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The all inclusive final scene/episode speculation thread

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    I think you guys are being to close minded with your season 10 finales, they show is only ending temporarily if you ask me, once their deal with Sci-Fi is up, they will movethe show to FOX where they are syndicated.

    Here is how I see SG-1 ending, for now:

    Earth's deep space scanners are picking up a small transport vessel flying towards Earth at extreme speeds. They then send up a fleet of F-302s to shoot it down, along with the Oddessey. They ship jumps out of hyperspace, and is getting shot at, but the shields hold, until there is a nuke shot at it, and the ship's engines conc out. Right before it explodes, a beam of energy is shot down to Earth.

    6 months later...

    ABC reports that there is a huge following aroung a new spiritual leader named Adria.

    Cut to a room filled with Adria's new followers. "Hallowed are the Ori."

    This would be the best way to end the show. The Gate and ships remain secret, and Adria doesn't just go out and destroy the Earth, but corrupts the population from the inside, much like the Trust.
    The Alliance is born!!!!


      Originally posted by deadman
      I think you guys are being to close minded with your season 10 finales, they show is only ending temporarily if you ask me, once their deal with Sci-Fi is up, they will movethe show to FOX where they are syndicated.

      Here is how I see SG-1 ending, for now:

      Earth's deep space scanners are picking up a small transport vessel flying towards Earth at extreme speeds. They then send up a fleet of F-302s to shoot it down, along with the Oddessey. They ship jumps out of hyperspace, and is getting shot at, but the shields hold, until there is a nuke shot at it, and the ship's engines conc out. Right before it explodes, a beam of energy is shot down to Earth.

      6 months later...

      ABC reports that there is a huge following aroung a new spiritual leader named Adria.

      Cut to a room filled with Adria's new followers. "Hallowed are the Ori."

      This would be the best way to end the show. The Gate and ships remain secret, and Adria doesn't just go out and destroy the Earth, but corrupts the population from the inside, much like the Trust.
      Now thats a nice twist. I have no doubt that the "finale" will be nothing short of spectacular as I have great faith in TPTB. I know this is not the end as MGM and TPTB have said as much. SG-1 will continue I am positive and the finale will be great.
      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


        Originally posted by Tamilas Arrondil
        I really liked the start of that idea:

        Start big 'end of world' final battle thing, with all their allies finally coming to help out but like Mitchell82 said, it doesn't have much of a conclusion or resolution to the millions of threads that will need to be concluded.

        But a good idea though!!!

        I really like all the ideas you guys are having. If only you were the writers... lol
        Well I have great faith in the writers and PTB and I have no doubt that we will have a huge battle a small victory and the very real threat of retribution. IMO we won't be disapointed.
        Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
        "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
        Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


          This episode better be a great ending.


            Originally posted by RepliHawk
            This episode better be a great ending.
            No worries it will be.
            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


              Originally posted by Marcus117
              I've always thought that it should end with each of the characters going off to there own callings, and with humanity accepted as the Fifth Race.

              The Stargate has become public... humanity is part of the Great Races now, and after the ceremony, all of the characters are talking to eachother.

              Teal'c is going to become a leader to his people, along side his son.
              Samantha has been fully promoted to the leader of Sg-1.
              Cameron has been given his own squad aboard an Taur'i ship.
              Vala has become a consultant for the SGC.
              Jack is staying behind to head up Homeworld Security.
              And Daniel has become an ambassador for Earth... it's representative, in sorts... for communication with the Great Races.

              The final scene is Thor, stepping through the gate... with Daniel and Jack stood on the ramp, cast in the blue shimmering light of the wormhole. They have a small conversation, looking forward to the future and then Daniel turns to walk through the gate, looking back at O'Neill as he winks, and says... "Be seeing you, Dr. Jackson."

              Daniel steps through the gate, in a reverse of the final scene of the movie, and the FULL, world famous wormhole graphic plays until the very last moment, when we cut to the closing credits.

              Rich with spin-off ideas... rich with personal moments, and it also helps to bring Stargate full circle.

              I agree that humanity should make the gate public but I wonder if humanity can join the great Alliance, the reason I doubt this is the fact that the Alliance has mostly been disbanded. The Ancients have ascended, the Nox have become Xenophobes on a grand scale, the Furlings we have no idea what happened to them, except for in two hundred, which was proabably not real any way. That only leaves the Asgard. And I think that we should form a new great alliance of the four, the Jaffa, Tokra, Tauri and Asgard. Teal'c should become a leader, there is no question of that. My thought would be though that Cameron Might get his own ship. Vala will stay on Earth, what her function will be I have no idea. Maybe she will write her own best selling book series? As for Daniel, he's going to end up consulting, or go to Atlantis. Jack will continue to head up home world Security. We have to see Jonas at least once more, proabably won't happen but it would be nice. Which this still leaves some potential room to develop. But personally I don't think that this should be the end of Season Ten, but the end of Season 11, 12, a movie , a series of movies, who knows. Then some of the resolved plot lines can be explored in Atlantis, or a third series. But I won't think that far ahead.


