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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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new posts it is. Tonight is the premiere. I want to like it, but you might see me back here. Yeah, I'll probably be back.


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle it is. Tonight is the premiere. I want to like it, but you might see me back here. Yeah, I'll probably be back.
      You , me & lotsa others. Last season I went into with an open mind - this season it's "Please don't make me hate it!, I really want to like it."


        Saying the priors are the same is like saying the jaffa or the wraith are the same.
        Not really. I don't know much about the Wraith because I don't watch Atlantis. But on the odd occasion that I have done, they seem to have distinctly different personalities. Certainly, the Jaffa we were introduced to had different personalities, different agendas, different motives and opinions...especially the deeper into the show we went and as the rebellion took hold.

        You cannot say the same for the Priors, who seem to be complete cookie cutter characters. All the same, saying exactly the same things, doing exactly the same things, no expression, no personality of their own. They are simply blank, bland, colourless cyphers for the Ori. Which is what makes them so boring to me. Seen one, seen 'em all. As I've said before, you may as well have just had the one, same actor portraying them all. Would have made the same difference to them. it is. Tonight is the premiere.
        Is it? Well, I find that desperately sad. First time ever I'm so disinterested and disheartened about this show that I couldn't care less and didn't even have the date of the premiere on my radar or was aware it was coming up. First time ever, too, that I won't be desperately rushing around trying to find somewhere to dl the episodes because I just can't wait till the appear on SKY. Sad, sad day.

        Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

        Richard Dean Anderson


          Originally posted by Albion
          Not really. I don't know much about the Wraith because I don't watch Atlantis. But on the odd occasion that I have done, they seem to have distinctly different personalities. Certainly, the Jaffa we were introduced to had different personalities, different agendas, different motives and opinions...especially the deeper into the show we went and as the rebellion took hold.

          You cannot say the same for the Priors, who seem to be complete cookie cutter characters. All the same, saying exactly the same things, doing exactly the same things, no expression, no personality of their own. They are simply blank, bland, colourless cyphers for the Ori. Which is what makes them so boring to me. Seen one, seen 'em all. As I've said before, you may as well have just had the one, same actor portraying them all. Would have made the same difference to them.

          Mmm... I have to point out this is in the eye of the beholder. IMHO, the Wraith are more or less identical, with the exception of Michael, and all the wraith I've seen had only superficial differences. I do, however, see differences in the Priors, and don't think they have the same personality.

          As for the BB arguement.... while I don't know what's going on with Mitchell, it is possible that the direction BB was pulling is compeltely opposite to what the writers have in mind. That the reason he's "on a leash" or reluctant to make the character his own is because the basics things that are needed for the character collide with the vision he has in mind. Just a suggestion. I am of the opinion that the writers have let in the past the cast shape their own characters to their liking - AT, CJ, MS, obviously RDA - and still do, the interviews with Beau Bridges and CL say as much.

          (and now, this is neither a complaint nor a misgiving so I'll puff into thin air. Puff?)
          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
          Yes, I am!
          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
          Peter Pan R.I.P


            well, we're contemplating going to the Fiesta Mexicana - a local thing put on by the local hispanic populated catholic church

            and i don't CARE if i watch the premiere live. honestly and literally dont care.

            couple of years ago i'd be all squirmy....will the vcr work? will it go off withouta hitch, can i avoid all the spoilers until i can watch it

            but now??? even given what i've heard lately....i guess i gotta be in the mood to watch the train wreck that i think s10 will be...and i really don't care.

            my biggest concern, if i can't get around to watching the tape until satruday, it'll be a pain to moderate without being spoiled
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Well, I'm actually feeling a little more optimistic about S10 than I was several weeks ago.

              If Mitchell is indeed "more grounded and mature" - as I just recently read in that review of the first two episodes over on the Sony board - I might be able to solve my "Mitchell" problem. I certainly think Ben sounds happier in recent interviews than he ever looked or sounded last season so maybe the writers finally settled on a consistent approach that will work better this season.

