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Season 10 - Promotional Photography

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    Originally posted by GatetheWay

    the atlantis ones look real sg1 i think there had to cover them up alot ther aren't that old are there jeeeeezz people just take picstures and print them without spending hours to fix all the flaws!/Solar_wind84



      Claudia Black, as she normally appears, and after being attacked by evil Photoshop fairies...

      Ditto for Christopher Judge....

      Hmm, maybe I should change Shep's signature from "no one touches the hair" to "no one Photoshops my face!"


        Originally posted by prion
        it took me a minute to realize why Chris Judge looked so odd... he looks like someone ODed him on Botox. NO facial expression whatsoever.

        Scifi, please talk to the people who photoshopped these images and tell them we like human beings, not department store mannequins!
        I second this!


          Originally posted by Capt.Mal Reynolds
          the atlantis ones look real sg1 i think there had to cover them up alot ther aren't that old are there jeeeeezz people just take picstures and print them without spending hours to fix all the flaws
          I really like the Atlantis ones better. They look more natural and not photoshopped to death. I really hope that some better SG-1 ones are on the way.


            Originally posted by prion

            Claudia Black, as she normally appears, and after being attacked by evil Photoshop fairies...


            Ditto for Christopher Judge....


            Hmm, maybe I should change Shep's signature from "no one touches the hair" to "no one Photoshops my face!"
            Oh... UGH... it's just blatant bad Photoshop!! And yeah, I agree about CJ...


              Originally posted by prion

              Claudia Black, as she normally appears, and after being attacked by evil Photoshop fairies...


              Ditto for Christopher Judge....

              Hmm, maybe I should change Shep's signature from "no one touches the hair" to "no one Photoshops my face!"

              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                It's not the "casual look" that bothers me as much as the horrible airbrushing done on the photos. SO completely unnecessary. I didn't even recognize Claudia Black. She literally looks plastic. WTF is SFC doing this to these cast photos? They nearly ruined the BSG ones last season. The new Atlantis ones are nearly overdone, and now this.

                Close out Photoshop, put the mouse down and walk away. If they must do these to the cast photos, hire someone with better skills in Photoshop, and the knowledge that less is more.


                  Originally posted by tamrinm

                  I do find it interesting that while Vala is "paired" with Daniel on the show, she is in a promo picture with Cam. It just goes to show that they are trying to play up the Farscape conection to the show. I have to admit that is a pet peeve of mine. It's like Stargate can't survive without Farscape.
                  I'm a FS fan AND a fan of Ben and Claudia and their John/Aeryn roles and it's a pet peeve of mine too (although they do look fabulous in the photo together). Still, I'd prefer that they not pair them up like that. It ignites that whole FS/SG1 antagonism which I'm tired of.

                  Then looks like Cam is paired with everyone--Landry, Sam and Vala, then with the two guys, Daniel and Teal'c. The boy does get around, doesn't he.

                  That being glasses. Yes! I hope he keeps them. I want Vala's blue jeans and that green top. The photos, while a bit overbrushed, are still lovely. I think the cast is in the running for prettiest on TV, right on par with "Lost" (and much better groomed ) LOL!

                  ETA: one of you guys mentioned that Claudia Black was almost unrecognizable--I'd have to agree. I think she looks a LOT better in the production stills from "Flesh and Blood".

                  And LOL about the Battlestar photos. There was a great thread on Live Journal poking fun at those photos last year.
                  Last edited by esoap524; 13 June 2006, 07:36 PM.


                    Originally posted by JessM
                    I really like the Atlantis ones better. They look more natural and not photoshopped to death.
                    Exactly- I thought Torri Higgensen especially was way overdone last year, but this year she looks great. I really like the Atlantis photo (but still, they should let Rachel wear something a little more natural). They look like people! Unlike the SG-1 photo which made me think of a wax museum.....

                    Oh well, as long as these photos don't reflect the quality of the show I'm all game for season ten!


                      Originally posted by prion
                      it took me a minute to realize why Chris Judge looked so odd... he looks like someone ODed him on Botox. NO facial expression whatsoever.

                      Scifi, please talk to the people who photoshopped these images and tell them we like human beings, not department store mannequins!
                      Of course Chris Judge has no facial expression he's in 'Teal'c mode'. Has Teal'c ever been known to constantly smile from ear to ear? Also, has it ever occurred that these are the characters and not the actors that are in these pictures--characters that are not in their uniforms; but instead in regular clothes?

                      Also, what's with the 'they don't look normal or real' mess? I bet if they were shown au natural with eye bags, pimples, 5 o'clock shadows, greying hair and facial lines, people on here would be like "Ewww, he or she could've looked better than that". "Why didn't she use concealor on those eyes."

                      That's people for you. Can't ever see the positive in ANYTHING. Always leaning towards the negative----everytime. Sigh.


                        Originally posted by tamrinm
                        I do find it interesting that while Vala is "paired" with Daniel on the show, she is in a promo picture with Cam. It just goes to show that they are trying to play up the Farscape conection to the show. I have to admit that is a pet peeve of mine. It's like Stargate can't survive without Farscape.
                        She's also in a pic paired with Sam. Does that mean Sam/Vala ship?


                          Originally posted by ping-pong
                          That's people for you. Can't ever see the positive in ANYTHING. Always leaning towards the negative----everytime. Sigh.
                          Or maybe it's because we like the people behind the plastic mask more then the plastic mask...

                          It's not negative when you want to see a person, and not someone's talent (or lack of) in airbrushing.
                          Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                          Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


                            But this site does tend to be negative about just about everything. It's hard to ignore that about this fandom and this site. Sigh. I wish it weren't so.


                              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                              She's also in a pic paired with Sam. Does that mean Sam/Vala ship?
                              lol!! Well, knowing Vala...

                              Or, because Cam is in the picture with, I can't say it.


                                Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
                                But this site does tend to be negative about just about everything. It's hard to ignore that about this fandom and this site. Sigh. I wish it weren't so.
                                Sure people are negative, but tbh it still shows that they care... And yes, sometimes people are over critical - more so then I tend to think is required. I tend to ignore that, or I ask them why.

                                I just don't think it's negative wanting to see the actor and not the shell. Sometimes I think people see negativity where there is only difference of opinion.
                                Last edited by Deevil; 13 June 2006, 08:15 PM.
                                Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                                Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.

