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Unending (1020)

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    Originally posted by SG-1RandomnessPrictureDirector View Post
    Your right, and why did they have to take the ship to the Asgard home world, why couldnt the Asgard gated to the SGC and install their database there where it would be safe, or modified the Odyessy and the rest of the earth vessels
    LOL. Love that idea. That does make more sense. Except the Asgard wanted SG-1 (minus O'Neill - the only one they trusted in Shades of Gray) to witness the races suicide.

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by third eye View Post
      Althought the acting was superb, the storyline gave me the impression that the writers were rushed as if they procrastinated and found themselves craming material at the last minute. The storyline was random, disorganized and just not in line with what SG-1 has been all these years
      That's exactly what happened! The last 3 episodes had to be written quickly since SciFi cancelled the show.

      I expected the series to end with a bang (creative or literal), but IMO it ended in a whimper.
      Wait for the movies.


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

        What I liked: Moments with Sam & Teal'c--how they really understand each other.

        through the years we've seen teal'c become sam's rock. he's silent, which i think lets sam drop some of those walls. or at least have a huge wall (teal'c) to lean on.

        Sam's commitment to saving them--very in character.
        and i think, other than watching them all grow old, that was the saddest part. she carried this massive burden of putting them in this situation, but kept on trying for YEARS to reverse it. hmm... i wonder when sam started wanting to 'reverse' everything instead of just finding a way of getting out of the beam's line of fire?

        Sam and Thor--I actually got a bit choked during their last conversation.
        if jack had been in this episode, i believe this part of the ep would have been between him and thor. so, when this mantle was given to sam... that meant a lot to me, as a sam fan.

        How they all walked through the gate at the end--very appropriate ending, IMHO.
        i was getting choked up at this part too. so was mom.

        seeing those sam's-coming-to-atlantis commercials really helped me (the love continues with sam continuing). for me at least.

        What I didn't like: the Asgard were too lightly sacrificed by TPTB for my taste, but then I've always been a Thor fan. At least we finally got to see him again.
        what i've found through the years with this show that the writers... it's kind of like they've lost... i don't know how to put this. it's gotten too easy for them to wipe out characters, and then we never hear of them again. janet and jacob being the biggest examples.

        it should have been a BIG issue with what was going on with the asgard. with how smart these guys are, i can't imagine them deciding to just wipe themselves out completely. if thor's soul, so to speak, could be saved in a computer, then why not save the whole bunch until suitable bodies could be created for them?

        they deserved better than to be taken out like this. and we'll prob never hear of them again.

        It took months? for anyone to try to help Sam? I know no one has her scientific expertise, but they just left her alone working on it for months on end?
        vala tried to help, but yeah!

        i loved that scene when vala came into the mess hall to offer sam help... you could tell sam had been crying. (((sam)))

        sam just seemed SO alone. i'm glad she at least found her out by playing the cello. but dang, she played sad stuff!




          Originally posted by third eye View Post
          I truly cannot understand how so many viewers bought into the final episode. In my opinion this was the worst finale I have ever seen. There was so much potential for a final episode for this series and they blew it by turning the show into a soap. I fail to see the appeal of watching what the characters did for 50 years while stranded on a ship, we have seen similar storylines on this series. This has been a major let down for me. They could have went with a number of interesting, dynamic themes - epic battle with the ori, return of Vala's daughter, seeing Jack one more time, a battle on Earth for once (without being in a parallel universe), the ancients stepping in and the list goes on. But instead we are left with an entirely unoriginal waste of time. Lets be honest here, the freezing of time/going back in time has been used and abused in this series - there was even a two part finale in the past seasons involving this theme. Why was this brought up again??? Althought the acting was superb, the storyline gave me the impression that the writers were rushed as if they procrastinated and found themselves craming material at the last minute. The storyline was random, disorganized and just not in line with what SG-1 has been all these years

          I expected the series to end with a bang (creative or literal), but IMO it ended in a whimper.

          while i'm seeing what you're saying, maybe the ptb are going to use the big stuff for the movies?

          i like small character pieces. if i'd have written this, though, i would have changed a few things. (no daniel/vala, more mitchell, some hints of sam/jack, and waaaaaaay less seeing the group age and wither away)




            I really think they should have kept the Asgard around for the final movies. My personal vision for the end of the Ori invasion is an epic space battle (Star Wars Episode III or Star Trek DS9 Dominion war scale) with the two sides being the Ori Priors/ships and asended Ori (if they were not destroyed) VS a coalition of the remaining of the 4 allied races (Asgard, Nox, Ancients) plus the 5th race (Taur'i) and the Jaffa Hataks.

