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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    For those looking for Drama before tonight's show, may I recommend a 1981
    film called Dragonslayer. Here's a brief summary for the movie:

    A King has made a pact with a dragon where he sacrfices virgins to it, and the dragon leaves his kingdom alone. An old wizard, and his keen young apprentice volunteer to kill the dragon and attempt to save the next virgin in line - the Kings own daughter.

    Who knows, it might be better than tonight's episode.


      Originally posted by ReganX
      I think it's actually a slight drop. I'm fairly sure that "Memento Mori" managed to garner a 1.6. I wonder what's to blame for the low ratings this week - competition, bad weather, good weather, not enough advertising...

      So far, the first half of season ten hasn't been a resounding success ratings-wise.
      You could be right actually... I'm confused, either MM got 1.6, or maybe it was 1.5 and Atlantis got 1.6. That's what I remember reading in the article here - that SG-1 and SGA remained steady. Though I could be remembering wrong...

      But regardless I bet they'll blame the steady ratings (i.e NOT climbing) on one of those factors...

      Season 10 has been down quite a bit from last year - not surprising at all IMHO (well maybe a little since I didn't really like S9 very much either).


        Originally posted by Racingtime
        Thanks for the ratings explanation. I'm getting it now.

        Also having read the longer description on Solutions for The Quest Part 1:

        The Parchment tells them what virtues they need (in order to access the Sangreal): prudence, wisdom, charity, kindness, and faith. So do people speculate that this is going to be all Daniel or is each person on the team supposed to represent one of those virtues? Also I wonder if the dream that Vala has leading them to the location is put in her mind by Adria or if it's some buried memory from Qetesh (sp?) similar to how Jolinar's memory led Sam and the others to the Tok'ra.

        Did anyone see Joe Mallozzi's description of it in TV Zone: "It's sort of an epic tale along the lines of Dungeons and Dragons. If you ever played that or enjoy fantasy-type stories then this is the one for you."
        All I can say to this is Hoo Boy....

        Okay maybe I can say a bit more...

        Right now my gut is telling me it wil be all Daniel (I certainly don't see either Cam or Vala representing any of them), though I don't see Daniel 2.0 aka New Improved Daniel with Built-In OTT Snark as really embodying all those qualities now. Maybe if this had taken place back in s1-3, but it would be a huge stretch now I think.

        I'm also wondering about Vala's dream. Right now it sounds eerily similar to Sam's visions from when she was blended with Jolinar. Wonder if they will try to draw that parallel?

        As far as D&D... UGH. What a joke. I like fantasy but I can't see this as a good thing in an SG-1 ep.


          You know?

          I could have accepted Carter getting pushed aside for a man. Realistically speaking with Carter in command SG-1 would NOT be able to do any missions classified as “Combat”. They could have hit that for an excuse saying after Janet’s death the SGC were being looked at very closely and put a Colonel Mitchell in charge. Given Mitchell some solid ground combat experience. It’s the military the congressional ban on woman serving in combat still stands. And for goodness sake they could have made Sam more than a little p*ssed about it. It’s the military and Sam’s been hitting that wall her career life.

          But that would have caused something realistically called “conflict” within the group.
          Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


            i doubt they'll draw the parallel. after all, musn't make any mention of sam's past. Vala's is all that counts.
            and these boys seem to be doing any and everything they can to ignore sam and jolinar and trying to make 'ex-host' exclusive to vala
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
              You know?

              I could have accepted Carter getting pushed aside for a man. Realistically speaking with Carter in command SG-1 would NOT be able to do any missions classified as “Combat”. They could have hit that for an excuse saying after Janet’s death the SGC were being looked at very closely and put a Colonel Mitchell in charge. Given Mitchell some solid ground combat experience. It’s the military the congressional ban on woman serving in combat still stands. And for goodness sake they could have made Sam more than a little p*ssed about it. It’s the military and Sam’s been hitting that wall her career life.

