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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    A cute, and guttery(?) fic:

    "The Impeccable Timing of Daniel Jackson or Whoops!"


      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      off the joe mallozzi presses/blog:

      casting info on sgu -

      StellaByStargate writes: “We know RDA is making a guest appearance on SGU…and we know AT is also making a guest appearance on SGU. Is there any chance that they might actually be appearing in the same episode, or would that be entirely too much to hope for?”

      Answer: Far be it for me to crush your hopes and aspirations, so long as those hopes and aspirations don’t involve you making a sequel to Crank 2. Then we’re cool.
      Yay! I think...


      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Hey everyone. Thought I was going to be out for a few days but had a change of plans so, here I am!

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        let's do a quiz.

        1- how would jack react if he found out sam was into heavy metal rock music?
        Somehow I can only link Sam to heavy metal when she's working on her bike **don't know why**

        She's in the garage, in cut offs and a tank top. Dirty greased up rag stuck in her back pocket, wrench in her hand and grease randomly streaked on her skin. Heavy metal blasting while she works. Jack walks in to see her, bobbing her head vigorously at particualar intervals.

        His reacts, more to the sight of her than to the music - He raises his eyebrows, a slow smile curving his lips, he nods and says, in the way that only Jack can, "Sweet."

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        2- jack finds out sam's been having recurring nightmares? about what?
        Martouf dying in her arms and the room closing in on her while Jack looks on.

        She's gotten over Martouf but the dream kept recurring because she and Jack never dealt with their Zatarc confessions and the room was closing in on her.

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        3- sam finds out she's pregnant. how does she tell jack, and how does he respond?
        They're at the cabin outside fishing. Sam gets up, goes inside, returns with a miniture rod and stands it against the cooler in front of them. She sits down and picks back up her rod.

        Jack is confused and looks at her. She's smiling out at the lake but doesn't turn to look at him. Eventually she does and asks him "What?"


        Laughing she says "Ok. I figured you'd have the kid fishing before he's in diapers anyway. I'm just thinking ahead."

        Jack looks from Sam to the fishing rod, to Sam to the rod. He stands, picks up the rod, kneels beside her and asks, "Are you?"

        Finally looking into his eyes, smiling warmly, she confirms, "Yes. We are."

        Jack stands, pulls Sam to her feet and into his arms. Through the emotion that wells up inside him all he can say as he holds her is, "Sam"

        She responds with her arms curled against his back, smiling into his shoulder and sighing the way you do when someone puts a warm blanket around you on a cold night. "Hmmm"

        Originally posted by Dr. Daedalus View Post
        Hi everyone,

        I have been on Gateworld a few months now and I am a Sam/Jack shipper. I look forward to talking with you all.

        Dr. D
        Welcome. Love the sig and spoiler.

        Originally posted by Dr. Daedalus View Post
        I think my favorite Sam/Jack moment is a tie between the "Moebius Pt. 2" back of jumper scene and the scene from "Divide and Conquer" when they basically admit that they love each other.

        Dr. D
        Originally posted by Dr. Daedalus View Post
        Yes, that is a good scene. Season 4 had a lot of good Sam/Jack moments.

        Dr. D
        Yep. Dr. D's a shipper alright.

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        Question time guys-

        1. Favorite Sam and Jack moment.
        There are sooooo many.

        Um, Elevator scene.


        Ummm Zatarc scene.


        Ah, I'm going to get Daniel scene


        Oh Broca Divide end scene

        Wait. NO!!!!

        Do we have to armwrestle scene

        Oh. What's the use. I can't decide.

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        2. Favorite Sam and Jack convo
        Do you really want me to do this?

        Ok. The Grace talk with imaginary Jack and concussion Sam

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        3. Favorite Sam and Jack kiss

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        4. Favorite Sam and Jack hug

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        5. Favorite Sam and Jack 'shippy' episode
        The scene in **don't remember the name of** the ep where Daniel has been taken hostage by terrorists and Jack has to go undercover to get him. If he gets caught basically the US will deny any knowledge of him so really Jack's on his own. He goes in to tell Sam "

        I'm going to get Daniel"


        This other mission

        Shouldn't be a problem Sir. When do you leave?


