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S10: nostalgia, new viewers & the progression of SG1

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    Its just a taster of how brilliant her character is going to be. This season is just so good

    Question 2, you are in the desert, you see a tortoise lying on his back, in the hot sun. You recognize his plight but do nothing to help, why?

    because… you are also a tortoise.

    O’NEILL: No. No. Full well expected the other shoe to drop eventually.

    THOR: We can only hope this will be the last footwear to fall.

    T-minus 16 days until sky one season 10 premiere.


      Originally posted by SylvreWolfe
      I would say that 10 is looking better than 9...
      Same here. And since I loved Season 9, I guess I'll be out-of-my-mind in love by the end of this season. IMO, we've had 4 very strong eps so far. And spoilers for future eps just seem to get better and better.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        Originally posted by tommiekins
        I really enjoyed season 9, but season 10 so far, i would agree is definately looking like its going to surpass season 9, and the 200th episode is looking absolutely mind blowing
        I have to agree 100% with everything you said. As i myself loved season 9 I am loving season 10 even better! I also can't wait for 200 however I'll have to recrord it as I have to work! Also I love your Urgo sig , it is one of my favorite episodes!
        Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
        "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
        Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


          Originally posted by Freekzilla
          Who here thinks Season 10 is better than Season 9? I do. I look forward to each episode more and more each week.
          *raises hand* ME! ME! ME! but I also thought Season 9 was completely horrible and by far the worst season of all. As for the 4 episodes from season 10 so far, 1 simply amazing episode, 2 really good episodes, and 1 ehhh episode. Season 10 has been good to watch I would say.
          BRING BACK THE NOX!!!!!
          Also bring back Jack and get rid of that other guy whatever his name is.


            Originally posted by Freekzilla
            Who here thinks Season 10 is better than Season 9? I do. I look forward to each episode more and more each week.
            Me too !

            Even if Insiders has disappointed me, it wasn't bad. And the 3 previous episodes were very good (1) and awesome (2) !

            Still not looking into spoilers, so I don't know what to expect for the next episodes. Please, use the spoiler tags, I was a little spoiled for Insiders, and I didn't like that.



              Originally posted by Freekzilla
              Who here thinks Season 10 is better than Season 9? I do. I look forward to each episode more and more each week.
              Not me, least not yet. I still think Season 9 was one of the best seasons but I also think its way too early to compare the two at this point.
              "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
              DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                Originally posted by Mitchell82
                I have to agree 100% with everything you said. As i myself loved season 9 I am loving season 10 even better! I also can't wait for 200 however I'll have to recrord it as I have to work! Also I love your Urgo sig , it is one of my favorite episodes!
                Thank you, and yeah, Urgo is a fantastic episode. *urgo moment*. Anyhoo roll on the rest of season 10, such brilliance.

                Question 2, you are in the desert, you see a tortoise lying on his back, in the hot sun. You recognize his plight but do nothing to help, why?

                because… you are also a tortoise.

                O’NEILL: No. No. Full well expected the other shoe to drop eventually.

                THOR: We can only hope this will be the last footwear to fall.

                T-minus 16 days until sky one season 10 premiere.


                  Originally posted by Descent
                  Not me, least not yet. I still think Season 9 was one of the best seasons but I also think its way too early to compare the two at this point.
                  I thought last season was one of the best ones to date too. I just feel that this season is well on it's way to being even better.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Originally posted by captain jake
                    ... However that door swings both ways I know that there are a few pro season 10 people who would say they loved a episode even though they didn't. I try my hardest to respect theother side of the spectrum (sometimes I fail ha ha).

                    However I know exactly what you are talking about some people are way to "far gone" as you put it.
                    Just so you guys know that I'm not one of "those 'pros'", I do see some things from time to time that I don't like in eps, but the good stuff outweighs those bits by so much, that I just have to vote 7-10 for most of the eps... Insiders will be getting an 8 from me. I didn't like it anywhere near as much as Pegasus Project, but there were a LOT of fun moments (like the "arm wrestling" ) and some pretty good drama.

