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The Cam and Vala discussion thread

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    Ah yes I see what you mean. But isn't that the case from the beginning rather than something that has cropped up to cause the demise of the show?

    With Canan I had always thought it was that he didn't die in Jack like Jonlinar did in Sam, so didn't leave the markers.


      Originally posted by GateGipsy View Post
      Ah yes I see what you mean. But isn't that the case from the beginning rather than something that has cropped up to cause the demise of the show?

      With Canan I had always thought it was that he didn't die in Jack like Jonlinar did in Sam, so didn't leave the markers.

      that has been the case from the beginning-that is a point that i had discussed with people off and on this thread-the lack of continuity-what helps those bumps is decent writing. okay-I know that we won't agree on whether or not the writing was better, worse or indifferent from start to finish-but consider-what changed? had to more than just rick leaving-had to be more than just the shippers being discouraged, daniels fans that wanted him to be more than jack's sidekick (and no, I am not going in that direction) people who felt that sam was shortchanged-there was one single unifying factor that caused people to bail in droves (and they cited the ratings as well as the money)-my opinion-the writing stunk. poor character imagery, poor character development, lame stories, idiotic plot holes...I could go on for days-and those that know me-I can. anything can be overcome with a decent story line-something tht would hook the viewer-sometimes even a good "b" story line works (how many B sides of 45's ended up being the hit)-they haven't done very many decent story lines. I am still bummed over Mobieus-it could have been a stellar story arc and ended up being a joke.

      and as for Canan, he left his memories in Jack-would some of his essence be left too?
      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        mmmm ........ I've said it before 'n I'll say it again :

        Intergalactic liar, thief, slave owner, attempted murderer, who has not declared nor given proof of loyalty to earth, does not belong at the SGC let alone be on the top team.
        I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anyone that acted the way she had previously would be in jail not serving in a top secret US military facility. How anyone could ever consider trusting her stretches the imagination beyond its bounds.

        Its interesting to note that some people would be more then OK with somone beating the crp out of them while stealing from them and then nearly killing them while holding them hotage. Explains a lot about why the US and other countries judicial systems are so god aweful screwed up.
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
          Intergalactic liar, thief, slave owner, attempted murderer, who has not declared nor given proof of loyalty to earth, does not belong at the SGC let alone be on the top team.

          But ... but.... she's loose! And she looks hot in leather-bondage-gear!

          (Plus, her photo is taped to the ceiling in the writer's lounge....)


          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            The person who killed the show was RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON when he left.

            It's that simple

            So much of the show's dinamic was the the "Over the Top" bad guys and Jack making fun of them. Now that's gone.

            Mobius Part 2 should have been the last episode of the show. But SCIFI had to milk every cent out of the show it could. Now it's going to end in some akward place. Don't get me wrong I Love the ORI storyline, and the new charicters. But other fans don't. And if we don't have the 7 or 8 years to explore the Ori storyline in the unique way that we explored the Goa'uld what's the point?
            Sheppard's team runs into Kolya on a planet:

            Koyla:"That's right Sheppard, I've got you right where I want you. And there's nothing you can do about it. Your plan was flawed, mine is perfect.This time I have a new gotee, and a black cloak. And I know for a fact that anyone would be scared of that. Now give me the ZPM or I'll kill the guy with the dreadlocks."

            5 seconds later....

            Kolya is hanging from a tree by his underwear.

            Wa Wa Waaaaa.....


              it took them YEARS to cobble together the promie. and even when it was launched it wasn't finished.

              but they lose a ship and have a new one the next week???? all of a sudden, the asgard, kings of 'let the primitive races take care of themselves, we won't interfere' are GIVING us toys??? they're giving us engines and sheilds and beaming devices?

              who put the nishta in their yellow ones????

              why did years of non-interferance go away???

              cause coop loves his space ships and hates that round spinny thing and it's so much more FUN to play space pirates

              our sudden prowess in building space ships is nothing more than a plot device because one writer interjected some dwama into the show by blowing up one ship...then realized that the show is now space ship based (might as well call it stargship sg1) and they just blew up their main plot device, so they just make a new one overnight

              I'm betting at bridge, there's a huge pile of 'canon' lying outside the writers trailer...cause they toss it out the window at a whim
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                kendra's goauld left her and she still had the abilities
                vala's goauld left her and she still has the abilities

                they write it how they want to write it.

                it seems that no one ever sits down and goes 'ok, so what are the rules of this plot device? what are its advantages? what are its weaknesses?

                they just seem to make it up as they go along and if they forget something...oh well. too bad, so sad. we'll just toss some extra sfx in there and no one will notice.

                Which is a far cry from the show that used to take the time to think of those little things.

                for example, in 48 hours i believe, jack adn harry meet up at a gas station. that has 'colorado' signs in adn on it. cool, maintains that illusion

                In memento mori they're driving down the highway...and go right past the exit to the main highway that runs through vancouver, complete with the city's name that escapes me now. even if you don't recognize the town's name, you WILL recognize the signing as not being american
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  it took them YEARS to cobble together the promie. and even when it was launched it wasn't finished.

                  but they lose a ship and have a new one the next week???? all of a sudden, the asgard, kings of 'let the primitive races take care of themselves, we won't interfere' are GIVING us toys??? they're giving us engines and sheilds and beaming devices?

                  who put the nishta in their yellow ones????

                  why did years of non-interferance go away???

                  cause coop loves his space ships and hates that round spinny thing and it's so much more FUN to play space pirates

                  our sudden prowess in building space ships is nothing more than a plot device because one writer interjected some dwama into the show by blowing up one ship...then realized that the show is now space ship based (might as well call it stargship sg1) and they just blew up their main plot device, so they just make a new one overnight

                  I'm betting at bridge, there's a huge pile of 'canon' lying outside the writers trailer...cause they toss it out the window at a whim

                  LOL, Starship SG-1!

