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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Coley View Post
    I remember reading somewhere that Brad Wright says Continum ends up changing the timeline for good. I'm praying that means erasing seasons 9 and 10. Then we can have movies with the Original 4 in.

    Sighs wistfully
    Maybe they can at least erase Unending. The Asgard can give us the tech they're using in Atlantis but not have been killed off by the bloodthirsty PTB.
    ((( )))


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      Well, a lot of the ideas are pretty common to SciFi in general. On the other hand, I think we may have seen fewer of the "inspired by something else but then given the creative Stargate twist" than we did previously. Of course S9 & 10 weren't really Stargate...

      I do think there should be a moratorium on time travel & alternate reality episodes. I think 2 per run would be quite sufficient. DS9 went crazy with the alternate universe stuff imho.

      A "good old days" comment: With being home today I've been able to watch much of the SG1 marathon on SciFi. I couldn't help but make comparisons to the "new" show. In "Orpheus" Teal'c gets captured & Sam remains concealed rather than charging in and attempting a rescue while he's being whipped. She's dying to do something, but O'Neill orders her to stay put and she obeys and probably realizes that charging in won't really work. It's painful to let Teal'c suffer, but it must be done until a new plan that *will work* can be devised.

      Now put Cambo in there either in JAck's or Sam's place. HE'd go charging in without thinking it through and probably risk the whole operation.

      Actually, probably not. They'd have the Bad Guys fear the WASP LMAH studliness that is Cambo and throw down their weapons in terror.


      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        Maybe they can at least erase Unending. The Asgard can give us the tech they're using in Atlantis but not have been killed off by the bloodthirsty PTB.
        ((( )))
        Happy New Year Jckfan(666). I resurrected the Sam/Thor thread in your (and Thor's) honor!

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          works for me

          jack is in the shower and seasons 9 adn 10 never happened

          What did I miss?
          Nothin' much, you say.
          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


            nope, nothing at all
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              The origin for the Ancients in 9+10 makes absolutely no sense. If they're from a completely different galaxy, how did we end up virtually identical to them, enough to have the exact same genes? That's effectively impossible from any realistic science, the only explanation would be that they played god and genetically engineered humanity. Given their very own alternate origin from 9+10 with the Ori, that seems equally impossible as they would refuse to do anything of the sort.

              The origin from 1-8, that we all accepted for almost 8 years, seems much more plausible. The Ancients were the first evolution from Earth, their civilization developing in the Milky Way somewhere between 50 million and 10 million years ago. I can buy that. Humanity (homo sapiens) are the second evolution with our evolution in the most recent millions of years, and our civilization only in the last 10,000. We're drastically similar to the Ancients, because we're from the same planet and evolved from the same type of primates. Maybe a bit unlikely, but possible and much more believable.

              Vote NO for 9+10!


                Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post

                I'm thinking that it's all Felger's fault. He futzed with those chairs from Gamekeeper and Avatar and Cam is really himself!
                *runs off to dig up my old S9 banners*
                *dusts 'em off*

                Kinda sums up S9 & 10 quite well


                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  Happy New Year Jckfan(666). I resurrected the Sam/Thor thread in your (and Thor's) honor!

                  Yay! That puts me in a happy mood so I can be myself (jckfan55) again.
                  We had quite the fun thread going there for a while. Sam and Thor curled up by the fireside, Thor in his slippers....

                  ETA: and even happier since seeing Zoser's Jack in a towel photo. happy sigh
                  Last edited by jckfan55; 18 January 2008, 04:17 PM.


                    I can't remember if this was mentioned or not. I was reading the most recent issue of the Stargate magazine - the one with the interview with Joe M.

                    He was explaining why Sam was such a good fit as Atlantis Commander. (Relax, this has bearing on S9/S10.)
                    Joe Mallozzi:
                    She has good experience with the Replicators who the Stargate:Atlantis expedition have been up against. She's the Milky Way's top scientist so she has that. Plus, Carter has the military and leadership background. She's shared a co-command with Mitchell.
                    Er, what happened to Sam leading SG-1 in season 8? I'd call that much more experiece than the so-called co-leadership of the team with Mitchell. Though I must say her experience being on a team with Mitchell *and* Vala - the equivalent of herding cats - would certainly make leading the Atlantis expedition - even with McKay's blather - seem like a breeze.

