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Unending (1020)

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    Originally posted by gateship15 View Post
    i agree the asgard didn't want the humans to have there ships because of the risk the humans would use the tecnoligy in wars on other nations and blow themselfs up destroying earth. they would make sure it wouldn't get into the wrong hands
    What about the Asagrd core they put in Odyssey - it contains all the knowledge of the Asgard including presumably things much more destructive than Starship technology.


      Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
      And risk that the be intercepted by the enemy? Or some other, less advanced race that would use them to their own destruction?
      Only if someone else found out what they were planning in advance???


        Originally posted by PMN1 View Post
        Only if someone else found out what they were planning in advance???
        Or if the navigational systems failed (it happened before to their sleeper ship--though that was 30,000 years ago) due to any number or internal or external mishaps with the ships.

        Remember, also, that the destruction of their planet was pretty spur of the moment. Sure they'd been planning for it for a while, but they didn't know that the Ori were coming so their timetable had to be moved up. Maybe they intended to send the ships to Earth but weren't able to.


          Originally posted by PMN1 View Post
          What about the Asagrd core they put in Odyssey - it contains all the knowledge of the Asgard including presumably things much more destructive than Starship technology.
          yes but by that time the people of earth had proven themselves and showed the Asgard that not only can they be trusted with the technology but they will use it against the enemy and not themselfs i also think the world government now all knew about the program and the threat out there. i also think that we had advanced and were ready for the responsibility. it could have also been that our friendship with them and the fact that they were all going to die that they didn't want to die in vain but when i say enemy i meant the ori priests or the ori themselfs to use the technology to take over the world. or even the wraith if they some how got the technology.


            Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
            Remember, also, that the destruction of their planet was pretty spur of the moment. Sure they'd been planning for it for a while, but they didn't know that the Ori were coming so their timetable had to be moved up. Maybe they intended to send the ships to Earth but weren't able to.
            Maybe making the planet go pop wasnt part of the plan at all, maybe it was just a reaction to the Ori turning up.

            I think this is our most likely reason to make the 3rd film jackcentric, theres no way all of the MW Asgard were on the planet when it went pop as they didnt know if/when the Ori would turn up, I say 3rd movie will bring either surviving MW Asgard or the PG Asgard into it.
            Whatelse is there that could actually make a good movie and be Jack centric if the Asgard arent in it?


              O'Neill and the Asgard are a winning combo!!!!

              Perhaps a ship created by Merlin, the Excalibur, for Arthur and his knights was found by the Asgard. O’Neill took the odyssey to find it.



                I was wondering about this episode. They were in the time dilation field for years. How did the ship function for that long without running out of power? I doubt the asgard core can just magic up Naquadah.


                  The Asgard core had its own power source and they had a ZPM onboard.
                  Banner By JME2


                    Ahh, right. Thanks!


                      so that means that as long as they didn't use something with a huge power consumption that it would have lasted that long if it is its just good they didn't have anything that had to use lot of power


                        Well, I'm not really in the mood to write something as long as the posts above, but...I'll do my best.

                        Unending, well, it's complicated. I loved it and disliked it.

                        The thing is, I just didn't like how they all spent 50 years together, then never happened! I mean, it's a good plot, but Teal'c gonna have to live with that for the rest of his life! And from what I've read in interviews, Teal'c and Sam hooked up! Which means, he must still have feelings for her, but Sam still likes Jack...(presumably...) yeah.

                        Daniel and Vala. The biggest loss is for them. They finally had that massive confrontation, that needed to have happened aaaaages ago, and they finally have it, only to have it wiped from their memories! They grew so much over those 50 years, it's just kinda depressing to see it all go down the drain...

                        They kinda crammed SG1's future into one episode. Which I guess...was the point. It just depresses me. Like after the ep finished, I felt ... unsatisfied. Like I was expecting another episode. Y'know?

                        But I did love the episode. I loved how the characters grew.

                        Oh! And... the Asgard? Dead? Awww! ><

                        Ok, I think that's enough. (:


                          i agree i wish it didn't end i also didn't like the fact the memory's Daniel and Vala finally got together then there memory's were wiped


                            Too much of a cheap 'death' for the Asgard.
                            Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                              No Jack, no joy!
                              And Sam/Teal'c implication a slap on the face of all S/J ship fans by our lovely Amanda Tapping...


                                Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                                No Jack, no joy!
                                And Sam/Teal'c implication a slap on the face of all S/J ship fans by our lovely Amanda Tapping...
                                OMG the end of the world!!

