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Flesh And Blood (1001)

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    A good episode, not the best though.

    Creepy eyes on Adria, looks like she'll become an interesting character. Could be an interesting story to develop. Can't wait to see more of it.

    Beaming out in the last second is getting very old. How many god damn times can you do it (in an episode)?! And why didn't they tell Bra'tac that Teal'c was onboard one of the ships when they started firing on them? Doesn't seem like the smartest idea to kill Teal'c just to scare the Lucian Alliance away.

    Speaking of Teal'c, did he get a hair cut? Nice service on the Lucian Alliance's ships, in the heat of battle get a hair cut for free. They sould try it out more often.

    I suppose the the writers hadn't decided whether to save Chekov or not when this episode was written, thus saying that six people got of the ship. I'll guess we'll see in a later episode.

    Oh and I hate that they can't have some acknowledgement between the shows, in SG-1 they wanted to move the ZPM from Atlantis to earth to defend from the Ori and
    in Atlantis they wanted it moved because of the Wraith. They didn't even bother to mention about the problem the other series have.


      Originally posted by Dan2k
      Speaking of Teal'c, did he get a hair cut? Nice service on the Lucian Alliance's ships, in the heat of battle get a hair cut for free. They sould try it out more often.

      I suppose the the writers hadn't decided whether to save Chekov or not when this episode was written, thus saying that six people got of the ship. I'll guess we'll see in a later episode.

      Oh and I hate that they can't have some acknowledgement between the shows, in SG-1 they wanted to move the ZPM from Atlantis to earth to defend from the Ori and
      in Atlantis they wanted it moved because of the Wraith. They didn't even bother to mention about the problem the other series have.
      I really have to agree with you about the acknowledgements between the shows. Between the
      spoiler you mentioned, and the alternate crew from s9, i don't even know who has the damn thing..

      As far as Chekov goes, I've actually grown fond of the character, and hope he was one of the six, and besides, that would be REALLY bad PR with Russia , so I think he was saved.

      As far as Teal'c goes, has his head gotten larger or is it just me? Might be the hair, but he seems like his cheeks and neck are wider. Looks a little more intimidating. Probably just from working out, the man is huge...
      Green me as you see fit.


        All in all an excellent episode and a nice followup from Camelot. I'm really excited about the implication made in the final scene. Still there were a few things that bugged me.

        What happened to Kvasir's ship? He was there fighting the Ori and the next thing he's aboard the Odyssey trying to get the beaming back up. Why couldn't he fly his ship around picking up survivors (or just beam them whereever) and pick up Sam.
        Likewise, why did Cam have to scoop Sam up in the hangar bay. He had an F302. Wouldn't it have made more sense to manuver it slowly out there to let her grab on? One would think it would almost surely have some sort of attitude thrusters since you would need them to help manuver in space and for landing procedures.

        There were a couple of othes but I can't think of them at the moment. Lack of sleep and all that.


          Overall a good episode; my only strife was with bratac; the fact that mitchell had the foresight to put the transmitter on him and not tell him and bratac trying to kill all of them just to destroy one ori ship seemed very out of character. I kept waiting for bratac to like pull off a mask and reveal himself as an ori or go SUPRISE! the ori brainwashed me!. But yeah.. Overall quite impressive.


            That was good. And by good I mean totally sweet.

            A) The scene with Daniel and Vala was roflcakes.
            B) Vala is awesome. Took me until Crusade to start liking her though.
            C) What's with Amanda Tapping? Lately her portrayal of Sam is so much different. It's not bad, but it doesn't even remind me of the Sam from previous years. Anywhere from the Sam in Singularity to the Sam in Window of Opportunity, to even the one in something recent like Threads. Zomg? What's going on? I miss "old" Sam.
            E) I loooooooooooove Adria. So cool. I can't wait to see "Inara" playing her.
            F) The storyline is getting so good. That would be so cool if it turned out the Ori weren't actually lying about the Ancient. But I <3 the Ancients.
            G) Omg. I think Mr.Russian commander guy is dead. ; _ ;
            H) Poor Chulak. D:! I never really liked that planet anyway.


              For me it was boring and I really really dislike the Ori as the new bad guys.


                great episode
                excellent season opener, ditto for SGA

                liked the line where Vala said she named Adria after her stepmom, ***** of a woman


                  The hallmark of a good episode is when its over you go ??? already??? which I did , really enjoyed it and have high hopes the rest of the season will be as good or better


                    Awesome episode, flawless (besides no explaniation of the asgard ship).


                      I think it was a fairly good episode. The opening with Mitchell was very nice. Very grim which set the tone for the show. Mitchell was a lot more serious than we've seen him Not sure if that's good or bad. Vala was more toned down. That's definately a good thing. I almost like her now. Sam - where were you? Missed her pulling a solution out of the air. Teal'c - love the hair.

