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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
    Hell, they should just go one step further and add laugh tracks to season ten.

    they should. I mean, it's the only laughs they get...from anyone over the age of 15 that is
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Mesenet
      Won't need to. After annoying them for a couple of hours, the Ori would return him back to us as punishment for not following the path of origin.
      hey, that's how TPTB act, we either love and adore and gush about it....or we can just go away...cause you know, Origin - ie thier show - is the bestest thing in the world that those unbelievers taht can't see it, well they just don't deserve to watch now do they???
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Simhavaktra
        And, in the latest copy of the SciFi magazine, they finish with their usual 'mini-editorial' in which they say that they're trying to attract more female viewers (not women, note, but female viewers). Why does it not occur to them that showing women in strong, well-written, realistic roles might help achieve that goal? Probably for the same reason that I see people saying that Vala is realistic, and I boggle at how two such radically different universes as theirs and mine can actually communicate electronically. It's always more difficult to recognize wishful thinking when it's your own, and I think the Stargate PTB-Continuum displays a particularly acute handicap in that regard.
        well, if the're trying to attract women they're doing an abyssmal job of it. The changes i've seen, the silliness, vala, cambo, sex jokes, bare cleavage, plot holes, bombs, butts and boobs.....those are things meant to attract MALES, young males at that, not females.

        They're making Lethal Weapon and then wondering why the Titanic viewers don't tune in.

        they HAD a ton of female viewers a couple of years ago. who have gotten sick and tired of the boobs, butts, bombs and sheer juvenileness of the 'new and improved' show.

        Unless, of course, rob in his infinite wisdom thinks that turning Sam into a soap opera character is gonna attract females
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Rogue
          lol, they might not notice he was gone.
          It's like when that painful embarrassing itch is gone - it takes a while to notice.
          Last edited by Zoser; 28 March 2006, 06:11 AM.
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            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
            Oh, BTW... Martin Gero made the mistake of "polling" the audience to find out what they thought of the Ori. There was a lackluster response to "Who likes them?" followed by a resounding "Booo!" to "Who doesn't like them?"

            He seemed surprised, but maybe that was just me. He quipped, "I guess they'll get defeated pretty quickly then." But alas, I'm sure that's just more Gero humor. *sigh*

            Good to know that the majority hates the Ori, though. Maybe fans aren't quite so gullible after all.
            Well that's encouraging.

            Maybe they'll get the hint?

            My LJ


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              You know I felt the same way about PU, I never liked that ep. So when they brought Vala back in S9 my not liking the character had nothing to do with her "taking over" Sam's role, it had to do with a poorly developed character. I mean how long are you supposed to stomach a character like that.
              As for humour, I think they were telling you "Hey this is funny, you should be laughing"
              At least the humour in S1-8 fit into the scenes, you laughed when you felt it was funny, not when the "Lugh Tracks" told you to. An yes SG1 was a drama with appropriate funny moments.
              I've had so-called 'fans' of the "new fargate" tell me as much. When I complained about Vala's jokes about her baby being Daniel's during the S9 premier, I was told I had no sense of humour and didn't I KNOW that they were joking about her having been on Farscape, yadda. Its so patently obvious they were pandering to those fans in the beginning. (I did like the joke about the gene pool, though! )

              I hated PU, I watched it from behind my own hands. Truly cringeworthy in my book.

              So when they brought her back for the S9 premier it had nothing to do with Carter. I actually felt tears well up halfway through the ep because it was just so LOW compared to what the show used to be.

              It was especially sad because on one of the DVDs special features I remember one of the TPTBs saying something about 'inviting the characters of the show into your living room' week after week. LIVING room. Not BED room. NOT toilet-room. Of course if you're not even old enough to own a house I guess it doesn't matter....but I agree, they've thrown out the 'Bible' they created in previous seasons. If they think that's what 'females' like me want in our 'living rooms' well, I got a river in Egypt they should check out.....

              I'm sure as Ne'tu not letting my kid watch eps like that - even hubs doesn't want to watch.
              If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
              proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
              Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

              Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                Originally posted by Strix varia
                Well that's encouraging.

                Maybe they'll get the hint?
                All sarcasm aside - that's one of the things I like about you, Strix - hope springs eternal. Its a leap of faith, but I've leapt before with this show. Of course I've fallen in a crap-filled ditch, but hey, I'm a longtime fan. Its what I do. Its WHAT i do. Its what I DO!
                If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                  Originally posted by suse
                  I finallt figured out whay I associated Vala's sexual "humor" with Farscape. She's a Chiana clone! Tight lowcut boostie leather, using sex to get what she wants, a thief... Stargate PTB didn't create a new character, they just did a brain transplant on two Farscape characters.

                  Oddly enough, I found Chianna absolutely hilarious.

