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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    the ending in the ark of truth;

    was a carbon copy of the ending in unending. The last scene was the looking at the team, standing at the ends of the ramp. The lines were different but very much the same. The lines were about how there are still more planets to discover in their own galaxy and how the gate was a great little ta-do.

    the ending was just cliché.

    would have been better if they ended it with the inside view of the wormhole or the beginning sequence from the series.
    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


      the ending of Barf of Twuth just felt artificial.
      I'm a sucker for the team going through the gate--heck I love the credits of the series where we see them go through the gate at the end--but that was with the "real" team. In the movie, the whole thing inspired a "yeah, whatever" feeling in me.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i'm not disputing the point, however there was no way for that convo to continue with out the movie thread descending into circular arguments about social situations

        IMHO, right now the only way to 'save' the franchise would be to start it over with some fresh blood and fresh ideas.

        which aint' gonna happen
        I wonder if the new series might be a whole new direction definitely fresh blood. I think Amanda made a good decision getting out when she did.

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        Ok, I couldn't help myself. I watched Ark of Truth. I've (dare I say) religiously avoided spoilers & reviews. My thoughts.
        It is ho hum and yet overblown. It feels like a regular episode but with odd little "epic" bits thrown in like Teal'c's walk over the mountains. Goldsmith's score is beautiful, but really in my mind serves to point out (like some of the shots), that what RCC obviously intended to be a *big movie* really isn't. Being made forcefully aware that "here's a big shot" is not the way to keep the viewer in your world. It jars the viewer out of the experience. I've seen better paced and tension filled regular episodes than this. I was very tempted to fast forward in spots.
        Maybe a lot of my problem is that I used to care about the characters. sigh
        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
        the ending in the ark of truth;
        I agree the whole scenery was spectacular and then the story was just blah and the Cam/Replicator thing awful I bought the movie to support Stargate and in the hopes of more and better movies. I don;t mind Vala as much and the scenes with her and Tomin were the best part of the movie I can't deal with new Daniel he has changed too much and Teal'c walk was great but I just didn't care by that point to much left unsaid and no character interaction Amanda tried with Cam but you have to have someone to act against so it fell flat. Terminator/Cam fight was boring and unecessary they didn't even go into the whole why the ancients decided not to use the Ark in the first place really wierd I didn't get it. Nor do we find out how Adria survived again lots of flash no real explanations for anything. How did Merrin get into the restricted area wasn't anyone keeping an eye on him? *oops I forgot who was in charge he couldn't lead or supervise to save his life*

        was a carbon copy of the ending in unending. The last scene was the looking at the team, standing at the ends of the ramp. The lines were different but very much the same. The lines were about how there are still more planets to discover in their own galaxy and how the gate was a great little ta-do.

        the ending was just cliché.

        would have been better if they ended it with the inside view of the wormhole or the beginning sequence from the series.
        I agree in unending it made sense everything back to how it was but in AOT it was like what is going to happen now and it was never answered well.
        Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


          I notice RCC says something in his interview on GW along the lines of "some people want everything explained but that's boring." I wonder if that's a knock on fans who had problems with S9 & 10. I'd usually be the first to agree that I don't need everything explained. Glaring gaps in logic and almost totally unexplained things like Sam's leaving the SGC, giving Mitchell command, etc I think are more laziness or a "like it or lump it" attitude.

          Oh and another think about AOT.
          what was with having flaming Adria walk in circles? I think RCC was going for some cool effect & maybe the predator circling prey or something? but it just made me dizzy & made me try to analyze *why* he had her do it, not have any ominous feeling or anything.
          perhaps the mark of an inexperienced director.


            The arks of truth could have been a 2 parter in the series. never needed to make this over rated and not so grand movie. I would rather tptb wrapped up the bori in the beginning of season ten and had the rest of the season to wrap up old forgotten story lines.

            Instead of the events of unending and the asgard demise. The rest of season 10 could have been a direct effort to help the Asgard or at least earn the technology given to us. The show could have had a few nox eps, tokra, tollens could be rebuilding their civilization. Could have asked Jack, Jacob, Janet back for the final along with Hammond.

            The final IMO should have had all the cast. From Skaara and Sha're to Vala.

            I would liked to have seen Daniel spend time with Shar'e or have one last day with her. (Of course V/D shippers would have a fit)

            I would have liked to have seen resolution to the Sam/Jack puppy love situation.

            I would have liked to have seen Sam get her father back...even for one day.

            I would have liked to have seen Jack get his son back...even just temporary.

            I would have liked to have seen Earth earn it's statues as the 5th race.

            Vala and Cam have real meaningful scenes together. Sam have more than 2 words to say to Daniel.

            Teal'c and Bra'tac fighting side by side and fully establishing their new government.

            Oh, so munch missed opportunity. Season 10 could have gone out with a record bang instead of a whimper.
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              I notice RCC says something in his interview on GW along the lines of "some people want everything explained but that's boring." I wonder if that's a knock on fans who had problems with S9 & 10. I'd usually be the first to agree that I don't need everything explained. Glaring gaps in logic and almost totally unexplained things like Sam's leaving the SGC, giving Mitchell command, etc I think are more laziness or a "like it or lump it" attitude.

              Oh and another think about AOT.
              what was with having flaming Adria walk in circles? I think RCC was going for some cool effect & maybe the predator circling prey or something? but it just made me dizzy & made me try to analyze *why* he had her do it, not have any ominous feeling or anything.
              perhaps the mark of an inexperienced director.
              Everything explained would be boring BUT having too many WTF situations just makes the viewer dizzy.

