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Threads (818)

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    I guess, looking back, Threads, the 43-min cut, is actually a lot worse than the 63-min cut (as hard as that could be) because the episode keeps almost all of the shippy nonsense yet removes virtually all the Jaffa stuff, including what I guess you could call the "Final Victory" for Teal'c, when he stands above the army of his nation and they cheer for him.


    A). Rob Cooper was right, the episode did need an extra 20 minutes.
    B). It's too bad that the 43-min version cut out most of the meaty Jaffa arc stuff and left in ALL the shippy crap.

    "Your Star burns! I require frozen treats!" - Tycho Brahe

    "I don't like even!" - Acastus Kolya, 1X10 'The Storm'


      I live in Aus and had to watch the short version. Hopefully the DVD will contain the full version.
      The 360 is out in Aus and I'm playing
      Mal: Was that the primary buffer panel?
      Wash: It did seem to resemble-
      Mal: Did the primary bufferpanel just fall off my gorramn ship for no apparent rerason?


        Originally posted by Celestial
        Thanks so much for the summary of what us here in Oz missed......of the good stuff in my opinion....the action stuff. Not much into the shipper stuff, so this eps has left me downright...what's the word??....disappointedly hanging! I can't believe they left the Oma vs "Jim" Anubis battle like that....I mean where did they go, what did they do...just poof and they're gone . Would have like to have seen more of that battle, since what we got was mostly the ships stuff.
        Sorry to disappoint you but there isn't much action in the entire 63 minute version. As for the Oma/Anubis battle, what you saw is all there is. There isn't any more.
        To Infinity And Beyond!

        O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


          Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
          As for the Oma/Anubis battle, what you saw is all there is. There isn't any more.
          And it was pretty pathetic huh?

          I've probably one of the few that had no real problem with Anubis. People always say that he was cliche and over-the-top, well, so what? He was supposed to be cliche and over-the-top and the writers and characters know this (just watch Redemption Part 1).

          So, to see a character that has been built up as the Uber-Goa'uld since Season 5 just get taken out of the picure with some lousy particle effect is VERY dissapointing.

          "Your Star burns! I require frozen treats!" - Tycho Brahe

          "I don't like even!" - Acastus Kolya, 1X10 'The Storm'


            Originally posted by AlphaBlu
            I guess, looking back, Threads, the 43-min cut, is actually a lot worse than the 63-min cut (as hard as that could be) because the episode keeps almost all of the shippy nonsense yet removes virtually all the Jaffa stuff, including what I guess you could call the "Final Victory" for Teal'c, when he stands above the army of his nation and they cheer for him.


            A). Rob Cooper was right, the episode did need an extra 20 minutes.
            B). It's too bad that the 43-min version cut out most of the meaty Jaffa arc stuff and left in ALL the shippy crap.

            And IMO would have been the better parts of the episode. I don't care much for the ships stuff, but was saddened to see Jacob/Selmak die. He'll be missed.
            Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
            and Captain Jack Harkness
            Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
            Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
            Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
            I live here.....Calling All Australians?
            My other home...Stargate Down Under
            My Life on LiveJournal



              I'm sure some brainiac will come along and say something like 'Well I liked all the so-called shippy nonsense, so you just live with it', so I thought I should say this.

              If the shippy crap is your thing, then fine. The reason why the 43-min cut of Threads is so poor is because the Jaffa Final Victory is removed from the episode. Shippy stuff can happen anywhere ('Ship Happens') and it wasn't imperative for it to happen in that episode. The Jaffa stuff however, following right on from the marvellous Reckoning 1 & 2, did need to get resolved. It should've been the LAST thing to fall to the cutting room floor, not the first. The shippy stuff should've been cut first, as it was mostly supurflouous to the episode and to the tying up of various 'plot threads'. Hell I'm sure you could even do a version of threads that cut out Kerry Johnson completely, and got rid of that HIDIEOUS scene at Jack's house.

              Instead the 43-minute version loses all of the Jaffa stuff, Teal'c bearly has a LINE (which is unsprising really, given his silence since Jonas left), we get about 2/3rds of the Oma/Daniel/Anubis stuff (including the super anti-climactic ending), and almost all the shippy stuff that could've been done in any other episode.

              I never thought I'd say this, but thank Wright for the 63-min cut, as much as I hated it.

              "Your Star burns! I require frozen treats!" - Tycho Brahe

              "I don't like even!" - Acastus Kolya, 1X10 'The Storm'


                I’m going to absolutely lose my mind! I’m hearing so much stuff about how bad or how good Threads is that I can hardly wait until next Friday when I get to see it. Ugh! I can only hope that the Sci-fi channel in the U.S. will show the long version.
                That I should love a bright, particular star.