                Originally posted by Col.Foley
                I agree that humanity should make the gate public but I wonder if humanity can join the great Alliance, the reason I doubt this is the fact that the Alliance has mostly been disbanded. The Ancients have ascended, the Nox have become Xenophobes on a grand scale, the Furlings we have no idea what happened to them, except for in two hundred, which was proabably not real any way. That only leaves the Asgard. And I think that we should form a new great alliance of the four, the Jaffa, Tokra, Tauri and Asgard. Teal'c should become a leader, there is no question of that. My thought would be though that Cameron Might get his own ship. Vala will stay on Earth, what her function will be I have no idea. Maybe she will write her own best selling book series? As for Daniel, he's going to end up consulting, or go to Atlantis. Jack will continue to head up home world Security. We have to see Jonas at least once more, proabably won't happen but it would be nice. Which this still leaves some potential room to develop. But personally I don't think that this should be the end of Season Ten, but the end of Season 11, 12, a movie , a series of movies, who knows. Then some of the resolved plot lines can be explored in Atlantis, or a third series. But I won't think that far ahead.
                Now that isn't too bad of an idea as I quite like it. Just one question why do you and quite a few of others want the gate to go public. I happen to think that would be a bad idea. I think iot should remain secret.
                Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                  I don't know.
                  Although it would give a nice new plot line to develop for the new series, if there is one though. How people react to the gate, but honestly it might be a good way for the series to end. People in the next serises can go, Oh my god! we nearly got wiped out nine times. Or are we up to twenty. Any way if the gate does indeed go public they would have to fight off amillion different political ideas on what to do with the dang thing.
                  On the one hand I really don't care if the gate goes public.
                  I mean two years ago the three things that I would have liked to see happen for season eight to be it, thenkfully this did not happen. I would have liked to see Baal get wasted, Yu die from his old age and Sam and Jack getting together. As you can see I am pretty bad about predicting the future because Baal is still running around we have no idea what is happening with Sam and Jack, and Yu got stabbed. In short I don't care if they make the gate public or not. Just thought it might be interesting, and it would be either way.


                    Originally posted by Col.Foley
                    I don't know.
                    Although it would give a nice new plot line to develop for the new series, if there is one though. How people react to the gate, but honestly it might be a good way for the series to end. People in the next serises can go, Oh my god! we nearly got wiped out nine times. Or are we up to twenty. Any way if the gate does indeed go public they would have to fight off amillion different political ideas on what to do with the dang thing.
                    On the one hand I really don't care if the gate goes public.
                    I mean two years ago the three things that I would have liked to see happen for season eight to be it, thenkfully this did not happen. I would have liked to see Baal get wasted, Yu die from his old age and Sam and Jack getting together. As you can see I am pretty bad about predicting the future because Baal is still running around we have no idea what is happening with Sam and Jack, and Yu got stabbed. In short I don't care if they make the gate public or not. Just thought it might be interesting, and it would be either way.
                    That right there is why I don't want the gate to go public. It would be hell with all the world politicians that have been in the dark the last 10 years. Just out of curiosity do you like season 10 or not? So hard to keep track these days!
                    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                      If it were the end of all current stargate serieses, I would be okay with the gate going public. Unfortunately, Atlantis is still going, and I think that adding in the factor that now the entire world knows about them is going to cause some problems. Soon, CNN news crews will be all over Atlantis...actually, this might be a good idea. An Atlantis version of Heroes, where there are news crews all over Atlantis, bugging the **** out of everyone. And then, have like, an Asuran attack, or a Wraith prisoner escape on base, and people see the horrors of the Pegasus...

                      whatever. As long as they do it well, i dont mind.


                        Originally posted by einx359
                        If it were the end of all current stargate serieses, I would be okay with the gate going public. Unfortunately, Atlantis is still going, and I think that adding in the factor that now the entire world knows about them is going to cause some problems. Soon, CNN news crews will be all over Atlantis...actually, this might be a good idea. An Atlantis version of Heroes, where there are news crews all over Atlantis, bugging the **** out of everyone. And then, have like, an Asuran attack, or a Wraith prisoner escape on base, and people see the horrors of the Pegasus...