                    As far as I'm concerned, every ep begins as a 5 then points are added or subtracted as I watch. When I'm done, if I wasn't impressed, but was entertained (since that's kind of the point of television shows), the 5 rating will stand. Season 9 didn't have a single 5 for me... mostly 7-10s, but season 10 has given me an 8, a 9, and two 10s. I'm LOVIN' what I'm seein'!


                      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                      Just so you guys know that I'm not one of "those 'pros'", I do see some things from time to time that I don't like in eps, but the good stuff outweighs those bits by so much, that I just have to vote 7-10 for most of the eps... Insiders will be getting an 8 from me. I didn't like it anywhere near as much as Pegasus Project, but there were a LOT of fun moments (like the "arm wrestling" ) and some pretty good drama.

                      As far as I'm concerned, every ep begins as a 5 then points are added or subtracted as I watch. When I'm done, if I wasn't impressed, but was entertained (since that's kind of the point of television shows), the 5 rating will stand. Season 9 didn't have a single 5 for me... mostly 7-10s, but season 10 has given me an 8, a 9, and two 10s. I'm LOVIN' what I'm seein'!
                      That's a very good way to look at it. I genereally start at 6 though. I'm just a sucker for anything SG. Generally, season 9 was a 6-8 for me. Season 10 however, 8-10 all the way. I am genereally very pleased with how season 10 has started.
                      Wraith, the OTHER white meat.
                      Loyalty above all else, except Honor.


                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                        Just so you guys know that I'm not one of "those 'pros'", I do see some things from time to time that I don't like in eps, but the good stuff outweighs those bits by so much, that I just have to vote 7-10 for most of the eps... Insiders will be getting an 8 from me. I didn't like it anywhere near as much as Pegasus Project, but there were a LOT of fun moments (like the "arm wrestling" ) and some pretty good drama.

                        As far as I'm concerned, every ep begins as a 5 then points are added or subtracted as I watch. When I'm done, if I wasn't impressed, but was entertained (since that's kind of the point of television shows), the 5 rating will stand. Season 9 didn't have a single 5 for me... mostly 7-10s, but season 10 has given me an 8, a 9, and two 10s. I'm LOVIN' what I'm seein'!
                        I have to say I REALLY enjoyed Pegasus Project. I hope that SG-1 re-visits Atlantis again sometime in the future.


                          Originally posted by HirogenGater
                          I have to say I REALLY enjoyed Pegasus Project. I hope that SG-1 re-visits Atlantis again sometime in the future.
                          Could be. Te he he he he. Muahahaha.
                          Wraith, the OTHER white meat.
                          Loyalty above all else, except Honor.


                            It's been said before, but in light of a few recent deletions it bears repeating:

                            It is Off Topic for this thread to be criticising or even critiquing the views of fans who do not subscribe to the sentiments of this thread.

                            Please discuss the show, not the fans.



                              Thanks for deleting my question too.

                              Is the SIX month hiatus confirmed yet or is it still just a rumor?


                                I've been hung up on a topic since Sam said that "if the stargate program becomes public then "they" can't take the gates away from us." I thing that we need to blow the doors open on the stargate program and sci-fi in general. Personally I don't care if most of the world isn't ready to wake up to the fact of what is possible. Sci-fi needs to become Sci-fact. To many people make money off of hidding what is really going on and talking about the future of "space exploration." We literally could force the facts on them and the leaders will naturally come out. All of the closet sci-fact people could feel safe to talk about what they want to do and see. All of those who wish to live in the dark ages, even in the most advanced nation on the planet can be the worker bees. We'll have our own economic system and move forward from there. One of my favorite episodes was when tea'c was renting an apartment and integrating into society. He or the otther characters wouldn't have to fully integrate on the epesodes but casual street talk with kids or others at coffee shops, etc, advertising what is really going on would boost the ratings. In "reall" life maybe people would start talking about it and stop wondering what is real. And for those of us who love secrecy, believe me there'll still be a bunch of stuff for us to keep to ourselves. At least this would get everyones molecular frequncy going.

                                Tag line for episode ads:

                                Sam: "We are not keeping it a secret anymore. The stargate program is real and we have been airing it for your enjoyment and knowledge. Sci-fact fridays on the sci-fi(fact) channel."

                                All I ask is a lump some of $10,000 for that tage line.
                                There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.