                  Originally posted by Reona
                  I’m going to absolutely lose my mind! I’m hearing so much stuff about how bad or how good Threads is that I can hardly wait until next Friday when I get to see it. Ugh! I can only hope that the Sci-fi channel in the U.S. will show the long version.
                  Guess liking the episode depends somewhat on whether or not you are a Sam/Jack shipper. Chances are if you aren't you'd just find their scenes a bit of a distraction from what's going on with Teal'c and Daniel.

                  They passed up on the chance to have more Bra'tac in this episode!!! Insolence!


                    Right now i'm hating channel 7's guts for not showing the 63min cut here in Australia (not that that changes my opinion of them much). They've been showing 2hours of Stargate for ages. Why not this week?
                    "I'm the greatest because I'm alive. That's it. Period.
                    I'm not greedy. If I can catch a Goa'uld equipped with all kinds of fancy toys without risking my neck that's a damn good compromise."



                      As a fellow Aussie, I saw the 42 minute 'Threads' snorefest. It was 42 minutes of talking heads, mostly. So much for the 'don't' maxim that any cheap scriptwriting book would tell you.
                      The ship stuff was pathetic as usual. Jack's girlfriend comes out of nowhere and her only purpose is to service the equally weak motivations for Carter to dump Pete.
                      My suspicion was that the Diner plot with Danny was so paper thin, that they just had to throw something together and we ended up getting to see more of the forced sham relationship between Jack and Sam. A 'romance' that most discerning viewers know has NEVER existed.
                      Now I read that the Jaffa stuff has been totally cut out from the shorter version in favour of the romance crap, I can only shake my head.
                      And to think that Shanks wife is now signed for next year. Just imagine to innuendo w'ere gonna get with that one! Lord help us!


                        Spoilers, spoilers, blah blah blah

                        I liked this episode, for one reason because it tied up some "threads" of the season. And no, I'm not a 'shipper,' but I really thought the last scene was interesting. First of all, I dreaded what I thought was an inevitable scenario: Sam has doubts about her relationship w/ Pete, and also realizes that Jack might be involved with someone else. In MOST (crappy) shows, she would have thought "well, he's got someone else so I'll just stick with what I've got." And Jack would have thought "she's got somebody so I'm going to get somebody too." But that didn't happen. They each did what was right for THEM, regardless of what anyone else (Pete, the woman) wanted or said. Even though they each thought the other person was involved w/ someone, they didn't let that stop them from doing what was right. (Even tho I'm not a shipper, that doesn't mean I don't believe they're going to end up together eventually. The way this relationship has been written over the years, I think it's inevitable.)

                        But the scene I really liked was the very last one. We see Sam & Jack on Jack's dock, fishing, and we're all supposed to think: Wow, I guess it really happened. Then the camera pulls back & we see Daniel & Teal'c joining them, brining their lawn chairs. So it's really a GROUP outing, not a Jack/Sam thing. I do feel it's significant, however, that Daniel & Teal'c sat a little ways apart, so technically they were there, yet they were set apart. (I could just imagine Daniel saying "it's about time those two came to their senses," cuz you know that's what he'd be thinking.)

                        As for the Daniel/Oma/diner stuff.... that was good, sort of a way for us to see what's going on in Daniel's head while he's in limbo-land. I guessed pretty early on that George D's character was really you-know-who, and my son (who'd already watched the episode once) hung his head and said "how do you DO that???"

                        One thing I didn't understand is why Daniel seemed to know things & remember who he was this time, when he had absolutely no memory of anything the last time he came back to earth. (But I LOVED the whole naked-and-the-flag thing! Just hilarious!!)

                        And I guess Bra'tak is going to serve on the Jaffa resistance council, but we know Teal'c will have to forego that honor so he can continue to serve on SG-1.
                        Last edited by jyh; 08 March 2005, 06:47 PM.


                          I'm not sure if this counts as a spoiler but just in case.
                          If you look closely at the newspaper Daniel is reading the first time it says
                          "Wraith on their way to Atlantis" and it has a picture of i think a hive ship or a Wraith dart.

                          Interesting, no?


                            actually, wow. That's good eyes. I hadn't noticed that. I suppoes, if the Ancients are suppoed to know everything, then that would fit the bill.
                            You think they'd be pissed about that considering how badly they wanted people to find at Atlantis in "Before I sleep."
                            'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


                              This was noticed many a time in the "Threads" topic.

                              "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                              "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                              BAD WOLF!!!


                                Great episode, loved it!

                                I like when episodes end the way this one did, with the whole team hangin out, gives me a good feeling about what they did (even though they didn't do that much this time around-except for Daniel-but I like it still )