        Good luck

        There is so much in that scene that isn't said in words. I love it.

        Originally posted by Sappho View Post

        1) "Heavy metal music, Carter? ... Really?" he asks, adjusting his pack as they hike.

        Sheepishly, she replies, "Yes. ... Sir." Giving him a sidelong glance, she's surprised to see him sporting a smirk. "Sir?"

        Caught, Jack tries to clear his face of the smile, but fails. Seeing Carter still watching him, he chuckles lightly. "I dunno, Carter. Just thinking how unfortunate it is we didn't know each other in the eighties."

        "In the eighties, sir?"

        He gives her a look of disbelief. "You know, with the leather, and the big hair, and the skirts up to..." He's pantomiming with his hands here, and freezes when he realizes what he's saying, his hand measuring an imaginary miniskirt on his thigh. "Ahem. Anyway."

        Jack and Sam both school their expressions and face forward again; Jack focusing on the horizon in the distance, Sam suddenly finding a passing tree to be very interesting.

        Neither of them hear Daniel smothering his laughter behind them.

        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        1. I think he'd be cool with it, so long as it wasn't death metal thrash and then he might think it a little... odd!

        2. Phew, so much to have nightmares about but, I'd say the whole Fifth torture thing would rank highly... particularly that living on a farm thing... urgh! Can you honestly see Sam mucking out pigs? Not unless there's a plane nicknamed The Flying Pig and she can strip it's V12 down to nuts and bolts and... oh sorry, I am digressing. Anyway, what with her not knowing the state of play with Jack at the time I am sure it was a terrifying time for her. Jack probably has the odd nightmare too so I am sure he understands.

        3. Well... this has been in my head for ages so good excuse to write it down:

        ficlet spoilered for space:


        Sam's in Washington for business and meeting Jack for lunch. Something's on her mind and...

        Sam knocks and slips inside, Jack looks up from his phone call and smiles, continuing the call seamlessly as if she'd not entered. He finished up with a cheery farewell to the called and places the receiver delicately in the holder.

        "Hey!" he greets with a big smile and stands, moving swiftly towards her and wrapping her lightly in his embrace. She lifts her face to his to receive the gentle peck he bestows upon her lips.

        "Hi." She sends him a watery smile and pauses. Jack steps back a bit and notices the tension and nervousness in her frame.

        He frowns. "You Ok?"

        Sam takes a deep breath and meets his gaze square on with her own serious one. "I'm late."

        "Actually you're about half an hour early but you're in luck since General Harris cancelled that last conf..."

        "No," Sam interupts, "I mean I'm... late." She places thick emphasis on the last word and shoots him a meaningful look.

        Jack stares for a moment, still not quite getting it and then, her meaning slowly dawns on him. "Ah. Um, how la..."

        "About a week."

        "And have you..."

        "Not yet."


        Silence descends over them, Sam biting her lip and Jack frowning and figuring things out in his own way.

        "Do you think it would be a good idea to..."

        "I bought one on the way here."

        "Ah. Ok, then, we should..." Jack gestures towards the door.


        Sam emerges from the bathroom and walks down the hall to find Jack sitting pensively on the couch. She walks over to join him and places the little innocuous piece of white plastic down in front of them. In the still quiet of the room, the plastic clicks loudly against the glass table top.

        Jack looks up. "Is it a yes?"

        Sam shakes her head. "Don't know yet. It takes 3 minutes to come up."

        They sit there on the couch for a moment, both steadfastly trying not to stare at the little white stick on the coffee table in front of them and both steadfastly not meeting each other’s gaze; lost in their own thoughts.

        After less than a minute Jack sighs. "Is it time yet?"

        "Another minute." Sam supplies, tension evident in her voice.

        Another moment of silence.

        "Just so we're clear here, are we hoping for a positive or a negative." Jack asks eventually.

        Sam looks at him now, uncertainty etched on her features. "I don't know. I mean, what do you think?"

        "Hey it's your body."

        "Jack." She stops him with one word.