            The coalition would be reformed when the Ancients (not wanting to interfere in the physical realm of the war) ask the Asgard and the Nox to assist in the defense of the galaxy. The Nox will take station aboard Asgard vessels and act as defenders (because they don't believe in offensive action of course). For example when an Ori ship fires upon an allied vessel the Nox makes the ship invisible and the beam fire passes right through. Then the ascended Ori (if still exist) view the battle as unwinnable and interfere, destroying a few ships and attempt to destroy the home planets of the allied members. The ancients are then forced to step in and prevent the Ori from destroying the whole fleet and the planets. The rest I'll leave to the writers.

            Just my idea of the ending I would like to see.

            It would also be cool to see the Ori turned on the Asurans.

            I also have to add that I found the sucide of the Asgard quite a let down after all of the time they (Asgard) spent fighting the replicators. They fought so hard and yet seemed to give up quite quickly to this disease.


              Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
              Very true. The Mitchell and Jack comparison is right on. However, Mitchell was a little better at pretending to care about the science stuff than Jack ever was IMO.
              probably bc mitchell actually understood it...

              as for daniel reading the databse, the only reason he did that was to stay sane and occupy himself... it was of no benefit to the situation... but his ability to understand complex knowledge could have been better spent assisting carter...

              Carter = researcher
              Mitchel and Daniel = lab assistants... skilled in the basics, running simple tasks for the lead researcher...

              and i have yet to see a pilot on SG 1 or A dumbed down to look cool
              Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
              Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
              Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
              Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                Guys and Girls something is not right. If the Asgard gave us technology that can destroy an Ori ship what the hell happened to them in the end of Season Nine during the space battle? Several ships were lost. Also if they were dying why kill themselves off now? Why not help us defeat the ORI first?


                  Here's to SG-1...the show that taught me the only universal language is english.

                  I anticipated the series premiere with as much excitement as I did the finale. Was it worth it? Kinda.

                  After ten years, 214 episodes, there are bound to be good episodes and bad ones. The one universal throughout the series run was the great performances. Especially during the golden years when Jack was still leading the team across the event horizon, the actors brought more to their roles than was ever written on the page. There were times when the logic and science of it all was so ridiculous that I'd tell the television just how stupid I thought that was, but then Teal'c would lift an eyebrow quizzically, Jack would be confused. Daniel would crusade the morals of the situation, or Sam would be remarkably clever...and I'd be in again. Even the bad episodes are worth watching for the characters and their interrelationships. Half of those grown and nurtured lovingly by the actors, directors and editors in dialogueless (new word) reaction shots or subtle things that the casual watcher might never pick up on. How many times did Jack utter the line "Daniel, you're with me."? Why did he always keep Daniel with him? To protect him, of course. Seeing this in one episode means nothing, seeing the sheer volume of times it happened over the course of the series revealed depth of character and relationship. And this is just one example of the intricate subtleties that made this a great series.

                  As for Uneding...well....good idea....disappointing results. SciFi hyped and hyped the vaunted "Final Ten Episodes" for months. I personally found most of those last ten to be some of the worst they ever put on screen, lacking anything like direction, plot or purpose. The fix would have been to make this great idea that was "Unending" a multi episode story. Not only would we have not been subjected to some of the worst episodes in the series history, we could have seen some subjects, such as the Asgard, given the respect they deserved. Instead, we got "Hi, thanks for coming, here's all our stuff, we're gonna go kill ourselves, bye!" Leaving me, and probably many of you scratching your head thinking, or in my case, saying "Huh?" Plus, what? The Asgard couldn't have taken the 3 minutes necessary to wipe out the 3 Ori ships that showed up before commiting mass suicide? Bleh. Whatever. Very, very disappointing.

                  Good things, though, my favorite scene was the inital love scene with Daniel and Vala. The sheer vehemence of his reaction took me aback, seemingly way out of character for him. But on further reflection, I like it, and I like it alot. It was a raw nerve strike, pure and simple. He never answered Vala's simple question throughout his tirade, so the answer was, of course, yes, he did find her attractive, but he never believed that she could feel honestly for anyone, much less him. Realizing that, the scene became a beautiful and emotional one.