                  A friend of mine has a great way of looking at shows that I have adopted. As long as the writing is good and the show does not break its own universes rules she can accept almost anything. It's only when the shows "bible" is ignored that the show goes down the tubes. So while in was in keeping with Farscape to have scantily clad potty-mouthed sneakthieves work as main characters, for Fargate - I mean Stargate - that will never work.

                  You know that's right - but like you I liked Chiana but I despise Vala. There was almost a little girl vulnerablity and a tough as nails side to Chiana that I don't see or do not like in Vala.
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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                    Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                    All sarcasm aside - that's one of the things I like about you, Strix - hope springs eternal. Its a leap of faith, but I've leapt before with this show. Of course I've fallen in a crap-filled ditch, but hey, I'm a longtime fan. Its what I do. Its WHAT i do. Its what I DO!
                    Clearly you skimmed over the long rant(s) about me having lost all hope...

                    But, yeah, I'll cling wistfully to any promising tidbits that are thrown our way...

                    My LJ


                      yeah, they are two totally different characters. Chiana had this manic madness abuot her while vala.....vala simply manipulates. and while i can acknowledge the whole 'doing what i have to to survive' aspect, i still don't care for the fact that that type of personna is put forth as some sort of admirable trait while a female that behaves with honor and dignity is dissed because, well she's not as much fun. (and i've spent too much of my life surrounded by 'incompetant friend of a friend who gets the choice job' or 'the female whose only qualifications for the raise is how short her skirt is' to have much patience for the same type of characters/attitudes put forth in the show)

                      to me, vala in PU could have stood had her s9 appearances not been so OTT as well. If they knew that she was going to be a part of the show - and all indications are that they did - then they should have developed her more evenly, brought forth that vulnerability sooner. Downplayed the fun sexpot and naughty humor and brought more angst to the fore. made her more like Aris Boch or Harry Maybourne

                      instead the boys indulged themselves and have, imho, totally destroyed the character. Whatever they cook up to justify her in s10, i doubt it'll ever be enough to fully explain her abrupt and sudden change of heart.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        They want to attract more female viewers???? This is how they are going about it? Really--I am stunned at their idiocy. Moving past the obvious with all the sexual inuendo--females are somewhat romantic and LOYAL creatures.

                        Do TPTB have no woman in their lives? Parking AT in favor of CB is going to attract females how?
                        Oh wait--I get it--the romance--its all there as clear as day. BB and CB = romance, or so they hope.

                        I still find it astounding that they think the farscape fans are enough. I dont think I will ever get it.
                        However, given some recent reading--TPTB do now know that they are in trouble with fans and it may effect the bottom line.

                        Do they care--NO.


                          RDA is back for the 200th episode and a few more in season 10. They say his role in the 200th episode will be substantial and not a cameo. He is also going to guest star on SGA.

                          Well they need it--the ratings for the finale came in at 1.9 and the overr all for S9 was a 1.8.
                          Not good.............

                          What do you all think?


                            now i cant be 100% sure because im a guy, but I would have thought that females would respond better to AT/Sam because it shows that females can be clever, intelligent and attractive without being all sexed up like Vala. or have I got that completely wrong?

                            anyway, here are the final ratings for S10, figured that since I started it I may as well finish eh

                            SG-1 had a period of about a month where ratings were just really low, and things only really picked up towards the end, but that might be less to do with quality of the episode than it is the fact that it was the season finale

                            SG-1 S10 average rating - 1.8
                            Atlantis S2 average rating - 1.9
                            BSG S2 average rating - 2.0

                            to be expected no?

                            anyone know what the season average for S7 and 8 were?
                            - Simon

                            "Life. Its far more important than what you do for a living" - RDA

                            "It's crazy cool!" - AT

                            My Site:

                            (Update: GABIT AT2 Convention report uploaded)


                              Uh, "The Scourge" got a 1.6, not a 1.5.
                              And, "Camelot" tied with "Lay down your Burdens, Part II," both got a 1.9.


                                ^ about the same IRC, anyways, here we go:

                                S10, well, its gonna get worse. Yes, the details for the episode that could well be the final landmark are in, and yes they have frakked it up. Wormhole X-treme has done so well in dvd sales they are gonna make a movie (not in the slightest bit origional, but they are going for that angle, I think) so we are going to get a follow up to the terrible Wormhole X-treme. Even RDA at his best wont be able to save this one.

                                There have been "rumors about the Furlings being considered for episode 200" which of course, some people think means, "we will see them, they will make us their allies and save us from the Ori and have us round for tea and bisuits with the Ancients and the Asgard while we do some stupid dare as our initiation as the 5th race" and now this comes up, I wonder what the movie will hold, a crappy attempt at making the faux SG1 of Wormhole X-treme world meet the Furlings? Thats my theory any how. *sigh* and I was actually hoping for a good 200th ep
                                Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                                - Joss Whedon - Equality Now