                        whatever. As long as they do it well, i dont mind.
                        The "Hero's" idea sounds like it could have some promise.
                        Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                        "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                        Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                          K. Here it is. I Originally posted my complete ideas of how the show should end on p 7. Here is a revised version. Beware of possible spoilers:

                          Final Episode:

                          The SGC receives a message from Langara, very cryptic, that tells them to come to the planet via cloaked ship. The message is attributed to Jonas. SG-1 immediately departs in a cargo ship, and lands at a pre-designated location, where they meet Jonas. Jonas gives them a rundown of the situation: The Ori took over the planet a few months ago, and he’s been leading a resistance on the planet ever since. He wants them to help drive the Ori away. When SG-1 seems reluctant to devote their resources, Jonas brings up a big motivational factor: recently, the Ori began pouring through the information archives on the planet. These databases contained the locations of the few worlds the Langarans know of, including Earth.

                          SG1 and Jonas’s resistance launch an attack on the headquarters of the Ori on the planet, and successfully use the anti-Prior field technology to disable the Prior. The coup successful, the find out that the databases have already been emptied of all valuable information, including the world locations. As SG-1 is about to head back to the SGC with the information that Earth’s location has been compromised, the Langaran sensors detect an Ori Mothership coming out of hyperspace and charging weapons. SG-1 and Jonas head through the gate right before the capital is obliterated from space.

                          Once back at the SGC, they inform Landry of the situation, and get ready to go and obtain allies for the defense of Earth. However, as they are about to leave, an outgoing wormhole is established, with a transmission sending quotes of Origin through. The wormhole continues right through the normal 38 minute deadline. Unable to petition for help from other sources, the SGC is only able to recall the Odyssey and two more Daedelus-class ships before a fleet of 100+ Ori ships, along with a huge-ass mothership, emerges from hyperspace. The mothership is basically a huge ring, kind of like the front of a standard mothership, but a complete ring, surrounding a ball of flame. It is about the size of a small moon. Kinda Death Star-ish. One of the Earth ships is destroyed and the other two escape.

                          Following this is a huge land battle, with the forces of the Ori against the forces of Earth. Despite the huge number of Ori ships, the “more effective” and sheer number of armed human soldiers is able to repel the Ori troops. Also, the Priors’ abilities are being negated by advanced forms of the anti-Prior field. Adria, from space aboard her huge mothership, decides that taking over Earth would be too much of a hassle. She makes an announcement to Earth declaring that in 24 hours, if Earth does not surrender, the Ori will obliterate the planet.

                          Hiding behind the moon, the Odyssey and the other ship receive the transmission, and try to come up with a plan to defend Earth. SG-1, Jonas, and Jack (aboard the Odyssey) try to think of ideas, and eventually arrive at one: the time-ship. Carter starts working on a program that would allow the time-ship to make a short jump to the past (approximately 2 weeks). When she is ready, with only 30 minutes before the Ori destroy the planet, the two ships put their plan in to action.

                          As the Ori fleet moves in to position to destroy the Earth, the other ship flies in and performs an attack run on the mothership, not really doing anything but getting their attention. As the Ori ships turn to fire, the Odyssey slips past and beams SG-1, Jack, and Jonas down to the SGC, where the time-ship is stored. They get onboard and fly out to space under cloak. Back in space, the Odyssey tries to give them cover as Carter tries to modify the ship. The Odyssey gets destroyed, and as Carter is still making modifications, you see a shot from an Ori ship coming heading straight towards them, their faces lighting up with the light of the shot, and then cut to black.

                          End of Episode

                          Following that, there should be a miniseries or TV movie that continues the story.


                          Over Earth, a jumper materializes. Inside are the 7 members that have made up SG-1: Jack, Sam, Daniel, Tealc, Jonas, Mitchel, and Vala. Having just witnessed the end of the Earth, they head for the SGC to tell them the news. However, power cuts out, and they wind up crashing in to the woods surrounding the area. When the SGC comes to investigate, they find everyone dead except for one member (probably either Daniel or Jack), who tells them of the situation on Langara, and how the location of Earth will soon be compromised. That member then dies. Knowing of the imminent attack, the SGC decides to start sending different members to different places to recruit help. Tealc heads off to the Jaffa, Mitchell off to the Lucian Alliance, Jack off to the Asgard, and Sam off to the Nox. Meanwhile Daniel and Vala head to Langara, to see if they can still prevent the data from falling in to Ori hands.

