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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Gregorius
    I can top that, since the main questions are: Why does Sam have access to a list which she doesn't need to have access to? And why is that, important, list accessable from every terminal inside the SG-C when that list should only be accessible form the controlroom? Why weren't the guards and invasion teams equiped with symbiot poison grenades? Why was Barrett's keycard capable of opening Ba'al's celldoor when he wasn't authorized to be near Ba'al?
    oh, and add to that

    there is NO WAY IN HADES an alkash will crash in colorado and not be on the internet within half an hour. not with an air force base, air force academy, army base, local air port, international airport 70 miles away and a quarter million people living in the city (or so, not quite sure what colorado springs' population is)

    how about barrett even keeping his gun?? most military bases have you secure y our weapon, only thier guards get to stay armed

    no one was monitoring the data transfer? how come the lan lines weren't cut off from the main frame as soon as they lost control of the area
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Madeleine_W
      I'm not saying I want a Cam Spends 15 Eps Going Loopy arc, but I'd really like it if the writers had *something* in mind to happen to be a Watershed moment for Cam. And for real in the show, not some flashback. Something, anything, to really shake him up. That has real repercussions, and gives Cam a new direction and more layers. Every other main character has had that, including Vala. I'm generally pretty positive about this show; I don't know why it is that I can't quite generate any faith that Cam will get the epiphany or catastrophe that he sorely needs. TPTB just haven't ever put the work into Cam that the original team got, or even that Vala got.

      it's like they're afraid to have any conflict. NOONE can sit cam down and say 'dude, you screwed that up'. I don't think we've ever seen cam going 'damn, ok, that was a mistake'.

      no one gets angry at him when he makes mistake. stronghold spoiler
      he vanishes for what? days? weeks? and no one seems to give a damn

      all in all, there is no conflict between the team. no one gets angry at something vala does and goes 'daniel, you vouced for her, it's yoru fault she.....'

      it's like pod people. or 'leave it to beaver' syndrome. No one gets angry or argues iwth anyone else. neither sam or cam seems to ever really make a decsion, they each just hang back until someone else does it. and since no one makes the decision, there's no one to say 'well, that was wrong'

      there's no conflict, so nothing to emotionally sink your teeth into
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver
        it's like they're afraid to have any conflict. NOONE can sit cam down and say 'dude, you screwed that up'. I don't think we've ever seen cam going 'damn, ok, that was a mistake'.

        no one gets angry at him when he makes mistake. stronghold spoiler
        he vanishes for what? days? weeks? and no one seems to give a damn

        all in all, there is no conflict between the team. no one gets angry at something vala does and goes 'daniel, you vouced for her, it's yoru fault she.....'

        it's like pod people. or 'leave it to beaver' syndrome. No one gets angry or argues iwth anyone else. neither sam or cam seems to ever really make a decsion, they each just hang back until someone else does it. and since no one makes the decision, there's no one to say 'well, that was wrong'

        there's no conflict, so nothing to emotionally sink your teeth into
        I agree. There is potential there, but I doubt they'll take advantage of it. They should go review the early shows. There was all sorts of conflict between the team members.
        Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          it's like they're afraid to have any conflict. NOONE can sit cam down and say 'dude, you screwed that up'. I don't think we've ever seen cam going 'damn, ok, that was a mistake'.
          That's a failing with all of the characters since s5 ended though. Sam's messed up and been patted on the head more times than is quite credible. Certain of Daniel's actions too, even the ones I agree with; it beggars belief that no one on the show ever expressed misgivings about them. TPTB can brook some disagreement between Our Heroes, thankfully; but it's all in the planning stages - tactical discussions around the briefing table, that sort of thing. They can't bring themselves to make characters critical of each other, or of actions already carried out. Oh well, they want them all non-judgemental, I miss my Jack/Daniel massive spats about who's just been a total idiot, but I can cope without. I'm resigned to not seeing that any more. Maybe the writers don't feel like it.

