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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by SionnachOghma View Post
    A comedy? What are we supposed to be laughing at?

    Mostly S9 & S10 make me want to cry.

    I'm still crying!
    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
      Yes, I would love to see the look on the Vala/Daniel shipper's faces if Cam/Vala kiss.

      Of course, it would be even funnier if Cam/Daniel kiss.
      Oh yeah, same here.


      I've seen a trailer that was made up of all these one-second snippets (except for the Teal'c scenes) - one of them was Vala decked out in a neon pink and black camise type thing. Hoo boy...

      But yeah, it would be great if she was strutting around in it for Cam.... I could hear all the "Noooooooooo"'s reverberating in the night

      *not meant to be a diss of D/V shippers... but just that the hype over what's supposed to happen in this ep is getting to be a little too much*


        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
        Yes, I would love to see the look on the Vala/Daniel shipper's faces if Cam/Vala kiss.

        Of course, it would be even funnier if Cam/Daniel kiss.
        In the first case vala fans wouldnt care only Jackson fans. No comment on the second case although if CBs not in it likely her fans will have no use for it.
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          My prediction for Season Finale:

          Cam and Vala kiss, Teal'c decides that any hope either of them might have had of being a real boy&girl some day just got flushed down the toilet-ship, breaks a staff weapon in half and impales both of them while they're still liplocked.

          Daniel breaks down crying - though over which one of them, who's to say? Teal'c beams away from wherever they happen to be, just before the Bori blow the place up.

          Arrives at Jack's place by the pond, where Sam, Hammond, Jonas, and even King Harry have already arrived and are digging into the barbecue and beer.

          "Plan work out?"

          "Well, we just heard from the Ori. They've agreed that with those three out of the way, there's no need for more fighting, or for us to convert to Origin."


            ^^ Well, I wouldn't complain if they
            borrowed some of Atlantis' exploding tumors to get rid of a few "characters."

            Or, the Dallas "it was all a dream" solution would be fine with me as well.

            My personal favorites, from SG1 are "Point of View", "Changeling" and "1969" where you may be faced with an entirely different look at yourself and your world. Of course, there are countless others that I watch and can really visualize real people in an unreal situation. You can almost picture yourself involved, with a "what would you do?" kind of mentality. Only one episode even came close for me in S9/S10,
            "Memento Mori" - and I totally am against Vala as a regular character. I'm still not fond of the character, but this episode had an echo of what I liked in the past. I almost had hope after watching it, but then they killed it with more crappy cookie cutter poo-poo.
            Hmm, I'm torn about whether a couple of outstanding episodes this season would have saved it for me. On the one hand, two really well-thought out scripts might have renewed my faith in the writers (and of course, upped the number of decent hours of TV they've made this year to roughly 2).

            I'd say the episodes I liked most this season were Memento Mori and The Road Not Taken, if only because in both we had characters and situations taken seriously for more than a few minutes.

            But neither episode really reflected on the show's main plotline. Vala was back to being a joke after MM, and TRNT just became an excuse for Sam to be absent from Bad Guys. (And they might have easily used TRNT to better develop Landry, as his AU self seemed so much darker than the cheerful wallpaper he usually is.)

            Still, the pessimistic in me tends to think that even if these two had been better (or even if there had been two different, really fantastic episodes) it still wouldn't have been enough to fix the writing problems they've built into the show with the Ori as their main villains. Maybe it's just because I've always thought the whole ascension idea was a tad sketchy, but I can't think of a good way to make the Ori into real, meaningful antagonists.


              But neither episode really reflected on the show's main plotline. Vala was back to being a joke after MM, and TRNT just became an excuse for Sam to be absent from Bad Guys. (And they might have easily used TRNT to better develop Landry, as his AU self seemed so much darker than the cheerful wallpaper he usually is.)
              TRNT to me, was a prime example of a missed opportunity. so was MM in my opinion

              in TRNT we had the chance to truly see just how bad things could have been. How power, even if used for 'good' can corrupt and how it's such a slippery slope from well intentioned order to crushing dictatorship.

              but they chickened out. they couldn't /wouldn't take that one extra step to fully illustrate just how bad it coudl be. so while it had its moments, it was a eh moment.

