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    The question is wheather he has rest of the ancient knowledge
    "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

    “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

    “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

    “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

    “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

    “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


      Originally posted by KatG
      When a symbiote dies it secretes a toxin that is lethal to a human host. With the Tok'ra, generally the symbiote would either leave the host before it reached that point, or make an effort not to secrete the poison. Selmak would have done this for Jacob, but Jacob wouldn't let him, because he felt earth needed Selmak's knowledge, so by the time the Replicators were defeated, it was too late. Selmak had already slipped into unconciousness and started secreting the toxin.

      Ok...going back to Season 6 episode 5 Nightwalkers....Carter is taken over by a symbiote that was made from Andrian Conrads cell Stem research. When she put the medicene into herself the symbiote died but just was absorbed into the body. This is why I don't understand why it could be done in the same manner with Jacob? Anyone got any idea's?
      Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


        Originally posted by DelTrax1
        Ok...going back to Season 6 episode 5 Nightwalkers....Carter is taken over by a symbiote that was made from Andrian Conrads cell Stem research. When she put the medicene into herself the symbiote died but just was absorbed into the body. This is why I don't understand why it could be done in the same manner with Jacob? Anyone got any idea's?
        The symbiotes in Nightwalkers weren't mature symbiotes. They couldn't completely control the host. That's why they only came out at night when the host was sleeping. I guess they hadn't yet developed the ability to release the toxin.


          Originally posted by KatG
          The symbiotes in Nightwalkers weren't mature symbiotes. They couldn't completely control the host. That's why they only came out at night when the host was sleeping. I guess they hadn't yet developed the ability to release the toxin.
          Or it wasn't sufficiently blended. Jack's symbiote in Into the Fire didn't kill him when it died.
          Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
          - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


            jacob had also been blended for, well they say 4 but show time shows that it was 6 years.

            they've never fully explained a blending, but i imagine it as the symbiote weaving and meshing parts of itself, like little tendrils, in and around the host's brain. that's how they can see, talk, hear, heal, etc.

            the longer a host is blended, the more weaving there is...and the harder it is for the symbiote to disentangle itself

            selmac was literally too weak to pull back his tendrils, and as jacob said, too weak to stop the autonomic response of releasing the poison

            they gambled and lost

            in the case of jack and sam, the cold affected hathor's snake, and the poison affected sam's, preventing them from a full and complete blending
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by DelTrax1
              Ok...going back to Season 6 episode 5 Nightwalkers....Carter is taken over by a symbiote that was made from Andrian Conrads cell Stem research. When she put the medicene into herself the symbiote died but just was absorbed into the body. This is why I don't understand why it could be done in the same manner with Jacob? Anyone got any idea's?
              Selmac and Jacob were working up to the very moment when Selmac lost consiousness. In Threads Jacob said it takes a lot of energy and a conscious effort for the symbiote to retain it's toxins. Selmac, slipping into a coma after the ardous task of figuring out the Ancient device, had neither.

              Now, there may exist some type of drug that Jacob could have injected himself with moments before Selmac went comatose, but understand that he and Selmac were not just blended, they were bonded in a way we can only imagine. They were buddies of the highest order. In some cases, killing the symbiote just before it's gonna die anyway would be as callous as killing your spouse to save yourself - because spouse is gonna die, anyway. (Of course, Jack wouldn't have a problem with that, but, being a Tok'Ra hostess, I do. )

              Jacob asked a difficult thing of his friend, and he assured Selmac that if it came to it, he'd be willing to pay the price for forcing poor, tired Selmac to go just a little further to save the galaxy one more time.

              I thought it heroic, touching and noble of Jacob toward his "old friend." <snuffle> I'll miss them both. :sad:

              A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
              "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
              One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
              resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
              confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
              A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
              The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                Originally posted by Albion
                * Nekkid Daniel. Oma sure does have a thing for seeing our boy nekkid, don't she? Well, who can blame her? Man, he is hot with a capital H.O.T sans clothes! Whew. /me wipes the drool off the screen and carries on. Sam not knowing where to look, Teal'c's expression was a picture. Bra'tac nodding and smiling, apparently in approval. Though what he'd be approving, I can't imagine.
                Well... Did we ever heard anything about Ba'tac's wife of children? Or did he train young boys whole his life...?


                  How do you see this episode if it has not aired yet? Or a transcript would be nice too.


                    does any one have any guess on what oma did to anubis?


                      Originally posted by rnwhocares
                      How do you see this episode if it has not aired yet? Or a transcript would be nice too.

                      It aired in the UK
                      FOR PETE'S (no, not THAT Pete) SAKE, THE ABOVE POST (if offensive in anyway) WAS MADE IN JEST!


                        Ok, Threads just aired in Sydney, Australia. We got the 43-min cut, not the 63-min cut that the UK got and the US will get. Thanks Channel 7 .

                        Thankfully, I had already seen the full threads, so here's a list of what I think was missing (copied from a post I made at another site):

                        1. Missing scene between Ba'al and Anubis (the best bit of the entire crappy episode) where Anubis accuses Ba'al of betraying him but spares his life.

