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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    there's no one there to say 'umm, did ya realize that the emperor is butt nekkid?????'

    they were kids, cut loose in the candy store and, i feel, indulged themselves in all those things they hadn't previosly been allowed to do, then just couldn't accept it when thier vision of 'good and wonderful' didn't mesh with others

    In many cases, it wasn't that it was necessarily horrible, just so radically different from what we were used to that it turned a lot of people off
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
      Re Gekko and 'quality control': here's an excerpt from a 2001 CINESCAPE interview with Martin Wood during the filming of Season 5 in which he talks about Michael Greenberg and his value to the production of SG1:

      Behind The Scenes
      GATE Crashing - Part 2
      Series director theorizes on what makes the show so popular

      Ultimately, however, the overall success of a series boils down to its staff. The key players behind the production bear a tremendous responsibility for maintaining the high level of quality that has characterized the series from the start. It's a very clean production, says Wood. A lot of that is Michael Greenburg. He is quality control for the show, and nobody on the set knows production like Michael does. He has spent 25 years doing this. A lot of times when you've done something, Michael will go, 'You call that a shot?' That's all he says and your whole world falls apart. And you pick up the pieces and put it back together like you meant to do it.

      Wood also notes that, as with the actors, having Greenburg overseeing production allows the director to take the kinds of risks that help enrich the series. Michael is good at letting you do anything you want to do, says Wood. That's why we have rotating directors, because Peter [Deluise] and I get away with murder on this show. As episodic directors, we get away with murder. We do our own thing a lot of the time knowing that that quality control is right behind you. And that shows up on the screen. When fans watch, they watch with a very critical eye.

      When Wood recently ventured (for the second time) into the world of feature film for the forthcoming THE IMPOSSIBLE ELEPHANT he gained a whole new appreciation for Greenburg's insight.

      Doing the movie, I called back to Michael and said, 'I wish you were here because I need that little voice beside me,' says Wood.

      Btw, Gekko Film Corp. (Michael Greenberg and RDA) ceased involvement with SG1 at the end of Season 8.

      this entire thread in a nutshell.
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        That's it in a nutshell. There's no "little voice" when you're the writer, producer and director.
        Apparently when you're a self-appointed 'triple threat', the only 'little voice' you need is the one in your own head...



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          that's cause there's no team in s9 and 10, it's a band
          Yeah a band of soloists

          I miss my team


            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            Apparently when you're a self-appointed 'triple threat', the only 'little voice' you need is the one in your own head...

            Love the sig! Nice job with photoshop.

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
              Apparently when you're a self-appointed 'triple threat', the only 'little voice' you need is the one in your own head...
              It is possible though ... if you have split personalities.

              Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


              Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
              Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                If anyone here has been reading JM's blog-did you notice that on his 1/10/08 note he referred to "Stargate Command" and "Atlantis" when he was talking about the shows.
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  nah, don't read his blog.

                  but doesn't surprise me. coop was making a whole new show, skiffy just won't let him rename it to accurately reflect the changes
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    nah, don't read his blog.

                    but doesn't surprise me. coop was making a whole new show, skiffy just won't let him rename it to accurately reflect the changes
                    Seeing as how Stargate Command didn't last that long

                    my fanfic


                      you know though. had it been TOTALLY new. I mean TOTALLY.

                      no stargate, no established characters, just a funny dwama in space, it might have stood a chance.

                      But by taking chocolate and swapping it out with broccoli, while still labeling it as chocolate, they changed it just too much for the market to tolerate.

                      all the cheese sauce in the world couldn't disguise it
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        all the cheese sauce in the world couldn't disguise it
                        Cheese and chocolate? Gross.

                        Talk about a mixed metaphor. Nice.
                        Tilting windmills since... well... too long ago to remember...


                        My portfolio and repository:


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          you know though. had it been TOTALLY new. I mean TOTALLY.

                          no stargate, no established characters, just a funny dwama in space, it might have stood a chance.

                          But by taking chocolate and swapping it out with broccoli, while still labeling it as chocolate, they changed it just too much for the market to tolerate.

