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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Rogue
    Your absolutly right! It not the their newly found S9/S10 fans that will miss stargate, its us Stargate old timers who will miss it the most. The ones they don't feel obligated to please. The loyal fans that watched every season, bought all their DVD, went to the cons. You know the ones that have pretty much gave them a job for the last 10 years.
    I've been missing SG1 since the end of S8, when the actual show ended and this new and improved NOT season 9 started.

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by majorsal
      on other words...

      some ppl blame stargate for farscape's demise. and now farscape is being blamed for stargate's demise... oh, the irony....
      Farscapefan corrected me on that, siting this article:

      It's quite interesting and crazier than the series.
      Last edited by Hatusu; 25 July 2006, 06:25 PM.
      Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


        Originally posted by Hatusu
        Farscapefan corrected me on that, siting this article:

        It's quite interesting and crazier than the series.
        Maybe, but as all this stuff was going down when SG-1 started on SFC SG-1 was blamed by more than a few fans. There are singe marks to prove it.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by Rogue
          Your absolutly right! It not the their newly found S9/S10 fans that will miss stargate, its us Stargate old timers who will miss it the most. The ones they don't feel obligated to please. The loyal fans that watched every season, bought all their DVD, went to the cons. You know the ones that have pretty much gave them a job for the last 10 years.
          Ah, but in truth, don't we already miss it? The loyal fans (as I consider myself to be) who were fans in the wonder days, and have continued to watch even as it's faltered year by year, out of the love we have for what the series once was- haven't we been missing it more and more and isn't that why we come here to commiserate? I know- rhetorical question, really.

          *very sad sigh*

          And IMHO the biggest factor in the failure of the series is the writing- I really do think the creative powers developed a huge case of hubris, so that all the well considered and constructive criticism available to them was beneath them to deign to consider. With the current ratings we see our opinions and feelings vindicated- and lo those Mighty are fallen! Such a sorry thing it has to come at the expense of so many.

          *returns quietly to lurking, head hung down sadly*
          Last edited by Titania V V; 25 July 2006, 09:34 PM.
          Titania of the V V

          Keeper of the Quantum Mirror
          (I swear, it's in my basement!)


            Originally posted by Titania V V

            Ah, but in truth, don't we already miss it? The loyal fans (as I consider myself to be) who were fans in the wonder days, and have continued to watch even as it's faltered year by year, out of the love we have for what the series once was- haven't we been missing it more and more and isn't that why we come here to commiserate? I know- rhetorical question, really.
            *returns quietly to lurking, head hung down sadly*
            I think you're right. IMO, a lot of us are actually going through a process of mourning. Some people are still in the denial stage (i.e. - 'the show's not that bad, the ratings will go up). Others (myself included) are in the anger stage. I think many of us have come to comprehend the reality that SG is probably going to be canceled. And worse still - that it will never be the same as it used to be, even if they do make movies or a mini-series or another spin-off. And we want to blame the people who brought about its demise, or at the very least try to comprehend their reasoning.

            Eventually, many fans will come to accept the loss of SG and will move onto something else, however reluctantly. Personally, I will always grieve the loss of SG. But the truth is that SG as we knew it (and loved it) ended a long time ago.


              Originally posted by Titania V V

              Ah, but in truth, don't we already miss it? The loyal fans (as I consider myself to be) who were fans in the wonder days, and have continued to watch even as it's faltered year by year, out of the love we have for what the series once was- haven't we been missing it more and more and isn't that why we come here to commiserate? I know- rhetorical question, really.

              *very sad sigh*

              And IMHO the biggest factor in the failure of the series is the writing- I really do think the creative powers developed a huge case of hubris, so that all the well considered and constructive criticism available to them was beneath them to deign to consider. With the current ratings we see our opinions and feelings vindicated- and lo those Mighty are fallen! Such a sorry thing it has to come at the expense of so many.

