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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    i'm thinking that the last few eps will be like - to my tastes - the reckoning/threads/moebius arc...a little island of 'decent' in a sea of tripe.

    I doubt they'll hold it together for the whole rest of teh season. Vaniel will return, as will the slapstick adn cheap jokes and tawdriness. the boys can't restrain themselves.

    If they could and we'd have had more LITS and less Ties that BInd, there would probably be a s11 right now.
    So why are they just now giving the fans what they want? Could it be they are concerned about the movie sales? With going straight to video, they need a fanbase that actually is interested in either purchasing or renting it.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      I guess there are many factors with pitching the series and getting skiffy to pick it up. It seems to me that since skiffy took it over SG-1 started catering to that channel rather than being true to the fans. Now that skiffy is out of the pic, hopefully they will go back to what the was in earlier seasons. Season 1-3 rocked and that was on showtime.

      I do know skiffy has influenced the show a great deal. The show has slowly gone from being an on it's own little gem to marketing to masses of people (namely teenage boys). I would not be surprised if skiffy has sent them a criteria to follow that is based on a demogrphics chart.

      So, in a way I hope the cancellation is a blessing in desguise and they do go back to the cutting edge drama it used to be. I won't hold out much hope for Atlantis or the 3rd spin off due to skiffies involvement.

      Skiffy makes horrible marketing dec. I am wondering how they airing rate fees break down with skyone and canada channels. If skiffy was paying a 1/3 of the total cost to make the series to be able to air the series in the US (usually first) I wonder what is the deal with the other networks.

      How can skiffy hold that much power over the franchise?
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
        Given that this is the Anti Season 10 thread, and that I personally found the last two episodes to be good, is Stargate getting back on form?

        While they haven't been screened yet, the next two episodes have also piqued my interest and sound (hopefully) like good episodes too. Is anyone else finding their interest in the show renewed? Or have they left it too little too late?

        Of course it's all academic now, with the cancellation and it would be ironic for them to find their form at this stage.
        Spoiler for LITS -
        As an example, having found Cam a cartoon rather than a character for a season and a half due to the erratic and self-indugent writing, suddenly in LITS, we get really nice scenes between him and Sam, with real emotion, rather than slapstic. It gives us a glimpse of what the character could have been with better writing and what a waste they have made of BB's talents.

        Though I suppose they increase their chances of the DVD films being successful if they manage to get some of the fans back on board so it wouldn't be entirely wasted. I'm still not convinced, too many changes and too much self indulgent, illogical writing, but we'll see with the next few episodes.

        Thank you for taking your time to moderate, TameFarrar no further clarification needed and AGateFan I clearly owe you an apology as your post isn't in anyway disrespectful.

        Sadly it’s too little to late for me. However it doesn’t surprise me that TPTB are still capable of writing good episodes, that’s what makes all of this so sad.

        By making fun of the fans in ep 200 they demonstrated they are now clearly aware of the areas that needed fixing. Although at the time it was too late to fix the early season, they still had time to retool some of these later eps so I kind of would expect (well hope) that they would at least try to make some changes to make it more palatable even though they have also demonstrated they personally like their new direction and thus wont (or just cant) turn back completely.

        If they really wanted to save the show they should have recognized the signs in late S9 but I suspect they, at that time, misinterpreted the "problems" and of course IMHO the show runner was intent on pushing on with his new show. Too bad someone couldn’t get to him, restrain him and let him know that the time for his new show would be when he was running an actual new show, not when he is running an already successful long established show.

        Frostfox thank you for the apology. It is really not necessary, I understand that you felt I was being disrespectful and I know there are plenty of people that agree with you and I understand those feelings and respect them. I guess we all have different levels of what we do and don’t consider respectful. I do agree with Gateworlds rules about not bashing real people and that is why this is one of my favorite places. God how I wish the video game forums I go to were as well moderated as this place. I was trying to comment on the statement in a witty way.... Wit is something that takes great care and skill by those who have mastered it.....or by using the force and throwing out whatever comes into your brain without care or skill by those who have not mastered it. I am sorry that I was not able to give you any joy with that statement and I certainly hope I can provide you some smiles with the next force inspired statement.’s all the forces fault, I swear.

        Padwan AGateFan
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
          Sadly it’s too little to late for me. However it doesn’t surprise me that TPTB are still capable of writing good episodes, that’s what makes all of this so sad.
          It is sad. I guess I'll take what I can get at this point.

          By making fun of the fans in ep 200
          they demonstrated they are now clearly aware of the areas that needed fixing. Although at the time it was too late to fix the early season, they still had time to retool some of these later eps so I kind of would expect (well hope) that they would at least try to make some changes to make it more palatable even though they have also demonstrated they personally like their new direction and thus wont (or just cant) turn back completely.
          I took it a little more as making fun of networks and their view of fans most of the time. And some recognition that there were some things that hadn't worked so well. I personally liked the part where
          Cam was telling the whole intro to the film and he was single handedly fighting the zombies. And Daniel says something like "And where are the rest of us?" Maybe a recognition of some wallpapering of other characters in their desire to push Cam in s9?


            Originally posted by Jackie View Post
            How can skiffy hold that much power over the franchise?
            It's called a checkbook

            scifi is rather infamous for taking good shows and turning them to crap under the guise of 'altering them to fit our viewers'. It is like they plan and deliberately do everything they can to saboutage themselves. Cause that's what they do.

