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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Racingtime View Post
    Just paired both quotes at once to make it easier...

    Jess, that's how I feel regarding the two different styles of bantering too. I definitely end up feeling that the Jack/Daniel banter came across more naturally than the Daniel/Vala does. Of course, some of that problem comes from them constantly pairing up D/V so it feels more forced on us whereas at least with J/D they mixed it up more so it didn't disrupt the team feel. But in any case, I don't see them as the same at all.
    That's a big issue for me - one of the main differences is that Jack and Daniel weren't constantly paired up. It seems that this season they had to create all these situations where Daniel and Vala were paired up a lot, and it does seem forced. I don't ever remember them doing that with Daniel and Jack. There was no one pairing that was always showcased in every single episode back in the early days, and there was more of a team feel.

    Daniel is still my favorite character but I agree that Vala is much more interesting when he's not around because as soon as he's there, she becomes an immature kid again.
    I'm trying not to get my hopes up for The Shroud either because even though she hasn't been talking about Daniel in the last two episodes, I fear that they'll go right back into her being all about him in this episode and I'd really rather not see her overshadow the rest of the team's responses.
    I haven't seen The Shroud yet, but from what I heard,
    there wasn't really a whole lot of Vaniel there. Well, there was one scene that just reading about had me rolling my eyes... PriorDaniel is strapped to a chair and Vala is sitting on his lap being all cutesy. Oh and I guess it goes without saying that the pigtails are back. Imagine that.

    Apparently there was more teamness in it, and some good Jack/Daniel banter or interaction. All I can say is it's about time.

    I would LOVE to see a Big 3 scene again but like you guys, I'm not going to expect anything because I'm more than likely going to end up disappointed.
    Yeah I'm trying not to get my hopes up. Still a part of me was hoping there would be something in the latest episode
    but there wasn't... surprise surprise

    I also agree about Sam and now Vala. Even though I'm a guy, I still think I could come up with better storylines for the women on this show (and I'd love to see Sam and Vala interact more). I loved Sam the most in the earlier seasons before they started throwing in more things about her love life. I'm not a fan of romance on TV and I don't think they handle it particularly well on this show either so whenever they went into that angle for Sam, I became easily bored and even annoyed (no offense to those that liked it). I like her much more when they concentrate on her independence and her own strengths and I wish they would've spent more time developing those sides of her instead of dealing so much in her love life. Same goes for Vala since they sadly only really show her strength and independence when Daniel's not around. I'd probably like Vala a lot more if they didn't make her so annoying around Daniel which is pretty much always when he's in an episode. There are so many sides to Vala that would've been much more interesting to explore but they chose not to.
    I know what you're saying. I think they may be falling into that trap with Vala and I wish they would portray her as strong and independent, and not needing to have Daniel as a crutch all the time... they've shown it here and there but usually only when Daniel wasn't around.


      I seem to be the only person on the planet that didn't enjoy The Shroud.

      I found it very muddled and confusing, with an awful lot of information being thrown about. I did actually understand what was happening, but found it muddled. Perhaps it was the way the episode was paced?

      Daniel, to me, was MS with some make-up on, playing MS...not DJ.

      Jack was good, and actually had some decent scenes.

      Vala was back to wearing her pigtails, but thankfully there was only one silly scene between her and Daniel.

      My attention waned in the middle of watching this episode, so I may like it more once I've watched it again.


        I haven't watch the shroud yet and I refuse to pay money to download it when I already pay money for skiffy. Once stargate is done--then I will pay money for it.

        Come april I will post what I think. good or bad.
        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
          I seem to be the only person on the planet that didn't enjoy The Shroud.

          I found it very muddled and confusing, with an awful lot of information being thrown about. I did actually understand what was happening, but found it muddled. Perhaps it was the way the episode was paced?

          Daniel, to me, was MS with some make-up on, playing MS...not DJ.

          Jack was good, and actually had some decent scenes.

          Vala was back to wearing her pigtails, but thankfully there was only one silly scene between her and Daniel.

          My attention waned in the middle of watching this episode, so I may like it more once I've watched it again.
          You're not. Some parts were good, but after Line In The Sand and The Road Not Taken, it was a big let down.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Well I really liked The Shroud, for me it was a good team ep, and as a big Jack/Daniel fan I wasn't disappointed


            Nice to see the Jack/Daniel banter, I have really missed that.

            Great to see Jack having a decent role, I wish he could have done more SG1 eps.

            Thankfully little D/V compared to recently and only one scene I really didn't like between them.

            It probably could have done with a two parter, there was an awful lot crammed into one ep.

            I'm shocked I've actually liked 4 eps in a row and that hasn't happened since S8, I think.

            I can't help thinking why couldn't they have had eps like this in S9 and maybe the show wouldn't be cancelled, I don't know.

            However I can't say I have any enthusiasm for The Bounty, and next week will probably be back to complaining about eps...

            Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


              I haven't yet been interested enough to watch Quest Pt2. However in the "previously on" portion of The Shroud" I howled when I saw
              Adria in her little black leather outfit. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

              And don't think I've missed all those collars on the outfits designed for outline her figure. Go figure. Oy.

