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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    vala was great, before she became daniel's girl toy.

    once she was relegated to 'daniel support....excuse me Jackson support' she just turned into a cliche.

    she was a waste of the character's potential, a waste of claudia's potential and, well something sad. i wish she'd have been written better. i wish coop could have dragged his ideals out of puberty. i wish he could have treated the show with respect, instead of an inconvenience getting in the way of his 'vision'

    his vision was better suited to a whoel new show. and it's too bad that skiffy wouldn';t let him have it.

    unfortunately, once he tried to have his way, keep the sg1 name but make sgcommand, it'd doubtful that skiffy will hand him a show again. After all, if he can't keep a long standing franchise alive, what are the chances that he can make a show from the beginning and make it a hit?

    If he'd have just continued to make sg1, he'd still have a job and he'd have a nice bit on his resume...instead of being marked as the guy that killed stargate
    And this is a bad thing? /snark Yeah, I know what you meant Sky. It just made me laugh.

    I don't wish the guy ill personally, but I do kinda hope he never gets the chance to inflict his 'vision' (as creator/showrunner, as writer he's fine) on anyone else ever again. I know it would be a very hard sell to get me to even try anything he creates. The only reason I'm giving SGA a shot is because of AT and the low likelihood of Coop having anything major to do with the show as he is off playing with Barf Ark of Truth.*

    It's fairly rare for me to disrespect a show before it airs. This one? With the
    (B)Ori and the veryveryvery heavy use of Vala
    I can't see it being good. Thankd goodness that it's the end of *this* particular storyline.
    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
      You know, this wouldnt be so freaking annoying if the show was, you know, dieing. Last I checked the ratings before this "salvation" were the highest in the shows history. Sure RDA was leaving, if you just bring in another character or two and FIT THEM INTO THE ALREADY EXISTING, HIGH RATED SHOW, I think that may have "saved" the show a whole lot better then writing a new bad show. But thats just me.
      Yep. They took a way too big chance with the changes, and it rightly backfired on them. The show was doing so well in S8, and obviosuly the ratings for S9 indicated that people did give the changes a fair chance, but didn't like them seeing as S10 have dropped a lot more. Why change a winning formula? They should have really thought about how to do the changes, make them fit perfectly into the new season...or they should simply have made a new show.

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      vala was great, before she became daniel's girl toy.

      once she was relegated to 'daniel support....excuse me Jackson support' she just turned into a cliche.

      she was a waste of the character's potential, a waste of claudia's potential and, well something sad. i wish she'd have been written better. i wish coop could have dragged his ideals out of puberty. i wish he could have treated the show with respect, instead of an inconvenience getting in the way of his 'vision'

      his vision was better suited to a whoel new show. and it's too bad that skiffy wouldn';t let him have it.

      unfortunately, once he tried to have his way, keep the sg1 name but make sgcommand, it'd doubtful that skiffy will hand him a show again. After all, if he can't keep a long standing franchise alive, what are the chances that he can make a show from the beginning and make it a hit?

      If he'd have just continued to make sg1, he'd still have a job and he'd have a nice bit on his resume...instead of being marked as the guy that killed stargate
      I was really excited about a S9, I didn't want SG1 to end. But had I known what would have become of my favorit show I wish it never did continue. The only single thing I do blame SciFi in all this mess, it isn't the cancellation but the fact that they were to crazy in getting the record that they could not let SG1 go and start up SGC instead. Ofcourse I would have prefered if it didn't have any of the SG1 characters but a a whole new show about a whole new team. Cause, if the show would still be like S9/10 I could just not care about it.

      You know I could be okay with them doing horrible misstakes in S9, but I had hoped that they could listen to fans a bit more and fix the problems. I think they did try a little in S10, but even though it did have a better feel to it a times episodes such as "Bad Guys" or "Bounty" really took the season down for me, and threw some of the better stuff out the window. They are like EA Games(Sports)...they don't listen to the fans, they do what they like no matter the response from their buyers. There is no doubt for me that they didn't expect the reaction it got, it still had the SG1 name and was well established show. It just seemed they took everything for granted that it would do well no matter what, so the writing took some beating cause of that.

      To end my rant...I'm not too sure they should focus much on SGU right now. I think with SG1 gone they should put all their efforts on making SGA better, improve that show and try to keep it on the air. Hopefully they have learnt from misstakes made and can use that to their advatage. I just feel they can't handle 2 shows at the same time, obviously it takes up a lot of time doing 2 big shows like this.


        hehe, completely off topic side note.
        The head of Xbox Peter Moore has just now become the head of EA sports. He did a decent job listing to people about improving the xbox line up of games (more RPGs, JRPGs, some of sonys former exclusives now cross live functionality added that people wanted) so I now have hope that we may (next year sometime) actually start seeing an improvement in EA sports titles for next gen. Oddly the new head of xbox is a former EA that scares me.

