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The Torment of Tantalus (110)

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  • Tyrathraxus
    I always wondered about who they got to play the Jaffa, did they scout Gyms and training halls? The look of a Jaffa is pretty physical and while you can run actors obviously as Jaffa it would of made sense to recruit people straight from the Gym for the Jaffa Armor.

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  • garhkal
    I think Mike Dupud wins that!

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  • Anja
    Originally posted by Tyrathraxus View Post
    When you are in Robes, or behind the bodysuit of the Mask or have your face overridden with a Stargate water effect, your options on Stargate for roles are plenty

    There should be a game to see how many Jaffa were reused.
    ...or multiplied on screen.

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  • Tyrathraxus
    When you are in Robes, or behind the bodysuit of the Mask or have your face overridden with a Stargate water effect, your options on Stargate for roles are plenty

    There should be a game to see how many Jaffa were reused.

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  • Nirude
    Originally posted by Tyrathraxus View Post
    SG-1 reused a ton of actors. Dion was one who popped up everywhere. Dan Payne too. Hell even Seth played Jacksons dad in an earlier episode. And one I only noticed recently was Heru'ur whose actor played Apophis First prime in the first 2 parter we had between 1/2
    It was weird how they originally wanted David Hewlett to play a different character than Rodney McKay on Atlantis, thank god David just played it as Rodney over and over in the auditions

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  • Tyrathraxus
    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    I always wondered, how he felt playing the role of the scientist who went in this ep, then playing Dr Becket later on?
    SG-1 reused a ton of actors. Dion was one who popped up everywhere. Dan Payne too. Hell even Seth played Jacksons dad in an earlier episode. And one I only noticed recently was Heru'ur whose actor played Apophis First prime in the first 2 parter we had between 1/2

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  • Anja
    Nice episode, nice thunderstorm, nice Ben Franklin thing.


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  • Seaboe Muffinchucker
    Given the gap between the two, and the size of the role here, he may not have thought much of it.


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  • garhkal
    I always wondered, how he felt playing the role of the scientist who went in this ep, then playing Dr Becket later on?

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  • maneth
    Definitely a key episode. As an SGA fan, I also enjoyed seeing Paul McGillion again.

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  • Trig
    Before they built a universal translator into the gate you mean

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  • garhkal
    Maybe that place was set up before they could all speak english?

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  • Falcon Horus
    Originally posted by AsgardGirl View Post
    ...but as we later discover at least Asgard and Ancients could speak English, why they needed “an elements language”, or where they all working on new way of communication for a case of meeting some other race?
    Technically speaking, they never spoke English at all. That's just convenient writing on TPTB part. Same as the Wraith speak English, and every other race we got to meet through SGA/SG1. The Abydonians used to speak Egyptian, but changed rather rapidly to English too.

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  • AsgardGirl
    I like this episode. The fact that no one knew that the gate was open in past, is nice example of lost history. The meeting room of the four species was cool, but as we later discover at least Asgard and Ancients could speak English, why they needed “an elements language”, or where they all working on new way of communication for a case of meeting some other race?

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  • hedwig
    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    When exactly did Carter and Catherine meet? That didn't happen on screen... kinda weird moment.
    Maybe during the time Sam worked at the Pentagon?

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