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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    that's jsut it, if they have 'limitless stories still to tell' they mean that they have limitless ORIGINAL stories, or limitless retreads and ripoffs of other movies??????
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      that's jsut it, if they have 'limitless stories still to tell' they mean that they have limitless ORIGINAL stories, or limitless retreads and ripoffs of other movies??????
      Well, I'm still wating for the ripoff homage to the Disney movie "Cars." [/sarcasm]


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        the occasional homage is fun. like the skeleton lying in the sand in enemies/exodus that looked JUST like the one in star wars

        kinda cool.

        but then comes enemy mine that is a direct rip off of another movie. and then it's scenes, situatinos, seemingly whole tracts of dialogue lifted homaged from every otehr show out there and what was once a 10 times a season joke has turned into a 10 times an episode travesty

        to paraphrase ron moore, the key to doing a good homage is to know when to stop, to keep it from being a ripoff

        he's figured that out. the B@B still haven't gotten a clue
        That's why they had Gekko. To say enough is enough. But they never learned that particular skill on their own.

        Last edited by suse; 08 November 2006, 07:43 PM.
        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          because i don;t think they ever step back and look at the big picture.

          they just see 'how cool, i LOVE that episode' and run with it

          it's kinda like rodney's temper tantrums on atlantis. kinda cool if they happen every so often, but for a while he was throwing a hissy fit every single episode and i wanted nothing more than to shoot him...that or get him on some serious drugs, cause he was waaayyy OTT, too OTT for someone on his third year exploring another galaxy
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by suse View Post
            That's why they has Gekko. To say enough is enough. But they never learned that particular skill on their own.

            Gekko is no longer in there as a production company. That left with RDA and Michael Greenburg left after season 8. If they had Gekko, we'd have had better stories.


              Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
              Gekko is no longer in there as a production company. That left with RDA and Michael Greenburg left after season 8. If they had Gekko, we'd have had better stories.
              Iknow. I fixed the typo. I miss Gekko (Greenberg and RDA as EPs) more that I miss RDA as an actor. I really think S9 would have been watchable with that quality control.

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                i think greenburg and rda did a lot of quality control and kept the general attitude of the show out of teh locker room/frat house adn kept it having a bit more of a general appeal

                coop and the boys, while they are having fun, have narrowed the appeal of the show so much that people are just getting bored with the immaturity and turning off the set.

                gekko could balance fun with mature and kept the show with a wide appeal, kids had fun, women weren't treated like place holders, and the humor didn't often descend to teh lowest common denominator as it does most of the time now

                but i think coop and the boys didn't want to keep answering to 'daddy', they wanted to have fun, so they carried on without gekko and have been indulging themselves in 'fun'...and now just can't 'get it' that thier self-absorbed obsession with 'fun' has killed the show cause it's not about making something that THEY enjoy, a successful show is all about making a show that the general public enjoys

                and the general public doesn't seem to get much enjoyment out of incessant sexual innuendo, paper thin plots and cardboard cut out OTT characters
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  but i think coop and the boys didn't want to keep answering to 'daddy', they wanted to have fun, so they carried on without gekko and have been indulging themselves in 'fun'...and now just can't 'get it' that thier self-absorbed obsession with 'fun' has killed the show cause it's not about making something that THEY enjoy, a successful show is all about making a show that the general public enjoys
                  Making something they enjoy is all very well - but if they concern themselves only with what appeals to them, what they find fun instead of considering the wishes of their viewers, they have no right to complain when the show tanks and is cancelled.

                  A teenager who helps him or herself to the contents of the liqueur cabinet because their parents are away can't complain when he or she gets a hangover.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    oh they can complain. nothing to stop that.

                    but the teen, instead of going 'mom, dad, you should have protected and taken care of me and stayed home to make sure that i'd be good' they should take a step back and take responsibilty for thier actions and acknowledge taht sometimes 'mom and dad' know best and if they choose to ignore mom and dad's advice and insist upon having 'fun' then they and they alone bear teh responsibilty for that fun and its consequences.