          But a majorly important defining change oughtn't to be too much to ask for, for Cam. Let HIM be alone and dying / unexpectedly a parent / copied and tricked by his clone / lose his mojo somehow. Nooooo, all he'll get (I worry) is plentiful but inconsequential stories of the week which leave him unaltered from minute#1 to minute#42. I want more for Cam.



            Does Sg-1 really have to be the perfect show for those that talk about it? There are things that I find on the show that have many flaws, in the story line and the characters, but why should it be done they way we want it to be played out? It is fun to read others postings here, expressing their thoughts and complaints. It doesn't matter which way the story folds out. Either way fans are going to have opinions what they did or did not like about the show.


              Meh, after watching Atlantis and seeing the team make major, fireable mistakes this season and last yet getting only a slap on the wrist (if that!), I can gloss over the lack of consequences for Sam, Mitch, or anyone else on SG1.

              Consequences for questionable decisions are few and far between and almost always forgotten by the next ep. It makes no sense to me, especially when the Atlantis team can be so mindboggling stupid, but I'm stuck having to adapt to TPTB's mindset. It's frustrating, but what can you do?


                Originally posted by roseblue
                Does Sg-1 really have to be the perfect show for those that talk about it? There are things that I find on the show that have many flaws, in the story line and the characters, but why should it be done they way we want it to be played out? It is fun to read others postings here, expressing their thoughts and complaints. It doesn't matter which way the story folds out. Either way fans are going to have opinions what they did or did not like about the show.
                You see we were spoiled by the earlier season, where SG1 was a well thought out drama, that actually used the advice of an AF advisor, so thier characters would appear to be like actual armed forces personnel, doing extraordinary jobs. They were believable characters, in unbelievable situations, they actually took time to make the stories work. Now what we have been fed since S9 comes nowhere near the earlier seasons. What we have now is a oh so funny screw-up running rampant in the SGC and no one notices

                So if we complain, its because we know what they used to produce as opposed to what they slap together with no after thoughts as to the Grand Canyon sized plot holes we've been trying to duck.

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  You see we were spoiled by the earlier season, where SG1 was a well thought out drama, that actually used the advice of an AF advisor, so thier characters would appear to be like actual armed forces personnel, doing extraordinary jobs. They were believable characters, in unbelievable situations, they actually took time to make the stories work. Now what we have been fed since S9 comes nowhere near the earlier seasons. What we have now is a oh so funny screw-up running rampant in the SGC and no one notices

                  So if we complain, its because we know what they used to produce as opposed to what they slap together with no after thoughts as to the Grand Canyon sized plot holes we've been trying to duck.

                  Bravo Mandysg1!


                    I happen to think that S10 so far has been miles better than S9 however that does not raise it up to the previous "Classic SG-1" standards, anything that requires me to view it on a superficial level to enjoy it does not qualify in my eyes.

                    I have however been pondering a problem I seem to have, I have not been able to write an episode review / opinion for S10 as yet (yeah, I have complained about parts but not as a whole). I have been trying to figure out WHY, I will always rewatch an ep before I post in the episode threads and I try for a balanced approach where I will point out what I saw as good, bad and in some cases indifferent.

                    I haven't been able to rewatch an episode as of yet, WHY when I think they are much better than S9? Perhaps it is the inkling that where S9 was the season of "here are our new characters, you will love them and forget about the others like we have", S10 seems to be shaping up as the season where "so you won't love our new characters like we do so we're going to destroy diminish trivialise (damn pick a word!!) all previous characters to make our bright and shiny new ones look good".

                    How childish is that? I know I have accused TPTB of puerile writing and story direction before but that would really, really be childish and stupid. I sincerely hope that I do have the wrong end of the stick, that I am mistaken but there are signs. Take the season opener for instance, I believe I had a bit of a dummy spit here about that one link . Every single main character had Mitchell take over an aspect of their duty to make him look good, as a matter of fact you could quite easily have taken Mitch out of the picture and it still would have worked (doesn't say much for his character now does it?). Now take the episode Insiders, damn that had the whole SGC acting out of character (read stupendously DUMB) just to make the story work. What? the only way to make your new Hero shine is to downgrade the others???? Actually, come to think of it you could have quite easily taken both Mitchell and Vala out of all 4 episodes and they still would have worked. (BTW the space demon sprog could have been birthed by anyone!! When are these guys going to get an original thought?)

