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Threads (818)

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    Originally posted by Wass
    Me and my girlfriend were talking about that last night also when Daniel is in the dinner did any notice his shirt was folded up so you can see his muscles that is so pathetic IMO, I mean my girlfriend was happy obviously but I don’t like it when try bringing sex into it like that.
    No take it from someone who was around 50s/60s that is how the lads wore their shirts.
    jan t


      Originally posted by Madeleine_W
      Maybe the Ancients didn't do it. Maybe Daniel did it himself; after all Oma told him that he could ascend himself now without her help. Maybe as soon as he could see that Anubis was now effectively inert he ascended. And then swooped off to the SGC and renounced ascension once again, but this time because he did it himself he made sure of keeping his memory.

      I think clothes must be a bit harder to manage than memories. But no doubt a bit more practice will see him manage a nice blanket or even some trousers
      I must have missed something, but when did Oma say that he could ascend himself?


        Originally posted by Congerking
        I must have missed something, but when did Oma say that he could ascend himself?
        She said something like "you are the only one who can decide..."

        How come the other ancient (the one that fell in love with Sam... though that doesn't really specify much) descented with full clothing?


          Originally posted by jantreeuk1
          No take it from someone who was around 50s/60s that is how the lads wore their shirts.
          Ok I see so it’s more of fashion thing then.
          "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

          “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

          “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

          “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

          “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

          “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


            Originally posted by SBacklin
            I still say he didn't because if you remember about the Ancient Knowledge repositories, they don't respond to Goa'ulds. Remember Teal'c looked into it in the Fifth Race and nothing happened.
            While that Is what they imply in Fifth Race. It has since been Ret-Conned. With later info about the Ancients we know they never came into to contact with the goa'uld thus thyere would be no sfae guards for them.

            The reason therefore the headgrabber didn't go for teal'c was an abscence of the ancient gene.

            As for my thoughs on threads: These are my thoughts in the first and last breaks and just after the creditd: Orginally posted on and then spell checked and added to Anubis' Stargate forum. (Thats Anubis not _Anubis, Lord-Anubis, LordAnubis or any other version) ANd hence now I post here:

            Originally posted by me on various other forums
            1st break coments: Jack's talk on Daniel's many deaths, its what we're all thinking yet some how he shouldn't say it. Seems weird and nasty. Maybe its just Jack's way of coping with the fact this time he could be REALLY REALLY gone. Still it seems strange...

            Fan-****ing-tastic. Bar Anubis is just wonderful. I never saw it coming at all.

            The Jacob/Selmak dying thing is also excellant asides from one thing. They keep saying Jacob would have died 4 years ago. He was blended halway through season 2 which is 6 and a half years ago to the SGC.

            hmm does Oma's intervention qualifiy as a deus ex maxhina?

            Anyhoo Beatiful ending.
            NB: The censored word is the F one if your intrested. I will properly rewatch Threads tomorro on Sky One (or is it mix?) and form a fuller opinion than just : WOW.
            Banner By JME2


              Well, I have no recovered sufficiently to post in this thread.

              It started off badly for me with the "previously on stargate" soap-opera style montage.

              Pulp Fiction managed to get away with a lot of disjointed stories all patched into each other. Unfortunately it did not work so well here. Chopping and changing can be an effective way of tying up two disparate stories - if the stories are good. But going from (and I am in no way, shape or form a shipper, although I wouldn't go as far as to say I am anti-ship... oh wait, now I would) no mention of ship (or horribly awkward shoe-horning of ship into otherwise non-shippy situations) to full blown "oh my goodness we have wasted the last 7 years!" realisations stretched even my overgrown and vivid imagination.

              I loved the Kerry character, she was so grown up, and I loved the way we were shown that her and Jack's relationship was more than just friends. When Carter showed up, Kerry handled it really well - I'm so glad she didn't appear to be goating - but then it all went downhill with her character. When she ended it with Jack so far so good - but all that "Sam is the one for you" stuff was so not how women speak... real women anyway. Maybe women written by men, but I have never ever heard someone talk like that. OK, she wasn't totally deeply in love with Jack (which was also nice to see) but really!!

              While we're on the subject, all that stuff with killing Jacob just so he could tell Sam that Jack was the one... well, that was bittersweet for me. On the one hand, "yaaaayyyy no more Jacob" (probably - as we know, nobody really dies in sci-fi). But please... do fathers really talk to their 30something over-achieving daughters like that?

              Let's move on to the wormhole aliens... sorry, ascended beings in the diner. Oh dear. That could have been done a lot better - and to be honest I didn't think it sucked quite so much as the rest of the ep. In fact, if it had been the main focus of a 45 minute ep, I probably would have really liked it. (if only I hadn't spotted Anubis - but I will admit that it was a wild guess)

              A quick word about Sam/Pete. OK, she is a 30 something Colonel. Brain the size of a planet. And yet she is totally incapable of telling Pete to cool down and involve her in decisions? I don't buy that - although I do admit that when it comes to relationships lots of people don't act in their usual way.

              I am not even going to mention the Stargate/ROTK crossover (nobody kneels.... aargghhh I was looking - in vain, unfortunately - for a glimpse of Legolas and Eomer in that scene) that was the Jaffa story.

