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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Not sure if cancellation came as a suprise to TPTB but it did not come as a suprise to Stargate fans.

    Remember this oldie but goodie :
    The Stargate Eulogy Thread.
    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


      Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
      Not sure if cancellation came as a suprise to TPTB but it did not come as a suprise to Stargate fans.

      Remember this oldie but goodie :
      The Stargate Eulogy Thread.
      Thanks for the link
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        I think the one thing that really get to me at least is reading the Unending episode thread and some character threads. IIRC, BW/RCC has said that they have written the last episode as if it where the last.

        By gauging what I've read so far, they could have done better with Unending, since they knew it was their last.

        But seeing how they wrote S9 and from the first half of S10, whatever was the call of the day.


          I just watched the fianle today and wow, just wow, what a piece of utter and complete garbage.

          Not only did it mercilessly suck ass on it's own as an episode loaded with worn out plots, reused material and cheap cop outs but it's standing in the place where an epic finale to a 10 year series should be and the contemptably stupid further wanking of Earth's power level has seen to ****ing up the future of the spin off and movies.

          How the hell are they supposed to create a convincing sense of danger with the current opposition now that they've got Earth running around blowing up ori warships two at a time with their new cheat code.

          This thing is a spectacular achievment simply by virtue of the sheer audacity it must have took to actually try and pass off that piece of **** as a series finale.

          I could piss a better script onto a bathroom wall myself.


            Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
            The Tolland
            Col Checkoff
            Joe (who was meant to die so at least that one was ok)
            Daniel Jackson

            Oh and lest we forget.
            Bates (ok maybe hes not dead but he is in the never to be seen again bowl with Jonas)

            Thank god Bratec at least survied.
            All of Abydos (ascended, yes, but still RIP) and that was supposed to be a series ender.


              Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
              All of Abydos (ascended, yes, but still RIP) and that was supposed to be a series ender.
              TV series true. It was supposed to be the setup for the Lost City movie a movie in which the Stargate program would have actually be revealed to the world by President Hayes. Which would have made sense as keeping the battle of Antarctica secret stretches belief a bit.

              However as much as I liked lost city and would have liked the Hayes speech revealing the Stargate I don’t think it would have made such a good feature film. I don’t think these writers really ever had that in them and S9-S10 seems to be proof. Lost City was a fine two parter though and the 2 seasons after were good with some spectacular gems like the Reckonings.
              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                I haven't seen the finale yet (reading this thread, I may be lucky not to...) but concerning the Asgard cop-out...

                Not only was it out of character for the Asgard to just give up the fight and hand everything over to us, but it doesn't make sense, considering the history of aliens on the show not being the best of sharers with their technology. Human history shows that when a certain group/groups gets a whole lot of power, we tend to blow ourselves/other humans to hell. Aliens know that...and hence PLOT HOLE!!!!! It's also completely idiotic, IMHO, that the Asgard would give us their coveted Weapons of Galactic Destruction, and expect us to... behave ourselves?? C'mon, now.

                Also, anointing the Tau'ri the Fifth Race...we don't possess the self-control - let alone the spiritual level required of beings worthy of being the Fifth Race! What about the Furlings? What happened to them?

                From what I've read about this finale, it all seems incredibly slipshod and last minute. The Furling story could easially have been wrapped up in Season 8-9, if they had cut out all that Ori crap. The Asgard wouldn't have needed to extinguish themselves, and we could have been left very satisfied (well, as satisfied as one can be when one's show is being cancelled).

                Meanwhile, Season 9-10 never should have happened...really now, did it? After the Goa'uld and the Replicators...they could have let the show end with a feeling of continuation, so we can watch the spin-offs afterwards.
                TEAM SG1 LIVES


                  Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                  I feel really bummed out this morning. I really no longer have a desire to even see the rest of season 10 now! Nor watch any of the movies.

                  Killing of Thor and the Asgard was harder on me than I thought it would be. It's definitly not the way to end the series. Amazing how that one little movie just destroyed everything that was left of SG-1. The show is truely dead now.

                  Well, thank goodness for this forum. The least I can do now is turn off the Tivo settings for the last episodes here - since they haven't aired here yet - and hope there's enough others who do also. May the ratings reflect our displeasure. It doesn't sound like any episode is worth watching, anyway.


                    Originally posted by Hubble View Post
                    Watching some of the earlier episodes sounds good.
                    The only antidote I can find for the taste "Unending" left in my mouth is to go back and watch "The Fifth Race" again. Ah, Thor and his skinny grey ass was alive and Vala wasn't even a thought in anyone's mind.
                    Not only was she not a thought in their mind she would have been disregarded immediately. I seem to remember Wright saying something about not needing "that" type of character when MGM tried to force Tok"ra Spice on them. They were more than happy to kick her to the curb saying "Our fans are too smart to go for the obvious T&A". Apparently we they regressed

                    I still rather hope Vala's S9 wardrobe was courtesy of Skiffy trying to get cross coverage for "Tripping The Rift". Not likely, but the hope springs eternal.