              *returns quietly to lurking, head hung down sadly*
              As MS kept reminding us (when I think he realized the "new" was not all that he thought it would be) "If the fans dont care about the characters "Team", there is NO show"

              TPTB took the team out of SG! I wish I knew why


                Did they really change their minds? They sure aren't using Sam this season thus far.
                Sorry, I meant changed their minds on sending her to Atlantis. I have no doubt that they're still going to continue to sideline her on SG1. In fact, hasn't someone posted previously to say that AT said there were no great moments for Sam this season, no stories focused on her? We'll have to see, but sadly I ain't hopeful.

                Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                Richard Dean Anderson



                  Before I start I have to say I am in favour of Season 10, I think it is amazing it has continued this far and I hope it continues for many years to come.

                  My concerns include the new story line. Like unless I see some very amazing storyline to come out of this whole Ori deal how are we suppose to defeat them.
                  Looks to me like another Gou'ld rehash. We turn their servents against them and get the anti-ori weapon and defeat them. The other thing is seeing as the Ori
                  are already here and obviously quite powerful, we are basically from what I see have to take them out by the end of the Season. If not it would be unrealistic
                  that they putt around in our galaxy for a whole year. So it seems to me like going to be a real fast rehash of the Gou'ld.

                  In addition why do we necessarily need a main enemy at all. Exploring would be just fine.
                  The one thing about season 9 that did annoy me was that I don't think there was one episode that did not have Ori conetations. Even one that was an exploration
                  or something along those lines it still had some point about the Ori.

                  What happened to the 'we will be coming back to exploring'.
                  There are so many things that could also be rehashed that would be no problem at all.

                  The Nox
                  The Tolen
                  More interstellar politics.
                  Lets see some more asgard-earth talks.

                  Some more episodes that don't initally even have anything to do with Stargate Command.

                  Don't get me wrong, Stargate is the best series that has ever existed in my opinion. But I would like to hear others opinions on the need for more exploring
                  and the whole Ori Saga.



                    i THINK they did it at the behest of scifi. who, in an effort to keep power over the show, didn't want a show were any character (and therefore actor) had power over the show. I don't think they liked the fact that 'if rda didn't sign there was no season' and other such bits of control that the actors have

                    so we have the watering down of the characters, emphasis on sfx and plot - which skiffy can meddle with - and an all around blander and more boring show.

                    shows like law and order, which are very story driven adn not necessarily charcter driven, can survive cast changes quite well. but, to do this, the writing has to be dang good. We don't have good writing now. We have an ever decreasing 'inner circle' cranking out template stories with the belief that they are the greatest writers in the world and that anyone that can't see it is stupid. Someone used Hubris, and it's a good term. the writers, imho, have an overdeveloped opinion of thier own abilities.

                    when the characters were handled well, they could overcome a mediocre story. read old reviews and you'll see that more than once a review was of the opinion 'well, teh story was bland and predictible, but so and so interacted so well with so and so that you forgot that this episode was a thin retread of......'

                    but now that there are little to no character moments, there's nothing to compensate for mediocre writing. and the ratings are starting to show it. no matter how much they spin it, no matter how many excuses they drag out, there is still the fact that the show is dying a slow and painful death and has been murdered by meddling...complicated by a case of the Ego
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Albion
                      Sorry, I meant changed their minds on sending her to Atlantis. I have no doubt that they're still going to continue to sideline her on SG1. In fact, hasn't someone posted previously to say that AT said there were no great moments for Sam this season, no stories focused on her? We'll have to see, but sadly I ain't hopeful.

                      me neither. Sam is no fun. she's boring. she's no vamp, no naughty girl she's, well she's not fun

                      and i think they will continue to treat the character like crud and sideline her adn i still personally think that there's someone - even as they're forced to acknowledge how very popular sam and AT are - that would be much happier if AT just took the hint and left.

                      cause that's how they're treating her. Like someone they can't fire since they'd never survive the backlash yet someone they'd be quite happy if she turned in her notice then they wouldn't have to worry about that non-fun character anymore

                      At least, going by all we've heard, if this attitude exists at bridge, tehy're good about keeping it under wraps because all the actors get along. And honestly, you know, if they're gonna pay her more to do less, i say you go girl.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        me neither. Sam is no fun. she's boring. she's no vamp, no naughty girl she's, well she's not fun

                        and i think they will continue to treat the character like crud and sideline her adn i still personally think that there's someone - even as they're forced to acknowledge how very popular sam and AT are - that would be much happier if AT just took the hint and left.

