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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by AGateFan
    Yep, plan C.... works every time.
    School is overrated.


      Okay. I'm a week behind on both shows. (Satellite is out, had to get a someone else to tape and pick up after vacation.) I just tonight watched the season openners. <yawn> SG-1 in particular was one of the looooonnnnggggest hours of Stargate I have ever watched. Not bad exactly. If the next two eps follow this course I won't be ticked off at the show (well, I will be about what they are doing - or more accuratelynot doing with Sam) I'll be bored off the show. And yes I snarked. But not as badly as at Cam-a-lot.
      Wow! No sexual harassment of Daniel!

      Lots of flushing noises. Got several snorts from those watching with me.
      I wasn't very happy with that whole editorial of Mitchells at the end about how "I" will beat the Ori. Whatever. Expected, but what-e-ver. There is no "I" in "team". I'm sure he learned that in football and again in basic. And likely several other places besides.

      back from vacation to a place with no phones or even clocks in the rooms. Gotta love North Carolina. Lots of family time though.
      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by Albion
        The sad thing for me is, reading between the lines of what he's been saying recently, I think RDA might have been happy with taking a year off, a la MS, and coming back to the show revigorated for S10. Ah, hindsight. Wonderful thing. He does seem to be regretting leaving for good, now that he's had time to think about it and a chance to rest up. But of course for the BAB that ship has long since sailed and there's no way they'll demote their Golden Boy in favour of having Jack back.

        Re the ratings. If they are poor then I suspect that Sci-Fi will pull the plug long before anyone got the chance to change/improve/correct the mistakes.

        oh yeah. 12 or so shows are already in the can. There is no time to fix anything before it is far too late. They are past even the mid-season break.

        I feel bad for the people that will lose their jobs over this. Except the ones that deserve it of course.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by The Engineer
          You really are skeptical and cynical.
          And usually right. Unfortunately.

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            I think TPTB may be holding back the good episodes.


              Originally posted by Mr Prophet
              Besides, the Lucian Alliance are all about the capitalism, which is just the sort of thing the US government would be likely to get behind. Lots of conflicts of interest.
              Yes I suppose the space mafia is capitalistic. And they are already drug running. All they need to do is get into prostitution and gambling. Popcorn anyone?
              I can't stand the Ori. At all. But what do I know? If I can't see the greatness of the Ori storyline I must not like change. It surely can't have anything to do with the writing. /sarcasm.

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by ses110
                I think TPTB may be holding back the good episodes.
                Why on God's Green Earth would they hold back the good eps? The need them to drag the show out of the mire! Too late.

                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  I was Being sarcastic.If TPTB do have good epsiodes now is the time to show them before it's too late.


                    Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                    Oh, the hewo was piloting all right. Seat of the pants in the pilot's seat, hand on the stick, explaining to Emerson and the pilot (not asking if he could try his idea, mind, telling them what he was doing as he did it) fending off the Asgard's complaints, reassuring Sam, giving Kvasir orders...

                    You'd never have known Odyssey is Emerson's ship. Definitely Cam in command.


                    Evil woman. When i read pants, hand and stick I went decidedly non PG.

                    I totally agree by the way.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      I was Being sarcastic.If TPTB do have good epsiodes now is the time to show them before it's too late.
                      Missed that. Okay!

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by golfbooy
                        I'm glad I'm not the only one put off by this. I've seen the writers do this on Atlantis before with Sheppard, but never on SG-1 do I remember them disrupting the narrative of their story so that a character can soliloquize a "cool" rejoinder to the audience. In that scene Cam isn't talking to anyone in that room. He's talking directly to the viewers. It's such an artless way of telling what you want the audience to think, rather than actually conveying it with the episode (which I think was done well enough to begin with). I was appalled at it, frankly, and found that it only contributed to the disappointing ending of Flesh and Blood.

                        Yup. I was miming playing the violin in the background. <yawn> I..I..I. There is no "I" in "team".


