all enthusiasm or she has a promising career in certain fields of entertainment.

                          Thought 4: Kerry is one smart girl getting out now - or maybe just more cautious than Pete. She also makes a very good point; suppose Jack did resign his commission that's no reason why he couldn't promptly be re-appointed as head of the SGC. For that matter there's no reason why Sam couldn't leave the airforce and become a civilian employee like Daniel.

                          Women tend to be smarter and more safety conscious than men sometimes unless they get slapped around.. But seriously successful intelligent women usually are VERY causious when it comes to relationships which is why it's more difficult to get them. (in a couple of senses, both understanding and getting them into a relationship with you)

                          Thought 5: You don't suppose Kerry and Pete....?

                          I totally agree... They have a LOT in common, they're both stalkers for one thing, namely she's in the CIA and hunts down bad guys and he tends to follow around his girlfriends... But seriously he's a cop she's a CIA agent so they're in related fields, they have things in common. They have a connection in that they've both made bad decisions in love very recently so they're both rebounding. Why not?

                          Thought 6: I am very sorry to lose Jacob and Selmak. Was that Mark standing beside his bed in the death scene?

                          Yeah, that was really too bad. I could have been happier to lose Bra'tac than Jacob cause Bra'tac's story arc has sorta ended but Bra'tac is still kicking and Jacob who could go further as a character and at least has SOME connection to the main cast other than being a dunsel from a time long past... Bra'tac has a nostalgic connection to Teal'C but as a character he's not of much use anymore..

                          Thought 7: I can't get over how great Teal'c looks with hair!

                          Thought 8: So Sam finally accepts Jack's offer to go fishing, but they bring along the rest of the Team as chaperones.

                          Well they've been friends for so long it's about time they go fishing together...


                            Originally posted by jyh
                            People in certain professions (and security work in which you regularly save the world is certainly one of those professions) get called in to work on their 'days off' all the time. When something is going on that needs to be addressed, they need to address it, no matter what the day or time. And I think the conversation in the conference room was a little more important than just a casual meeting. They may have been discussing whether or not the "magic weapon" needs to be destroyed, which, since the thing can destroy all life in the galaxy, is a somewhat important conversation.

                            And for the person who expressed disbelief that Sam (& Jack & Daniel & Teal'c) would take some time to go fishing "WHILE HER DAD WAS DYING," I was definitely under the impression that her father had already died. There may not have been a funeral, but the Tok'ra were there with him at the end, so I assumed that Jacob was already dead and all the formalities that needed to be followed had been followed, and then the fishing part came afterward.
                            Yea he had already uttered his last word and then there was probably some off screen time of a funeral then we get to see them all fishing. BTW good point American3.14


                              Okay, I'm probably alone in this thinking, but at the end of this episode, the only coherent thought I could seem to form was "What the hell was that?"

                              I wish I could say I liked the episode...or even hated it...I can't quite decide how I feel about it beyond the fact that I don't know if I have the patience to sit through it a second time and try to see how I really feel about it.

                              Jack and Sam? *sigh* I'm rarely a shipper on anything for anyone because I tend to find romance plotlines rather dull, so I spent most of their scenes feeling antsy for them to get back to other things (mainly, Daniel.) I seriously couldn't have cared less about what was going on with Pete, and Jack's girlfriend...and anything else that involved with it. I was, however, slightly disappointed in Jacob's death, which seemed to take a back seat to the Jack/Sam ship. Jacob was probably about the best recurring character and he got such a...unimportant death. Almost as if it was done for the means of plot contrivance rather than actual character or plot progression. Again. *sigh* (Not to mention that his death, IMO, is further proof that this series should end with Season 8.)

                              Teal'c's plotline? *shrug* It was fine. Daniel's...hmm, well, his scenes with "Jim" and Oma were certainly the best of the episode. But at the end of the episode with him spontaneously showing up Jack's office...I haven't had the chance to read over this thread yet so I don't know if anyone's explained this yet...but how did he manage to return without having ascended and not being dead? I wanted a better explanation than the one they gave. Actually, I would've liked any explanation, period.

                              Granted, I do think I came away from this episode feeling slightly disappointed because, among other things, I had already had a few things inadvertently spoiled for me (such as the fact that Jacob was going to die and that Oma was responsible for Anubis' ascension--which could lead to a rant on my irritation over the fact that some countries get to see episodes before others). I didn't see the Jim being Anubis thing coming and was excited by that. But unfortunately, not much farther beyond that. I guess maybe I was expecting more explanation than we got, as well, particularly in regards to things that happened during Daniel's ascension.

                              I wish I didn't feel like this episode was such a let-down after Reckoning...but it kind of was for me. And Amen to everyone who've said this would make such a great ending episode for the series. Regardless of whether or not I'm a shipper, and if I hadn't been so unfortunately spoiled for this episode, I do think it would've made for nice closure.
                              Metroids are not pets
                              Metroids are not for target practice
                              Any unauthorized feeding of metroids is prohibited


                                Originally posted by Hyperspace
                                Maybe you or I can't make calls from the basement, but I think the top personnel of the SG-C can! I guess there's a signal amplifier somewhere atop Cheyenne Mountain that picks up and relays cell phone signals down deep into the complex.
                                It's Asgaard technology. Shh.

