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Unending (1020)

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    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the end of an era, me saddy waddy.


      I want to thank all of you who wrote out the episodes and posted screencaps for those of us who haven't seen it yet and who didn't want to wait til the US showing. I do intend to watch it but decided not to remain spolier free for the last episode. I'm tearing up just thinking about it being over and my heart is breaking about losing the Asgard. I agree with the others who've said that it just doesn't seem like they would give up so easily. Transfer the info for safekeeping just in case, but fight til the end. I can't see them quitting when throughout everything before they fought so hard to live. Doesn't make sense.

      Also, from what I've been reading there wasn't even a mention of Jack in this episode. Jack was so much a part of the whole Stargate universe that to not even mention him in the last episode is ...unthinkable. Did no one on SG-1 give voice to the fact that Jack would have grown old and died not knowing what had happened to his team and how he would grieve about losing all of them like that? Did Sam not shed one tear about her lost love? Daniel - Teal'c? No one? Nothing? Surely TPTB could not have been so cold.... How could they end SG-1 like that? That hurts.
      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
      it has it's own laws and beats about things
      which the intellect scorns."
      - Mark Twain -


        It really wasn't needed. Unending is just another damned attempt at last-minute character development.

        and they killed the asgard to do it.


          I think The Shroud and Dominion should have been two-parter eps. I wouldn't touch Unending, though. Well, except for some stuff... But, yeah, let's hope the direct-to-DVD movies will conclude the Ori storyline, bring back a fan fav species, and launch the third series.


            Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
            bring back a fan fav species, and launch the third series.
            Maybe they'll bring back the Asgard!

            I'm hoping they'll bring back the Tollan. I really enjoyed them. With Earth's new technology, I think them and the Tollans could better get along now.


              Originally posted by Linzi View Post

              The Asgard dying was sad. I've always liked those little guys, and the scene between Sam and Thor was awesome. Actually I have to commend Amanda Tapping on her performance throughout this episode. She was fantastic, and this shows what an excellent actress she is. She was the only one I actually believed looked and acted as if she'd really aged. Her make up seemed more realistic than everyone else's too - except for Teal'c, who obviously didn't age much at all. The other men looked awful, and all over acted. Landry made me giggle! He looked dreadful, and sooooo hammily made up. Ouch!!! Horrendously clichéd long, grey hair? Come on, why wouldn't they have scissors? That was ridiculous, IMO! Just because you get old, doesn't mean you let your appearance go like that!!! The actors bodies needed to age too. It's not just your face and necks that age!!! It was like old heads on young bodies!!! So, thumbs down on that front for me!
              I hated seeing Thor and the Asgard coming to an end. But if PTB absolutely had to do that, it would have been a wonderful touch to have Thor mention Jack to Sam and ask her to convey a message to him. The "5th Race" was such a great (Jack) episode so it would have been symmetrical to have Thor mention his name again in terms of it. While I'm not a shipper of any characters, it would also have been nice a nice gesture, I think, to the S/J shippers and the Jack fans. D/V fans got their scenes and it would have been nice had some groups received some token gestures.

              I was struck by AT's acting as she aged. She was especially great in the last scene when she announced she had figured it out. The voice was different, facial expressions different. She was very convincing, and yes, her makeup as an older woman was the most believable. The makeup and hair on the men was totally silly. They could manufacture a cello, but they couldn't seem to come up with some scissors and hair dye? Very cheesy.

              The Daniel/Vala getting together scene was awful, IMO. I'm no lover of ship at the best of times. I'm no great Daniel or Vala lover either. However, he was so incredibly...mean, for want of a better word to Vala, and so out of character in that scene, (I've always found Daniel to be a gentle soul), when he really laid in to her character, that if I were her, I'd have slugged him one, and walked off - and certainly not ended up in bed with him.
              I agree. Most of the time, I can just ignore the ship stuff, but this was impossible to ignore. I thought the entire scene was poorly written. Daniel yells and her, is really hurtful; then he sees she's crying and he kisses her? And in this case, I felt MS was really, really over acting.