                    Still, it just solidifies my opinion that tptb are ignoring canon to foster an 'ain't this great' facade.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by suse View Post
                      I can't remember if this was mentioned or not. I was reading the most recent issue of the Stargate magazine - the one with the interview with Joe M.

                      He was explaining why Sam was such a good fit as Atlantis Commander. (Relax, this has bearing on S9/S10.)
                      Joe Mallozzi:

                      Er, what happened to Sam leading SG-1 in season 8? I'd call that much more experiece than the so-called co-leadership of the team with Mitchell. Though I must say her experience being on a team with Mitchell *and* Vala - the equivalent of herding cats - would certainly make leading the Atlantis expedition - even with McKay's blather - seem like a breeze.

                      Still, it just solidifies my opinion that tptb are ignoring canon to foster an 'ain't this great' facade.

                      See if they ignore that she was already in command then they don't have to explain why the experienced and qualifed woman is replaced by an unqualified and inexperienced male noob who demonstrates at every step exactly why he SHOULDN'T be on the team let alone leading it.

                      Uh Oh I can feel a Lt Col Greenie rant approaching
                      *shuts mouth tightly*
                      *gets off soap box*

                      I'll say it with pictures instead



                        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                        See if they ignore that she was already in command then they don't have to explain why the experienced and qualifed woman is replaced by an unqualified and inexperienced male noob who demonstrates at every step exactly why he SHOULDN'T be on the team let alone leading it.

                        Uh Oh I can feel a Lt Col Greenie rant approaching
                        *shuts mouth tightly*
                        *gets off soap box*

                        I'll say it with pictures instead

                        That was my thought also. Bet any questions asked about it would never be answered...

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by Coley View Post
                          I remember reading somewhere that Brad Wright says Continum ends up changing the timeline for good. I'm praying that means erasing seasons 9 and 10. Then we can have movies with the Original 4 in.

                          Sighs wistfully
                          I dream my dreams but don't expect them to come true.

                          *sighs too*

                          In memory of Deejay.
                          May we all be so well loved.


                            Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post
                            Here's a place for all of those that think Season 10 of SG-1 is a horrible idea, to express why they feel there is no hope for the show to go on.
                            Because season 10 is long since in the can, it's hard to fully be in the spirit of this thread but, as a newbie here, let me give it a shot.

                            I lost Sci-Fi channel in a local Comcast shuffling of channels (just recently picked it up again switching to a big $$$ digital package) so I'm typically playing DVD catch up on SG-1 and SGA (mostly renting but I'm starting to buy SG-1 seasons).

                            I'm not sure I belong in the "complaints only" line but I don't strictly fit the "pro" line either. In fact, I've straddled both sides of this fence for some time.

                            Like most series that work, a cast creates a chemistry that can't easily be replicated so the original SG-1 cast will always be foremost in my heart. I had a very hard time adjusting to Michael Shanks departing for a time mid-way through SG-1's historically long run. The actor who replaced him was fine. In fact, if the shoes had been reversed with Corin Nemac being an original cast member and Michael Shanks being the replacement who knows maybe I'd resent Michael. Character chemistry is an odd phenomenon.

                            Segue to season 10 (and, naturally, season 9 that started the mess). The reality is a television show lasting 10 seasons is a rare thing. Cast members have careers and lives so they move on. Worse for me than season 9 and 10 with new cast members was watching the series try to linger on by dragging along a reluctant Richard Dean Anderson. General O'Neill never worked well, IMHO.

                            So they do a smart thing in trying to revive the series with new cast members. Being a bit of a Farscape fan, Ben Browder seemed like a great pick. His wisecracking character on Farscape isn't all that different Jack O'Neill. Plus, Ben's an actor you immediately like on screen.

                            Yet, I found season 9 hard to watch. It's not all Ben's fault. There's Beau Bridges to adjust to as well. Fine actor. Hollywood-wise, Beau's probably the bigger star but Don was part of the original SG-1 magic. They tried to build Landry's character by adding a family subplot line but Hammond worked far better without us knowing much about his personal life. What's to know? He's a general and he needs to be a strong leader. Landry lacks military bearing, IMHO.

                            If this weren't enough change we get the Ori. The Goa'uld were pretty creative bad guys. The Ori aren't. Lazy writing, IMHO. The stereotypical rip on religion. The Book of Origin reads like the Bible. Priors walk around with canes like Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments. Yawn.

