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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by tsukasa14
    I remember in one of the episodes, he mentions that he leads no one having the same rank like Sam. Leaving the leadership to Sam is merely a further step to take and I'm sure a man like him can do it.
    Oh, I'm sure that he would adjust but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't have problems with it.

    One thing I could see him worrying about was his place on the team. Sam would be the leader and their science/tech expert, Daniel would be the cultures/languages/diplomatic expert, Teal'c is a skilled warrior with at least seven or eight decades worth of combat experience and Vala, in addition to the knowledge she gained from Qetesh, knows a fair bit about the Lucian Alliance, has unsavoury contacts across the galaxy and experience of life in a village under Ori rule - what does Mitchell bring to the team that none of the others already provide? As leader, even if in name only, he is unlikely to be transferred away from SG-1. Without that role, he becomes expendable and is likely to be the first on the chopping block if one teammember needs to be transferred.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by ReganX
      Oh, I'm sure that he would adjust but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't have problems with it.

      One thing I could see him worrying about was his place on the team. Sam would be the leader and their science/tech expert, Daniel would be the cultures/languages/diplomatic expert, Teal'c is a skilled warrior with at least seven or eight decades worth of combat experience and Vala, in addition to the knowledge she gained from Qetesh, knows a fair bit about the Lucian Alliance, has unsavoury contacts across the galaxy and experience of life in a village under Ori rule - what does Mitchell bring to the team that none of the others already provide? As leader, even if in name only, he is unlikely to be transferred away from SG-1. Without that role, he becomes expendable and is likely to be the first on the chopping block if one teammember needs to be transferred.
      You forgot that Mitchell has the enthusiasm of youth. If I get to choose between killing him off and having him transferred away, I'd choose the first option since it makes an impact. But there is no need to swing the axe. He can be the inexperient member who follows, learns, respects and shares the sentiment. Plenty people will be happy to see him on screen.


        Originally posted by tsukasa14
        You forgot that Mitchell has the enthusiasm of youth. If I get to choose between killing him off and having him transferred away, I'd choose the first option since it makes an impact. But there is no need to swing the axe. He can be the inexperient member who follows, learns, respects and shares the sentiment. Plenty people will be happy to see him on screen.
        You wouldn't hear me objecting if Mitchell kicked the bucket, but I think that there needs to be some conflict, especially over the leadership issue and that's one of the reasons why I'd be interested in seeing Mitchell cope with losing command, with feeling like a fifth wheel on the team and wanting to prove himself, maybe doing something reckless to do so.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by AGateFan
          By "some ingenious means" you do not mean "beams out in the nick of time" do you? You actually mean some ingenious means like the olden days when they had to think of a way out... maybe steal a couple gliders (whatever ori's use) after dropping a couple of gernades into the heart of the ship.... oh wait we did that, and it was done so well the the first time I rather they come up with a NEW ingenious way of escaping....that doesnt involve beaming.
          I was going for the broad picture rather than little details. My little scenario was meant as an alternative way to the current situation in the series. It's not even a fanfic plot. As long as D, S and T, it's okay to me even if TPTB decides to rely on the more than convenient beaming technology again.


            Originally posted by ReganX
            Unfortunately, its too late to do that. An interesting variation would be if Sam was promoted to full colonel and took command because she now outranked Mitchell.

            Mitchell would have been in command of SG-1 - in name, if nothing else - for the best part of two years, only to lose that position. How would he, who has acknowledged that he cannot command any of the team, react if he saw that Daniel, Teal'c and even Vala were listening to Sam and heeding her instructions as they never did his, and showing far more confidence and trust in her as a leader?
            You know they had all of season 8 to show Sam in command of Sg-1 and establish her as the leader. Then in S9 they break up the team, so the can rebuild it under Cam. I think TPTB were taken off guard by the fan reaction to Cam being placed in charge instead of Sam. Thus the back peddling to co-leadership. I just don't think they were ever interested in having Sam in charge of SG-1.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              Originally posted by tsukasa14
              You forgot that Mitchell has the enthusiasm of youth. If I get to choose between killing him off and having him transferred away, I'd choose the first option since it makes an impact. But there is no need to swing the axe. He can be the inexperient member who follows, learns, respects and shares the sentiment. Plenty people will be happy to see him on screen.
              I have to say it, even though I've said it before and I'm sure people are sick of hearing me talk about him. But, anyway, then they really should have just brought back Jonas because that was his role on the team, and he did it really well.


