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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
    It would have been far more intresting if the new doctor was Hammond's daughter. Or the daughter of an established character. A year and a half to establish both Landry and his daughter and neither character intrest me at all.

    With Hammond, I hooked by the end of the first season.

    For that matter, they could have tied the new doctor to Fraiser and make her feel like she has high standards to live up to.

    Of course, if Jack had a daughter that he didn't know aboput and she came in trying to fill his shoes. Either as a member of SG-1 or a civilian director of the SGC...that could have been intresting.
    Main reason I didn't like Lam was her disrespect for Landry. Even though he was her Dad, he was also the CO of the base. That deserved her respect and should have kept her personal issues off base. IMO she came off as a cold spoilt child. I still don't understand why its ok to have the daughter of the General working on the base, under his command. There has to be some sort of conflict of interest.
    Last edited by Rogue; 03 March 2007, 08:05 AM.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
      How does anyone have any emotional investment in Lam\Landry. Much like Mitchells friend in Stronghold. One can feel bad from a human to human point of view but ultimatly I didnt really care about that character and I certainly dont care about some badly done father daughter agnst by characters I dont know nor care about.

      I am more interested in Feldgers relationship with his mother. But actually well done relationships where I really care would have been Carter and her Father as I know and care about each character. Or Rodney and his sister because I really like the Mckay character but can have great sympathy for any siblings that had to live with him. Landry and Lam are so bland that I could really care less... not to mention the whole nepotism thing is flagrantly overlooked and is an afront to the great cannon stargate had developed for so many years.
      Since Family Ties was about families why did they ignore the one that we really care about - Sam and Jacob and Mark, Cassie and those who would fill Janet's tiny yet sizable shoes (for me Sam and Jack), Teal'c and Ryac and Ishta, and (for the silly and pathetic shipper in me) Sam and Jack -although they would do a hack job on it. I'm not touching Daniel and his odd attachment. Shouldn't he see a doctor to have that growth removed?

      I haven't seen it (lucky me you say) so I shouldn't complain but for the love of Mike who gives a rats furry backside about Landry and Lam.

      You know, I'd like to know if Chloe hooked up with Felger.
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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        Originally posted by Rogue View Post
        or the men in midlife crisis

        I think they are writing what they enjoy writing and not what the fans want to see. No you can please everyone, but I question some of their storyline choices. With only a few eps left they focus on
        Landry, Lam and the ex.? The Landry/Lam storyline was one I could do without in S9. I am surprised it resurfaced so near to the series end.
        It screams of self-indulgence. That or simple 'eh, let's toss something together over the weekend.

        It was a waste. This is the period of time when they could be kicking butt and taking names and doing all those outrageous things they could do when they're in the 'no consequences' area (there will be no s11, they're guaranteed 2 movies, why not throw caution to the wind and do something truly outstanding and outrageous?)

        instead it's bad fanfic brought to life

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        As for Lam, I like your idea that she knew Fraiser (at least by reputation) and felt she had high standards to live up to. Or they could have had her being aware that everyone loved Janet and finding it hard to fit in. But then they'd have had to mention Janet.

        I would have preferred Lam not be related to anyone. The prior plague would have been the time to call in an outside civilian expert. I don't think Lam was handled well at all. I wonder if they wanted to bring Lexa on the show and then figured out the character.

        for lam, her daddy issues were just too much. it's neoptism - which is a worst thing in the military than frat regs and horrible hypocrisy to spend 8 years tossing the frat regs in peoples' faces as a way that sam and jack can't get togeter ' it's regs we can't do that' but then toss those very same regs out the window to bring some very lame 'tension' into landry adn lam's relationship.