                    'you' changed the show into something 'we' dont' like. stop blaming us for our lack of taste (as you perceive it), accept that your 'vision' is not one that has a general appeal and accept that you have two choices. continue with your own vision and acknowledge that it may not have a widespread popularity, or alter your vision of fun and attempt to make it more acceptible to teh world at large
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      oh they can complain. nothing to stop that.

                      but the teen, instead of going 'mom, dad, you should have protected and taken care of me and stayed home to make sure that i'd be good' they should take a step back and take responsibilty for thier actions and acknowledge taht sometimes 'mom and dad' know best and if they choose to ignore mom and dad's advice and insist upon having 'fun' then they and they alone bear teh responsibilty for that fun and its consequences.
                      And sadly, in this case, the consequences for their actions will hurt others, likely more than they hurt those most responsible. BB and CB's careers may suffer and just about everybody who worked on the show will be out of a job thanks to their "fun".

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
                        Well, I'm still wating for the ripoff homage to the Disney movie "Cars." [/sarcasm]
                        The one ripoff I wouldn't have minded one bit would be ripping off the Dallas dream senerio. S10 starts with Mitchell waking up from his comma realizing it was all a dream.

                        The could have easily corrected everything wrong with S9:
                        1) Gave Jack a proper send off
                        2) Re introduced Mitchell as a new member of SG-1 under Sam.
                        3) Never introduced Dr. Lam and the lame daddy/daughter issues
                        4) Re introduced Vala, maybe as a reoccuring character
                        5) Never introduced the Ori and the evil baby
                        6) Mention Jack once and a while and even have him in a couple of eps.

                        Instead they continued on and even went a step further and mocked the fans in 200.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          And sadly, in this case, the consequences for their actions will hurt others, likely more than they hurt those most responsible. BB and CB's careers may suffer and just about everybody who worked on the show will be out of a job thanks to their "fun".
                          that's the saddest part. the writers and coop will, as far as anyone knows, just move over to atlantis and write it full time.

                          some of the crew that does 'double duty' will keep their jobs, but some of them will be let go i'm sure.

                          along with the actors

                          the 'victims' and folks that have had little to no say in this whole mess are teh ones to suffer the most while those that could have controlled it are the ones that'll come out with little consequences beyond maybe a smaller paycheck since they're now doing only 20 eps instead of 40
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                            The one ripoff I wouldn't have minded one bit would be ripping off the Dallas dream senerio. S10 starts with Mitchell waking up from his comma realizing it was all a dream.

                            The could have easily corrected everything wrong with S9:
                            1) Gave Jack a proper send off
                            2) Re introduced Mitchell as a new member of SG-1 under Sam.
                            3) Never introduced Dr. Lam and the lame daddy/daughter issues
                            4) Re introduced Vala, maybe as a reoccuring character
                            5) Never introduced the Ori and the evil baby
                            6) Mention Jack once and a while and even have him in a couple of eps.

                            Instead they continued on and even went a step further and mocked the fans in 200.

                            we have all heard the old cliche about not biting the hand that feeds you...well i just can't even figure out what they are doing. it has gone beyond biting to -gee-can i say it??? Canabalism?

                            i agree Rogue with the Dallas scenario-we have talked about it numerous times (and expounded on it on the thread) and those thoughts are exactly what ought to have been considered by the show-it would have been just easier to say oops and move on instead of compounding the issues.
                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                              we have all heard the old cliche about not biting the hand that feeds you...well i just can't even figure out what they are doing. it has gone beyond biting to -gee-can i say it??? Canabalism?

                              i agree Rogue with the Dallas scenario-we have talked about it numerous times (and expounded on it on the thread) and those thoughts are exactly what ought to have been considered by the show-it would have been just easier to say oops and move on instead of compounding the issues.
                              Yeah we have. To pretend it didn't exist is the only way out from the mess they have made.

                              Even after 1 1/2 seasons I still can't find much use for Mitchell. He brings nothing to the team that didn't already exist.

                              Vala sole purpose on the team is to be humorous. At least she did find a niche. But what one group of people find humorous another group finds childish and annoying. I am in the later group.
                              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                                that's the problem with humor

                                it's subjective, very, very subjective.

                                the focus on it simply narrows the general appeal of the show
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