              But that would have caused something realistically called “conflict” within the group.
              conflict is what i wanted to see. I wanted to see, after OTG, someone pull cam aside and say 'look, you bonehead, this is why we don't do.....' or 'you know cam, we have rules for a reason'

              do SOMETHING to call him on his actions.

              same with vala in uninvited.
              ok, so they evidentally think it's cute when she spouts off and shoots her mough off why doesn't anyone EVER pull her to the side and explain rank and procedure? are they afraid they'll hurt her feelings? they shouldn't be.

              when individuals join a group, they have to alter their behavior to fit into the norm of the group. and that is a conflict. hwo well that conflict is handled determines how well a person fits in.

              thist near total lack of conflict is soooo unrealistic. It's boring. it's pod people. 'normal' humans do not ease through life without a bit of conflict.

              conflict would give teh actors something to work with and something to chew on.

              right now? right now we have a nice mayonaise and whitebread sandwich. booooorrrrriiiinnnngggggg
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Rogue
                Yeah, I am still waiting for Cam to battle the bunny rabbit.
                Perhaps Merlin's secret weapon is the Holy Hand Grenade.

                Well nuts. I just realized I'm working tonight. No Sg-1 live for me. Note that I didn't even put it together that I'd miss it. Poor SG-1. A mere shadow of itself.

                If you don't awnt to watch Munty Python you can watch Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire. It also has
                Dragons! Wizards! Swords was Chamber of Secrets.

                I can't beleive I'm going to Mystie another SG-1 (mid)season finale!
                Last edited by suse; 22 September 2006, 06:03 AM.
                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  Originally posted by RealmOfX
                  Ah yes, I've decided I'm definitely watching Monty Python and The Holy Grail BEFORE The Quest Part 1

                  I'm sure they'll have a better grip on things

                  The Quest is given -
                  On Second thought let's not go to Cam-Alot tis a silly place!!

                  The inspiration for Cam "saving" Teal'c from yet another torture session in Stronghold -

                  Killer bunnies - The Real inspiration for the tree ferrets -
                  "Run Away!! Run Away!!"
                  "I soiled my armor I was so scared"
                  I don't think I have to watch Stargate tonight - how could it top this?!
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                    D&D?? Oh dear god..... We ARE trapped in Ren Fair h*ll!

                    I was never a fantasy Sci Fi fan so D&D never really appealed to me. No offense to any D&D fans we might have lurking.
                    Same here, I like the science in scifi and also love mythology,
                    I was wondering if I could donate my copies of Frazer's Golden Bough, Campbell's Hero with a 1000 Faces et al, Edith Hamilton tomes and of course Bullfinch and other minor works to these guys who have run out of ideas - but I guess they don't need them now
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      Originally posted by LaCroix
                      For those looking for Drama before tonight's show, may I recommend a 1981
                      film called Dragonslayer. Here's a brief summary for the movie:

                      Who knows, it might be better than tonight's episode.
                      I've only heard of this movie vaguely, but heck even from the summary I wouldn't doubt much that it could be better. Thanks for the recommendation.


                        Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                        There is that. If you can’t beat the standard it’s best to stay away.

                        Don’t get me going on the dragons okay? The roots of Dragons in European mythology are actually Norse.

                        My problem with them jumping in to the Arthurian legends with the whole Ancient angle is the time line doesn’t fit. The Arthurian legends are pretty modern in the scene of myths and legends. A lot of the elements of the Arthurian Legends were adopted from older Irish mythology too. They easily could have jumped back to the sun god Lugh, Cú Chulainn, and the Irish book of Invasions if they had wanted to which is MUCH older.

                        Of course if they actually jumped back to Irish mythology they’d have to deal with a rather predominate family in it with the surname “Niall” or “U’Niall” or “O’Neill”. And heaven forbid they even mention a name that might remind fans of a certain ornery General. Heck it might even fit continuity. Can’t have that.

