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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    i'm not gonna waste my time e-mailing him. to him and coop i'm just a 'woman with issues' and i don't count.

    I don't humor the thought that they give a rat's tushie what i think. And anyway, should they be so bored and curious, my thoughts are here, in black and white and accessible whenever they'd want to read them.

    Over the years i've witnessed tptb play with and manipulate the fans, however well meaning that was. While i do accept that they honestly think that they are doing a great job, i don't agree.

    but my opinion doesn't matter. i don't have the power of hire and fire. I'm just a worthless woman with issues that doesn't even have a neilson box. I literally don't count as far as they're concerned.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by binkpmmc
      My 2 cents on the mid-season move - I hear the death knell - this is what networks do to shows that are on the way out - play with the air times and dates, they did it to Alias, Commander in Chief and Joey, to name a few recent ones of the top of my head.
      That's how I see it too.

      Perhaps I am reading too much into this but:

      Why, when there are so few new shows on the air right now, did they put Monk opposite Stargate? After all, the same network owns both the USA and SciFi channels. The same person is the president of both networks. Why put the majority of your original new programs opposite each other when you know they might provide competition for each other? But then again, perhaps this is how they've always done it... I don't know.

      Why has SciFi cut back so dramatically on the reruns of Stargate, even though it is entering its "historic" tenth season? Shouldn't they have at least kept Stargate Mondays around or something?

      It seems to me (and maybe I am being too much of a conspiracy theorist here), that SciFi isn't really interested in a Season 11 and probably never was.

      Needless to say, if the stories in season 9 had been terrific and the new formula had really been "fresh" and exciting, the ratings would not be as low as they are now. I think TPTB did the damage and Skiffy is merely taking advantage of the opportunity presented them.

      Boy, I am quite the cynic tonight. Methinks it is time to call it quits before I really start ranting.


        Are we on the payroll now? Can we be called TPTP as well? I though I heard everything.We now need to go get new viewers.Talk about mission impossible.


          Originally posted by binkpmmc
          IMO, it is because TPKTS did NOT listen to the fans lamenting the changes and providing legitmate, smart, logical, well thought-out and analyzed criticisms that the show has garnered an incredibly embarassing 1.4 for a premiere of their highly touted, wonderful new show, with their shiny new favorite characters that "put new life into the series" (hah!! have you ever heard a funnier joke?). I hope that cooper (along with his band of merry men wright, mallozzi, mullie, et. al.) is very, very happy with his new toys - he may not get to play with them much longer. I say again: in S8 THE SHOW WAS NOT BROKEN - IT OBVIOUSLY DID NOT NEED FIXING. Now though TPKTS have "fixed" it so it cannot be repaired - what a bunch . . . .
          True. Sad, but true.


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            but my opinion doesn't matter. i don't have the power of hire and fire. I'm just a worthless woman with issues that doesn't even have a neilson box. I literally don't count as far as they're concerned.
            Apparently I don't count either. I wonder how many of us literally don't count. I don't know anyone who has a Neilson box!


              I just smile as I remember how TPTB said before Season 9 that the cast and crew have never been happier and how TPTB were bragging about the new characters and new direction.I guess it's RDA fault because he did not let everyone run around and do whatever they wanted regardless of whether it made sense or not.It may sound mean but I'm very happy for all the trouble.I do feel bad for a couple of the Actors and crew.Many of us have seen this coming since the end of Season 8.This is what happens when you get cocky and you do not want to listen to advice and you want to toss long time fans aside.You cannot continue a show just for the sake of wanting to make every last dime.It's always better to leave to early than to late.8 Years is nothing to sneeze at.Long time Fans may not be in the business but we can tell what works and what does not work on a Show we've been watching for Years.No need to be in the business to see what the problems have been.


                I didn't start watching SG until last year, but I think Moebius would have been a good ending to the show. All was well with the world. Our team was fishing together...FINALLY. It was nice! Now there's a chance we won't get a halfway decent ending, and that saddens me. If it's going to be the last season, fine, but give me closure.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  i'm not gonna waste my time e-mailing him. to him and coop i'm just a 'woman with issues' and i don't count.

                  I don't humor the thought that they give a rat's tushie what i think. And anyway, should they be so bored and curious, my thoughts are here, in black and white and accessible whenever they'd want to read them.

                  Over the years i've witnessed tptb play with and manipulate the fans, however well meaning that was. While i do accept that they honestly think that they are doing a great job, i don't agree.

                  but my opinion doesn't matter. i don't have the power of hire and fire. I'm just a worthless woman with issues that doesn't even have a neilson box. I literally don't count as far as they're concerned.
                  Oh I don't pretend to think he gives a rat a$$ about what I have to say (despite the fact that I am in fact in that demographic that is now apparently soo miraculously important they now have to mention it as the bright spot in their 1.4 hole). mallozzi has alway bugged me, not as much as cooper, but his attitude has always been one of arrogance and conceit and of pooh-poohing anyone that does not bow at the feet of the "great men" making, what is now, dreck, IMO.