        bad, bad, bad decision manking

        if they wnated to have some tension, how about having lam be a classmate of janet's? or maybe a rival at hte academy hospital? what if she was chief of staff at the academy and she and janet always had issues about when janet's patients would be there and lam never had the clearance so there was this 'you are on my turf' tension

        the daddy issues were beyond lame and a discredit to the character
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          for lam, her daddy issues were just too much. it's neoptism - which is a worst thing in the military than frat regs and horrible hypocrisy to spend 8 years tossing the frat regs in peoples' faces as a way that sam and jack can't get togeter ' it's regs we can't do that' but then toss those very same regs out the window to bring some very lame 'tension' into landry adn lam's relationship.

          bad, bad, bad decision manking

          if they wnated to have some tension, how about having lam be a classmate of janet's? or maybe a rival at hte academy hospital? what if she was chief of staff at the academy and she and janet always had issues about when janet's patients would be there and lam never had the clearance so there was this 'you are on my turf' tension

          the daddy issues were beyond lame and a discredit to the character
          I say that they should have kept Brightman, and had the base CMO as a fairly minor role - given that they had three new characters to work in already, throwing another into the works at the same time was a bad idea.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by Rogue View Post
            Main reason I didn't like Lam was her disrespect for Landry. Even though he was her Dad, he was also the CO of the base. That deserved her respect and should have kept her personal issues off base. IMO she came off as a cold spoilt child. I still don't understand why its ok to have the daughter of the General working on the base, under his command. There has to be some sort of conflict of interest.
            There is.

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              it's called Neoptism and is against the regs. Most especially in a situation where one family member answers directly to another.

              the CMO has the ability to override the rulings of the base commander. so can daughter overrule her dad? can dad order the self destruct and kill his daughter?

              given thier history and strained relationship, there was also the possibility that one would make a decision to spite the other.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                If they wanted antagonism between Lam and Landry (and I'm not endorsing that) they could have had bad blood from a previous assignment. Or in another cliche, Lam's husband could have died on a mission Landry sent him on, so she hates him. But her expertise is needed and she decides to work for the SGC anyway.


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  If they wanted antagonism between Lam and Landry (and I'm not endorsing that) they could have had bad blood from a previous assignment. Or in another cliche, Lam's husband could have died on a mission Landry sent him on, so she hates him. But her expertise is needed and she decides to work for the SGC anyway.
                  I think it was a mistake for the writers/TPTB/whoever was responsible to concentrate so much on Landry's relationship with Lam, regardless of what form that relationship took.

                  It would have been much better if they had allowed him to form relationships with SG-1 instead; I'm not saying that he had to be everybody's surrogate father but it would have been nice if there was a connection to Sam, Daniel or Teal'c - they did push a bond between Landry and Mitchell. By making Lam Landry's primary connection, they isolated him from the team.

                  I don't know why TPTB decided to have Lam as Landry's daughter, though I suspect that they wanted to make her character more prominent by attaching her to him, but I think that it was a huge mistake for them to waste so much time on forcing a connection between them.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    So, this is like pretty much the only ep shes in this year right? Is she even in the movies?

                    Your right. Instead of focusing on Lam\Landry if they wanted to bring both of these characters into Stargate SG-1 they should have actually had them interact with "SG-1".... the original characters who everyone identifies as SG-1 that is. Having them buddy up with Mitchell when he himself still needed to have a relationship with the actual SG-1 members was just weak.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Well, if I was going to write the Lam character.

                      I would:

                      Not have her related to Landry in any way, shape or form. The daddy thing is a waste of time.

                      Have her have some connection to Janet. Went to school together, ect. She would have questions of how Janet died and why. She would find out that Daniel was with her and she would want to approach him for information. (Perfect op for Shanks and wife to act together.)

                      Drop the Mitchell has a crush on Lam/Carter crap. (I would make mitchell a closet homosexual who is afraid his secret would get out and he would lose his career.)

                      Make Lam angst as Daniel Jackson being the last man to see her friand alive and she finds a reason to blame him for not finding some way to save her after he had managed to save SG-1 so many times. I would have liked to have seen a tension scene between Lam and Daniel.

                      I would keep her very intelligent but have her sit and talk to Sam about the team. Give the character more heart and yet, give her spark. Lighten her up a tad but keep her grounded in reality.
                      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                        Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                        So, this is like pretty much the only ep shes in this year right? Is she even in the movies?