        Anyway....Lets see, on topic.
        It just seems like it would have been so easy to bring in new characters and FIT them in the show. Stargate always did decent with their guest characters (when they werent forgetting they existed) and they did good with Jonas (when they got over the jonas must save the day so people like him and just focused on the TEAM that jonas happen to be a member of).

        It seems they had to work extra hard to destroy stargate. I am not sure if this was done because everyone was just sick of the show or if RCC was just mad he couldnt get his own show so he pulled an Anubis and reshaped the stargate universe in his image. Stargate SG-1 was never cancelled. It was transformed into Stargate command which was quickly cancelled. I am convinced the ONLY reason it got a S10 after S9 was that skiffy wanted the record. I think it was renewed after S8 because of the strong ratings. Just my 2 cents.
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
          Stargate SG-1 was never cancelled. It was transformed into Stargate command which was quickly cancelled. I am convinced the ONLY reason it got a S10 after S9 was that skiffy wanted the record. I think it was renewed after S8 because of the strong ratings. Just my 2 cents.
          Those 2 cents are gold!

          On another topic:
          I'd like to ask your opinion on the episode "Bad Guys".
          Many seems to dislike it, it could have been better, but I didn't find it so bad. for a stand-alone episode. What made you hate it? I would have liked to see Daniel more enclined to help this museum guy learn about the stargate, etc... and not have this dialogue bit where he tells those 2 girls to shut up.
          Last edited by Arga; 18 July 2007, 01:54 AM.


            Originally posted by suse View Post
            And this is a bad thing? /snark Yeah, I know what you meant Sky. It just made me laugh.

            I don't wish the guy ill personally, but I do kinda hope he never gets the chance to inflict his 'vision' (as creator/showrunner, as writer he's fine) on anyone else ever again. I know it would be a very hard sell to get me to even try anything he creates. The only reason I'm giving SGA a shot is because of AT and the low likelihood of Coop having anything major to do with the show as he is off playing with Barf Ark of Truth.*

            It's fairly rare for me to disrespect a show before it airs. This one? With the
            (B)Ori and the veryveryvery heavy use of Vala
            I can't see it being good. Thankd goodness that it's the end of *this* particular storyline.

            lol, Barf of Truth. Yeah, from reading the spoilers that particular movie doesn't hold any interest for me.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              Originally posted by Arga View Post
              Those 2 cents are gold!

              On another topic:
              I'd like to ask your opinion on the episode "Bad Guys".
              Many seems to dislike it, it could have been better, but I didn't find it so bad. for a stand-alone episode. What made you hate it? I would have liked to see Daniel more enclined to help this museum guy learn about the stargate, etc... and not have this dialogue bit where he tells those 2 girls to shut up.
              Keep in mind, I could only watch this episode by switching the channel back and forth The premise for the episode was okay, I mean it could have been good (to me) but it came off as being to cartoonish. It's like they tried to be too funny, and when you try too hard and it doesn't work, it comes out being annoying. Just like Daniel, he was so out of character (more than usual) I found it painful. Didn't Daniel yell at them "you're supposed to be hostages" it sounds like a kid whinging when he playing cops and robbers that you're not playing right. I half expected him to jump up and down having a fit because they weren't doing what he said. And really, Vala just happens to pull glass cutting equipment out of her pack

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                lol, Barf of Truth. Yeah, from reading the spoilers that particular movie doesn't hold any interest for me.
                Barf of Truth...I like that title. Sounds like another teen flick or a bar; can't decide which.

                Bad guys had potential...but it was directed like a comedy, written like a comedy and the whole premise would dictate a drama.

                TPTB could have really dug into the King Author legend and used much of the mythology. The Excaliber, lady of the lake..all those things.

                But we got merlin as an acnient and the Bori instead, with a handfull of Ba'als.
                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  Keep in mind, I could only watch this episode by switching the channel back and forth The premise for the episode was okay, I mean it could have been good (to me) but it came off as being to cartoonish. It's like they tried to be too funny, and when you try too hard and it doesn't work, it comes out being annoying. Just like Daniel, he was so out of character (more than usual) I found it painful. Didn't Daniel yell at them "you're supposed to be hostages" it sounds like a kid whinging when he playing cops and robbers that you're not playing right. I half expected him to jump up and down having a fit because they weren't doing what he said. And really, Vala just happens to pull glass cutting equipment out of her pack
                  wow, you picked up the 2 exemples of the things I liked less in that episode!

                  The Vala magic bag reminded me of those spoofs starring Leslie Nielsen or Charlie Sheen. or the Police Academy saga...
                  Hey, they could have called "Stargate Command" as "Stargate Academy"!


