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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
    I agree but I take it a step further. Jack may be in that ep with Daniel but he will be of little concequence in the outcome. They dont want Jack O'Neill to be of importance anymore. They wont let him interact with any of the original characters in any meaningful way. The best you may get is him meeting up with Daniel in a hospital room at the end for some cake or something. I really thing all the RDA appearances are just that an "Appearance", nothing at all of story realvance. Even his getting (atlnatis spoiler)
    "captured" in the ep of Atlantis was nothing but a stunt to actually get people to care about the SGA team going back to atlantis

    From what I've heard Jack does actually have some decent interaction with Daniel in The Shroud, I don't know the specifics, but MS did mention working on a head to head basis with RDA, and I think he has also said that Jack has a lot to do with what happens to Daniel (but don't quote me on it)
    We'll see.

    Anyway I do agree that RDA's appearances have been wasted. Perhaps The Return Part 2 will be better if we see him in action, not just being A General.

    I don't have a problem with him doing Atlantis as I'm a fan of SGA and think it's been the better show for a while now, but it's the balance against SG1 and of having him being put there to try and push SGA.
    I think it has and will backfire as has been said. The ratings for The Return actually dropped slightly, which is a shame because I would like to see SGA carry on for a while longer yet and not be dragged down with what's happened to SG1.

    Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


      I was just watching the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis. There was the scene near the end of the movie with the pilot of the shuttle (played by orignal Weir ) was trying to fix the ship and get the engines to start so they could escape, and the Russian (alien ) took a pipe and fixed it by hitting it.....

      hmmm? where have seen this before

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
        Sooooo Daniel and Vala is the source from where all Ancients and Ori spring?

        No wonder they bounce from the arrogant self absorbed, and obessed with personal power and desire to overly compassionate to the point that they "interfere" and cause more problems and then refuse to fix those problems because "interfering" is wrong.
        Wow! You hit the nail on the head with that one. (No wonder why none of the other ancients wanted to interact with Daniel while he was ascended. They didn't want to give away the fact that he's their daddy. )

        But seriously too, that whole Adam and Eve scene they did in the second or was it third episode in season nine would make sence and tie into that idea.
        Daniel was going on about how religions use stories to help carry their ideas, while Vala is eating an apple.


          Originally posted by Rogue View Post
          Totally agree! I don't think Sam has fully recovered from the damage done in Season 7 and 8. I would love to see Sam kick butt like she did in earlier seasons.

          And like my fellow shippers I would like to see Sam and Jack finally get together, but I am afraid I have lost hope. TPTB have shown they are only interested in showing Sam/Jack together in every alternate universe but ours.
          I'm probably alone in this, but I thought that Sam and Daniel were cute in that alternate timeline in Moebius. I would have liked to see more of them together and wasn't too happy that alt-Daniel was killed off like that. I know it served the storyline and all, but... well...

          Hoping that comment won't get me banned


            Originally posted by grasshopper64 View Post
            From what I've heard Jack does actually have some decent interaction with Daniel in The Shroud, I don't know the specifics, but MS did mention working on a head to head basis with RDA, and I think he has also said that Jack has a lot to do with what happens to Daniel (but don't quote me on it)
            We'll see.
            I so hope that you're right. The Jack/Daniel interaction and friendship has been sorely missed. I really hope that it's Jack who
            plays a big part in getting Daniel away from Origin and not Vala so that she overshadows Jack and that the whole point that "this is the Vaniel Show!" will be emphasized.


              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              I was just watching the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis. There was the scene near the end of the movie with the pilot of the shuttle (played by orignal Weir ) was trying to fix the ship and get the engines to start so they could escape, and the Russian (alien ) took a pipe and fixed it by hitting it.....

              hmmm? where have seen this before
              LOL! That does sound eerily familiar...

              I guess it is yet another, homage....


                Originally posted by grasshopper64 View Post
                From what I've heard Jack does actually have some decent interaction with Daniel in The Shroud, I don't know the specifics, but MS did mention working on a head to head basis with RDA, and I think he has also said that Jack has a lot to do with what happens to Daniel (but don't quote me on it)
                We'll see.

                Anyway I do agree that RDA's appearances have been wasted. Perhaps The Return Part 2 will be better if we see him in action, not just being A General.
                You reallllly give me hope here. Hopefully, Jack will be the center of the episode, or at least, having dialogs, a lot of it. RDA always shines as long as he gets a chance to talk.

                Now, on a side note, Mitchell needs a lesson about the feeding and care of SG-1.


                  Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                  Only our TPTB would not use such a great character like Jack.I get the feeling SciFi did not want the Jack character to overshadow Vala and Mitchel.It's going to be TPTB loss.I could be wrong but if RDA is in the Movies and is only used in small parts I think their will be a backlash against Atlantis and any spinoff Shows.The only way TPTB would not be at fault is if RDA cannot give them a lot of time in filming the Movies.TPTB may want to deny the Sam/Jack Ship all they want.I just hope they are ok with losing a large Fan base for their other Stargate projects.

                  I happen to think that they are okay with losing a large part of their fan base-they have shown the last two years that they don't really have any concerns about fan reactions-if they had-season 10 would have negated season 9.

                  Season 8 was the real downfall of Sam-the almost invisible Sam/Jack relationship-the out of the blue "resolution"-and then there was Mobieus...

                  Season 9 was the year of the idiotic story lines. not too mention the idiotic characterizations. I was wondering what in the bloody hell I was watching last season because it had no resemblence to the show that I came to know and love.

                  Nope-they really don't care about losing their fan base and they really don't care that the show has turned into a characature of itself.