                        ETA: Believe it or not I hadn't read the other posts where the "I in team" comments were made. GMTA!
                        Last edited by suse; 22 July 2006, 07:49 PM.
                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          [QUOTE=Simhavaktra]Others have, even others in the 'Stargate Family' - so there's certainly no law of nature to preclude the possibility that an actor, even Ben Browder **could** speak up in public. [/qoute]

                          Amanda told RCC that although Vala front & center is well and good he needs to remember the other character interactions. I likely will not be around to see if that particular conversation bore any fruit.

                          And criticism can be constructive and not mean. Though apparently not by me at this point about SG-1.

                          <smirk to Spaz> We never did have that conversation at Shore Leave did we?

                          [insert Tweetie bird voice, and paraphrase] You don' know me verwee well do you? [/insert Tweetie bird voice, and paraphrase]

                          <snip of Simi>

                          Don't think I do forget - RDA is even more missed as an executive producer in some locales than he is as an actor.
                          Wow! I'm a locale!

                          What? The part of the fandom that wants logic, intelligence, good writing, believable characters, team interaction, less reliance on cliches, good characterizations of the characters as they grow, consistency, competence (in the characters, the research, the science, the plotting, the direction), recognizable military protocol, fewer plot devices and deus ex machina moments, showing the stories instead of telling them, less wisecracking, a refusal to unknow what's already known to be known, a thinner and less obtrusive veneer of adolescent fantasy, more use of the Stargate itself in the show of that title, a better depiction of the Air Force as an organization of professionals who hold themselves to high standards, less resemblance to Tripping the Rift and more resemblance to Stargate?

                          There's beauty in that small segment of the fandom.

                          Or are we discussing the part of the fandom to which the writers all too often seem to subscribe - the one where they apparently want Cameron Mitchell to be SG-ME, the be all, end all, and do all, the ultimate 'cool guy they want to be', and the one and only male character of importance on the show? I think that faction's probably numerically smaller than the aforementioned one.
                          Well as we still don't have numbers for SG-1 I'd gather more than a few people have decided that they don'y likr the way the story is going either. So decided not to show up for the telling. I promised 3 eps. We'll se. So far S10 is an "Eh..." Not hideous but certainly not good. Unfortunately bored = suse does not watch. So that's not good. Nothing to even rage at.

                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Well, maybe these are just delirious late-night ramblings, but I didn't think tonight's episode (or even last week's, for that matter) were all that bad. The show wasn't really moving forward, but it wasn't moving backward either. Still, Cam has a hell of a lot of kinks to work out. He's slightly more tolerable now, but they need to omit all the hero dialogue and his resolute "I'm the leader, watch me lead" lone facial expression. He doesn't have the seal of approval yet.

                            Shockingly, this is the second week in a row that Vala has made me chuckle (this time, when she was trying to compliment the shrink). She definitely hasn't become a worthwhile character yet, but I've got enough of a shred of hope to hold on a while longer. Everything feels kind of dead-in-the-water now, but at least it's not actively repulsing me, like most of season nine did.

                            Here's hoping for a moderately painless Atlantis crossover, next week. Oh and, with all due respect to the wonderful Robert Picardo, I'm starting to have my fill of Woolsey.
                            Jewel Staite Thunker | Secondary Women of SGA Thunker
                            Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show and I should really just relax."


                              I don't see why people are freaking out if it ends.

                              The show should have ended after season 6, but that's my opinion, it's now in it's 10th, it won't go on forever if you are insane enough to think so or not.
                              I haven't seen anyone freaking out. I've seen a discussion of possible poor ratings and some speculation on what that might mean. Shockingly enough, kind of what I tend to expect in a discussion forum.

                              Oh and, with all due respect to the wonderful Robert Picardo, I'm starting to have my fill of Woolsey.
                              I had my fill of Woolsey several episodes back. I enjoyed his first couple of appearances and am a fan of RP, but I never thought the character was that interesting or had enough to say to merit his return all these times since. As a spoke in the wheel of the SGC, he's definitely no Kinsey or Simmons.

                              Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                              Richard Dean Anderson


                                "Some people would feel that personal integrity involves loyalty more than it involves giving critical interviews."

                                I know I am playing catch up and Madeline you where refering to the loyalty by the actors but your statement above hits the nail on the head for me regarding my biggest issues with the current SG1.

                                What appears to be the lack of loyality by TPTB for the orignal actors,fans and the show itself. Just my opinion of course...................

