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Flesh And Blood (1001)

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    Stargate isn't Farscape. I need more emotional scenes to be satisfied. Most of the episode bored me.
    OK, Claudia. Some scenes she was fantastic and one or two i didn't like.
    The ones i like : she was AMAZING in the delivery scene and the falling scene by Tomin's shooting. She was funny; In one scene when she asked Adria, why is she sitting in the dark, i was LOL!!! and i really liked Vala/Adria conversation, very interesting and well played. This kid actress is very good.

    What i didn't like about our lovely Claudia: The one after the delivery, when they take Adria and Vala want to hold her was forced or not deliver right and when she meet Daniel in the first time was the conversation was too long and you can see that Claudia really wasn't into the scene by her body language all together i could feel the great chemistry between these two .

    Cam, don't like Ben's acting at all. Like season 9 he continue to annoy me...and also something about his voice . But Ben will be in all 20 episode, so i guess i'll have to use to it.

    Amanda was fantastic as always but, you know, she knows her character for 10 years now, so it was easy for her.
    Like Chris's acting ability in this episode and Michael was amazing as well, he is a great actor IMO and sweet

    It was sooo weird to see all the 5 characters in the end of the episode. I mean...Vala, what are you doing in SG!??? I'll get use to that i guess.

    I like the Vala/Tomin kissing

    that's it,
    can't remember more


      Originally posted by Farscapefan
      From SciFi's blog by Alex Levine: "Here’s a little known fact about this show: the youngest of the children who plays Adria (the Orici) is none other than Robert C. Cooper’s daughter, Emma. She replaced a young actress who gave a great audition but froze on the day of the shooting."
      Really?! Wow. I'm even more impressed with her coming in at the last minute. She did nail that part. Totally freaked me out.

      Get that girl an agent.
      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
      it has it's own laws and beats about things
      which the intellect scorns."
      - Mark Twain -


        I enjoyed it a lot.

        The energy level was high, the story was good and the baby made a lot more sense than I thought it would. And the little actresses did a good job especially the middle girl.

        I loved all the characters tonight. I especially liked that they cared about what was happening to their teammates.

        I thought Carter's rescue was cool--what can I say? I had to laugh when she was telling them just why it wouldn't work as they were doing it.

        This toned-down Vala has more depth but still enough spunk to make her enjoyable. Claudia Black adds so much to the dialogue just by her inflection and body langage. My favorite part was her "lecture" to Adria about not being allowed to go marauding through the galaxy, Young Lady. And of course, she and MS have such great chemistry.

        I really liked Cam; he's back to the likable guy from the first few episodes of season 9.

        Poor Teal'c getting tortured again ((())) I not sure about the hair yet.

        Daniel has come such a long way as a character--resourceful and able to take care of himself. Would he have been able to kill child Adria? It sort of harkens back to his killing of the baby snakes in season one and he was a lot less cynical back then.

        I don't really have any nitpicks. I was entertained and that's the important part for me.

        When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.

        Abraham Joshua Heschel


          I thought the episode was okay. Better than most of Season 9. I didn't keep looking at the clock wondering when it was going to be over like I did last season. Still not as good as most eps seasons 2-7 IMO. I can rewatch many eps over and over from earlier seasons. I don't think this will be the case with F & B.

          Loved the girls that protrayed Adria - I think they did an excellent job.

          I agree that something seems to be a little off with Sam's character. She seems to have lost her "toughness". There's more that's different - I just can't quite put my finger on it.

          I wish Teal'c was still bald. I hate the hair.

          ~I'm Just Sayin'~


            It was especially funny when Daniel stunned Adria and Tomin, so humorous. Suicidal Bra'tac was kind of funny. I was hoping to have some proof that Odyssey would destroy the Lucian Alliance ships, that would be cool.
            Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


              Originally posted by The_Gate_Builder
              Awesome episode, flawless (besides no explaniation of the asgard ship).

              it was probably destroyed

              Anyone who gives me green is sexy, wanna be sexy? Give me Green! Woopie!

              CLICK THE PIC!


                Originally posted by Osiris-RA

                They're a Goa'uld knock-off! Pure and simple!
                Well of course. It's what the writers know and it's what the show is about as far as villainy is concerned. The gate was always a Chariots of the Gods kinda thing and they were always investigating/comparing/debunking.

                It surprised me that they spent so much time on Ba'al on Earth (though I rather like it and wish they'd do more with it) before presenting a new God enemy to be dealt with.

                The SG-1 team has always been about proving to the believers that their belief is false. Now it's peasants rather than Jaffa. Only this time they're not wasting 4 - 5 seasons getting to big battle.

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                From now on, our name will be 'Tenac'.


                  it really enlightened me to know how Daniel and Mitchell survived. I hereby call Daniel a coward fow not helping those other 2 people. The Odyssey had alot of people onboard that was interesting, not often, you see a jaffa on an Earth vessel besides Teal'c. Vala could've beaten Adria you know, but maybe that wouldn't go so well. Tomin was a complete ass, Daniel could've shot him with his M9 Beretta and Adria too. I have no qualms about the idea of Daniel shooting Adria. Adria looks like a child but has the mental capacity of an evil genius. Tomin is a complete bubble head about Vala's true life. I was hoping to see an Ori ship explode too.
                  Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                    Season 10, yay! Unlike last year, when I feared the changes (although I ended up enjoying it), I've been very excitedly awaiting this season. And now it's here!