                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    Imagine the season 9 & 10 we might have had if:
                    a) Sam stayed in command
                    b) Daniel was himself (or it was explained what his problem was)
                    c) they allowed Teal'c to continue to grow
                    d) Mitchell learned the ropes from "the Big 3"
                    I think they did the character of Mitchell, and the show as a whole, a huge disservice by making him leader.

                    It's no secret that I'm not exactly Mitchell's number one fan, but I'm actually growing quite fond of the Major Mitchell I have in a fanfic.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                      I think they did the character of Mitchell, and the show as a whole, a huge disservice by making him leader.

                      It's no secret that I'm not exactly Mitchell's number one fan, but I'm actually growing quite fond of the Major Mitchell I have in a fanfic.
                      That's probably because you did what the writers didn't want to do, fit the character into the show, not fit the show around the character.

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        That's probably because you did what the writers didn't want to do, fit the character into the show, not fit the show around the character.
                        Ironically enough, it's an AU and a crossover with another show.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          I think they did the character of Mitchell, and the show as a whole, a huge disservice by making him leader.

                          It's no secret that I'm not exactly Mitchell's number one fan, but I'm actually growing quite fond of the Major Mitchell I have in a fanfic.
                          Major Mitchell I could believe. Someone after a couple of years could take over as leader of Sg-1. But as leader Mitchell just came off as incompetent.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                            That's probably because you did what the writers didn't want to do,
                            fit the character into the show, not fit the show around the character.
                            Perfectly worded!


                              You guys have been on a roll and I just read through some of your really intelligent and spot-on discussions. Thanks, Astro, for bringing me here. For those of you from Samanda, you'll know that I often wrote poems to express myself. Well, I went through my archives and pulled this one out because it seems to fit. I was dashed and depressed about the whole turn of events that transpired for the S9 debacle, trying to stay optimistic for S10. I kept looking for a light at the end of ... the rainbow?!

                              Try as I might, the pigtails unnerved me and then the casting of Vala as Dorothy just made it worse. If you'd like, I can bring back some of the other poems from the past when we were all wondering what became of a show that entertained and hooked us for eight wonderful seasons and just how something so good could be turned on its head when TPTB suddenly "didn't know what to do with Sam Carter". She was the heart of the show! I love that she's been reclaimed and recycled to SGA but there probably would have been a S11 if hubris and poor judgement didn't mess up S9/10. Just sayin'.

                              Somewhere Over the Rainbow … Reprise

                              Somewhere over the rainbow
                              There was a show
                              Filled with a cast that I cared for
                              Where, just oh where did it go?

                              Plenty of bad guys and action
                              Glowing eyes
                              False gods … bug-like marauders
                              Each week held a new surprise

                              There was a leader quite intense
                              An alien who was immense
                              Beside him

                              A blonde-haired gal so brave and true
                              A blue-eyed archaeologist too
                              They were the best crew

                              Somewhere beyond the Stargate
                              Battles raged
                              Jack, T, Samantha and Daniel
                              The enemy did engage

                              The writers gave us such good stuff
                              Lots of weight and little fluff
                              Why oh why not now?

                              (Repeat Song)

                              Season 9 is alarming
                              Not much of Sam
                              Are they just deconstructing
                              Rebuilding with Vala and Cam

                              Carter is so much more able
                              Then scripts reveal
                              Sam’s seen staring at Orlin
                              Left helpless to clinch the deal

                              Sam Carter flies and calculates
                              She’s blown a sun and fixed the Gate
                              A soldier

                              And when she’s not getting short shrift
                              But calibrating planets’ drift
                              She’s more than stellar

                              Why not bring back what is missing
                              The real, real Sam
                              Show her again in the forefront
                              Willing and able to take command

                              Yes, Jack is gone and Cam is here
                              Vala will return for another year
                              But Sam, oh Sam’s most dear

                              Season 10 has now come upon us
                              We shall see
                              Just what the writers will show us
                              How good can the season be

                              So far it’s still Cam as the hero
                              All fall behind
                              Sam, T, Daniel and Vala
                              Appear and just say their lines

                              They move about and articulate
                              But hardly get to inter-relate
                              Why is this?

                              If the old team’s gone and new one formed
                              Can we please have more of one-on-one
                              For feel-good bonding?

                              Morpheus was more even minded
                              But left me confused
                              Vala has changed her persona
                              Pigtails are overused

                              Sex kitten now purrs demurely
                              Cleans up her shtick
                              Wants to be one of the good guys
                              Pigtails will do the trick

                              If other girls could get away
                              Flipping pigtails in their day
                              Why oh why can’t she?

                              Answer: Because she's not Dorothy.
                              Sam earned the right to be called Dorothy.


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                                <snip for space>

                                Somewhere Over the Rainbow … Reprise

                                Answer: Because she's not Dorothy.
                                Sam earned the right to be called Dorothy.

                                Brava CG, your poetry is always spot on, and welcome to the thread

                                my fanfic