                          all the cheese sauce in the world couldn't disguise it
                          Great analogy - especially as folks are always trying to hide or disguise broccoli with cheese sauces!

                          I, however, like broccoli (with or without cheese sauce), but I detest brussel sprouts (those tiny little nasty sulfurous cabbages that are generally served buried under some kind of sauce that never manages to mask their flavor). So, that makes Seasons 9 & 10, brussel sprouts for me, buried under cheese sauce. Perfect. Perfectly horrible.

                          Seasons 1-5 = that's OK as the chocolate.

                          Seasons 6-8 were... different types of chocolate, some that were good, some that were OK, and some that were too experimental for me


                            Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                            If anyone here has been reading JM's blog-did you notice that on his 1/10/08 note he referred to "Stargate Command" and "Atlantis" when he was talking about the shows.
                            They were stating in early season 9 that it was to be renamed Stargate Command. Wonder what the show would have been if they took off a year and did it right...instead of swapping candy and cheese.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            nah, don't read his blog.

                            but doesn't surprise me. coop was making a whole new show, skiffy just won't let him rename it to accurately reflect the changes

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            you know though. had it been TOTALLY new. I mean TOTALLY.

                            no stargate, no established characters, just a funny dwama in space, it might have stood a chance.

                            But by taking chocolate and swapping it out with broccoli, while still labeling it as chocolate, they changed it just too much for the market to tolerate.

                            all the cheese sauce in the world couldn't disguise it
                            Making the show as a new show with new actors would have been more appealing than what we got. Sam could have been brought to SGA even earlier--since they didn't know what to do with her.

                            Teal'c and MS could have been around for guest appearances. Imagine, Action Jackson could have been a whole new character played by a different actor. I still would have hated the character but at least Daniel would have been left for the most part intact.

                            Originally posted by Silverwings View Post
                            Cheese and chocolate? Gross.

                            Talk about a mixed metaphor. Nice.
                            Ah, the new flavor of cheese...chocolate cheese. They could even dip it in chocolate sauce and call it...fondue.

                            Originally posted by astrogeologist View Post
                            Great analogy - especially as folks are always trying to hide or disguise broccoli with cheese sauces!

                            I, however, like broccoli (with or without cheese sauce), but I detest brussel sprouts (those tiny little nasty sulfurous cabbages that are generally served buried under some kind of sauce that never manages to mask their flavor). So, that makes Seasons 9 & 10, brussel sprouts for me, buried under cheese sauce. Perfect. Perfectly horrible.

                            Seasons 1-5 = that's OK as the chocolate.

                            Seasons 6-8 were... different types of chocolate, some that were good, some that were OK, and some that were too experimental for me
                            Alright--don't knock my brussel sprouts...I love the tiny cabbage heads...drenched in butter(real butter not that artificial stuff). I detest cooked spinach though. A million bucks couldn't make me eat that seaweed. Also can't stand sour kraut.

                            best veggies I've found are:

                            deep fried zucchini sticks, mmm--dipped in ranch dressing.
                            portabella mushrooms, cooked on the grill with olive oil, salt and pepper and served on a bed of rice with brown sauce. Vegetarian steak.
                            brown sugar glazed carrots with a dash of vinegar.
                            cooked cabbage with corned beef
                            rice stuffed green peppers
                            squash with brown sugar and butter.

                            now if I could only get my kid to her vegetables.
                            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                              if stargate command had starred ben, plus 3 totally new characters and, like you said, taken a year off to really make it right...well it still wouldn't be to my taste over all, but i would be more forgiving to see a 'new show that i don't like' instead of 'show i fell in love with warped into a travesty of itself'

                              I think, overall, fans wouldhave been a lot more forgiving had they not tried to keep milking the franchise
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i would be more forgiving to see a 'new show that i don't like' instead of 'show i fell in love with warped into a travesty of itself'
                                Exactly - a new show, a new series, with new and different characters - I could take it (if I liked it) or not (if I didn't like it).

                                But taking and distorting SG-1, a show I used to like, into their new show - something I hate - they've pissed me off, because their new SG-1 contaminates and poisons my enjoyment and appreciation of the original SG-1.

