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Unending (1020)

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    i loved this episode a great way to end the season.
    can't wait untill the movies


      I think that although Dominion would have been best served as a two-parter, it shouldn't have replaced Unending but rather one of the other stand-alone episodes. As important as Dominion was in setting up for the film and however brilliant it would have been as a series finale, you shouldn't underestimate just how amazing Unending was as the official closure of the series.

      Although Stargate SG-1 may be continuing through DVD movies, you could never use one of those to do the things that Unending did - it simply wouldn't work. It had to be done in an episode and was a brilliant finish to the 10 year run. I'll always remember Dominion for being a great Ori episode and, if the movie is as good as it should be, a good setup. However, as an ending to SG-1 as a whole Unending has to be the episode to remember.

      Its also important to note that Unending didn't completely stand-alone. It gave SG-1 access to new tech and knowledge which could be significant in the movies, closed the door on one of the shows major species and demonstrated that the threat from Ori followers is still very real.

      O'Neill: Phasers?
      Carter: Sorry sir.



        Phenomenal, spectacular, epic, superb and on and on.

        What a fantastic episode in it's own right and a perfect series finale. I loved the fact that the focus of the final scene was on Teal'c given how he has always been the character of few lines.

        I loved that song that was playing during the montage too.

        'Isn't it enough to see that the garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the end of it too?' - Douglas Adams


          One thing I've been wondering is why all the Asgard where infected with that disease(sp?). I mean if you test something you wouldn't test it on your entire race. Except if it was something like tritonin was for the people on the planet where they found Egeria.


            I think Unending should have been a two-parter. The first part dealing with the end of the Asgard, and getting trapped in the time dilation field, and the second part dealing with getting out of it.
            Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

            ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
            encounter on the strange journey.


            2 Cor. 10:3-5
            3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
            4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
            5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


              Unending had far more emotional closure for me on a number of levels than Dominion, and although it did drive the Ori arc forward to a degree it was more about ending the entire series - team dynamic, emotion, suspense yes and tech yes, but more about character interaction and saying goodbye in a way.

              Dominion on the other hand had real events and action in it that took the Ori story arc forward to an exciting degree, but if they ended the show on a two-part Dominion, well.... I'm doubtful it would have had the same satisfactory level of closure.

              I think you just have to watch the eps to see for yourself and make up your own mind on it, but I at least am happy with the way TPTB did it. I didn't think I would be because I too was imagining they would have gone out on a fantastic two-part extravaganza, but once I saw Unending (and watched it twice more lol) I see that they really didn't have to do a two-ep event, and that this was a better more enjoyable way to go out on.

              For the true resolution to the Ori arc and some more excitement and adventure from SG-1, we'll just have to wait and look forward to the straight-to-DVD movies. But to end the TV series with the ep Unending, I say to TPTB "thank-you, and well done!"

              Just what I think



                Originally posted by brandnew View Post
                Just about the fact that they are willing to be young again.

                The problem mentionned on this thread isn't really a problem. They don't want to be young again. They are just coming back in time when they won't remember what happened. It's not like someone proposed them to be 50 years younger. They will have memory erased so it's like dying because their lives on the ship ends.

                They had the choise:

                Stay outside the temporal forcefield and become young again, but lose everything you've gained in those 40 years.


                Stay inside the temporal forcefield (as Teal'c did), remain old but also keep all those things you've gained in those 40 years.


                  Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
                  I think Unending should have been a two-parter. The first part dealing with the end of the Asgard, and getting trapped in the time dilation field, and the second part dealing with getting out of it.
                  Yeah that would be nice.
                  A tribute to the Asgard, a great race, great allies and our best friends!
                  The Tau'ri will not forget about you.

                  Your legacy is safe with use.


                    Originally posted by BJX View Post
                    Phenomenal, spectacular, epic, superb and on and on.

                    What a fantastic episode in it's own right and a perfect series finale. I loved the fact that the focus of the final scene was on Teal'c given how he has always been the character of few lines.

                    I loved that song that was playing during the montage too.

                    yeah whats that song called anyway?


                      They also made a mistake letting merlin subdue adria


                        I don't think priors are very smart and they led the Ori army in season 9 so it could be possible.