                          On Langara, they meet up Jonas, where they attempt to storm the headquarters of the Ori on the planet. As they did last time, they succeed in stopping the Ori, and it appears that the Ori did not get the info from the database yet. However, Adria soon reveals herself, and starts killing off the members of the attack party. Jonas is able to escape, but everyone except for Vala is killed, including Daniel. Vala is taken aboard the big mothership.

                          Daniel ascends for the third time, and reaches the others. He tries in vain to convince the Ancients to help them fight the Ori, but it wont work. Merlin tries to sway the others as well, and Skaara and the Abydosyans throw their support behind Daniel, but too few come to help them. The Others rule that they will not interfere.

                          Jonas is able to get through to the SGC, where he tells them that everyone else was killed. Taking in the shock, Carter reveals her new plan: The one time they destroyed an Ori ship, it was with the vortex of a stargate wormhole. Carter believes that, by mounting a gate on to a ship, she could modify the gate in to a weapon that they could use against the Ori.

                          At this point, Daniel feels that he has exhausted all other options, and goes after Oma and Anubis. Despite Oma’s objections, and Anubis’s disapproval, he is eventually able to convince Anubis to help them.

                          Thus, the pieces are set for battle. The SGC was able to acquire hundreds of ships from the Jaffa, at least 50 from the Lucian alliance, and a good 60 or so from the Asgard. While the Nox would not aid in military weapons, they did give Carter some technology that would allow them to stealth the entire fleet, Setting up the perfect ambush for the Ori. Accompanying these are the three Earth ships, each mounting a modified gate weapon. Many squadrons of death gliders, Alkesh, and F302s are there as well, in addition to a squad of jumpers from Atlantis. They lay in ambush for the Ori fleet, and when the Ori arrive, a huge battle ensues. The battle fought in space is actually able to stay the weapons of the ships, but a few Ori ships do manage to land and offload soldiers. Land battles ensue, with no clear winner. The immense numbers of the humans are countered by the powers of the priors, though the anti-prior fields do help. The gate-based weapons are effective at dispatching the Ori ships, and the sheer firepower of the fleet simply overwhelms the shields of the Ori.

                          The space battle is still in the favor of the Ori, though. Very few Ori ships have been destroyed, compared to the allies ships vanquished. As it seems like there may be no hope, a new fleet of about 30 hatak emerge from hyperspace. When the Ori ships turn their weapons on them, the weapons do minimal damage. On the other hand, the hatak weapons actually do large amounts of damage to the Ori ships. The Odyssey gets a hail from the lead ship, and hear Anubis's voice come over, saying "as much as I despise the Tau'ri, I have come to your aid". The battle starts to swing in the favor of the alliance, with more and more Ori ships being destroyed.

                          All the while, there has been banter between Vala and Adria, about morals and **** like that. At this point, Vala says, "looks like you may not have such an easy victory after all". Adria replies, "You have yet to see the true power of the Ori".

                          As soon as she says this, bands of flame start to shoot out and swirl around the mothership. The flames swim around, disrupting incoming attacks and lashing out and destroying allied ships. Similarly, on the ground, the priors gain ridiculous power, and shields start forming around the Ori troops. In the ascended plane, Daniel charges up to Merlin and asks what’s going on, to which Merlin replies and points "look". An army of Ori are on the ascended plane, ready to wage war firsthand with the Ancients.

                          As the space battle again turns for the worst, Sam and Jack, (who were on the Odyssey), Tealc and Jonas (who were on the ground fighting), and Mitchell (who is flying an F302) determine that their only hope would be to take down the bigass Ori Mothership. Mitchell flies his modified F302 close to the ship, and uses the rings built in to ring him and SG1 on to the ship. From there, they proceed to attack from within, and try to make their way to the central core thing of the mothership. They proceed through the ship, killing, but are intercepted by Adria, who has come to stop them. Vala is with her. They reach an impasse, with guns pointed all over the place. Of course, Adria is in complete control, but she is still intent on spreading Origin.

                          Meanwhile, on the Ascended plane, a battle unlike anything seen before ensues. The battle is very bizarre, in that ancients fighting Ori fight with what appear to be normal weapons that constantly change shape. Projectiles fly out from all over the place. In the grand scheme, the Ori are slightly more powerful than the Ancients, and are slowly winning this battle.