                        2. The scene with Jack & Sam in Jack's office is longer, with Jack actually calling out incase Daniel is floating around somewhere.

                        3. All of the stuff in Dakara where Tol'ok declares Teal'c and Bra'tac to Blood Kin of all Jaffa, and where they discuss what's to become of the Jaffa Nation and how the Jaffa Council will be formed and we see the massive army of Jaffa outside the temple cheering for Teal'c and Bra'tac (an awesome moment 8 years in the making).

                        4. Daniel asking for 'the truth with a side order of clarity' (best line in the whole ep).

                        5. Daniel walking around asking for some mayple syrup for his waffles, but getting no responce from anyone and Oma explaining some of them are other Ancients who won't do anything, not even LOOK at Daniel.

                        6. Jack being called into work in bed then us seeing him and Kerry in bed (the first hint to the audience that they're together).

                        7. Teal'c & Bra'tac in a Ha'tak with the Jaffa fleet on the way to Tarturus and Bra'tac saying how it will be his final battle, but Teal'c won't hear any of it. It's a nice role-reversal for the pair, with Teal'c usually doubting their cause and Bra'tac giving the inspiring words. Shows how the two have grown and changed.

                        8. Teal'c & Bra'tac in the halls of Anubis' base on Tarturus looking very worried because no one is there and they realise they've been tricked.

                        9. Sam & Pete in the car with Sam heavily distracted by her feelings for Jack (believe it or not, I am talking about Stargate... ). Pete saying he has a surprise for Sam (we do see her arriving at the house though).

                        10. Daniel talking to Oma about how good the waffles were, as well as the following conversation. I think that was there, but cut heavily to remove all mention of the waffles.

                        That's about all I can remember. There might be a few shortened scenes here and there.

                        In the end, apart from the cool Ba'al/Anubis scene and all the Jaffa stuff, you didn't miss much. Threads was a waste of 60 mins, and it was a waste of 90 mins as well. Just feel lucky that due to our hopeless television station we're one of the few people to see the 43-min cut of Threads.

                        "Your Star burns! I require frozen treats!" - Tycho Brahe

                        "I don't like even!" - Acastus Kolya, 1X10 'The Storm'


                          We'll I just saw it and I thought it was good. Can't really say about another longer version as I haven't seen it.

                          I liked this one, I've liked the second half of S8 so far, their writing has improved dramatically.


                            Ok this episode was totally different to what i had expected it to be - maybe due to the fact that i've only seen the shorter version. I was under the impression there would be a lot more action involved in an ep (like some kind of showdown) with such an important part in the sg story line.

                            Anyway, imo the ep wasnt too bad ... loved the 'ascended times' haha!! and "jim" in the diner was a nice touch... just y did he take the form of another person .. wouldnt he be seen as the new hosts body?? ahh well.
                            The ep finishing nicely with them going fishing - it felt like it should be the season finale -so i dont know what to expect from the last two eps.

                            Check out stargate_pad; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom!


                              Originally posted by AlphaBlu
                              Ok, Threads just aired in Sydney, Australia. We got the 43-min cut, not the 63-min cut that the UK got and the US will get. Thanks Channel 7 .

                              In the end, apart from the cool Ba'al/Anubis scene and all the Jaffa stuff, you didn't miss much. Threads was a waste of 60 mins, and it was a waste of 90 mins as well. Just feel lucky that due to our hopeless television station we're one of the few people to see the 43-min cut of Threads.

                              I've just seen Threads and it's left me feeling very disappointed!

                              Thanks so much for the summary of what us here in Oz missed......of the good stuff in my opinion....the action stuff. Not much into the shipper stuff, so this eps has left me downright...what's the word??....disappointedly hanging! I can't believe they left the Oma vs "Jim" Anubis battle like that....I mean where did they go, what did they do...just poof and they're gone . Would have like to have seen more of that battle, since what we got was mostly the ships stuff.
                              Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
                              and Captain Jack Harkness
                              Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
                              Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
                              Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
                              I live here.....Calling All Australians?
                              My other home...Stargate Down Under
                              My Life on LiveJournal


                                It took me a while to figure out why the diner looked famliar, then I realised it was Das Wafflehouse from Dead Like Me. Too bad we didn't get to see Rube or any of the others in the background. That would have been cool.

                                *Looks at AlphaBlu's list* So that's what we missed. Kind wished they included that instead of the shipper stuff. Would have loved to see the scenes with Anubis and Ba'al as well as the all the Jaffas outside Dakara.

                                Gonna miss Selmak/Jacob, their relationship with Sam was one of the more interesting ones. Theirs is the dead kinda dead right? The permanent one?

                                Sam/Jack... can't really say much cause I didn't really like it, therefore gonna ignore it. Reminds me of a Wonderfalls quote "What happens when you repress things?" "It goes away?" But too bad she got rid of Pete, I like him and it was good for her to have something outside the SGC.

                                I wonder what dictates the form you take in the Diner?