                  I said my piece and at least I can know someone has told mallozzi where to get off with their attitudes and their desperation now that they burned the bridges that they apparently need (they are even more short-sighted than I gave them credit for which I did not think was possible but alas they are always surprising me with how low they can go).

                  It is sort of like my disappointment that the leadership issue did not come up at the Con - now they can still claim to feign ignornace (if they try to claim ignorance than they are a lot more than short-sighted that's for sure) so I told him and now he knows that he's treading on thin ice with some fans - the very fans that if they had listened to the legitimate crit and ideas they may have been able to salvage the huge unbelievably diasterous mess they made. Ruining a great show after 8 years of growth - it took them one season to annihilate everything they all worked for for 8 years. I say again -- what a bunch . . . .


                    I’m not sure why everyone thinks the 6 month hiatus means squat in regards to SG-1 and a season 11. Sci Fi has been indicating that they want to do year round programming for awhile now. The decision to renew the show or not was always going to be made before the second half aired. It might effect a season 12 but not a season 11.

                    IMO, the more ominous thing that came out of comic con was the DD movie deal. They have apparently abandoned the idea of making feature films using RDA and “the big three”. They totally want to disassociate the features from RDA, MS, AT and CJ to the point where two of the "big three's" characters literally never existed. That's one major rewrite. This looks an awful lot like MGM is getting ready to push one giant reset button on the Stargate Universe, clean the slate and start over from scratch.


                      Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
                      I’m not sure why everyone thinks the 6 month hiatus means squat in regards to SG-1 and a season 11. Sci Fi has been indicating that they want to do year round programming for awhile now. The decision to renew the show or not was always going to be made before the second half aired. It might effect a season 12 but not a season 11.

                      IMO, the more ominous thing that came out of comic con was the DD movie deal. They have apparently abandoned the idea of making feature films using RDA and “the big three”. They totally want to disassociate the features from RDA, MS, AT and CJ to the point where two of the "big three's" characters literally never existed. That's one major rewrite. This looks an awful lot like MGM is getting ready to push one giant reset button on the Stargate Universe, clean the slate and start over from scratch.

                      Meh. There are way too many "may"s and "might"s in the articles. Everything is up in the air. I'm not worried. They've been trying to make Indiana Jones 4 for how long? Have we seen it yet? I think we'll see that before we see the DD Stargate features. He's blowing smoke. I tihnk he senses weekness too. I'm sure he was just waiting for the franchise to screw up. And it did. In spades. <shrug>

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by suse
                        Meh. There are way too many "may"s and "might"s in the articles. Everything is up in the air. I'm not worried. They've been trying to make Indiana Jones 4 for how long? Have we seen it yet? I think we'll see that before we see the DD Stargate features. He's blowing smoke. I tihnk he senses weekness too. I'm sure he was just waiting for the franchise to screw up. And it did. In spades. <shrug>

                        Plus, my understanding was that he sold the rights to the Stargate concept. That means, he no longer owns them. I'm certain that TPTB made sure that they had the agreement in blood to ensure that it wouldn't come back to bite them later on.

                        So he can plan and dream and imagine all he wants to but it ain't his toy anymore.

                        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                          Originally posted by ses110
                          It may sound mean but I'm very happy for all the trouble.
                          You're right, it does sound/is mean.


                            Originally posted by suse
                            Meh. There are way too many "may"s and "might"s in the articles. Everything is up in the air. I'm not worried. They've been trying to make Indiana Jones 4 for how long? Have we seen it yet? I think we'll see that before we see the DD Stargate features. He's blowing smoke. I tihnk he senses weekness too. I'm sure he was just waiting for the franchise to screw up. And it did. In spades. <shrug>

                            The franchise is creaky overall. The Monday night stacks have ceased to perform and were yanked from the broadcast schedule, the syndication ratings drop each year and this year has been no exception. Still I don't think anyone would perceive weakness in the franchise if Atlantis was performing. It's not. Its ratings have generally been within a tenth of a percentage point of the older SG-1 for most of season 9 with SG-1 sometimes tying or beating them out. That pattern looks to be repeating itself this year as well. There's nothing strong enough out there from either television series to give momentum to a feature or even another spin off television show at this point. Going back to the original film and those players would be a pretty logical reboot. I don't think he's blowing smoke.


                              Too bad.I can have any opinion I want.


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                Plus, my understanding was that he sold the rights to the Stargate concept. That means, he no longer owns them. I'm certain that TPTB made sure that they had the agreement in blood to ensure that it wouldn't come back to bite them later on.

                                So he can plan and dream and imagine all he wants to but it ain't his toy anymore.
                                MGM owns them. And DD has a production deal with MGM. It's his toy if MGM chooses to let him play with with it.

