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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
    Not to mention what message they sent with Thor's big bang there.
    Don't even get me started on that.

    One of universe's most advanced races and the best solution they can come up with for their problem is mass suicide? And no one tries to stop them or talk them out of it?

    What were TPTB thinking?

    I will now return to the land of denial where Thor and the Asgard are safe and sound, where Vala is a strong independent woman, and where Daniel is still basically an honorable and decent man. In short, a universe where "Unending" (and many parts of Seasons 9 and 10) never occurred.


      Originally posted by ReganX View Post
      Not exactly an ideal message to be sending any impressionable young girls watching.

      As far as I am concerned, I haven't been impressed with the message TPTB have send about woman since Chimera. As a parent of teenagers, I was embarrassed about most of Vala's remarks in S9.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        Originally posted by Rogue View Post
        As far as I am concerned, I haven't been impressed with the message TPTB have send about woman since Chimera. As a parent of teenagers, I was embarrassed about most of Vala's remarks in S9.
        It was the remarks, the attitude, the demeanor, the clothes, the... aud nauseum.

        She was supposed to be a strong leader-dealt with having a Goa'uld, an a&& for a father-and what did we get????? a porn star!
        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
          It was the remarks, the attitude, the demeanor, the clothes, the... aud nauseum.

          She was supposed to be a strong leader-dealt with having a Goa'uld, an a&& for a father-and what did we get????? a porn star!
          My daughter likes Sam. Sam is someone she could relate to. But Vala, she won't watch any ep with Vala in it. Same for me.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            because, i guess, tehy just can't wrap their minds around

            successful woman
            fun woman

            all being in the same body.

            seriously, as much as i like sam and jack ship as an element of the show, teh way it has been handled has just been poor. poop or get off the pot boys. you can't build this relationship up and then just ignore it cause 'dang, once we recolve it what will we do then?????'

            they tick ship fans off by not resolvinig it in any way. they tick non-ship fans off when they DO mention it. Sam, once jack was written out of the, coop really had no idea what so ever to do with her if he couldn't play the 'ooh, ship' card.

            he had no idea what to do with vala if he couldn't play up the sex appeal. every time she tried to be something more he demoted that in favor of yuk-yuk jokes and potty humor.

            the potential for vala was tremendous. after almsot 10 years we could finally address the ex-host aspect that they've ignored with sam. we could finally see the other side of the coin, that all goa'uld aren't horrible and mean and that there are and were 'innocent bystanders' that were caught up in the tau'ri/goa'uld war.

            we could have had so much. but it seems that - under coop's leadership - women are nothing more than accesories for the males and are completely disposible once their 'hewos' are gone

            consciously or not, he seems to have a mental image of women as subordinant, weak, good for nothing more than sex and jokes, and nothing more than half of a male
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              because, i guess, tehy just can't wrap their minds around

              successful woman
              fun woman

              consciously or not, he seems to have a mental image of women as subordinant, weak, good for nothing more than sex and jokes, and nothing more than half of a male

              and yet....

              I was gonna snark off a comment, but the one that instantly came into my brain was going to be way below the belt and hit on his personal life-and well, we do have rules about that.

              We are aware that he does manage to pull a rabbit out of his hat, every now and again, as he did write some pretty good stories-but somehow he managed to lose whatever grounding he had when he was put in charge.

              Do they change that much in their attitude when they go from writer to master of the universe?? or was he held in check when he was just a grunt and when he became chief cook and bottle washer, the real guy cane out?
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                and yet....

                I was gonna snark off a comment, but the one that instantly came into my brain was going to be way below the belt and hit on his personal life-and well, we do have rules about that.

                We are aware that he does manage to pull a rabbit out of his hat, every now and again, as he did write some pretty good stories-but somehow he managed to lose whatever grounding he had when he was put in charge.

                Do they change that much in their attitude when they go from writer to master of the universe?? or was he held in check when he was just a grunt and when he became chief cook and bottle washer, the real guy cane out?
                I think a major part of the problem was trying to turn Stargate into a comedy! That is exactly how they wrote season 9 and 10...especially 10. A clich'e comedy.

                When they decide to write Stargate as a drama they do much better over all.

                Coop made the mistake of trying to make the good guys funny and turn the Goa'uld into a joke. It's one thing to write something and it just turns out humorous by accident but when you are purposely trying to be funny you will have a group who thinks your comedy is funny and many others who don't share your sense of humor.

