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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    well, according to someone
    who had it slow mo'd, sam was really hit twice. on the front from soldier, and on the back where the generator arc'd and hit her

    so she could have two wounds, front and back.

    and his suturing could be more along hte line of controlling blood loss than anything else

    as to his medical knowledge...i've never had more than basic first aid training. but i would - theoretically - know what to do to at least stabilize someone if it was in a situation where medical help was light years away.

    and i also consider that cam likely spent the better part of a year in a hospital. You pick up stuff
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      well, according to someone
      who had it slow mo'd, sam was really hit twice. on the front from soldier, and on the back where the generator arc'd and hit her

      so she could have two wounds, front and back.

      and his suturing could be more along hte line of controlling blood loss than anything else

      as to his medical knowledge...i've never had more than basic first aid training. but i would - theoretically - know what to do to at least stabilize someone if it was in a situation where medical help was light years away.

      and i also consider that cam likely spent the better part of a year in a hospital. You pick up stuff
      and i also consider that cam likely spent the better part of a year in a hospital. You pick up stuff
      Sky! Red flag to a bull there! Bwahahahahahaha!

      Man do I have a story idea. I tihnk it had better stay where it is though. It's very amusing. Kinda short too.

      ETA Thanks. I saw the ep months ago and the copy was crap at that. So I didn't remember all the details.

      Last edited by suse; 21 April 2007, 07:38 PM.
      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Sam and cam:
        I thought that Sam was hit once but the bolt went through her. If she had been hit with a high velocity round I would have expected the same. A "through and through" wound. Meaning the bullet went through the skin twice. in front and in back. I would have also expected the wound in the back to be far worse than the wound in the front. Entrance and exit wounds. I assume that the "aliens" would have an "energy" weapon that could go right through a person.

        Cam showing the villagers gun safety was absolutely ridicules. Especially when he said to point "that end" The Muzzle at what they want to shoot or kill. Mr. Wanna be Eddie Eagle there should follow his own advice.
        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


          Hello again. Althrough I don't watch Stargate anymore for a long time I come here and read your posts. I agree with most of the points you made. Good job.


            The fact that Sky is kinda defending Cameron (though I agree with it) is somewhat disturbing.

            I forgot that it's because she lurves him, though.

            *ducks and runs*


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
              The fact that Sky is kinda defending Cameron (though I agree with it) is somewhat disturbing.

              I forgot that it's because she lurves him, though.

              *ducks and runs*
              brave soul

              run fast
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                well, according to someone
                who had it slow mo'd, sam was really hit twice. on the front from soldier, and on the back where the generator arc'd and hit her

                so she could have two wounds, front and back.

                and his suturing could be more along hte line of controlling blood loss than anything else

                as to his medical knowledge...i've never had more than basic first aid training. but i would - theoretically - know what to do to at least stabilize someone if it was in a situation where medical help was light years away.

                and i also consider that cam likely spent the better part of a year in a hospital. You pick up stuff
                Usually an infection.
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                  The fact that Sky is kinda defending Cameron (though I agree with it) is somewhat disturbing.

                  I forgot that it's because she lurves him, though.

                  *ducks and runs*
                  stop picking on my high school sweetheart
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    line in the sand did have some veyr real issues

                    such as cliched weak villager, tealc getting tortured...again. and the 'we're gonna push for a field trial before it's ready' bit from landry

                    i could live with them because i enjoyed the rest. vala finally got depth beyond her cup size, tomin has become more than a cliche and i got a dose of sam whump

                    but, and i will be honest, had it been daniel who'd been owied and vala watching over him i wouldn't have liked it.

                    what made it more enjoyable for me is that it centered around a character i enjoy.

                    which, in many ways, does make it weak because it's gonna be polarizing. Because i'm sure that those fen among us that don't like sam probably didn't like it.

                    they're still not writing episodes with a broad appeal. there's not a little something in it for everyone. this one is better than most, but it's not quite up to par with older ones
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      i am glad they centered it around Sam-she had been the whipping girl for that show since mid season 7. bout damn time they remembered what a fine character Sam is and what an amazing actress Amanda is.
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Now the bad news for me about this ep (I did think AT was wonderful), I really cannot get beyond the briefing room debacle. All of those villagers are dead because of landry, vala, and mitchell and yes I have to say it -- Carter and Teal'c. I am appalled at the way the people who write this show have just totally allowed feasibility and canon to go down the drain in favor of giving vala something "cutesy" to do. Her nonsense in the briefing room made me want to vomit and the galling fact that no one, NO ONE, not the so-called co-leaders of this team, not the person who has the most knoweldge about the device, not Teal'c the brilliant warrior who usually knows which end is up - said one da*n word and no one told her to shut-up or not to talk about things of which she knows nothing. If they had objected to vala and then landry ordered them to go anyway I could have accepted that since landry is a buffoon anyway, IMO, but the fact that Sam and Teal'c just stood there with goofy looks on their faces as if to say how dare you and they don't say a word in protest??!!! Since when is vala the leader of this team?