                  All in all, despite my disappointment in the "Final Ten" SG-1 has made a mark in science fiction history, and I'll remember it fondly and I raise a glass to everyone who made it possible, from first to last.


                    Originally posted by dream1968 View Post
                    Guys and Girls something is not right. If the Asgard gave us technology that can destroy an Ori ship what the hell happened to them in the end of Season Nine during the space battle? Several ships were lost. Also if they were dying why kill themselves off now? Why not help us defeat the ORI first?
                    Good point
                    Leeds Rhinos - 1961, 1969, 1972, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2015 champions!
                    Metal gear fan


                      Originally posted by TaskFDX View Post
                      The Asgard couldn't have taken the 3 minutes necessary to wipe out the 3 Ori ships that showed up before commiting mass suicide? Bleh. Whatever. Very, very disappointing.
                      Yeah no kidding when Thor said he had to leave quickly I thought he was going to rush to ready the fleet (or at least his ship) to defend the Odyssey.


                        NO SPOILERS - WELL MAYBE ONE LITTLE ONE.

                        I can understand the need for an ending that left the "gate" open to deal with the Ori in the upcoming movie as we were told MGM would last year at Dragon Con. However, this episode was more of a "Non-event" rather than an "Unending".

                        I have watched Stargate since it came out in a movie and then the series. I have loved and hated various characters over the last decade. I have laughed with them and cried when they died and I have come to think of them as friends. What I have never been is totally disappointed with an episode. Not until Unending.

                        The episode was more like a silent movie with very little dialog. We see years pass but hardly any words between the characters. The scenes between Daniel and Vala were the only redeeming feature and beautifully done. That and the final scene between the team as they walk through the gate to save the universe once again.

                        An era in science fiction history has closed and I will miss the cast a great deal. Stargate has been part of my week for more years than I care to remember.

                        SG-1 was supposed to go out with a bang. That's what Skiffy have been advertising for ages. The ending, IMHO was not a bang - it was barely a fizzle.
                        Last edited by Selena; 25 June 2007, 08:58 AM.
                        Burn brightly without burning out! Richard Biggs
                        Burnt, battered, busted! Ding dong the pod is dead! John Crichton
                        Indeed! Teal'c


                          Originally posted by Sauron18 View Post
                          Regarding those who wonder why Adria would have all the power of the Ori:


                          The Ori were always a minority in comparison to all other ascended beings, so numbers were never their strong suit.

                          Now, they gain power that makes them as, if not more, powerful than "our" ascended beings, but that power is gained through followers. Though we don't know exactly how it goes, their power is given to the Ori, and no one else.

                          Once Adria ascended she essentially was the Ori, so she literally filled the power vacuum.

                          As such, Adria has all that power for herself now, and she is the Ori. Likely once she finishes conquering our galaxy she will have enough power to destroy "our" ascended beings.
                          There is no way Adria can beat our ascended by herself. Our ascended have no worshipers and are still pretty powerful, that means a lone ascended being still has great power. The Ori needed there base powers plus power from the followers to beat the Ancients, Adria will have all of the follower's power but will still be missing a ton of base power because she is alone


                            Originally posted by TaskFDX View Post

                            As for Uneding...well....good idea....disappointing results. SciFi hyped and hyped the vaunted "Final Ten Episodes" for months. I personally found most of those last ten to be some of the worst they ever put on screen, lacking anything like direction, plot or purpose.
                            I agree about the last 10 episodes. Daniel's arc in the Shroud could have lead through several episodes, and the finale should have been a two-parter. Instead, we had some throwaway episodes in the middle, which were mildly entertaining but didn't do much.

                            That said, I really enjoyed Unending, especially the quiet moments as the years passed and the Daniel/Vala relationship. They needed another hour to truly tell the story, but it was still effective.


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              while i'm seeing what you're saying, maybe the ptb are going to use the big stuff for the movies?

                              i like small character pieces. if i'd have written this, though, i would have changed a few things. (no daniel/vala, more mitchell, some hints of sam/jack, and waaaaaaay less seeing the group age and wither away)

                              I am hoping that the movies will offer a more creative and wholistic conclusion of the series, but in the back of my head (considering the banal and substandard finale) I am thinking that the writers should quit while they are ahead.


                                I'm sure someone remembers what song they played about 3/4 of the way through "unending", during the cut secenes? I have forgotten already...

                                TY if you can remind me,