                        Okay… I’m going to stop ranting now.
                        I've wondered about the Arthurian timing more than once. That was only 1100-1300 years ago, right? The timing is off by several thousand years. Unless the Ancients (or in this case Merlin - while he's trying to remain under the radar) still have ships big enough to remove entire (Middle Ages) villiages ::shakes head::Because both Gates are buried.

                        Love the comment about the O'Neill clan.

                        Rant away! Rant away! Though I hardly need more ammo to know what the writers have come up with is bunk.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by ReganX
                          So the magnets are responsible? Or are we antis prejudicing innocent viewers against the show?

                          We antis are prejudicing viewers agaist magnets (and sunspots) though.

                          Does anyone think Skiffy is trying to get End of Season ratings by advertising the midseason cliffhanger as "end of season"?

                          I'm wondering if it's not going to bite them in their behinds when people think the show is over because it has been cancelled.

                          The cynic in me (I know, I know, no one can believe I have a cynical side) wonders if they aren't waiting six months so they can launch a major campaign to get people to (re)tune in. The! Spectacular!Last!10!Episodes!of!Stargate!SG-1! And be sure to watch the Atlantis as it becomes the Stargate univerese's flagship show! Only on Sci-Fi!

                          Last edited by suse; 22 September 2006, 06:05 AM.
                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by JessM
                            You could be right actually... I'm confused, either MM got 1.6, or maybe it was 1.5 and Atlantis got 1.6. That's what I remember reading in the article here - that SG-1 and SGA remained steady. Though I could be remembering wrong...

                            Season 10 has been down quite a bit from last year - not surprising at all IMHO (well maybe a little since I didn't really like S9 very much either).
                            If I remeber correctly MM got 1.6, same as the SGA ep, and the last ep it droped to 1.5. SGA has been much more steady this season, even if it also has lower ratings then last season. I hope it will pick up, I really enjoy SGA now and hope it will continue for quite some time.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              conflict is what i wanted to see. I wanted to see, after OTG, someone pull cam aside and say 'look, you bonehead, this is why we don't do.....' or 'you know cam, we have rules for a reason'

                              do SOMETHING to call him on his actions.

                              same with vala in uninvited.
                              ok, so they evidentally think it's cute when she spouts off and shoots her mough off why doesn't anyone EVER pull her to the side and explain rank and procedure? are they afraid they'll hurt her feelings? they shouldn't be.

                              when individuals join a group, they have to alter their behavior to fit into the norm of the group. and that is a conflict. hwo well that conflict is handled determines how well a person fits in.

                              thist near total lack of conflict is soooo unrealistic. It's boring. it's pod people. 'normal' humans do not ease through life without a bit of conflict.

                              conflict would give teh actors something to work with and something to chew on.

                              right now? right now we have a nice mayonaise and whitebread sandwich. booooorrrrriiiinnnngggggg
                              I couldn't agree more! I really miss episodes such as "The Other Side" and "Scorched Earth". That was team and family feeling, that they don't always agree with the decisions made, and argue what is right and wrong. I can't remember a single time these past 1,5 seasons where the team has had a disagreement or something like that. Everything seems to perfect for me, it just isn't realistic...but I guess that's what they are going for.


                                Originally posted by suse
                                Does anyone think Skiffy is trying to get End of Season ratings by advertising the midseason cliffhanger and "end of season"?
                                Absolutely, but they've been doing this for years.

                                [/quote]I'm wondering if it's not going to bite them in their behinds when people think the show is over because it has been cancelled.[/quote]

                                I doubt even 10% of the viewers, particularly casual viewers even know it's been canceled. The number is probably more like 5%. It wasn't a major news story.

                                Spectacular!Last!10!Episodes!of!Stargate!SG-1! And be sure to watch the Atlantis as it becomes the Stargate univerese's flagship show! Only on Sci-Fi!
                                I think that is almost exactly how they will promote it.