                        That is the single biggest WTF moment for me in 10 years of Stargate. I know it is a plot-device, I know it is bad writing (which for me just continues in season 10), I know it's a symptom of the puerile ptksg-1 mentality of "let's have vala do something obnoxious and cutesy" (blech!!), I know that tptksg-1 have basically lost their mojo, I know all that. But since when do people like Sam and Teal'c roll-over when a twit like vala talks??? mitchell I get - he's just space but Sam and Teal'c?? I am disgusted.

                        At least at the end Sam did come up with the way to save the remaining villagers but they never should have been in the position in the first place (at least not with vala having volunteered them for it without nary a protest from the people in charge and the people who know the device).

                        IMO, it is absolutely unforgivable what they have done to Sam and Teal'c (and Daniel, or should I say "action-jackson") in order to fit vala and mitchell into the show somehow. I guess I can say to myself that this is not the real Sam, Teal'c and Daniel we are seeing since this is actually stargate command we are watching and the real BIG3 have been locked in the closet with the AF advisor. That sometimes just doesn't help though when I see how low they can go.

                        I also lament how great the eppy could have been if they had had Teal'c with Carter - can you imagine the discussion those two could have had, instead of " aw gee my grammy says . . ."

                        God give me strength what a crock o' crap.

                        Sorry - as good as AT was I cannot get past this and it basically ruins the entire episode for me - I really thought finally there might be an ep I would get into and like and I was fed this nonsense in the first 10 minutes - talk about the wind coming out of your sails.


                          Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                          Now the bad news for me about this ep (I did think AT was wonderful), I really cannot get beyond the briefing room debacle. All of those villagers are dead because of landry, vala, and mitchell and yes I have to say it -- Carter and Teal'c. I am appalled at the way the people who write this show have just totally allowed feasibility and canon to go down the drain in favor of giving vala something "cutesy" to do. Her nonsense in the briefing room made me want to vomit and the galling fact that no one, NO ONE, not the so-called co-leaders of this team, not the person who has the most knoweldge about the device, not Teal'c the brilliant warrior who usually knows which end is up - said one da*n word and no one told her to shut-up or not to talk about things of which she knows nothing. If they had objected to vala and then landry ordered them to go anyway I could have accepted that since landry is a buffoon anyway, IMO, but the fact that Sam and Teal'c just stood there with goofy looks on their faces as if to say how dare you and they don't say a word in protest??!!! Since when is vala the leader of this team?

                          That is the single biggest WTF moment for me in 10 years of Stargate. I know it is a plot-device, I know it is bad writing (which for me just continues in season 10), I know it's a symptom of the puerile ptksg-1 mentality of "let's have vala do something obnoxious and cutesy" (blech!!), I know that tptksg-1 have basically lost their mojo, I know all that. But since when do people like Sam and Teal'c roll-over when a twit like vala talks??? mitchell I get - he's just space but Sam and Teal'c?? I am disgusted.

                          At least at the end Sam did come up with the way to save the remaining villagers but they never should have been in the position in the first place (at least not with vala having volunteered them for it without nary a protest from the people in charge and the people who know the device).

                          IMO, it is absolutely unforgivable what they have done to Sam and Teal'c (and Daniel, or should I say "action-jackson") in order to fit vala and mitchell into the show somehow. I guess I can say to myself that this is not the real Sam, Teal'c and Daniel we are seeing since this is actually stargate command we are watching and the real BIG3 have been locked in the closet with the AF advisor. That sometimes just doesn't help though when I see how low they can go.

                          I also lament how great the eppy could have been if they had had Teal'c with Carter - can you imagine the discussion those two could have had, instead of " aw gee my grammy says . . ."

                          God give me strength what a crock o' crap.

                          Sorry - as good as AT was I cannot get past this and it basically ruins the entire episode for me - I really thought finally there might be an ep I would get into and like and I was fed this nonsense in the first 10 minutes - talk about the wind coming out of your sails.

                          The real Big Three went to Ancient Egypt and never came back! The landry-briefing room was just so out there.

                          If Hammond ran the SGC:

                          Are we ready to use Merlin's device on a large scale yet, Colonel Carter?"

                          Yes sir, we can do it!

                          I wasn't speaking to you, Ms. De Durand. Now, Colonel Carter, what about the device."

                          Sir, it's not ready for a large scale test. I would suggest we evacuate the village first. Then deploy two teams to see if we can hide the village structures from the Ori."


                          Breathing and filling is space

                          Would the ori try to find the villagers after we evacuate the planet?