                      Loved seeing 'Brae' again. Always a pleasure to see him and Teal'c together. I was thrown off a bit by him wanting to make a suicide run. That didn't soound like him at all. Also as someone said before, I'm surprised he didn't deck Mitchell for getting in the way of that. Wonder how that relationship is going to play out. Will Brae ever trust him again? Will Teal'c? Hmmm...interesting.

                      I would have liked to see more about the child, her development and the effect that it had on Vala and those around her. It seemed to me that Vala got used to the idea of her growing faster pretty quickly. I'm sorry, but I think the whole maternal instinct thing is overplayed in sci-fi. No women I know, myself included, would feel too maternal about being used as an alien incubator. And every time the kid grew a size, I would at least be startled (more like freaked all the way out) as opposed to taking it in stride and trying to scold it for wanting it to destroy humanity. I do have to give much credit to whoever cast the youngest of the girls - she was amazing. Creeped me right out. All of the girls were very good, but the youngest really set the tone. Makes me really want to see more of her later.

                      Daniel did well this episode. I, for one, thought it was entirely in character for Daniel to want to take out the child. Daniel has been through a lot in these last ten years. He's learned a lot and seen a lot and he's grown a lot. I believe he's still the moral center of the team, but we have to remember that we're not talking about a human child. She's an enemy weapon. We're talking a creature designed to do one thing - destroy humanity. I understand Daniel feeling like they need to take her out while they still can. Sometimes, it has to be done and he was in the position to do it, so he needed to take his best shot. Not a popular opinion, I know, but I am a Jack O'Neill fan. You do what needs to be done.

                      Loved the set design, the lighting and the abundance of color on the Ori ship. Very rich looking set, lots of detail, loved the costumes. Vala was gorgeous - that's her look. Much more so than the dominatrix leather outfits.

                      Loved the design of the Ori ships. Much more of an elegant design than the ships we've seen in SG-1 so far.

                      Overall, I give it an seven out of ten.
                      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                      it has it's own laws and beats about things
                      which the intellect scorns."
                      - Mark Twain -


                        Originally posted by NotAscended
                        I wondered about that, too. It seemed very uncharacteristic. However, on the second watching, I realized that he had just told them to arm the nuclear bomb with a 5? second delay. When the ship was hit and the bomb rolled out of the rings, I think he realized or thought that the bomb was about to blow and knew he had only a few seconds to get out of there.

                        Of course, that explanation suggests that *we* might have accidentally blown up the Koralev ourselves, which is a horrible, horrible thought.
                        There is the possibility that we blew up the Korelev but the main explosion was the Ori weapon. Hey, remember the ship that attacked the Hatak from above, ther was funny. A really thought there was going to be a scene where Ori soldiers and Jaffa have a ground battle. Plus, I also hoped that we would destroy 3/4 of the Ori ships with the Odyssey. Anybody record the episodes of SG! and SGA, please email them to me if one of you did, because I would put it on for people to watch. I have an account on Youtube.
                        Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                          Originally posted by The_Gate_Builder
                          Awesome episode, flawless (besides no explaniation of the asgard ship).
                          It was destroyed. Landry or someone said it got torn thru as well.

                          Jesus is Lord!


                            Originally posted by Cameron Mitchel
                            It was destroyed. Landry or someone said it got torn thru as well.
                            oooooo tought break for the asgard


                              I loved this episode and felt it was a great way to open season 10. It did, however, leave some unanswered questions...
                              Who beamed off the Korolev and where? Was Chekov one of them? Why didn't the Jaffa explosive thing go off? What kind of damage did the ship do when it crashed into the Ori shield? What will come of this apparent "weakness" in the Ori shield when they fire their beam weapon?
                              Did I just miss some of these or were they all left unanswered...

                              Originally posted by Cameron Mitchel
                              It was destroyed. Landry or someone said it got torn thru as well.
                              Landy said the entire fleet was torn apart including the Odyssey. It's because they had a lack of information and no communication from the fleet. They were all presumed destroyed. This, however, was not the case. The Odyssey and a Lucian Alliance ship survived the battle. The Asgard ship may have been destroyed or it may have fled. We never saw either way. Hey, another question for my unanswered list...


                                Originally posted by Sela
                                I do have to give much credit to whoever cast the youngest of the girls - she was amazing. Creeped me right out. All of the girls were very good, but the youngest really set the tone. Makes me really want to see more of her later.
                                From SciFi's blog by Alex Levine: "Here’s a little known fact about this show: the youngest of the children who plays Adria (the Orici) is none other than Robert C. Cooper’s daughter, Emma. She replaced a young actress who gave a great audition but froze on the day of the shooting."
                                T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders