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                yes, because we all know how much male dominated religious orders love seeing their female leaders dressed in such a provocative manner

                adria's costuming is a rather blatant plot hole - appeal to the young male demo

                first of all, a male dominated religion like origin isn't gonna cotton well to a female leader. especially with the 'era' of history that the villages are portrayed in - medieval time when females were little more than baby machines and property.

                second of all, religious orders like Origin - which is a very circumspect and introverted one - aren't big on what would only be seen as provocative attire on females.

                her very appearance is a contradiction to how her character should be.... a male leader in one of those robes. THAT is what origin would follow, not a scantily clad female.

                but, you know, who needs rationality, they need boobies to prop up the ratings
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  yes, because we all know how much male dominated religious orders love seeing their female leaders dressed in such a provocative manner

                  adria's costuming is a rather blatant plot hole - appeal to the young male demo

                  first of all, a male dominated religion like origin isn't gonna cotton well to a female leader. especially with the 'era' of history that the villages are portrayed in - medieval time when females were little more than baby machines and property.

                  second of all, religious orders like Origin - which is a very circumspect and introverted one - aren't big on what would only be seen as provocative attire on females.

                  her very appearance is a contradiction to how her character should be.... a male leader in one of those robes. THAT is what origin would follow, not a scantily clad female.

                  but, you know, who needs rationality, they need boobies to prop up the ratings
                  One of the things I find wrong with Adria (in addition to her mere existence / leadership & wardrobe etc) is that I feel no menace from the character. One of the child Adria's was really creepy but with the adult one I find I have no real emotional response to her and that jars me out of watching the story into wardrobe watching

                  Actually, I lie, on one occasion I recall thinking "wow, petulant what!, Time to grow up kiddo" immediately followed by "oh wait! She's just a kid". While I do applaud giving the Bori a person to focus on (to give the villains a personal front rather than a vague omnipotent one) this character just doesn't cut it for me.


                    granted, i haven't seen beyond quest 1 (adria wise anyway) but she struck me as rather half hearted. yes, she has a bad habit of killing all the non-believers...but she just says it. there's no menace, no regret, no 'this is what they deserved' arrogance.

                    Just a pretty girl giving an order and no emotional ramification on her part. It's quite literally like she's just saying her lines and knows that the people aren't really dead

                    frankly, anubis is scarier, and i found him a joke
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Love the karate kid lemming with the green hair!

                      I am wondering why they chose to go with a female lead villain. The Bori type of religion you would expect to find a female clothed from head to toe with a veil over her face.

                      Of course if the had a male lead it would compared to Jesus or something dumb like that.

                      Now, if the show was smarter--which they are not--they have had Sam address the female oracle by stating that the DNA for a female would be more advanced or stable than male DNA. The 2 X chromosome and such.

                      Of course they couldn't cover the actress and present her in non provoking fashion. Heaven forbid they do that!
                      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                        Love the karate kid lemming with the green hair!

                        I am wondering why they chose to go with a female lead villain. The Bori type of religion you would expect to find a female clothed from head to toe with a veil over her face.

                        Of course if the had a male lead it would compared to Jesus or something dumb like that.

                        Now, if the show was smarter--which they are not--they have had Sam address the female oracle by stating that the DNA for a female would be more advanced or stable than male DNA. The 2 X chromosome and such.

                        Of course they couldn't cover the actress and present her in non provoking fashion. Heaven forbid they do that!
                        Sex sells!

                        Consider the average age of the male viewer they are actively trying to recruit. Do you think that dressing her like Mother Theresa would bring them to the show? or do we dress her like the evil Princess from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.

                        Sky has put it quite well-boobs, butts and bombs!

                        I understand about why
                        Paul McG left Atlantis and therefore blew up!
                        but to replace him with a younger, sexier, semi-clad doctor and you can bet the farm here guys-she will be exposed as much as legally possible on a non adult channel-
                        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                          Would someone please explain to me what ninny thought it was a great idea to make Sam so pathetic that she automatically develops a crush on the leader of SG-1 no matter who it is? First Jack, then Cam and then in The Road Not Taken
                          AU Sam had a past relationship with Lorne.
                          It makes her look like some empty-headed gull attracted to those in authority.

                          Since I'm not watching the show anymore it shouldn't bother me, but it does. I feel sorry for Sam and especially for Amanda and now I fear what's going to happen when Sam shows up on Atlantis. Is she going to start getting all drippy over Sheppard? And just imagine the antagonism that would cause with McKay.

                          Of course, I'm not planning to watch S4, either, but I will be tuning in to see Lorne and I shudder to think what the other characters are going to be like when I do see an ep.


                            i guess crush is in the eye of the beholder. I haven't seen all the eps in question, i've missed quest 2 and havent'; seen shroud yet but in the others
                            i haven't noticed sam having a crush on cam. now Black SG1 from ripple effect, there was something, but that was PdL's bonehead idea. but what else do you expect from a director that can't get his mind out of the gutter and scatological humor to give interviews??? immature attitudes like his always gravitate towards the 'omg, must be secks'.

                            all i've seen between the real sam and cam and lorne was friendship. sam has a kinda friendly/mentoring attitude towards cam and i saw an equals attitude towards lorne.

                            that photo??? i see it as nothing more than friends on a picnic taking a nice snapshot
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                              First Jack, then Cam and then in The Road Not Taken
                              AU Sam had a past relationship with Lorne.
                              It makes her look like some empty-headed gull attracted to those in authority.
                              In Road Not Taken
                              she didn't have a past relationship with Lorne. She found a picture of them together, and getured to ask if they were together. He shook his head. I believe he actually said, "Oh no, no, no, no! It was some smartass dotcom millionaire named McKay." How you construe a past relationship between her and Lorne from that is beyond me.

                              And I don't see any indication that she and Cam are anything more than friends.

                              My LJ


                                Hmm. I'll admit to some confusion on that part. Who was that in the picture? I couldn't see it clearly.
                                I thought it was Lorne, hence her asking him about it, but whatever, I'll just drop the whole thing and go back from whence I came. As has been made abundantly clear I have no right to be posting about S10 topics anyway. *shrug*

                                As for the SCam thing, I'll plead ignorance again. Shipmum and a couple of others said the shipping was overbearing and I took them at their word.