                          Originally posted by Tovny View Post
                          If that was so, than the made a big mistake letting the Asgard alone so they could produce new weapons and give them to us.
                          It obviosuly wasnt because they tracked us thats why they were so persistant to destroy the ship w/ the rest of the asgard tech


                            Contains Big Unending Spoilers

                            Yes and No.

                            Dominion probably would have been a better ending if they had turned it into a two episode finale, even more so considering how the next movie is essentially a direct sequel and final chapter to the Orii arc.

                            However Unending works better as a finale because of the things which happened.
                            • We were able to finally take our place as the Fifth Race.
                            • The show ends with the Stargate program completing it's primary objective which was to gain access to new information and technology to defend the Earth.
                            • What would ultimately happen to the Asgard was shown (even if we don't like it)
                            • We finally have the ability to destroy an Orii ship which would make us going to the Orii galaxy and surviving more believable considering there is supposed to be a fleet of ships there being built.

                            In the end, Dominion may lead to the next movie but it was Unending that allows us to actually improve our chances to being able to survive the Orii invasion.

                            The only thing that would make Unending unnecessary is if the Asgard, being called the Fifth Race and getting all their information technology was incorporated into a Dominion two parter, along with destroying Orii ships. In the end could make the Asgard sacrifice that much more less emotional because the rest would be action sequences and things like that.

                            Plus in the end, the whole Daniel and Vala thing would have been left out and finally ending the show knowing that Daniel is able to move on and the extent of his feelings is just something that shouldn't be left out.
                            Last edited by SaberBlade; 14 March 2007, 09:50 AM.



                              Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum View Post
                              It's a shame that this ep didn't suit everybody - inevitable perhaps given how different we all are, I guess. For myself, I thought it was wonderful, and look forward to the DVD movies (as many as can be churned out, please!) with much anticipation.

                              Goodbye SG-1. It's been a total blast. Get those movies made, and soon!
                              Agreed. Been interesting watching all the reactions on various thread here... lots of people complaining, but I feel that they are only venting their frustration with Skiffy and wrestling with the truth - their favorite pastime escape (watching SG-1) has now ended; at least as far as new material on TV it has ended.

                              It was a good TV show episode. I'd score it at least a 9 out of 10. One thing I thought was good was bringing more music into the show, which had been absent from many of the later episodes. Also reusing the "wonderment" theme song (used in season 1 and 2 especially, when discovering new worlds such as the Giants or the trip to the Asgard home world by O'neill) when Thor was with Carter - was a good choice.

                              I've been repeating to everyone that a single episode is only 41 minutes of creative material. That the makers of this episode did what they did in that 41 minutes is a testament to their skill and the quality of the show personnel (actors in particular.) AT deserves a gold star.

                              Daniel being nasty to Vala is inline with his character. It seems like the complainers have forgotten Shifu's dream-gift which revealed the true inner character of Daniel - he is not always a saint. Remember Daniel and the sarcophagus? Daniel can be a real pain at times. Probably why Vala fell for him, given her own emotional baggage.

                              The true saint again turns out to be Carter. The scene where she walks into the room with Daniel studying the Asgard library and admits she has given up was an A+ performance on AT's part.

                              What the Asgard did was both responsible and noble.

                              While I too am usually against the whole "reset" mechanism used too often in sci-fi, in this case it works ok. Indeed, from an outside observer (anyone not on the ship inside the tiny non-resetting bubble, i.e., everybody but Teal'c), what actually happened is that Teal'c went on a time travel expedition for 50 years and came back to where he started. What he saw and experienced remains with him. He is all the wiser for it. In some ways Teal'c had his own A Christmas Carol experience.

                              One of the most famous of Proverbs (Ecclesiastes 3) is so applicable here (in Unending), and sometimes I think Stargate storylines are developed to show that:

                              To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

                              A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

                              A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

                              A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

                              A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

                              A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

                              A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

                              A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
                              Last edited by freetoken; 14 March 2007, 10:00 AM.


                                The Asgard will survive - In some of the earlier SG-1 episodes (Think it was when Thor was in the Goa'uld ship submerged in the Ocean on Earth in Season 6), it has been said that the Asgard upload their conciousness into clones. Therefore, that would mean that the Asgard could very well live in the technology that was given in this episode. We saw holograms of Asgard helping Carter as well, so wouldn't rule it out at all.