                    Seeing as the main obstacle to the inexperienced and unqualified Mitchell shining is the extremely qualified and experienced Lt Col Sam Carter does that mean we have to dress her in full body armour (trinium strenghthened of course) to protect against character assassination? I really hope that I am overreacting, that the last episode was simply bad writing but I see a trend emerging and I do not like it.

                    Unfortunately they had quite a few episodes in the can before the first ratings for the season came out. I know that they can spin publicly lots of reasons for that sharp drop but surely they are not stupid enough to believe that their shiny new direction and sloppy writing didn't have something to do with it?? When thousands do not return for the second part of a cliffhanger you have to at least consider that some people didn't like what they saw and therefore didn't return. Too late to do anything about the eps already finished but maybe later episodes?? Well they could, if they stopped acting like emus (head in the sand) and acknowledge that they have big problems.


                      Originally posted by Sg Gato
                      Soooo, it's taking fourteen episodes before there is a Sam centered episode. What are the odds Teal'c will get one before the Season over.
                      Who's this Teal'c you speak of?

                      You mean the guy holding mitchells coat and trying to look scary? I dont think side kicks get their own eps.
                      Last edited by AGateFan; 07 August 2006, 12:20 AM.
                      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        oh, and add to that

                        there is NO WAY IN HADES an alkash will crash in colorado and not be on the internet within half an hour. not with an air force base, air force academy, army base, local air port, international airport 70 miles away and a quarter million people living in the city (or so, not quite sure what colorado springs' population is)
                        Well, since no-one notices/cares about a building disappearing from Seattle you can't be expecting Coloradans (?) to notice something as minor as as a large spaceship crashing to earth.

                        Sigh... I used to enjoy the possibility that the show could be happening in the now.


                          Originally posted by AGateFan
                          Who's this Teal'c you speak of?

                          You mean the guy holding mitchells coat and trying to look scary? I dont think side kicks get their own eps.
                          tall guy! gold emblen on his head! mainlines something called Tretonin!
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            Originally posted by smurf
                            Well, since no-one notices/cares about a building disappearing from Seattle you can't be expecting Coloradans (?) to notice something as minor as as a large spaceship crashing to earth.

                            Sigh... I used to enjoy the possibility that the show could be happening in the now.
                            that's part of what made it fun years ago. the wayt it was written, it COULD have been happening.

                            If you go to colorado springs and drive by the entrance to norad, or see cheyenne mountian you could look up at it and go 'mmmmhm' and wonder

                            but that sense of wonder is gone now. the show is literally too stupid to be happening now. too fantastical, too scifi really

                            they killed that sense of wonder with thier incessant need to have 'fun' and their lack of ability to take care of plot holes
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Sg Gato
                              Soooo, it's taking fourteen episodes before there is a Sam centered episode. What are the odds Teal'c will get one before the Season over.
                              i doubt he will. he's not fun
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by RealmOfX
                                Every single main character had Mitchell take over an aspect of their duty to make him look good, as a matter of fact you could quite easily have taken Mitch out of the picture and it still would have worked (doesn't say much for his character now does it?). Now take the episode Insiders, damn that had the whole SGC acting out of character (read stupendously DUMB) just to make the story work. What? the only way to make your new Hero shine is to downgrade the others????

                                well, it worked for vala.

                                think back to PU. they made a whole crew of the promie look stupid, reynolds, hammond, walter were all dumber than dirt just so that their new hewoine vala could steal the ship. then the humiliated daniel just to get some yuks in and again make vala look good (even though i do freely admit it was kinda fun to watch vala beat teh crud out of daniel)

                                they assassinated hammond, novak, reynolds, daniel, walter and the others just to get thier laughs in on vala

                                PU was just the first of many episodes where the characters are assassinated to facilitate the plot and the sloppy writing of said plot

                                bad, bad, bad leadership imho. If you're the show runner you're supposed to be taking care of these characters, not treating them like junk to make your writers' lives easier
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