              Memento Mori was the same way. Here was their chance to really dig into vala. see what makes her tick, get an insight into her mind and her way of thinking....and they dump all that for a lame joke of putting her in a waitress outfit and homaging mel's Diner.

              They have some good ideas, but the execution ends up being mediocre and half baked and it leaves the random viewer going 'dude, why didn't you follow through'
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by jerkface View Post

                Still, the pessimistic in me tends to think that even if these two had been better (or even if there had been two different, really fantastic episodes) it still wouldn't have been enough to fix the writing problems they've built into the show with the Ori as their main villains. Maybe it's just because I've always thought the whole ascension idea was a tad sketchy, but I can't think of a good way to make the Ori into real, meaningful antagonists.
                I think what they should have done was descend the Ori and make them human again. They would still have the technology advantage. We didn't need a enemy with the actual power of god. Just one more advanced in technology.

                The Ori followers lived in what we call the medevil days. They had no technology and understood very little of it. A living God could be very powerful to a movement. if they descnded but made thier "human" mids more advanced to include ESP and telekinsis that would still give them the all mighty powerful edge and keep a face on the enemy.
                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  Sorry, just gotta say....

                  Originally posted by jerkface View Post
                  ^^ Well, I wouldn't complain if they
                  borrowed some of Atlantis' exploding tumors to get rid of a few "characters."

                  Or, the Dallas "it was all a dream" solution would be fine with me as well.
                  That was one of the most ridiculous plot devices ever.


                    yes, it was, but it was a classic at the time
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      true, that

                      ... actually I was referring more to the Atlantis one than the Dallas one... but yeah, it was a classic at the time.


                        ah, right. those killer....things.

                        at least it was a LITTLE creative. even if scientifically impossible
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          TRNT to me, was a prime example of a missed opportunity. so was MM in my opinion

                          in TRNT we had the chance to truly see just how bad things could have been. How power, even if used for 'good' can corrupt and how it's such a slippery slope from well intentioned order to crushing dictatorship.

                          but they chickened out. they couldn't /wouldn't take that one extra step to fully illustrate just how bad it coudl be. so while it had its moments, it was a eh moment.

                          Memento Mori was the same way. Here was their chance to really dig into vala. see what makes her tick, get an insight into her mind and her way of thinking....and they dump all that for a lame joke of putting her in a waitress outfit and homaging mel's Diner.

                          They have some good ideas, but the execution ends up being mediocre and half baked and it leaves the random viewer going 'dude, why didn't you follow through'
                          Yes. Totally true. the old days, they didn't have a problem with digging into some darkness and it only built the character into someone more complex and interesting
                          (like in Shades of Grey, Absolute Power) Even with TRNT, this has been dealt with to a smaller degree before with the Parallel universe stuff (There but for the Grace of God).

                          One thing I am VERY disappointed in, is the overuse of time travel for ending a series. I was very, very dissappointed when they were going to do this with Unending. What is
                          says is that TPTB are too wimpy to make a decision with the story, so we'll come up with an awful scenario for them (ie Moebius) then COMPLETELEY undo it with the swish of some unrealistic magical doohickey.


                            yeah, it reeks of 'ok, this would be cool..but how would we 'fix' it if we get another season...oh, oh, i know. we'll make it time travel so we give ourselves a ready made reset switch so that we DON'T have to deal with the fallout and consequences
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Hello everyone. I was thinking I was alone in thinking that last few seasons of Stargate series complately suck. I was coming here and reading reviews here for some time. Thank you for not feeling me alone


                                Originally posted by desert fox View Post
                                Hello everyone. I was thinking I was alone in thinking that last few seasons of Stargate series complately suck. I was coming here and reading reviews here for some time. Thank you for not feeling me alone
                                Welcome desert fox, and no you are not alone

                                my fanfic