                    According to Damien's last interview here, while he came up with the character it's Cooper who made her more "cheeky". One can only assume <---dangerous, I know as showrunner he decided to ramp up the "cheekiness" even more to end up with Whorelette!Vala

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      that would be my bet.

                      that 'cheeky' in thier minds = fun and sexy....and to the rest of us (or many of the rest) equals stupid and childish

                      I'm THINKING that rick and gekko went 'guys, our viewers are smarter than this. we don't need this silliness and fanboy pandering' and mgm/scifi had to listen. but once gekko's guiding hand was gone, the kids were in the candystor and we end up with the whorelette passed off as the next great, super and fantastic thing

                      then again, why should it be a surprise? after all they think we're just stupid people with issues if we can't lower ourselves to thier level and mindlessly love everything they do
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted here:


                        Because that thread supposedly was a rant thread, well, I think, I'll reroute my reply, previously planned to be posted in that Asgard thread, now here.

                        Originally posted by IcyNeko View Post
                        They are a dying race, fine.

                        Thor was dying when, in late season 4 or 5, he came to Earth with a replicator-infested ship. He was still able to help us until the last moment, when he was critically ill and unable to speak. It is in his nature to help us until the very last moment of his life.

                        But to now cut that short in mass suicide makes absolutely no sense.

                        They could have lived on. I'm not saying giving everyone an o'niell-class warship. I'm saying being the aging teachers that stay around and advise us until they die. That would be truly passing on their legacy, instead of a cheap writer's cop-out. It's likely that sam didn't have to take so long if Thor had been there to work with her.
                        I also agree with your previous post.

                        And what's that non sense about making the planet go boom?

                        The Asgards have demonstrated the ability to muster enough power to destroy ori ships. Yep, for bizarre reasons, they utterly failed to do so in Camelot, yet, they have been maintaining time dilation fields over a light year radius for an insane amount of time, with ratios just as high as the one in Unending, while doing so a couple of seconds in that last episode already depleted a ZPM.

                        Then they crush suns into black holes and else.

                        All logic considered, those two ori crusaders were not a menace to Orilla in the slightest.

                        Besides, yes, where are those damn ships. We didn't even see one! We could still dismantle it. Why not bring all their stuff via FTL and drop it on Earth instead of that convulated plot about cramming all they got on the Odyssey? Again, what's that stupid rush about how they only had a couple of hours to give us all they had?

                        Well, it's just as retarded as asking us to believe that all the replicators were destroyed by the dakara device, which probability and observation of facts would have told us that it was literally impossible. Not impossible as a hard task that only heroes can achieve. Impossible as simply impossible.

                        What bothers me the most is that the undedog status is literally gone. We know possess time dilation tech with a possibility of time travel.

                        Above all, the last episode of SG-1 was resolved with a double deux ex, lots of technobabble, and lacked RSA... which is a funny thing for me to say because I'm not a devout fan who cries and screams if the actors misses an ep or whatever.
                        I simply consider that for all the cameos he's been doing, Unending was THE episode he should have been in.

                        Originally posted by IcyNeko View Post
                        They already have that sample. That's what Heimdall was studying.
                        They had more than a sample. They had a full body kept in stasis. Tell me that with Atlantis' biogenetic tech, the asgard replitech and whatever else, they couldn't even come with some retrovirus genobabble or whatever...

                        That's just so cheap. Apparently, it's just so easy to rewrite Wraith DNA with a virus that even removes tatoos, but it's a pain in the butt to incorporate asgard DNA into... asgard DNA.

                        It's not even the problem of the disease. A couple of fans here don't understand that this very "disease" argument was brought in Unending. We're disputing this very addition to the canon lore.
                        Before that episode, there was no damn disease at all. How could there has been one?

                        Or, bad luck. The Asgard in that statis pod had a disease that the Asgards couldn't identify nor isolate. Isn't that again some far fetched cop out?
                        So, wait, the Asgards were dumb enough not to make any test, so they grabbed some sample from that taller grey, inoculated themselves with it, all of them of course, otherwise it wouldn't be funny, and a few years later, oh my god, they're dying.
                        Bravo. Clap clap.
                        Yes, a (convenient) grave mistake.
                        I'll tell you. The Asgards' brains were already dead years ago.

                        Originally posted by jenks View Post
                        Do you realise how long they had to come up with that? They had the ending planned out differently, but by time they found out that SG-1 was being cancelled there was only 3 episdoe left to shoot, I think they did pretty well considering...
                        Yes and? Because the show ended, they had to kill all Asgards?
                        Sorry, I can't even begin seeing how both are even remotely related.

                        It's just like saying, hey, the show's ending, so let's kill... err... what could we kill?... oh, yes, let's kill all the Tok'ra, because there's a plague. A space plague. Yes. A space plague. After all, we didn't see them much lately, and their queen Egeria was dead. So yup, they deserve death. It's logical. Shut up. I'm the writer I know what I do.