        "Sorry." Jack looks away for a moment to collect his thoughts then looks back and her letting all his love and compassion shine honestly from his eyes. "I think a baby..." His voice sticks slightly on the word baby, "... right now would be impossibly complicated."

        Sam sighs and nods sadly, "I thought you might say that."

        "I mean, we don't even live in the same state, much less the same damn solar system half the time."

        "I know." Sam replies, resignation and a little hurt registering in her voice.

        "But," Jack adds, "I'd be over the moon if it was positive. Probably quite literally actually, now I mention it." He shrugs in that offhanded way he does to deflect attention from his feelings and sends her a huge smile.

        Sam turns her head to meet his smile with one of her own, "And I was hoping you might say that."

        "How could I not be thrilled at the idea of having a kid with the woman I adore?" he adds in complete earnestness this time.

        Sam replies with a megawatt smile and leans into his shoulder. He places his arm round her and drops a soft kiss onto her temple and whispers. "So, is it time yet?"

        Sam nods softly with a faint smile and they both turn and look...

        Was that a cop out? Heh heh!

        argh the POV and tense structure of that is all over the place. I'll have to clean that up a bit!
        Ooooo. That was great. Personally, I love the fact
        that you don't tell us right away if she's pregnant or not

        Then I can look forward to the answer **in your next ficlet**

        Whoa. Longgggg post.

        Last edited by trinity3; 30 April 2009, 12:08 PM.
        sig by Mada
        As a matter of FIC


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          Cute, but short, fic:

          "Bedtime Stories"

          Really cute and funny.
          sig by Mada
          As a matter of FIC


            Ah thanks for liking my ficlet all.

            Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

            Ooooo. That was great. Personally, I love the fact
            that you don't tell us right away if she's pregnant or not

            Then I can look forward to the answer **in your next ficlet**
            I doubt I'll ever write a sequel to that but when I've sorted out the formatting and expposition at the start I'll post it on

            And thanks for those last two fic recs. Love 'em both. It's a smiley happy funny fic rec day today, isn't it!


              Happy Birthday,

              I hope it's a great one!
              (And that you're reading this )


              Welcome to the thread,
              Dr. Daedalus

              I hope you'll have fun!

              Also thanks for the Happy Queensday wishes. They didn't quite work, but they're appreciated by this Dutchie.
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                Yay! I think...

                [center][size="5"]WELCOME DR DAEDALUS!!!

                Originally posted by DutchIndeed;10108084[B
                Welcome to the thread,
                Dr. Daedalus
                Originally posted by DutchIndeed;10108084[B

                I hope you'll have fun!

                Dr. D
                God is the original transporter.

                Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

                He is also the author of love and justice:

                Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

                John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                  A cute, and guttery(?) fic:
                  It was cute but the gutter stuff was not needed. 5 out of 10.

                  Dr. D
                  God is the original transporter.

                  Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

                  He is also the author of love and justice:

                  Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

                  John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                    It was asked a few pages back 'What is your saddest episode?' and I had answered with There But for the Grace of God (season 1) because of the sacrifies of O'Neill and Carter. I have now changed my mind, since I have literally just seen Meridian (season 5). I haven't cried that much in a long time.

                    It started with Carter telling Daniel (on his death bed) how much he means to her. It then became worse when Teal'c came with the gift and his heartfelt words. The tears continued to flow when O'Neill told Jacob to stop healing Daniel, because that is what he wants. You know that had to be hard to say.
                    Attached Files
                    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                      Question; what's the episode of the week? and are there a few people in for a RL viewing?

                      I kinda need the distraction from today's news


                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        Question; what's the episode of the week? and are there a few people in for a RL viewing?

                        I kinda need the distraction from today's news
                        Full Circle. Wanna watch it now? Don't want to start much later though...
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          Full Circle. Wanna watch it now? Don't want to start much later though...
                          Sure...give me 10 min to get ready


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            Sure...give me 10 min to get ready
                            OK, we'll start at 10.30pm then Anyone else up for it?
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              I'm ready...can I start play???

                              Had to reboot the computer because it had several big updates that's why it took this long


                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                I'm ready...can I start play???

                                Had to reboot the computer because it had several big updates that's why it took this long
                                Yep, let's go!
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