              The old reset button makes its curtain call on SG1 as a series. That, for me, ruins everything. Yes, Teal'c remembers it all, but did it really happen? Not as far as everyone else is concerned. I always feel cheated when that happens.
              Daniel and Vala exchanged glances at the end when they said, "Life is too short,", so I'm guessing they remember some kind of feeling or emotion which may well be played out in the future movies.

              I had some vague hope that at the end, as they were reciting the various expressions, that they might use one of of Jack's – something like "Sweet," "FCOL"; anything to give just a tiny nod to Jack/RDA and his fans. But it was Jack who?

              I thought parts of it were it were OK, but not what I would have written for a series ender. It certainly doesn't whet my appetite for the first movie – no Thor, no Jack – kind of sounds like a lot more of Vaniel and the Ori.


                My Stargate's gone.

                That was a great episode. The good thing is, it;s a good show finale - but one that doesn't feel like a show finale.
                Let's see. What was the point in killing off the Asgaard? I mean, seriously! The Asgaard! They killed them! All of them! Everyone last one! And blew up their planet! LoL @ the 200 nod, BTW. Their excuse, as has been mentioned, was compeltely ridiculous - if there's a problem with these clowns, they can go back to an older clone model. They don't have to commit mass suicide. Another problem is, hat while getting all that cool technology (and being called the Fifth Race! Ha!) was very cool for a show finale.... they seem tpo have forgotten Atlantis. How can Atlantis be in any sort of serious jeopardy now, with the coolest - and much, much more accessible than the Ancient one - techonology at their disposal? Sloppy.
                I'm gonna miss the Asgaard.

                Cool idea, tho. I was wondering why Landry has left hte SGC to go to Aurila, but I guess it makes sense to have all the cast stuck on the ship. I really enjoyed the character interaction, it was great! With two faults. One, of course, being Teal'c. We got to see everyone else going mad in the ship. Why so little Teal'c scenes? Especially as it's Teal'c - if there would be one saen, calm voice of reason when they all went mad being stuck on the Odyssey, it's him. It could have given so much more. But they made up for a bit of it in the end, as the ending focused a bit more around him, being the only one with memories of the future (obviuos choice BTW, as he's stil going to outlive them all. I wonder if we're going to end up seeing him in the movies with that white stripe in his hair? aaaack!). It's a shame, tho, that the last ever episode of SG1 suffered from the same problem the rest of season 10 did, adn officially declared the writers have no idea what to do with Teal'c. In this respect, and this one only, I'm glad SG1 is over. It's always been a show that knew what to do with its characters.
                The second point that nags me is of course, the Daniel/ Vala bit. Not the first one - the Daniel going insane over Vala's behaviour was long overdue - and the complete 180 just as obvious and funny - and it does good in showing why Daniel's avoided Vala til now. But once that was done with, the rest was too much, came instead of other - more important IMO scenes that we dind't get to see dealt with at all, and shifted the focus of the episode from team to Daniel/Vala.
                I have to admit the favourite Daniel scene for me, tho, was the +20 years one, tlaking to Sam. That's teh kind of interaction that shoudl have been more. ; Likewise problem with Mitchell's losing control - the character deserved more than getting that solo scene.

                Loved Sam learning to play the Cello. And shutting off Thor. They really did time the cello playing fantastically. with the music. And oy, speaking of music! Have You Ever Seen The Rain! My favourite Creedence Clearwater Revival song ever. And a first time sequence like that for SG1.... to Landry and planets. Ha! Another bit of shame - since they dind't have Lexa Doing. Lam in this episode, it would have been nie to hear LAndry [i]saying[p/i] something/ recording something to his daughter. Muchb as it woudl have been nice to get some reference to Jack..... I did miss him terribly in this episoe. I know, conflicting scheduels, all that jazz... but.

                OH! Cliches at the end. Hopw fitting that Stargate, with its constant onscreen references to cliches, would end with a bunch of verbal cliches thrown in by the characters. Loved it - and the group "indeed".