              The circling...ya know...I never thought about it. Adria had such a limited role in the movie she just seemed blah and dry to me. The flaming thing was a mere distraction.

              Kind of like Daniel's visions. Not enough to make me even really care about it.

              the ark was this box that could brainwash people. big deal!

              Vala had a few funny lines and that was about it.

              Tomin had potential but that was squandered. Not to mention the big plot hole about how tomin went against the prior to save Vala in season 10 and then seems to be right back to being a believer.

              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                The arks of truth could have been a 2 parter in the series. never needed to make this over rated and not so grand movie. I would rather tptb wrapped up the bori in the beginning of season ten and had the rest of the season to wrap up old forgotten story lines..
                I'm not so sure about all the forgotten storylines you mention, but I do agree that they could have wrapped up the Bori either early or certainly by the end of S10. RCC said something like "there wasn't time" to wrap it up. I can think of a few S10 episodes that could have been jettisoned...


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  I'm not so sure about all the forgotten storylines you mention, but I do agree that they could have wrapped up the Bori either early or certainly by the end of S10. RCC said something like "there wasn't time" to wrap it up. I can think of a few S10 episodes that could have been jettisoned...

                  I recall that excuse too. Instead of wrapping it up he had tons of stand alone eps that were useless and stupid. Bounty anyone?

                  Just cause the script is written doesn't mean the shots have been filmed. He had plenty of time to rethink things. The cancellation came BEFORE the mid season break...correct me if I'm wrong on that.

                  I do believe tptb were too busy having FUN to be concerned with quality.
                  Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                    I recall that excuse too. Instead of wrapping it up he had tons of stand alone eps that were useless and stupid. Bounty anyone?

                    Just cause the script is written doesn't mean the shots have been filmed. He had plenty of time to rethink things. The cancellation came BEFORE the mid season break...correct me if I'm wrong on that.

                    I do believe tptb were too busy having FUN to be concerned with quality.
                    I would like to have seen something other than Family Ties too.


                      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                      I recall that excuse too. Instead of wrapping it up he had tons of stand alone eps that were useless and stupid. Bounty anyone?

                      Just cause the script is written doesn't mean the shots have been filmed. He had plenty of time to rethink things. The cancellation came BEFORE the mid season break...correct me if I'm wrong on that.

                      I do believe tptb were too busy having FUN to be concerned with quality.
                      I believe that sums up all of the problems of s9 and 10

                      my fanfic


                        Well, after reading the first released premise to Stargate Universe I must say it doesn't really sound all that interesting. Sounds to me like it will be about a ship more than about the gate.

                        Going to be a trek knock off IMO.

                        The one thing Stargate didn't need...another ship.
                        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                          Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                          Well, after reading the first released premise to Stargate Universe I must say it doesn't really sound all that interesting. Sounds to me like it will be about a ship more than about the gate.

                          Going to be a trek knock off IMO.

                          The one thing Stargate didn't need...another ship.
                          Yea, that's not looking like my cup of tea either

                          my fanfic


                            I've been biting my tongue about SGU since I first read about it.
                            Oh good, another spaceship based show, how... original. If they aren't interested in the Stargate any more they could call the show something else.

                            Yeah, right...


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              I'm not so sure about all the forgotten storylines you mention, but I do agree that they could have wrapped up the Bori either early or certainly by the end of S10. RCC said something like "there wasn't time" to wrap it up. I can think of a few S10 episodes that could have been jettisoned...
                              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                              I recall that excuse too. Instead of wrapping it up he had tons of stand alone eps that were useless and stupid. Bounty anyone?

                              Just cause the script is written doesn't mean the shots have been filmed. He had plenty of time to rethink things. The cancellation came BEFORE the mid season break...correct me if I'm wrong on that.

                              I do believe tptb were too busy having FUN to be concerned with quality.
                              I seem to remember them saying something like SG-1 would go out on their terms, not Sci-Fi's. So they created an (Un)ending and (imo) wrote the last several eps that really went nowhere.

                              Cancellation came well after mid-season break. Amanda was on break during Shore Leave (July 2006) and the first ep was due to air the following week. So it was at 4 eps after the break. and I *think* they were a bit over halfway done at the break. That would put them 14-15 eps completed with perhaps the last 5 eps to film. Certainly the last 4 eps really sucked and those would be after cancellation. Well, Bounty was before that and that's in a class all it's own.

                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                                I've been biting my tongue about SGU since I first read about it.
                                Oh good, another spaceship based show, how... original. If they aren't interested in the Stargate any more they could call the show something else.

                                Yeah, right...
                                I remember when only the aliens had ships. tptb have trekked the whole franchise. What was once a thoughtful, entertaining, unique show is now just another run of the mill sci-fi show. The stargate is wallpaper that can be converted to a plot device.

                                Might as well drop Stargate from the franchise name...but then they wouldn't sell any new toys. The term franchise is over used for this group of spin offs.

                                Originally posted by suse View Post
                                I seem to remember them saying something like SG-1 would go out on their terms, not Sci-Fi's. So they created an (Un)ending and (imo) wrote the last several eps that really went nowhere.

                                Cancellation came well after mid-season break. Amanda was on break during Shore Leave (July 2006) and the first ep was due to air the following week. So it was at 4 eps after the break. and I *think* they were a bit over halfway done at the break. That would put them 14-15 eps completed with perhaps the last 5 eps to film. Certainly the last 4 eps really sucked and those would be after cancellation. Well, Bounty was before that and that's in a class all it's own.

                                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.

