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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
    I'm convinced that these are all contrivances to get the "O'Neill" seal of approval on stuff that's 'contrary to canon'. A wery weak attempt to get weteran fans to buy into it. I mean, they had Jack himself act out of character and contrary to canon. Either they think we're th-tupid or in their over-reaching for new viewers they don't care.

    I'm voting for the latter. I refuse to believe all my hard work in college and grad school was for nothing....
    I'm not even a veteran fan - it's only been a year, maybe a little less, since I first saw Stargate - and even I know that it would be completely out of character for Jack to want to have Mitchell on SG-1, let alone as leader.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
      This is perfectly reasonable - good point.
      And the fun part about that is what happens when they realize that Mitchell is a liability, that they shouldn't keep covering for him or if they're in a situation where they can't cover for him?

      I've got a story idea nagging at me now - what if there was an investigation after another of Mitchell's screw-ups led to tragedy and all his mistakes thus far came to light?

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by ReganX
        And the fun part about that is what happens when they realize that Mitchell is a liability, that they shouldn't keep covering for him or if they're in a situation where they can't cover for him?

        I've got a story idea nagging at me now - what if there was an investigation after another of Mitchell's screw-ups led to tragedy and all his mistakes thus far came to light?
        Aah, I can see it now. They discover that he's an NID agent attempting to bring down the SGC from within....
        If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
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          Have you guys seen the latest Ben Browder interview from TV Zone?

          One quote: "Having done a year on Stargate, I think there's a clear concept in the writers' minds of where Mitchell sits in terms of the rest of the team and in my mind too."


            Originally posted by MediaSavant
            Have you guys seen the latest Ben Browder interview from TV Zone?


            One quote: "Having done a year on Stargate, I think there's a clear concept in the writers' minds of where Mitchell sits in terms of the rest of the team and in my mind too."
            I would love to know where in the galaxy that chair is he's sitting in cause it ain't at the SGC as far as I am concerned. Wonder if they actually know how poorly the mitchell as leader thing has played with many of the fans - seems if he is going to be even more "egalitarian" meaning equal - that is how they will try and limit his leadership role since it is a major problem with the show. I really and truly believe that mitchell is the worst character that TPKTS have ever written and introduced on this show, even more so than Anise because they at least had the good sense to jettison her rather quickly. In light of the 8 years of history and the canon and the way things have been done it is really and truly disappointing and mind-boggling how they have ignored their own history. I read articles like this and I hear desperation on the part of the actor and the studio to say and do all the positive pimping they can to try and spin things - it is not working as I am not that stupid.
            Last edited by binkpmmc; 07 July 2006, 06:23 AM.


              Originally posted by MediaSavant
              Have you guys seen the latest Ben Browder interview from TV Zone?


              One quote: "Having done a year on Stargate, I think there's a clear concept in the writers' minds of where Mitchell sits in terms of the rest of the team and in my mind too."
              <SNERK> do these guys actually watch the finished product?????

              I would NEVER use Stronghold as an example of anything except HOW NOT TO DO IT!!!

              Wow, multi page pimpage that doesn't say much. Just answer me this please - how the hell blazes do you lead the flagship ground military team with an egalitarian approach?????? Do not the words MILITARY and LEADER mean anything?

              ** RoX now puts the bait down and leaves in disgust **

              ** Wonders how to do an Egalitarian Felger???? **


                Originally posted by ReganX
                Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of report editing going on. I don't know if Jack gets all the mission reports, or if Landry just sends him an overview of each mission. Landry seems fairly paternal towards Mitchell at times, so maybe he's protecting him and showing him in the best possible light.

                It's also possible that Sam, Daniel and Teal'c wanted to give Mitchell a chance at first and downplaying some of his errors in judgement (okay, screw-ups) because they wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and were confident that he'd learn.

                Plus, Mitchell obviously has a friend in a high place and that friend may be responsible for his perfect record.
                i think Landry probably writes his own summaries, but i have little doubt Jack could get his hands on the actual reports if he wants. if not through entirely official channels due to good ol' Gen. Magwitch, well, Walter seems to like Jack better than Landry and i doubt he likes Mitchell one bit. probably likes Sam and Teal'c (can't you just see Walter and Teal'c a night out on the town) too. i can see or guys downplaying (hiding?) mitchell's screw-ups at the beginning, but not later on. i'm sure they started to get a little worried after a while. more than a little. if they thought reporting it might help mitchell grow up, or even get him removed from the team, i can see sam feeling like its her duty to do so, friend or not. however, if they know about Magwitch, or know that someone is holding them (irrationally) responsible for training mitchell, with threat of removal (or worse) themselves, they may keep quiet. i doubt anyone would have been able to keep stronghold under wraps though. how many guys saw him do that? some must be pissed. and even if they understated it becase he ended up making it (bull, by the way), i have little doubt Jack could put it together. come on, NO COVER FIRE?
                Originally posted by Regan
                True. As Walter's assistant, Mitchell's duties will consist entirely of standing still when Walter gets ticked off about something and wants to throw things at him.
                just Walter? darn.
                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                  in all fairness, he didn't talk about mitchell's total and utter stupidity in stonghold, just about the personal connection. though that he even has the guts to bring it up tells me the AF advisor's still in the closet.
                  i want Mitchell and Adria together? really? you mean like walking out the door? yeah, sure, i can deal with that.
                  "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                  Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                    Originally posted by ReganX
                    Very true.