                        Of course, while we're at it, nobody among SG-1 thought of downloading their brain into a crystal or whatever, and let Teal'c transport it back in the past. Especially's Carter's. 50 years studying asgard tech. Priceless you would say, and clearly worth one of those convenient plot devices.

                        But now, weepee! We're the 5th race. Only a fraction of the planet knows that there are aliens out there, and the fleet is controlled by only a few countries and solely used within military overseeing. Millions of people are still living in unacceptable conditions, subject to very low levels of hygiene, don't have access to a decent education, can't be healed properly, are menaced by wars, genocides, crimes and other sorts of violence everyday, and sometimes we're two hairs away from mutually nuking our asses off.

                        Hail Thor! For all his objectivity, logic, responsability and consciousness!

                        Thninkg about it, why didn't the Asgards send all of ther stuff in one giant, cloaked tomb, their legacy, an ark of some sort, sent it somwhere making loops in time and hyperspace, only to pop out several decades or centuries in the future in orbit of Earth? Enough time to let us resolve problems that should have forbidden the status of the 5th race.

                        That said, how convenient is it that they have an asgard synthetizer that can sprout anything they want, like food for example. Or tretonin. Where are the stock piles of primal elements to build such things? Where does it stop?
                        And how with all that stuff couldn't they just repair their shield and recharge it? 50 frakin' years people! 50!

                        You'll also notice that the Ori have miraculously forgotten to fire their secondary cannons. You know, the ones that cover all the other arcs that the main cannon can't. The same secondary cannons that can blow up a ha'tak in a few hits. The same cannons that could have been shooting at the Odyssey all that time being, considering the menace that ship posed to the crusaders.

                        Odyssey is the technowank incarnate. Time dilation device that can be changed to a time travel device. Cloak. Phasing ability. Weapons of doom. Asgard power core, synthetizer and non harming repository of knowledge, etc.

                        What a stun for what is nothing more than a glorified and rushed filler, with one of the most giant RESET FUNCTION BUTTON inside. With of course some of the most pointless so called character development.
                        I'll add one thing though.

                        Funny how seeing the Odyssey bust ori ships with phaser sort ofs makes the show look like Trek more than ever.

                        Bar a few episodes, it really became an effort to watch Stargate these last three years.

                        I'm just remaining curious to see what that reset on Atlantis will bring us, to see if they finally found something to do about what was not planned as a show.

                        Or I'll just keep coming up with stories in my head and switch to another show once for all.
                        The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                          Originally posted by grasshopper64 View Post
                          You know TPTB have managed to do the once unthinkable - unite shippers (of the non-D/V variety obviously) and anti shippers. Threads was mentioned on here, now it's not a ep that I make a habit of watching (well except for a certain flag scene ) but the big difference between that and Unending was that Threads was open to interpretation, Unending there was no subtext, no possible other interpretation, D/V was there in your face, if you don't like it tough

                          As to the Asgard
                          it's like they needed someone to kill off in this ep, and why not someone who has been there from the early seasons, I guess poor old Thor
                          isn't cool enough , they ignored Jack, why not get of his buddy Thor too

                          I know I shouldn't have expected anything from this ep, as soon I read spoilers I knew I wouldn't like it, but I guess I was hoping I would be wrong, that there would be something good out of the last ever ep, but it's one thing to read spoilers and another to see the things you least want to see happen on your TV screen in full colour, it was hard to watch and I still need that bucket

                          Oh well back to the S1-8 DVDs
                          Yeah, congratulations RCC. You manage to piss both the antis and S/J shippers off at the same time.

                          I for one am tired of watching a ep that has no consequences(romantic). While sometime entertaining, I feel like I have wasted an hour of my time. The reset button has worn out its welcome. TPTB have made a career out of teasing the fans, this one might have done them in.

                          The only way I can show my displeasure is though my pocket book.
                          Last edited by Rogue; 15 March 2007, 09:36 AM.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Crazy. I'm not fond of those emotionnal bandwagon sigs and whatever, but looking at it, after that god awful finale, it reminded me of how much I loved Stargate so many years ago.

                            The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                              Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                              Yeah, congratulations RCC. You manage to piss both the antis and S/J shippers off at the same time.

                              I for one am tired of watching a ep that has no consequences. While sometime entertaining, I feel like I have wasted an hour of my time. The reset button has worn out its welcome. TPTB have made a career out of teasing the fans, this one might have done them in.

                              The only way I can show my displeasure is though my pocket book.
                              I've decided to consider the backstory SionnachOghma and I put together for "Stargate: Athena" canon.

                              It mightn't be perfect, but there's no Vaniel, Sam's been promoted and Jonas and Thor are alive and well.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                                I've decided to consider the backstory SionnachOghma and I put together for "Stargate: Athena" canon.

                                It mightn't be perfect, but there's no Vaniel, Sam's been promoted and Jonas and Thor are alive and well.
                                I wouldn't mind them using the reset button for all of S9 and S10.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