                        cause that's how they're treating her. Like someone they can't fire since they'd never survive the backlash yet someone they'd be quite happy if she turned in her notice then they wouldn't have to worry about that non-fun character anymore

                        At least, going by all we've heard, if this attitude exists at bridge, tehy're good about keeping it under wraps because all the actors get along. And honestly, you know, if they're gonna pay her more to do less, i say you go girl.
                        In S7, when RDA further reduced his schedule, they turned to AT/Sam to carry a good part of the load. I thought she did a great job. I found her character to be a breath of fresh air compaired to the usual sexed up Sci-fi women.

                        Comparing the 'fun' team vs the classic 'boring' team, who had the better ratings? Sam had a major role in those ratings as well as the rest of the team.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          me neither. Sam is no fun. she's boring. she's no vamp, no naughty girl she's, well she's not fun

                          and i think they will continue to treat the character like crud and sideline her adn i still personally think that there's someone - even as they're forced to acknowledge how very popular sam and AT are - that would be much happier if AT just took the hint and left.
                          cause that's how they're treating her. Like someone they can't fire since they'd never survive the backlash yet someone they'd be quite happy if she turned in her notice then they wouldn't have to worry about that non-fun character anymore

                          At least, going by all we've heard, if this attitude exists at bridge, tehy're good about keeping it under wraps because all the actors get along. And honestly, you know, if they're gonna pay her more to do less, i say you go girl.
                          That's exactly what I've been thinking also. I really hope it's wrong. But...

                          And people wonder why I'm grumpy with the show.

                          This ;ll be taken out of context like mad but: I'd rather the show keep tanking if they are going to keep treating the newer and older members of the crew the same as they did in S9.
                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by Rogue
                            In S7, when RDA further reduced his schedule, they turned to AT/Sam to carry a good part of the load. I thought she did a great job. I found her character to be a breath of fresh air compaired to the usual sexed up Sci-fi women.

                            Comparing the 'fun' team vs the classic 'boring' team, who had the better ratings? Sam had a major role in those ratings as well as the rest of the team.
                            I thought she did a great job too. N. John Smith (the 3rd EP) even said that they thought of her as their "second lead". That comment actually gave me hope (for Sam) for S10. That hope has since been dashed as AT (when asked) said there were no Sam-centered storied in the first 11-12 eps.
                            Which would be fine (well not fine, but not so bad) if the wrtining look and upswing and there was less of a focus on "the hero" and "the id". But I guess they have their new series in S9/S10 so...

                            I'd like to tell N John Smith, "Show me, don't tell me." However as I wasn't there I'm not so sure he wasn't refering to considering her 2nd lead while RDA was there. <shrug>

                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              me neither. Sam is no fun. she's boring. she's no vamp, no naughty girl she's, well she's not fun

                              and i think they will continue to treat the character like crud and sideline her adn i still personally think that there's someone - even as they're forced to acknowledge how very popular sam and AT are - that would be much happier if AT just took the hint and left.

                              cause that's how they're treating her. Like someone they can't fire since they'd never survive the backlash yet someone they'd be quite happy if she turned in her notice then they wouldn't have to worry about that non-fun character anymore

                              At least, going by all we've heard, if this attitude exists at bridge, tehy're good about keeping it under wraps because all the actors get along. And honestly, you know, if they're gonna pay her more to do less, i say you go girl.
                              So while they aren't brave enough to risk the negative reaction if they fired AT, if she decided to leave, none of them would be falling over themselves trying to talk her out of it?

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                I have to say that if they made the new shiny show with Cam and Vala, and none of the original 3, people may have tuned in to check it out, but it wouldn't have lasted to a 2nd season, without the big 3, there would have been no reason for many die hard SG fans to keep tuning in, as we saw with the ratings, the farscape fans would not be enough to keep the show going. All we would get is Cam running around like mighty mouse and his sidekick Vala hanging out (of her costumes). I don't see any good writing for these 2 characters to keep a show going on their own. It's just another Saturday morning cartoon

                                my fanfic