                  I am surprised they haven't given Stargate Props the go ahead to auction off the Gate on Ebay. Imagine the shipping charges from Canada? The shipping cost would probably be more that the purchase price.
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                    LOL, Starship SG-1!

                    I am surprised they haven't given Stargate Props the go ahead to auction off the Gate on Ebay. Imagine the shipping charges from Canada? The shipping cost would probably be more that the purchase price.
                    don't laugh, there is somebody that would buy it and plant in their backyard. charge for tours, weddings and bar mitzvahs. (and to be egalitarian-bat mitzvahs)

                    I suspect that they might want to do a spaceship show-why not?
                    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                      Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                      don't laugh, there is somebody that would buy it and plant in their backyard. charge for tours, weddings and bar mitzvahs. (and to be egalitarian-bat mitzvahs)

                      I suspect that they might want to do a spaceship show-why not?
                      Actually it would get more use in my backyard than on the show.
                      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                        Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                        Actually it would get more use in my backyard than on the show.
                        yeah you are most certainly correct. can i rent it for my daughter's graduation party??? sometime May of 2007.
                        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                          less chitchat more topic please guys.


                            I’ve said it before but for me it’s the ‘not caring about the characters’ that killed the show, which in turn is all attributed to the writing. Things like whether or not Vala should be a member or who should be leading, etc, etc. are all symptoms of that. Like someone said earlier, I could suspend my disbelief if I cared and liked the characters.

                            SG 1 never had stellar writing, but many, me included, cared deeply about the characters. How the little people from earth fight to stay alive, do their part, etc. They were flawed characters and there was conflict. It never was particularly deep or strong writing, but I cared and I wanted to know what’d happen next week. It’s like Friends for example, pretty silly sitcom, but people cared about the characters and loved the show. To me that and the fact that while it was sci-fi it wasn’t too out there. It wasn’t about the weird alien or the spaceships or the big special FX, or the futuristic military unit with beaming technology, it was about the people and it was present day. I firmly believe that’s why the show succeeded and was so successful for so many years and to so many different kind of people.

                            With s7 they started to focus on the guest of the week, the alien of the week, personal life of one character, etc. It became less and less about the people, mainly due to the lack of RDA IMO. The show changed, yet it was still the same show, so many people stuck it out even if they didn’t enjoy it as much anymore, again me included. I do think the franchise was strong enough to have continued without RDA, but it wasn’t handled well. As someone else so adequately put it a while back, Jack was the hub of the wheel. The other characters interacted through him. Daniel and Jack were the close friends, despite their differences, Teal’c and Jack were the warrior brothers, Sam and Jack were the two military officers and were attracted to each other. Take away the hub and it falls apart. They had two years of limited RDA where they could’ve made it work. They could’ve focused on the others and their dynamics, but instead the focus was on the guest star or one individual character and the interaction was still through Jack. One of many missed opportunities.

                            Take for example Col Dixon’s team. I immediately liked them and from what I read many others did too. Why? Because they found some cool ruins and there was the biggest firefight in SG’s history? No, because they were real people that cared about each other, joked around, teased each other, etc.

                            Another thing that I’m convinced made a huge difference is the lack of an onset producer, like Greenburg and RDA used to be. If a line didn’t work, if something needed to be changed, it could be done on the spot. RDA had the freedom to tweak his lines. But there was still someone there to make sure the episode still worked, things could be adapted within a set parameter. Now with both of them gone we only get the ‘oh it’s so much more fun without the boss around’ and I don’t even blame them for that sentiment, but it clearly show's missing something.
                            I think it’s also at a point, after a decade, where the actors enjoy each other’s company way more than anything else. They like spending time together and the actual show is a smaller part. I mean who would after ten years still put the same effort in it as they might have 8 or 10 years ago. It’s only human, if a line isn’t all that great, it’s not the end of the world. Who cares; we still have a great time. And again this ties back to missing the onset producer.

                            Anyway I’m done now, I better shut up. And just to be clear this is my opinion only and I did not intend to attack any actors. I think it’s a human reaction and mine wouldn’t be any different. I love it when my boss is off, but I also know my work isn't as good because Im more relaxed and have more fun instead of concentrating on the job at hand.
                            Last edited by windy; 13 November 2006, 12:10 PM. Reason: spelling


                              Joe Malozzi killed it. He is the worst and i hope they fire him so he does not touch the movies.


                                Originally posted by GateGipsy View Post
                                less chitchat more topic please guys.

                                actually, we are on topic-on the topic of how any number of things led to the demise of the show-and for some people it is the lack of the round spiny thing that shoots out this big blue wave sideways and makes a kawhoosh sound. ya'll remember that round spinny thing.
                                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