                            One could argue it's following the same Goa'uld theme since the "false gods" fit hand-in-glove to ancient Egyptian religion and mythology. True. But that only makes the idea even more lazy. Plus, the Goa'uld plot line still was far more fascinating.

                            I just added season 10 to my collection and viewed it for the first time. With everyone like David Letterman doing top-10 lists, I can safely say that season 10 fits in my top-10 list of best SG-1 seasons.

                            Seriously, while season 10 isn't my favorite - I'll always much prefer the seasons will the original cast in tact in their original roles (i.e., no General Jack for me) - the new cast is growing on me. Hopefully, I'll be able to pick up season 9 in a few months to watch it a 2nd time. Maybe I've adjusted enough to appreciate it.

                            Call me a glutton but I haven't yet had my fill of SG-1. I could have tolerated a season or two more with the new cast, especially if they'd gone back to their sci-fi roots and done more exploring of the galaxy. Even pre-Browder, the Earth-based conspiracy episodes with The Trust and other internal threats (e.g., Maybourne) weren't the best, IMHO. I don't watch sci-fi for generic Earth-based drama. The space war stuff with the Ori had cool visuals of ships blowing up in space but we've seen this stuff so many times before it just isn't enough. Good sci-fi is much more than bad guys with ray guns.

                            The good news for a SG-1 addict such as myself is it will live a bit longer as direct to video movies. Even better, I understand the Ori plot thread will terminate with the first one. I look forward to the next arc and hope SG-1's creators have some renewed inspiration that won't disappoint.

                            On the down side, "Unending" was so tedious and unsatisfying for me to watch I've got to wonder if there is any hope. Maybe I expected too much but if it was an attempt to further develop the characters it was obviously way too late to pull that off in a series-ending episode (even considering we'll get at least 2 movies) and not nearly as developmental as it could have been. In the case of Daniel's over the top tirade against Valla, it really hurt my understanding of the character.

                            OTOH, the only alternative for an SG-1 addict is Stargate Atlantis. It's a series I really tried to like but I found the pilot weak and the first season disappointing. I catch the odd episode every now and again and must admit the series is growing on me. I may soon take the plunge and run through the seasons on DVD.

                            The good news is, unlike the original Star Trek, we got a long run with SG-1 so we're not stuck wondering what might have been.


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                              *runs off to dig up my old S9 banners*
                              *dusts 'em off*

                              Kinda sums up S9 & 10 quite well
                              that is great! Oh my, I can actually see that as an actual ep. Instead of resetting the timeline in continuum, they make a movie with Fledger being behind the whole mess.

                              Sam is still a major and Jack is still a colonel. They wake up and realize the scientist is behind it all..including making Daniel into an ass so fledger looks better than normal.

                              I wonder which writer fledger is based on?

                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              I can't remember if this was mentioned or not. I was reading the most recent issue of the Stargate magazine - the one with the interview with Joe M.

                              He was explaining why Sam was such a good fit as Atlantis Commander. (Relax, this has bearing on S9/S10.)
                              Joe Mallozzi:

                              Er, what happened to Sam leading SG-1 in season 8? I'd call that much more experiece than the so-called co-leadership of the team with Mitchell. Though I must say her experience being on a team with Mitchell *and* Vala - the equivalent of herding cats - would certainly make leading the Atlantis expedition - even with McKay's blather - seem like a breeze.

                              Still, it just solidifies my opinion that tptb are ignoring canon to foster an 'ain't this great' facade.

                              JM must not consider season 8 to be part of stargate...along with any other season prior to season 9.
                              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                                Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                                that is great! Oh my, I can actually see that as an actual ep. Instead of resetting the timeline in continuum, they make a movie with Fledger being behind the whole mess.

                                Sam is still a major and Jack is still a colonel. They wake up and realize the scientist is behind it all..including making Daniel into an ass so fledger looks better than normal.

                                I wonder which writer fledger is based on?

                                JM must not consider season 8 to be part of stargate...along with any other season prior to season 9.
                                I'm afraid to know. I wanna know who Martin is based on...

                                You don't really think anyone will admit to the wonder <<gag>> that is s9/s10/AoT being in any way less than stellar? <<--rhetorical question

                                OT: It snowed for 9 hours yesterday. And we got...a dusting on the grassy surfaces and cars. What a weird snow. Not even any ice. Thanks God. Good thing the temps that are here now weren't here yesterday... Bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