                    1. They established in Season Five that officers aspiring to join SG teams underwent special training, and that this training was soon to take place offworld. Mitchell had never even seen the stargate and therefore could not have taken part in that training program.

                    2. Jack refused the application of an officer to join SG-1 when the officer in question had far more flight experience, a higher rank and even more military decorations than Mitchell. He made it clear that an impressive resume wasn't going to get anybody on SG-1. How much pickier would he have been about a potential leader for SG-1?

                    3. Jack also stated that "everyone else on this base" wanted to be a part of SG-1 in "Lockdown". Why were these people overlooked and Mitchell given the coveted spot. It wasn't because Jack was so impressed with his actions in the battle over Antarctica. Though he may downplay his intelligence, Jack is not an idiot. He wouldn't consider one act enough of a reason to put Mitchell on SG-1 ahead of experienced officers he knew and could count on.

                    1 + 2 + 3 = Jack would never have put Mitchell on SG-1, let alone wanted to have him lead a team.

                    I could maybe buy Landry trusting an impressive resume and giving him a chance based on that, but that doesn't explain Sam's conveniently timed departure for Area 51. Any commander with an ounce of sense should have wanted her to stick around for at least a few missions, both to show Mitchell the ropes and, more importantly, to evaluate whether or not he could be trusted with the role of team leader. If Sam was unavailable, another SG team commander should have done this.
                    This deserves a green (but I cannot) and it should be repeated far and wide. Mitchell makes no sense as leader of SG-1.
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      Originally posted by RealmOfX
                      <SNERK> do these guys actually watch the finished product?????

                      I would NEVER use Stronghold as an example of anything except HOW NOT TO DO IT!!!

                      Wow, multi page pimpage that doesn't say much. Just answer me this please - how the hell blazes do you lead the flagship ground military team with an egalitarian approach?????? Do not the words MILITARY and LEADER mean anything?

                      ** RoX now puts the bait down and leaves in disgust **

                      ** Wonders how to do an Egalitarian Felger???? **
                      This is actually my query - do they see what I see, the finished product, commercials and all. I think the actors, writers, directors and producers should watch and see what the others influence has altered their piece of the product. Maybe the part you did was great but when fitted into the whole it turns to crap. Some of it starts out that way and there is no salvaging it.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Originally posted by RealmOfX
                        Wow, multi page pimpage that doesn't say much. Just answer me this please - how the hell blazes do you lead the flagship ground military team with an egalitarian approach?????? Do not the words MILITARY and LEADER mean anything?
                        I think it's fascinating () to observe how one manages talking about leading a team of veterans while NOT mentioning that one of the veterans is the former CO of said team. It's quite the nifty little trick.


                          Originally posted by DEM
                          I think it's fascinating () to observe how one manages talking about leading a team of veterans while NOT mentioning that one of the veterans is the former CO of said team. It's quite the nifty little trick.
                          its easy, you just

                          if i hadn't watched the pervious seasons, i'd never know. i would however, still know that pilots with no training or exprience don't belong leading frontline flagship teams; so its not the best trick in the book.
                          "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                          Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                            So many good posts and so right on! I just dont think TPTB gave one wit for canon or the previous 8 yrs.
                            Whatever their long term plan is--does not include the original three. It is a change of direction that will eventually be their undoing.

                            Which is rather sad --because it will taint ALL future endeavors--not just the TV show once known as Stargate.

                            I have this sinking feeling they will use RDA to somehow make legit--Mitchell--in 200.
                            We do not have long to wait to find out if TPTB have listened to anything their fans have said--the falling ratings etc...
                            I hold out NO hope for S10.


                              I was watching An Evening With Kevin Smith one night a few months ago and the question of viewing the finished product brought back something that he said.

                              He said before I believe Chasing Amy came out, there was a viewing with an audience and after about 10-20 were kept and asked their opinions about the film.

                              Now since the show is filmed months before it's aired why can't they do something like this. They could of caught so many potential problems and fixed them before airing.

                              But in my opinion that would have made sense.


                                Originally posted by MediaSavant
                                Have you guys seen the latest Ben Browder interview from TV Zone?


                                One quote: "Having done a year on Stargate, I think there's a clear concept in the writers' minds of where Mitchell sits in terms of the rest of the team and in my mind too."

                                I find it curious that he mentions that no one has come up to him in an airport and told him that he ruined their favorite show - perhaps he has not seen the online stuff here, as well as at other forums, as I have seen dozens of posts specifically mentioning that mitchell has indeed ruined the show for some fans (myself included) and/or has made the show worse in their eyes and that mitchell takes away from the enjoyment and I have seen plenty of people who state that they actually fast forward through many of his scenes because mitchell is ruining the experience (myself included in that one as well) too bad he has not been at any of the same airprorts I have been at recently because I would certainly tell him that mitchell has ruined it for me and exactly why I think so and what I think of mitchell as a character from the poorly contrived intro and backsotry to the way in which Carter has been sandbagged to the way in which it completely and utterly defies canon and the history of the show that a useless noob with absolutely no Gate or off-world experience such as mitchell would even be ON SG1.

                                I would also point blank ask him (BB) why, in every single interview, he fails to mention the fact that mitchell took the leader role from Carter not from O'Neill and why he fails to address that in relation to how how character interacts with Carter - who is by far the superior leader, especially in light of the fact that she lead the team for S8. He has clearly been given tow-the-line marching orders on what he can and cannot say and ignoring history and canon is obviously one of them.