                        Your right. Instead of focusing on Lam\Landry if they wanted to bring both of these characters into Stargate SG-1 they should have actually had them interact with "SG-1".... the original characters who everyone identifies as SG-1 that is. Having them buddy up with Mitchell when he himself still needed to have a relationship with the actual SG-1 members was just weak.
                        It made sense to me that Landry would feel connected to Mitchell, after all they did both start at the SGC at the same time and they were both fish out of water in a lot of ways; whatever command(s) Landry had in the past, the SGC would still take a lot of adjusting to and he was also in a position where quite a few of the people he was to command knew far more about what they were doing than he did

                        I sometimes wonder if Landry's motive for giving Mitchell command of SG-1 - even if Mitchell had been promised a place on SG-1, Landry was in no way obligated to give him command... unless General Magwitch made him, of course - was because, since he was starting out in a new command, he preferred to have a fellow newcomer in what one could argue was the second most prominent, even if not technically the second most senior position rather than somebody like Sam, who has been involved with the Stargate Program longer than any other regular.

                        To me, it did seem natural that Landry would want to encourage Mitchell, he could empathise with feeling out of place and overwhelmed at having to command people who were so good at their jobs and so accustomed to and at home with stuff he could barely grasp - I wonder if Landry, in his determination to encourage Mitchell and to give him a chance, has actually been editing his reports to his superiors to cover up incidents like those in "Collateral Damage", "Stronghold" and "Off The Grid".

                        However, I would also have liked to see more interaction with the rest of the team; how did Sam, Daniel and Teal'c adjust to a base commander they weren't familiar with and how did Landry deal with working with them when he knew that they knew more about the stargate, gate travel, other planets and populations etc, than he was ever likely to?

                        There was a lot they could have done and didn't.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          I think it was a mistake for the writers/TPTB/whoever was responsible to concentrate so much on Landry's relationship with Lam, regardless of what form that relationship took.

                          It would have been much better if they had allowed him to form relationships with SG-1 instead; I'm not saying that he had to be everybody's surrogate father but it would have been nice if there was a connection to Sam, Daniel or Teal'c - they did push a bond between Landry and Mitchell. By making Lam Landry's primary connection, they isolated him from the team.
                          Excellent point. I seem to recall AT saying she wasn't sure what her relationship would be with Landry. I guess we know now--non-existent. the Landry situation was another example of push the new characters at the expense of the Big 3 that we saw in the last 2 seasons. NotDaniel did get a lot of screen time, but not in an SG1 way most of the time. Dang Vaniel.


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Excellent point. I seem to recall AT saying she wasn't sure what her relationship would be with Landry. I guess we know now--non-existent. the Landry situation was another example of push the new characters at the expense of the Big 3 that we saw in the last 2 seasons. NotDaniel did get a lot of screen time, but not in an SG1 way most of the time. Dang Vaniel.
                            For me, pushing bonds between Landry and Mitchell and between Landry and Lam, felt very much like New Characters -v- Old Characters. It wouldn't have been as bad if they had continued to show the bond between Sam, Daniel and Teal'c but that was suppressed.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              well, originally, not only was lam to be landry's daughter but there were definite hints that she and mitch had been 'an item' before, but they seem to have dropped that massive cliche

                              i'm glad that they did cause it would only have weakened mitch more, but having the new leader of sg1 banging the co's estranged daughter...well all we'd then need would be for her to get preggers and i thinh we woulda hit a cliche trifecta
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                well, originally, not only was lam to be landry's daughter but there were definite hints that she and mitch had been 'an item' before, but they seem to have dropped that massive cliche

                                i'm glad that they did cause it would only have weakened mitch more, but having the new leader of sg1 banging the co's estranged daughter...well all we'd then need would be for her to get preggers and i thinh we woulda hit a cliche trifecta
                                With twins, triplets or higher to add to the cliché.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