                On a season-wide note, I'd agree with the timing problems for the season. I still think Unendiong itself would have been much better placed as a series finale had they done episodes 15-19 plot episodes.... and not went as insane with Dominion. I don't think Unendnig itself should have been a two parter - rather, Dominion should have been. The context of the episode would have been much ebtter then.

                But, what's done is done. And now, SG1 is done. Sniff. But at least I can honestly say, it went out with a bang.
                The end of an era.

                ...I want more!!!!!
                Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                Yes, I am!
                Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                Peter Pan R.I.P


                  Loved the ep. This also introduces a real dilemma to the future of Stargate.

                  We've got better technology than, well, everyone. Bar, possibly, Ancients and Ori. Any future Stargate series will be very different with this new "power" behind Earth.

                  However, we all know Power Corrupts. Perhaps this new power is at risk of going to the Humans heads? We know they're getting this tech way too early... things could easily go wrong if they started getting cocky about defeating the Ori in the movie(s).


                    Question, was Orilla in our galaxy? The Ori ships are not trans-galactic or they wouldn't need the supergate. If Orilla isn't in our galaxy, how did they get there?


                      Originally posted by GateShip One View Post
                      Maybe they'll bring back the Asgard!

                      I'm hoping they'll bring back the Tollan. I really enjoyed them. With Earth's new technology, I think them and the Tollans could better get along now.
                      With our new technology, assuming we are able to manufacture and implement it properly, it would put us technologically ahead of the Tollan and hopefull end their smug self-rightousness.


                        I know their is probably lots of threads of this episode now after it being shown on sky last night. But i wanted to start my own one. I would just like to say now that there will be MAJOR SPOILERS so if you do not want to know about the episode stop now.

                        First of all I love stargate i have been watching it since the beginning 10years ago cant believe it but i was slighty disappointed with it. The asgard just suddenly wanted to commit sucide because of gene problems and they wanted to give all their knowlegde to the Humans. First of all they but it on the ship and the planet blew up why didnt they give them their entire fleet if they were going to all die. But other than that it was sad to see the Asgard to go in 5minutes to be honest i wanted to see them wiped out in battle.

                        When i read the spoilers of the show when they spend their lives together but it wasnt that good just see them fighting and running around. I remember those episodes which were really moving like when Daniel died, i was slightly sad but in this episode i wasnt. I dont know what was wrong with this episode i just found it slightly cheesey. That the Ori could track them where ever they go with the asgard technology. i can understand that the producers found it really hard to find a way to end the television series but in my view i was disappointed does any1 else think that? Maybe i expected to much i dont know.

                        What are your views


                          Originally posted by Thanos View Post
                          Question, was Orilla in our galaxy? The Ori ships are not trans-galactic or they wouldn't need the supergate. If Orilla isn't in our galaxy, how did they get there?
                          Orilla is in another Galaxy, presumably the Ida Galaxy. The Ori ships are trans-galactic, it's just that their home galaxy is much further away than the Asgard's and so the Supergate is a much quicker way to get to the Milky Way than by travelling in hyperspace.


                            How are we super duper powerful now? One Earth ship against 3 others can't hold it's own really good. And the Wraith will just overwhelm it. It doesn't seem to early to me, since the asgard are only like 50,000 years more advanced, not a gazillion like the Ancients.


                              I think it would have been better if when the ori ships came to athella more ships came and the asgard then launched their entire fleet and weapons against them and then self-destruct. Has anyone else noticed the only time that there were loads of asgard ships in a fight was on new order wen blew up the replicater ship.
                              Killing the asgard made whole replicater storyline pointless. spent all that time saving asgard and then they go and blow themselves up. I mean that's just silly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Ancients didnt feature. Wheres Skara bring him bak and also for the love of god
                              change teal'c's hair bak to normal for the movies.

                              key members of parliament, key. The minds behind every military, diplomatic and covert operation in the galaxy and you put them in a room with a psychic.


                              thanks to stef for making this banner


                                Loved this last ep asgard ...

                                Can't wait for the new dvd's ........