                          Note that this point depends on how the Sangreal is handled in the series: Daniel pursues Merlin, and asks him where the weapon is/how to activate the weapon. Merlin tells him the location/explains it to him, but tells him that if he tries to go for it, the Ori will surely follow and stop him. Daniel proposes descending (again), to a normal human, but brings up a question as to whether or not the weapon will kill the Ancients as well. Merlin responds that, if reconfigured, it could be made to only kill the Ori, who exist in a different form of energy. Merlin says that once the weapon was in place, he could descend to reconfigure it. Agreeing on this, Daniel and Skaara descend and retrieve it. They gets back to Earth and radio Mitchell, asking where he is. Mitchell, in custody, is unable to reply, as he and the team are surrounded by Adria's guards. Daniel once again communicates through, and tells him that they have to get him up in to space. The team eventually disables the guards, and try to attack Adria, but she stops all of them. She is about to kill them, when Vala stabs her from behind, whispering, "I’m sorry". Adria, dies in her mother's arms.


                            Jack is able to ring the two up. Daniel holds the sangreal, which is quite small. Merlin then descends, and attempts to reconfigure it. The team comes under fire from soldiers of Origin, and a battle ensues in order to protect Merlin. Merlin is almost done, when actual Ori manifest themselves in their flamey forms, and are about to attack them, when Anubis's black form comes out of nowhere, leaps upon them, and stalls them. Merlin finishes the configurations, and activate the weapon. It glows with a white light, and all the Ori ships suddenly explode. On Earth, the priors all combust, and the Ori weapons stop working. And on the Ascended plane, all the Ori are seen dying, their flamey bodies imploding upon themselves. There is also a shot of Celestis, with the Doci screaming in defeat and Celestis collapsing.

                            Sg1 opens their eyes, and they find themselves on the Ascended plane, with Merlin. On the plane, the leaders of the Ancients commend them on their work, and acknowledge that their lack of foresight nearly led to the destruction of the galaxy. They offer SG1 a choice: stay ascended, or descend back to their normal lives. While Skaara decides to stay, the rest all decide to descend, with Jack summing up all their sentiments by saying "I think we still have some work to do before we're ready for this". Back on Earth, everything is resolved, with Jack and Sam getting together, and a conversation between Vala and Daniel about Adria, ending either in a new relationship between them, or Daniel heading off to Atlantis. Basically, wrap everything up, and have a nice SG-1 ending.

                            Roll credits.

                            After the credits, a short clip: a hatak out in space. Onboard, there are many Baals having a meeting about the destruction of the Ori. Suddenly, they get an alert telling them that something has breached their shields. As they start to get startled, Anubis’s black form flies in to one of the Baals and takes control. He says “You betrayed me once. You will not betray me again”.

                            The End

                            Hope you guys enjoy. Tell me what you think.


                              Hey einx359. I remeber reading your orriginal theroy on page 7 and this is obviously a modified version. At first the time travel and Daniel ascending again botherd me but the way you handled it was very well done. I think this is a very good idea and I like how you didn't use the time travel as a Ex Duex Machina. This could be a interesting way to go.
                              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                                Originally posted by einx359 View Post
                                Jack is able to ring the two up. Daniel holds the sangreal, which is quite small. Merlin then descends, and attempts to reconfigure it. The team comes under fire from soldiers of Origin, and a battle ensues in order to protect Merlin. Merlin is almost done, when actual Ori manifest themselves in their flamey forms, and are about to attack them, when Anubis's black form comes out of nowhere, leaps upon them, and stalls them. Merlin finishes the configurations, and activate the weapon. It glows with a white light, and all the Ori ships suddenly explode. On Earth, the priors all combust, and the Ori weapons stop working. And on the Ascended plane, all the Ori are seen dying, their flamey bodies imploding upon themselves. There is also a shot of Celestis, with the Doci screaming in defeat and Celestis collapsing.

                                Sg1 opens their eyes, and they find themselves on the Ascended plane, with Merlin. On the plane, the leaders of the Ancients commend them on their work, and acknowledge that their lack of foresight nearly led to the destruction of the galaxy. They offer SG1 a choice: stay ascended, or descend back to their normal lives. While Skaara decides to stay, the rest all decide to descend, with Jack summing up all their sentiments by saying "I think we still have some work to do before we're ready for this". Back on Earth, everything is resolved, with Jack and Sam getting together, and a conversation between Vala and Daniel about Adria, ending either in a new relationship between them, or Daniel heading off to Atlantis. Basically, wrap everything up, and have a nice SG-1 ending.

                                Roll credits.

                                After the credits, a short clip: a hatak out in space. Onboard, there are many Baals having a meeting about the destruction of the Ori. Suddenly, they get an alert telling them that something has breached their shields. As they start to get startled, Anubis’s black form flies in to one of the Baals and takes control. He says “You betrayed me once. You will not betray me again”.

                                The End

                                Hope you guys enjoy. Tell me what you think.
                                Wow, that whole thing was intense.
                                The Alliance is born!!!!

