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The Torment of Tantalus (110)

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  • hedwig
    Catherine and Ernest would have a tough time with Ernest being reintroduced to civilization and technology after 50 years of him being alone on another planet. It would not be an easy re-entry for him. I wish there had been at least a mention of them in a later episode.

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  • skysmurf
    This is such a fantastic episode, but I keep wondering, once they got space travel why didn’t they visit this planet again? Feels like this would have been a great place to search for secrets to combat the Ori.

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  • Seaboe Muffinchucker
    Originally posted by lunasera View Post
    I can't understand how it gets listed as a top episode of the entire series, it's not even in my top for season 1.
    Originally posted by LindaL100 View Post
    I love this episode it's 1 of my favs
    This is, IMO, what makes this series great. There are episodes to suit multiple tastes.


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  • LindaL100
    I love this episode it's 1 of my favs and I think it was such a big turning point in the series because this episode confirmed many pivotal things, firstly it confirmed that they had managed to open the Stargate before in the 1940s before the gate was buried again, secondly it also confirmed that the Goa'ulds did not originally build the Stargate system, and it also confirmed the alliance between the 4 races.
    I also liked Caroline's flashbacks of her with her fiance Ernest, it was such a heartwarming ep to see her and Earnest reunited after being separated for 50 years! They're such a good couple together, it was also heartwarming to see Earnest finally being able to go home after being trapped on that planet all alone for so many years. I wonder whether Catherine & Earnest finally got married after they came home? Earnest was never mentioned after this ep which is disappointing...we know that Catherine ultimately died in S8, but we never learned what happened between her & Ernest after this ep, I hope they stayed together until the end.

    Overall this was an all-round great ep!
    Last edited by LindaL100; 12 April 2019, 07:13 PM.

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  • lunasera
    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    This is one of those episodes I don't understand the hype. I don't hate it but I don't love it. The part about the four races is interesting but I don't think it really gets good until later when it's developed. In all reality Ernest should have does years ago. I was more interested in the gate being dialed in the 1940s and the first time we manually dial. It's only a fair FH
    I feel the same way. It's okay, but I can't understand how it gets listed as a top episode of the entire series, it's not even in my top for season 1.

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  • Falcon Horus
    Originally posted by Platschu View Post
    1. If Catherine was 21 years old in 1945, then she must have born in 1924. So a 4 years old should have player her in the SG movie in 1928. (Not to mention the Origins series now... )
    This isn't an error. SG-1 writers altered Catherine's age from what it should have been in accordance to 1994 stargate canon. Origins, on the other hand, does keep that canon in mind while it throws SG-1 canon out the window.

    Originally posted by Platschu View Post
    4. How could they dial Heliopolis? Have they found the gate address somewhere? Because even if it is also the closest planet to Earth like Abydos and we can't count the stellar drift, the coordinates must have been found somewhere before 1945.
    My comment: I am guessing they found it in some ruins where the Germans had explorations (maybe in the Middle East or Egypt).
    No, it's explained in the episode. They were randomly putting in combinations and one sorta got a hit. It's called sheer luck.

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  • Platschu

    1. If Catherine was 21 years old in 1945, then she must have born in 1924. So a 4 years old should have player her in the SG movie in 1928. (Not to mention the Origins series now... )

    2. Daniel also says : "These images are the graphical representations of the basics elements: Electrons revolving around the proton. The number of the electrons indicating the element."
    But it is not right as the number of protons defies a chemical element and not the number of electrons.
    My comment : They should have asked Sam.

    3. An interesting dialing error. The locking chevron is released already while the gate is spinning:

    4. How could they dial Heliopolis? Have they found the gate address somewhere? Because even if it is also the closest planet to Earth like Abydos and we can't count the stellar drift, the coordinates must have been found somewhere before 1945.
    My comment: I am guessing they found it in some ruins where the Germans had explorations (maybe in the Middle East or Egypt).

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  • Falcon Horus
    Originally posted by BethHG View Post
    3:15 14/15
    Way to go!

    Originally posted by BethHG View Post
    Learning about the universe is not more important than having meaningful relationships.
    I think without meaningful relationships, what's the point of all that knowledge. I mean, you'd have no one to share it with, to be excited with, to revel in the material, to surprise...

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  • BethHG
    3:15 14/15

    Loved this episode! I feel bad for poor Ernest for being alone for so long! I loved seeing a young Paul McGillion! Loved seeing Catherine and Ernest reconnect. Great acting for the elderly Ernest!

    Great intro to the four great races! Loved the elements special effect.

    Learning about the universe is not more important than having meaningful relationships.
    Last edited by BethHG; 10 June 2018, 02:57 PM. Reason: Forgot the quiz score

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  • Falcon Horus
    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    2 minutes and 15 seconds
    Oh, 1 second... ...2:16

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  • aretood2
    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    Now try the right one... cause I forgot to change to link.
    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    2 minutes and 15 seconds
    4 Minutes and 17 Seconds.

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  • Seaboe Muffinchucker
    Originally posted by Xaeden View Post
    Have you at least seen a trailer?
    Only if it was on a DVD in connection with the TV show. When the movie came out, I was completely oblivious to it. I didn't become aware of Stargate until after the year 2001.


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  • Falcon Horus
    Originally posted by Who Knows View Post
    I am just trying to make thoe who do think it is a competition feel good that they are better than me.
    Aw, that's so sweet.

    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    That is what losers say.
    Darn it...

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  • jelgate
    2 minutes and 15 seconds

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  • jelgate
    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    It's not a competition. Well, the jigsaws might be but the quiz certainly not so.
    It's a refresh-your-memory thing.
    That is what losers say.

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