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Wraith vs Ori?

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    The Ori shields are as strong as Atlantis shields? that seems a little overkill


      The Ori are all about overkill. But let's not forget that Wraith armor is highly, highly advanced - and it probably grows back. What they don't have in shields they make up for in armor. Let's not discount them because they have no shields. A wraith hive took a direct hit from a massively powerful naquadah enhanced nuke. It got damaged, sure, but it didn't blow up or anything. I think a lot of the damage done to that hive was actually from the Daedalus firing into its weak spots, IE, dart bays. The dart bays are apparently armorless when they are open, and firing railguns inside them caused a lot of collateral damage - one could say possibly more than the nuke.

      I'm not saying wraith hulls could withstand an Ori beam, but I'm not saying they couldn't either.

      Also, while there's no dialogue to support it, it seems that wraith weaponry is specifically designed to drain shielding.
      Last edited by Adrius; 30 July 2006, 12:09 AM.


        It's the same as has been said before;

        One on one the Ori Warships are superior to the Wraith. But they are so many.

        It would be exactly the same scenario as what happened in Pegasus. Except that instead of a shielded City it's a higher plane


          I have to agree on many posts here. Ori vs. Wraith 1on1 would end up in a victory for the Ori. The Hive ship is a large target which would be easy to hit with the main Ori beam weapon. Darts would be plucked out of the sky by the point defense weapons (which took out at least 3 Ha'taks).

          Besides that, i think both of them would want to send over boarding parties to each others ship, find out who they are and what they want. Imagine Wraith soldiers engaging in combat with Ori footsoldiers. I can tell you it would be messy...

          Anyways, chances that we will see that happening are slim to none. What i would like to see is how the Jaffa are doing in ground combat situations. They have the advantage of knowing the terrain and have tactics for it, so unless Ori footsoldiers can take keep taking hits form a staffweapon I wound't want to be a Ori footsoldier who takes on a bunch of angry Jaffa


            Originally posted by Freekzilla
            The Wraith are still no pushovers. Given the lower number of wraith hive ships than I originally thought, I don't think the wraith could beat the Ori. They still might be able to do some damage and maybe even take out a Ori ship or two, but not enough to win.

            And that is really too bad. For the show that is. It diminishes the threat to Atlantis with the wraith being so much weaker than the Ori, comparatively speaking that is. Think of the pickle we'd be in if the wraith and the Ori were equally powerful!!! But then again, we have the Asurans coming up. And we all know who and what they are. MUAHAHAHAHA! Now them on the other hand, I think could really do some damage to the Ori. But I'm not gonna reveal too much just in case there are those that don't know who they are.
            I still dont understand how you think a Hive ship could take out an Ori ship, even if there are many hive ships as the Ori ships arent exactly hard to maneuver
            as seen in S10 ep1, the Ori ship turned pretty easily and was still shooting, it even went down (as in pointing down to shhot a ship, now thats maneuverability)
            The Ori ships have superior shields as well as weaponry and just general size. The Asgard couldnt even do much damage against the Ori shields, so how is the Wraith with no shields at all on their hives and yes a large number of darts but
            the Ori have their cruiser things that look like they have the same kind of energy as the motherships (the glowy thing in the middle) so they would be more powerful than the darts


              If the Wraith weapons suck so much then how they were able to drain a ZPM within days? maybe they have different settings for their guns and used the maximum setting against the Atlantis shield wich at least MUST have endured a few petatons of enemy bombardment (that would explain the diference in their firepower between episodes) but then again in the battle against the Orion the hive fired several shots at the ship wich didnt appear to release more than a few kilotons.


                There were other ancient city in the P galaxy that was destroy by the wraith and i couldn't imagine how powerful a city with 3 zpm is.


                  ...this is riduculas what is ur basis for saying the ancients were not good tacticians or not very warlike??? none, you have none the ancients had several wars with the ori the wraith whos knows who else so it's basless to say they were poor warriors or anything like this the wraith over powered them with numbers and i'm sure they could do this to ori....why is everyone saying the wraith have 60 hives they could build more probably at a great rate plus they have 100's of cruisors the 60 hive figue was the number currently active and there could be alot i said before 4/5 hives to an ori mothership i don't care how powerful they seem to be the amount of firepower those wraith would be churning out would bring down those shields...
                  Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                    jaffa are poor shots lol they hardely hit anything...a hiveship could take atleast 3-4 hits from the ori weapon unless it hits the dart bay....and how long do you think an ori ship could take this...
                    Attached Files
                    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                      Originally posted by Buba uognarf
                      jaffa are poor shots lol they hardely hit anything...a hiveship could take atleast 3-4 hits from the ori weapon unless it hits the dart bay....and how long do you think an ori ship could take this...
                      Not long... the problem is that the writers change the firepower of the wraith ships almost every episode, in "the siege" they could drain a ZPM within days firing thousands of megatons of power to the shield but in "no man land" they fire on the orion (without its shields) and deliver only a few kilotons per impact


                        Hmm... You all here make very good points, who knows maybe the SGA or SGC will make a pack with the Wraith to help them defeat the Ori. But the producers explored the possibility of the bad guy cross-over in the pegasus galaxy(just not as I thought they would). But chea, they should do that Wraith vs Ori.


                          Originally posted by Gatman
                          Hmm... It's only natural that every good scienfiction series has their bad guys facing off against each other. Like in season 8 The Replicators vs The Goa'uld.

                          I read about the progency episode thing from Atlantis. Who knows maybe we'll see the return of the Replicators and maybe we'll see them go to the milky way galaxy(... again). And maybe even fight the Ori there, or have them fight the Wraith or something.
                          Now that their is an open gate to the MW the possiblitys are endless. speedy travel, wraith incurrsions etc....
                          Christopher H.
                          Stargate Atlantis Fan
                          WebSite Owner: Excellent Credit Cards


                            You have said the Ori would kill off their followers so the Wraith had nothing to feed on. WRONG. The Ori would simply kill off the Wraith.
                            Hallowed are the Ori.


                              Originally posted by Ori Warrior
                              You have said the Ori would kill off their followers so the Wraith had nothing to feed on. WRONG. The Ori would simply kill off the Wraith.
                              They can't interfere, they can ask their own people to kill themeselves, or simply leave them to die, but they can't go and kill the wraith.


                                Originally posted by Sauron18
                                They can't interfere, they can ask their own people to kill themeselves, or simply leave them to die, but they can't go and kill the wraith.
                                They can't interfere in the MW, what's to stop them in other galaxies?
                                Hallowed are the Ori.