                Cooper's attempt to be serious was with his bori and I think he even got bored with them. She he started top play with his new toy, Vaniel.

                The few eps where they wrote Vala in a serious light were actually good. Like her interactions with Tomin. Instead of having her face her past she makes jokes about it in the rest.

                Never, ever did Vala apologize to anyone in the SGC for PU which could have been part of her--please accept me speech--which we never got.

                We got--wink, wink, nudge, nudge, isn't that funny?

                Then there is the claim that Daniel needs Vala to shake up his world--that's why she acts like that. Well, that's just bull pucky. Daniel had enough to shake up his world without the vamping.

                Vala needed to be a serious, strong, independent character. To "tone Vala down" all they had to do was lay off the sex jokes and the pig tails.
                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                  The few eps where they wrote Vala in a serious light were actually good. Like her interactions with Tomin. Instead of having her face her past she makes jokes about it in the rest.
                  You'll notice that, for the most part, when she is interacting with Tomin, Daniel is not present.

                  I see Vaniel as the problem more than Vala herself.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    To quote a famous Dr. "Oh the pain, the pain"

                    We just had the episode where Vala's father gets mixed up with SG-1 and
                    ends with her and Samantha having drinks in Vala's room.

                    What a god awful episode...
                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                      To quote a famous Dr. "Oh the pain, the pain"

                      We just had the episode where Vala's father gets mixed up with SG-1 and
                      ends with her and Samantha having drinks in Vala's room.

                      What a god awful episode...
                      Ouch! I think that episode made it pretty clear that the writers just didn't consider logic and realism fun anymore.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        because, i guess, tehy just can't wrap their minds around

                        successful woman
                        fun woman

                        all being in the same body.

                        seriously, as much as i like sam and jack ship as an element of the show, teh way it has been handled has just been poor. poop or get off the pot boys. you can't build this relationship up and then just ignore it cause 'dang, once we recolve it what will we do then?????'

                        they tick ship fans off by not resolvinig it in any way. they tick non-ship fans off when they DO mention it. Sam, once jack was written out of the, coop really had no idea what so ever to do with her if he couldn't play the 'ooh, ship' card.

                        Well, "in Coop's defense" Amanda didn't want Sam/Cam ship so poor, old Coop simply didn't know what to do with her character


                          Originally posted by silkie View Post
                          Well, "in Coop's defense" Amanda didn't want Sam/Cam ship so poor, old Coop simply didn't know what to do with her character
                          And of course getting some new writers who did would have been just plain daft!

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by Melora View Post
                            Don't even get me started on that.

                            One of universe's most advanced races and the best solution they can come up with for their problem is mass suicide? And no one tries to stop them or talk them out of it?

                            What were TPTB thinking?
                            What about making new non-cloned bodies? They can store minds after all.
                            Or they could have explained that they decided not to go down that road. Or that the minds were failing or any number of things. Think of the story possibilities of actually *dealing* with the Asgard, whom we've come to know (and dare I say, love) over the last number of years instead of killing them off just so RCC has toys to play with.


                              Originally posted by Melora View Post
                              Don't even get me started on that.

                              One of universe's most advanced races and the best solution they can come up with for their problem is mass suicide? And no one tries to stop them or talk them out of it?

                              What were TPTB thinking?
                              Probably that they wanted SG-1 (or maybe just Vaniel) to have free and full access to Asgard tech for Ark of Truth.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by silkie View Post
                                Well, "in Coop's defense" Amanda didn't want Sam/Cam ship so poor, old Coop simply didn't know what to do with her character
                                Thank God AT put her foot down on that one.

                                The thing is for the first 6 1/2 seasons, Sam was about way more than her love life. I had no objections to the *idea* of exploring a love life for Sam or any of the other characters if it was done tastefully & didn't become a soap. If I want a soap I'll watch a soap. Unfortunately the writers couldn't seem to handle it. I think I would have preferred to believe some great relationship stories had just hadn't had a chance to be told than to see the mess they actually came up with. Sam-Pete, Vaniel. shudder. I'm an anti-shipper, but by the end I was willing for them to just resolve the Sam-jack thing. That's how aggravating they were.
                                Maybe the writers should have just acknowledged their weaknesses.