                Originally posted by Amanda Eros
                I have to say it, even though I've said it before and I'm sure people are sick of hearing me talk about him. But, anyway, then they really should have just brought back Jonas because that was his role on the team, and he did it really well.
                Jonas' duties cross that of Daniel. It doesn't make sense to have two archeologists in the first contact team so unless Daniel ascends the third time, Jonas won't have a chance.
                Last edited by tsukasa14; 09 October 2006, 06:22 AM.


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  You know they had all of season 8 to show Sam in command of Sg-1 and establish her as the leader. Then in S9 they break up the team, so the can rebuild it under Cam. I think TPTB were taken off guard by the fan reaction to Cam being placed in charge instead of Sam. Thus the back peddling to co-leadership. I just don't think they were ever interested in having Sam in charge of SG-1.
                  nope they weren't-they were also too busy trying to remake Sam into "the girl" and we all know that "girls" can't lead top commando teams. heavens, whatever would happen if she broke a nail?
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by AGateFan
                    Many never watched the show before CB. So from their perspective Sam was replacing Vala.

                    Many admit that they dislike the show prior to S9 and then they call us stupid and not "true fans" for not liking S9. But if the show had to CHANGE to make them like it then it makes since that I would not like it.

                    If they disliked previous seasons and now like S9 then obviously it has changed enough for that to occur. If it changed enough for someone that didnt like the show to start liking it then obviously it changed enough for those that did like the show to stop liking it.
                    I was talking to another fan who loves Vaniel and she told me that she felt Daniel was getting "stale," that he has had some new life breathed into him these past two seasons and she thinks that Vala has had a lot to do with it. To each their own, but I prefer my Daniel on the "stale" side.


                      Originally posted by saberhagen83
                      Ugh horrible. My guess is that they are serious Claudia fans, new fans that haven't watched/seen the show before she joined. I suppose they are quite happy to have Vala front and center now.
                      Yeah, seems like it from what I saw. I had one of them antagonizing me at that forum (mostly in the form of PMs) because I dared to not profess any love for Vaniel. I was told that she was a huge Claudia fan who just followed her over to this show.


                        Originally posted by Amanda Eros
                        Going back to when I was taking Theater classes, I remember being told that the actor must become the character, and that they should not be consious of anything going on outside of the set. Becoming the character is living though the characters personality quarks, and not trying to change them because they do not match your own. The instructor gave a great example
                        from when he was in college learning the trade. He had to come out on stage wearing a towel, however he looked embarrassed. His professor stopped him and asked him why did he look like that, and he replied that he didn't want to accidentally drop the towel. The professor asked him about the set, and it was a bathroom, etc. The main point is that when his professor asked him would his character be embarrassed about dropping his towel in his own bathroom. The answer was 'no'. So the actor should not either.

                        I don't know which is harder becoming a character in front of a live audience or with cameras all over the set with retakes and everything like that. My point in this post is that the actor's personality shouldn't influence the way their character behaves. Yes, there is interpretation of the script, but it should be done with the thought, 'how would this character feel about it?' I don't know if this makes sense or not. I'll stop now.
                        Very interesting and it does make sense. When you put it like that, it makes me wonder if MS didn't like Daniel very much? It seemed that he played him straight off the way he was supposed to be (as far as characterization goes) the first few seasons, and then after he descended it was like "MS in Daniel's Clothing". I thought I heard that he got tired of playing Daniel that way and I guess I could understand if the character change was a slow, natural evolution type thing, but the Daniel of S9-10 is such a stark contrast to the one of S1-5 (or S1-3?) it feels like it happened overnight.


                          Originally posted by ReganX
                          At least it's not going to continue past Season Ten - I shudder to think what kind of damage TPTB would do with an extra twenty episodes to play with.
                          Ugh, me too. And I hate to think what damage they could do with several tv movies or a miniseries.


                            Originally posted by tsukasa14
                            Jonas' duties cross that of Daniel. It doesn't make sense to have two archeologists in the first contact team so unless Daniel ascends the third time, Jonas won't have a chance.
                            The funny thing is that he worked on the Naquadria project and was a special advisor to his country's leader. He took over Daniel's role because that was the spot that was avalible on the team. He worked well with Sam, and he was using the scientific knowledge he gained to help construct that underground drilling machine in Fallout. He could basically do what ever needed to be done. Heck, it would only take him half the time it took mitchell to read though all those sgc reports!
                            I heard something about Daniel going Prior or what not. That would be a great time to bring him back. Daniel finding out what happened to him, did he go prior too, is he dead, is he in a resistance movement? Though we'll never find out.


                              Originally posted by JessM
                              Yeah, seems like it from what I saw. I had one of them antagonizing me at that forum (mostly in the form of PMs) because I dared to not profess any love for Vaniel. I was told that she was a huge Claudia fan who just followed her over to this show.
                              Dare I hazard a guess at who that might be.


                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