                  I am not holding out much hope for the movies-and if Rick is kind enough to make an appearance I hope that it is Jack O'Neill we see and not some character whose name happens to be Jack O'Neill.
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                    I happen to think that they are okay with losing a large part of their fan base-they have shown the last two years that they don't really have any concerns about fan reactions-if they had-season 10 would have negated season 9.

                    Season 8 was the real downfall of Sam-the almost invisible Sam/Jack relationship-the out of the blue "resolution"-and then there was Mobieus...

                    Season 9 was the year of the idiotic story lines. not too mention the idiotic characterizations. I was wondering what in the bloody hell I was watching last season because it had no resemblence to the show that I came to know and love.

                    Nope-they really don't care about losing their fan base and they really don't care that the show has turned into a characature of itself.

                    I am not holding out much hope for the movies-and if Rick is kind enough to make an appearance I hope that it is Jack O'Neill we see and not some character whose name happens to be Jack O'Neill.
                    And they brought up alot of the things we complained about in 200 and basicly made a joke out of it.
                    I thought the J/S wedding was a slap in the face to the J/S shippers.
                    They have made it clear on how they feel about certain fan bases.
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      i think 200 was a slap in the face to most of the fans.
                      "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                      Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                        Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                        I happen to think that they are okay with losing a large part of their fan base-they have shown the last two years that they don't really have any concerns about fan reactions-if they had-season 10 would have negated season 9.

                        Season 8 was the real downfall of Sam-the almost invisible Sam/Jack relationship-the out of the blue "resolution"-and then there was Mobieus...

                        Season 9 was the year of the idiotic story lines. not too mention the idiotic characterizations. I was wondering what in the bloody hell I was watching last season because it had no resemblence to the show that I came to know and love.

                        Nope-they really don't care about losing their fan base and they really don't care that the show has turned into a characature of itself.

                        I am not holding out much hope for the movies-and if Rick is kind enough to make an appearance I hope that it is Jack O'Neill we see and not some character whose name happens to be Jack O'Neill.
                        Yep, they didn't care and probably laughed at us, until the ratings dropped so much they were begging us to come back and to bring some friends along

                        my fanfic


                          Good point Mandy.I think they did not care but SG-1 is now cancelled and their is the DVD Movies and Atlantis and any other SG future project to worry about.If SG-1 was ending and their were no other SG Shows then TPTB do not have to worry about the Fan base.It makes for lousy business sense to upset a major Fan base or bases.Remember Atlantis is not exactly a ratings powerhouse.TPTB can continue as business as usual and it's going to be themselves they hurt.Fans will always find new Shows to watch and support.


                            Originally posted by ParadoxRealities View Post
                            i think 200 was a slap in the face to most of the fans.
                            I agree, it was like they said, 'Oh well, we're getting canciled, let's stick it to the fans that have annoyed us the most.' I also felt it was a slap in the face to the actors. Like having MS play Criton in the Farscape scene. Or all those comments the wormwhole x-tream people made at the end of the episode. But who knows, maybe they like making fun of themselves...


                              An odd thing I read in one of the articles about 200 was that the PTB called it a love letter to the fans. Are they crazy? Does the fact that I didn't like it mean that I don't have a sense of humor? Either I'm not a typical fan or the PTB don't understand their audience.

                              I think it's got to have been a big let down for the producers to hear that they are only getting a straight to DVD movie or two and not a TV movie. If the DVD movie is a stinker and continues to alienate the different fan bases, word of mouth will quickly spread among the fans who will be the people most likely to buy it, and the DVD ain't gonna sell. It's not as if you are watching something on the SciFi channel and if it's bad, you can switch channels or watch to the end and realize you've wasted a couple of hours. A DVD purchase requires a higher level of commitment.

                              I think the producers/writers have shown a great deal of hubris. I honestly think that producers/writers of the later seasons before season 9 were lucky and just didn't realize it. Much of the hard work of producing well-drawn characterization in a realistic setting with intelligent humor and creating a wonderful role-model type character like Sam was done in the earlier seasons. The newer producers were able to coast to a certain extent and mucked up some of the characterizations, especially Sam.

                              I watched the reruns and got hooked and started watching the new episodes on Friday night about 3 years ago. The poor ratings that would be a consequence of the deterioration of the show (which accelerated in season 9 onwards) was forestalled and masked by the addition of new fans who loved the earlier episodes. I became totally disillusioned about 3/4s of the way through season 9 and stopped watching completely. Still watch SGA.

                              RCC and friends thought they could create any self-indulgent crap and the audience would continue watching. I'm sure it must have been a great shock to them this year when they lost a third of their audience. I hope it was a wake-up call and they will study the message boards and review the episodes and try to understand what went wrong. If the DVD movie fails, that's it for SG-1. I don't know if Stargate's financial backers would necessarily want to create a third series with this particular group of writers/producers and actors.

                              Also, like many other posters have stated, if SGA declines in ratings even a little, its cancellation is guaranteed. Then the writers/producers will be without a job and unfortunately, also, have the reputation for wrecking a popular, well-loved science-fiction franchise.
                              Last edited by Flowerbud; 15 October 2006, 07:03 AM. Reason: fixing typos


                                I hope MGM gets on Bridge's case to make sure these Movies are good.If the SG-1 Movies are a flop it can effect Atlantis or any other SG Venture.It also can effect Fan support for any other non SG product developed by TPTB.A lot is riding on these SG Movies whether TPTB want to admit it or not.The last 2 Years have really hurt the francise and these Movies could be the last straw for many Fans.