              The only bit I did like was nekked Daniel (what's not to like) and some particularly droolworthy shots of Jack's hands. And Baal. I love him.

              All in all I was extremely disappointed in this ep. So much so that I have ranted forever, and probably not covered half the things that I have previously mentioned to the poor people whose ears I have already bent about this.

              Oh and the cellphone in the mountain made me shout at the tv as I only usually do during The Ep Where They Don't Wear Hats In An Ice Cave.
              In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                Originally posted by Zamboni
                She said something like "you are the only one who can decide..."

                How come the other ancient (the one that fell in love with Sam... though that doesn't really specify much) descented with full clothing?
                I think Oma meant that only Daniel was the one to choose whether or not he would ascend. Obviously him saying no would be to die and him saying yes would be to ascend. Oma said that she didn't want him to die without giving him a second chance.


                  Originally posted by Major Clanger
                  Let's move on to the wormhole aliens... sorry, ascended beings in the diner.
                  Ahh! So Danny has been hanging round with The Sisko! Coolness.

                  I liked Kerry lots, feisty lady, I'd love to see her again and I felt so sorry for Pete, but as you said, people in love do act foolishly, he was going too fast for Sam and not including her in the plans. But then she was at fault too.

                  And I agree, as a 40 something woman, I don't think the writers have even the smallest clue how real women react, interact and run their lives.


                    Originally posted by Major Clanger
                    I am not even going to mention the Stargate/ROTK crossover (nobody kneels.... aargghhh I was looking - in vain, unfortunately - for a glimpse of Legolas and Eomer in that scene) that was the Jaffa story.
                    I noticed that. Did you also notice that the background music for that scene was very similar to LOTR music? Hubs says it wasn't, but I think it was.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      did anyone else wonder if daniel being wrapped in a flag was a dig/homage/whatever for amanda and her femme fatale photo shoot? where she was photographed wrapped only in a flag?

                      it certainly made me laugh
                      Come to think of it...
                      I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                        What a letdown this episode was.

                        I thought there were waaay too many things left unanswered in this. And once again, Sam's love life took center stage. I can't believe a woman in her forties (or any age out of JUNIOR HIGH) would act the way she does. The scenes between Daniel and Jim/Anubis were great, it was nice to see Teal'c and Bratac honored, but on the whole it was a very boring episode and a HUGE let down after the Wonder that was Reckoning II.

                        It's rather like Chimera-- what would could have been a great Stargate SCI-FI episode was turned into another soap opera. Everyone else is out saving the universe and Sam and Jack are angsting over..... their various sex lives.

                        New writers to go with the new actors in Season Nine would be greatly appreciated.

                        Dana Jeanne
                        Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

                        Michael Shanks Online

                        Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


                          Let me begin by saying I'm neutral on the whole Sam/Jack ship issue. Not a shipper, not an anti-shipper.

                          Much earlier in this thread, I think a shipper mentioned that one of the things they liked about the ship in SG1 was that it was understated. There are lots of meaningful looks between Sam and Jack, lots of hints that they care for each other, but nothing overt. None of the characters really even talks about it. Even the zatarc incident led to a decision not to talk about it.

                          Up until now, the relationship between Sam and Jack has been open to interpretation. The remarks and closeness could be explained by their friendship and bonding as teammates.

                          So, my question is, is Threads the first episode ever where someone has actually gone beyond the hints, and said it out loud, as Kerry did? Even Jacob, as he was dying, didn't specifically mention Jack. The writers kept skirting around the edges of this.

                          So when Kerry asked Jack, "Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart?" I was surprised that they were finally this direct. Of course, Jack didn't respond, so I guess TPTB could still have some deniablity about the issue if necessary.



                            I notice that Jack didn't reply. And actually, I think he looked vaguely surprised.


                              I think that Anubis appearin as a fat man in the Ascended plane is a representation of his greed, gluttony and avarice that he had as a lower being. If we appear as some representation of the Truth there, then this makes sense. Look at Oma, placed in a role of a waitress: someone who serves people.

                              "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                              "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                              BAD WOLF!!!


                                Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                                So, my question is, is Threads the first episode ever where someone has actually gone beyond the hints, and said it out loud, as Kerry did? Even Jacob, as he was dying, didn't specifically mention Jack. The writers kept skirting around the edges of this.

                                So when Kerry asked Jack, "Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart?" I was surprised that they were finally this direct. Of course, Jack didn't respond, so I guess TPTB could still have some deniablity about the issue if necessary.

                                There's a school of thought that Kerry was referring to Jack and Daniel. (Had he called out Daniel's name at an inopportune moment? ). After all, resigning and coming back to head the SGC as a civillian (as Kerry suggested) wouldn't solve a J/S problem because Sam still wouldn't be allowed to have a relationship with anyone in her chain of command; but that would be a way for J/D to happen because neither of them could be court martialled once Jack was a civillian too.

                                Yep, I know there's a lot of stretching and reaching there, but if someone's a slasher anyway I suppose it's a nice easy way to account for Kerry saying what she said even though she'd only ever seen Jack really tense and stiff around Sam.