                    PIGGY'S USELESS OPINION
                    of 'Flesh and Blood'
                    Well, that kicked ass. Suspense throughout the whole episode. Our new villain Adria, although she's still just a kid, came across as a genuine threat. Pretty good acting on her part, too, at least the older two versions. It's going to be interesting to see the character after she's fully grown.

                    Random Observations!
                    - The opening sequence was (obviously) slightly changed from last year in order to fit Claudia Black's credit in, but aside from that I believe there was also some additional new footage inserted at various points.
                    - I guess col. Chekov is dead.
                    - Surprisingly, Landry had the funniest line, regarding the IOA.
                    - Odd that they'd bring in Robert Picardo for such a brief appearance. I wonder if they're trying to give his character a more "permanent" presence?
                    - So what about Chulak? Are they frelled?
                    - Although brief, the battle over Chulak looked pretty good.
                    - Bra'tac acted uncharacteristically unwisely towards the end of the episode. Wonder if he'll be pissed at Mitchell for dragging him out of there?
                    - This is the first season opener in six years that wasn't a "To be continued" one.

                    Anyway, good show. If this was setting the tone for this season, then I can't wait for next week!

                    Last edited by Ugly Pig; 15 July 2006, 05:57 AM. Reason: Forgot to give the all-important thumbs-up!
                    Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                      Originally posted by Ugly Pig
                      - Odd that they'd bring in Robert Picardo for such a brief appearance. I wonder if they're trying to give his character a more "permanent" presence?
                      Was probably shot at the same time as the Atlantis opener, where he had abit to do.


                        I thought this was a fairly good season opener although not on par with some of my favorites over the years (Enemies, Small VIctories, Serpent's Lair)). A little draggy in places.

                        The good:
                        * Mitchell. I like this Mitchell! A little more seasoned, more serious about what they were facing.
                        * Vala. Really liked her in this one. Toned her down, yet they kept her street smarts and snarkiness. She recognizes BS when she hears it and is always thinking.
                        * Adria. Liked her way more than I thought I would. I was sufficiently creeped out by all three versions (I thought the middle actress was very talented)
                        * Sam's rescue. Thank goodness, a break from the trend of "beaming/ringing out in the nick of time". I thought the rescue was one of the better parts of the show
                        * Daniel/Vala. Decent chemistry in their scenes and less eye-rolling from Daniel this year now that Vala is becoming an ally and not just an annoyance. I didn't have any problem with Daniel wanting to kill Adria. Early Daniel just reacted passionately in shooting the baby Goa'uld. This Daniel seems to be very pragmatic in dealing with evil, in any form.
                        * Ori ships. Thankfully they shot them at angles that made them a little less "tidy bowls of doom"
                        * Sets. I'm still not sure how the Ori adopted the Medieval look as their signature theme but the interior sets on the Ori ship looked beautiful. Kudos to the set designers/dressers.

                        The bad:
                        * Teal'c. Poor guy - the fallback for his character is just getting tortured now it seems. Teal'c didn't have much to do here - didn't even get to have a passionate argument with Bra'tac. And I miss Teal'c eye-shadow. I really do.
                        * Bra'tac. And what's up with Brae? Always ready to die for a cause but ramming the Ori ship (and taking all his friends with him) left me
                        * "Just in time". Yes, I know they have to have SOME explanation for how they rescue themselves but it's getting a little old that they're always saved just as the ship explodes or the guy shoots, etc.
                        * Ori in general. Still don't do that much for me but I continue to hope they'll grow on me. (Maybe having Adria will help - so far I like her better than some of the other "evil rapid-grow scifi kids". ) And I'd rather write on essay on time travel paradoxes than try to figure out the ascended "rulebook". yawn.

                        All in all, I'll continue to watch to see how S10 shapes up. I miss seeing the team as the family it used to be. But I was sufficiently entertained for the evening (at no charge) so thanks TPTB, cast and crew. Hard to believe it's been 10 years.

                        P.S. The scariest thing I saw all evening were some of those commercials for that new ""Superhero" reality show.
                        Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                          never mind that. what was Adria's name given by the prior. Orissai or Oricei? anyway it must start with ori.


                            and they is something weird about the Ori shields. An officer on Korolev says sensors show an energy fluctuation in the shields. I really didn't understood the last part of what she said wich was mentioning something about gunfire. The shields were weakening as the fire increased or not?


                              It was Orici. I got a new target to abuse other than Ra and Anubis now: Tomin and Adria. By the way I make funny space battle pics wherethere are the stupidest yet funniest ideas you can imagine. I only made one serious picture. this year. Overall, Tomin is meant to be abused in ways that would make you laugh your ass off.
                              Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                                Besides the space battles, I thought this episode was a little weak. I'm still looking forward to more episodes though. The previews for next week's episode went by so fast I had no idea what was going on.