                          Yes, they would. I'm sure Vala might know of some good hiding places from her days as a host.

                          But, I'm already using all the good hiding places.

                          What are you using the hiding places for?

                          Lipstick, make up...ancient jewles.

                          Don't make me send you to your corner, Dr. Jackson.
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                            Now the bad news for me about this ep (I did think AT was wonderful), I really cannot get beyond the briefing room debacle. All of those villagers are dead because of landry, vala, and mitchell and yes I have to say it -- Carter and Teal'c. I am appalled at the way the people who write this show have just totally allowed feasibility and canon to go down the drain in favor of giving vala something "cutesy" to do. Her nonsense in the briefing room made me want to vomit and the galling fact that no one, NO ONE, not the so-called co-leaders of this team, not the person who has the most knoweldge about the device, not Teal'c the brilliant warrior who usually knows which end is up - said one da*n word and no one told her to shut-up or not to talk about things of which she knows nothing. If they had objected to vala and then landry ordered them to go anyway I could have accepted that since landry is a buffoon anyway, IMO, but the fact that Sam and Teal'c just stood there with goofy looks on their faces as if to say how dare you and they don't say a word in protest??!!! Since when is vala the leader of this team?

                            That is the single biggest WTF moment for me in 10 years of Stargate. I know it is a plot-device, I know it is bad writing (which for me just continues in season 10), I know it's a symptom of the puerile ptksg-1 mentality of "let's have vala do something obnoxious and cutesy" (blech!!), I know that tptksg-1 have basically lost their mojo, I know all that. But since when do people like Sam and Teal'c roll-over when a twit like vala talks??? mitchell I get - he's just space but Sam and Teal'c?? I am disgusted.

                            At least at the end Sam did come up with the way to save the remaining villagers but they never should have been in the position in the first place (at least not with vala having volunteered them for it without nary a protest from the people in charge and the people who know the device).

                            IMO, it is absolutely unforgivable what they have done to Sam and Teal'c (and Daniel, or should I say "action-jackson") in order to fit vala and mitchell into the show somehow. I guess I can say to myself that this is not the real Sam, Teal'c and Daniel we are seeing since this is actually stargate command we are watching and the real BIG3 have been locked in the closet with the AF advisor. That sometimes just doesn't help though when I see how low they can go.

                            I also lament how great the eppy could have been if they had had Teal'c with Carter - can you imagine the discussion those two could have had, instead of " aw gee my grammy says . . ."

                            God give me strength what a crock o' crap.

                            Sorry - as good as AT was I cannot get past this and it basically ruins the entire episode for me - I really thought finally there might be an ep I would get into and like and I was fed this nonsense in the first 10 minutes - talk about the wind coming out of your sails.
                            That was definitely a WTF moment for me. What would Hammond or O'Neill say? Honestly Hammond and O'Neill would have Vala in a cell not on SG-1.
                            I don't know these people that look an awful lot like characters I remember but do not act the same. But this is no longer the show I fell in love with. It has become a pseudo comedy - and it's just not funny.
                            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                              Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                              If they had objected to vala and then landry ordered them to go anyway I could have accepted that since landry is a buffoon anyway, IMO, but the fact that Sam and Teal'c just stood there with goofy looks on their faces as if to say how dare you and they don't say a word in protest??!!! Since when is vala the leader of this team?

                              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.



                                On the subject of LitS:


                                And then somebody ought to have to walloped Vala over her vivaciously perky-as-can-be head with a RainbowBrite doll for volunteering Sam to make everything a success. Jerk...ess. I guess that was supposed to come off as cute and enthusiastic. All I got was idiotic. I now suspect I'd have liked Qetesh much better as a character.

                                I agree with your assessment of Vala.


                                QUOTE=MerRu;6591171 Then Cam, owner of those wonderful leadership skills, can't even muster the military gumption to put the appropriate protection on the way-cool gizmo (and its operator) that they're there to test. What if a whole squad/group/bunch of Ori fanatics had blundered in on Colonel Carter? She'd have gotten shot multiple times and probably been dead and one P-90 after the fact probably wouldn't have beat said squad/group/bunch of Ori fanatics off. They'd have been down one unreplaceable Merlinic gizmo and one equally unreplaceable genius. And, it's not like it's a stretch to imagine such a scenario, that it should strain a lieutenant colonel's strategic planning and tactical foresight to think of it and at least acknowledge the possibility, if not actually plan for it, either.

                                Very true. I was so glad to see a Sam episode I quickly got past this while viewing. Pathetic, isn't it?


                                Somebody needed to stick a sock in Cam's mouth and shut him up, too. Or maybe just make him hold that clamp between his hewoic teeth for the rest of the ep. Ye gods, I am tired of his Grandma.
                                I wanted Sam to say something like
                                "Hey, I'm dying here, can you give the grandma stories a rest?