              If they can tone down the sexual innuendo and "over-the-top" antics of Vala while keeping the things I like (some banter, unpredictability, spunk, former Goa'uld host backstory) I might like her just fine as well.

              If they can actually make the Ori a more menacing, dark, complex, more personal, more fully-fleshed out foe this season (a tall order indeed) I might not leave the room for snacks when they appear!

              And apparently they've replaced some of the "Mitchell"-focused clips in the first scenes of the credits with "team" scenes. Not that it's a big deal to me - but it does tell me that at least they are listening to some of the things the fans are saying.

              I don't think they are going to be able to satisfy the fans who won't be happy unless Sam is leading the team. Because I don't think you're going to see her declared "sole leader" anytime soon. I'm just hoping they actually give her a storyline this year that develops her character in some new and different ways.

              So for right now I'm somewhat excited about watching both Stargates tonight! But I plan on having some margaritas on hand.... 'cause you know rapid-grow baby is still around.
              Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                Originally posted by keshou
                I don't think they are going to be able to satisfy the fans who won't be happy unless Sam is leading the team. Because I don't think you're going to see her declared "sole leader" anytime soon. I'm just hoping they actually give her a storyline this year that develops her character in some new and different ways.

                dont' hold your breath for that. Amanda said at Shore Leave - to a fan in the auto line, not on stage - that there is no Sam focus this season. At least not in the first 12 or so eps. (they were taping #12 or 13 this week)

                Sam is THERE certainly, but there's no focus or arc centered around her thus far
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  The reason I am in the anti threads is not because of any of the actors but because they ruined a well loved show--they being TPTB.
                  They side lined, wallpapered and are extremly dis-loyal to the original 3.

                  They took a team show and made it about one character and made him some kind of over the top "hero".
                  I MISS the team--I MISS Stargate.

                  I am really disturbed that this show will go out with S9&10 as the lasting image.
                  Ignoring 8 yrs of what was really Stargate.

                  Tonight begins S10--I wont begin with it. What used to be excitment is replaced with a morbid curiosity only.
                  I wait for cancellation like an eager child waits for Santa--how sad is that?"


                    Since tonight's the S10 opener, I'm wondering if this thread will be busy or not. I want to get into S10, but can't work up enough energy to do it. Which is really sad.


                      Originally posted by RealmOfX
                      You , me & lotsa others. Last season I went into with an open mind - this season it's "Please don't make me hate it!, I really want to like it."
                      For this seasons premier I will take my NoDoze and drag along my puke bucket. A bottle or two of Mike's Hard Lemonade should round out the refreshments. All the sharp implements have been stowed.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        I normally don't post on this thread but I do quite frequently read the post on here to get a different perspective from my own. Although some of you might not even watch season 10 tonight I just wanted to stop by and say that I hope s10 will be better for some, if not all of you guys, than season 9 was. That’s it, have a nice day!


                          If it continues to be the "Mitchell and Vala Show" with the original three as wall paper; then it's only a matter of time before I just stop watching. Oh, I know, I'm just one person.

                          Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                            Originally posted by Sg Gato
                            If it continues to be the "Mitchell and Vala Show" with the original three as wall paper; then it's only a matter of time before I just stop watching. Oh, I know, I'm just one person.
                            But if a lot of others feel the same way and stop watching, you'll be one of many and by the sounds of things, Season Eleven depends on the ratings for Season Ten.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              dont' hold your breath for that. Amanda said at Shore Leave - to a fan in the auto line, not on stage - that there is no Sam focus this season. At least not in the first 12 or so eps. (they were taping #12 or 13 this week)

                              Sam is THERE certainly, but there's no focus or arc centered around her thus far
                              And didn't Amanda say something on Sunday to the effect that Sam had a new role in the group,
                              saying things to Vala like (paraphrasing) "'This is a military unit, and you can't have that thing in your hair - ' and off she goes like that. And 'You can't wear those shoes off world' but she does - "

                              It sounded to me like Sam had been inserted into the list of Vala's 'straight-men', an idea I abhor.
                              ...a very cranky blog:


                                Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                                And didn't Amanda say something on Sunday to the effect that Sam had a new role in the group...