            It's like someone there is bound and determined to perpetrate the 'scifi is crap' cliche
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              It's called a checkbook

              scifi is rather infamous for taking good shows and turning them to crap under the guise of 'altering them to fit our viewers'. It is like they plan and deliberately do everything they can to saboutage themselves. Cause that's what they do.

              It's like someone there is bound and determined to perpetrate the 'scifi is crap' cliche

              explains SGA--RIP *bows head in prayer and lights candle* Burns fingers--ouch*
              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                It's called a checkbook

                scifi is rather infamous for taking good shows and turning them to crap under the guise of 'altering them to fit our viewers'. It is like they plan and deliberately do everything they can to saboutage themselves. Cause that's what they do.

                It's like someone there is bound and determined to perpetrate the 'scifi is crap' cliche
                It's like how we keep hearing that Battlestar Galactica isn't science fiction, it's quality drama. The two aren't mutually exclusive, gang. I'm not a fan of BSG anyway regardless of what they call it.


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  It's like how we keep hearing that Battlestar Galactica isn't science fiction, it's quality drama. The two aren't mutually exclusive, gang. I'm not a fan of BSG anyway regardless of what they call it.
                  Um, it takes place on space ships, in space, in the future (at least I think so) and it's not science fiction???????

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    It's like how we keep hearing that Battlestar Galactica isn't science fiction, it's quality drama. The two aren't mutually exclusive, gang. I'm not a fan of BSG anyway regardless of what they call it.
                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    Um, it takes place on space ships, in space, in the future (at least I think so) and it's not science fiction???????
                    According the skiffy--It's an "original" drama that just happens to be in space. (Sounds to me like skiffy has been in space without any air too long.)

                    Original? What was the "original" Battlestar Galactica then? Hmm, maybe it was just me and there really was no such show.
                    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                      According the skiffy--It's an "original" drama that just happens to be in space. (Sounds to me like skiffy has been in space without any air too long.)

                      Original? What was the "original" Battlestar Galactica then? Hmm, maybe it was just me and there really was no such show.
                      Um...perhaps Skiffy being without oxygen for so long, has forgotten about the original series....but then again they did stunt cast one of the original cast memebers on their new show

                      my fanfic


                        hey, skiffy thinks that horror movies are scifi. they thiknk that disaster movies are scifi.

                        basically anything with effects can be tagged as scifi...if they want to air it.

                        giant killer pythons? volanoes in new york?? tell me how this is scifi????

                        they lump scifi/fantasy/horror in together with a side dose of effect laden drama
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Don't forget Frankenfish

                          It's a shame they cancelled MST3K. That show fit right in with what skiffy airs, even when they lampooned movies like The Girl in Gold Boots (where the only thing scifi/fantasy/horror was a nightclub called 'the Haunted House' that had cheesy Halloween type decorations up).


                            Lets not forget:

                            Who Wants to be a super hero is sci-fi. What was the name of the soap opera? Passions or something like that?

                            Next will be skiffy versions of:

                            Slime Time, (nick show) American Idol, (just need to sing scifi related music) Survivor--with killer bees. Animal cops--dog wardens with paranormal abilities. Skiffy's Dirty jobs with Mike Shanks. Skiffy versions of Harry Potter--oh, wait--Dresden files qualifies for that.

                            Skiffy TV could also include:

                            Remake of the bionic man and bionic woman. Modern Day wonder woman series with a transvestite as wonder woman. They do remakes of captain cavemen and the jetsons.

                            And now all they need is there own cartoon skiffy channel with badly drawn take offs of modern day cartoons as well as oldies like Looney tunes and flinstones.

                            And they could always bring back the dead with a new version of Highlander and have Dr. Fraiser and Dr. Beckett be immortals. (bad fan fic?)

                            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                              Apparently ECW is sci-fi, too

                              Those ideas would probably work better that what they have to offer now...

                              Back to S10... I just reread that interview that Shanks did and I hate to beat a dead horse, but I was totally confused when he said that Daniel and Vala didn't have a lot of interaction in S10, that they only had tibits whenever they were in the same room. Wow... were Flesh and Blood, Pegasus Project, Counterstrike, Memento Mori, and Quest Part 2 figments of my imagination? IMO, the Vaniel stuff was on the same level as it was in early S9. Vaniel has been such a huge focus of the show that I can't see how it's even possible for them to have more interaction, unless they dump the other characters.

                              With all due respect to MS - I know it's his opinion and he's welcome to it, but I thought I was in bizarro land when I read that. Or had been watching a different SG-1 where Vaniel wasn't such a huge part of the show. Come to think of it, I'd like that SG-1 a lot better...

                              Okay, done whipping the deceased undomesticated equine


                                Originally posted by JessM View Post
                                Apparently ECW is sci-fi, too.
                                I have never read anything that said any SciFi exec thinks ECW is SciFi. To the contrary, they readily admit it's not.

                                Only viewers seem to be under the impression that everything the network runs is supposed to be "Sci Fi".

                                I once found a description of the network from when it launched way back in the 90's and, even then, they said the network would run "science fiction, fantasy, and horror".

                                BTW, recently I read that Adult Swim on the Cartoon network is adding live action shows.

