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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
    My mum always said, when you're picking a name out for your child always go to the backdoor and yell it out...see if it still sounds ok.
    It sounds ok. It's "Jack" when I'm in a good mood and "Jackson" when I'm not. Either way it's good (he's nine, but I swear I never saw Stargate until this summer).

    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    Spoilers for space.
    I like your distinction of hiding feelings v. repressing them, and I think you're right about the differences between Jack and Sam on this count. I guess I wouldn't consider Sam oblivious, though...but perhaps it's just cuz I take a different view of the examples you mention. In Affinity, I don't think she was being obtuse...or insensitive...I honestly think she was giving Jack a chance to step in and stop see if he still cared anything for her at all, because I still think she was convinced that he no longer felt about her the way he had when they made their confessions back in D&C. And when he gave her his incomprehensible "I wouldn't be here"...well. We know what happened then. As for Orlin...I never was convinced that that was a romantic relationship at all on Sam's part. And if she was close to him, emotionally, it was because everyone else...including Jack...thought she was a little nuts, and didn't provide her the support she really needed at the time. And Joe Faxon. Again...I think the attraction was on Joe's part, and I guess I never saw the invitation to lunch as a "date" date. I know that we're supposed to see the seeds of that 2010 future there, and I could see it happening, had things progressed along the 2010 timeline. But as far as Sam going for Joe right off the bat...I guess I always thought she was being the polite liason to the ambassador, and nothing more. Just MHO, of course!

    Nope. He never called her Sam again, after Serpent Song, as far as I can remember. Just my pic fic!

    I guess my interpretation of Jack is that he really doesn't think he's good enough for Sam...he knows how she feels about him, but also believes it's better for her if she does move he sort of hurts her for her own good, if that makes any sense...believing in the long run she would be happier...happier with someone younger...someone less burdened by the dark things he carries around in his psyche...someone with whom a relationship won't be detrimental to her career...someone who is more deserving of her love than he thinks he is. Which is why I think he is deliberate first in his efforts to distance himself from her...and then to side-step every overture she makes to try to tell him how she feels...or to find out from him if he has any feelings for her.

    And the reason I think he would have side-stepped her again in his back yard, if Kerry hadn't been there, is because of these same things. I'm not sure he would have even let her get as far as she had intended in the conversation...or if he'd let her talk, he would have done his best to convince her that she was just having cold feet and it was to be expected. I think it was just his gut reaction taking protect Sam from letting her feelings for him get in the way of what Jack thought was a better future for her. So when Kerry interrupted both Sam's confession and Jack's probable rebuttal, it gave Jack a chance to really think about what Sam said. IMHO, I think Jack had pretty much figured things out by the time Kerry walked into his office, and that her break-up with him was only half a heartbeat earlier than his break-up with her.

    As for the catalyst that changed Jack's mind...well, I'm probably way off here, but I can't help notice that the last thing Sam says before Kerry interrupts them is "if I don't tell you now, I may never...." I think that word "never" is key...cuz if there's anything that would linger in Jack's thoughts it's the image "never" creates. Suddenly a future without Sam in it looks very bleak indeed. It's a huge dose of reality when he considers the ramifications of her leaving his life that way. Realizing this, IMHO, is where he makes his decision. And the opposite of "never" is "always"...which, of course, comes a few scenes later. Thankfully!

    As for suffering...I think they both did...very different ways. Which is why we have the Cavern of Angst, after all!
    Well, she did tell him the "I may never" part before Kerry showed up, but you think that he still would have side-stepped her after that? Because it needed time to for it to sink in and Kerry's interruption gave him time to process that little bit of information? He realized that it's really the end of the line if he doesn't 'fess up. No more chances. I could see that, definitely, because as you said it would take a big push to finally see what's best for her is him.

    Of course, in another forum today they asked the question "If you had a time machine and could change anything in Stargate, what would you do?" I said Jack should take that ring and throw it across Sam's lab and say "What the hell are you thinking?"- so I favor the direct approach, I guess.
    And Congratulations on 3000 Posts
    I'm drinking a nice cold Kokanee in your honor.


      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post

      I have pictures that could be...guttery...just I can't put text with them
      1) because I'm bad at it
      2) because they aren't exactly very.......PG anymore then

      *readjusts halo...ignores brothers sayings about one veeeeery gutter photo...and moves on*
      What?! You have guttery photos and you're not sharing?! Some of the rest of us like to wallow in the gutter too!

      Ours is the only reality of consequence.


        Eyyyy shippers! Hope everyone is well. Rose is excited because she gets to go to her first Canucks game tomorrow! *hopes around excitedly*


        Congrats APA! 3000 eh? Gee wiz... that's a huge post count.

        Also, VSS I love your sig!

        (yay for acronyms!)

        Originally posted by ljevans View Post
        What?! You have guttery photos and you're not sharing?! Some of the rest of us like to wallow in the gutter too!
        I agree!
        *drums fingers impatiently*
        Too cool for a signature.


          Originally posted by waterfall View Post
          This may have been discussed here before, but I haven't been here in ,like, forever, but I always wondered what Kerry saw that convinced her that Jack was in love with Sam.
          It must have been something because he didn't deny it when she confronted him with it....maybey he was talking in his sleep or something...

          Well, first of all, don't be a stranger, come back more often!

          I think it's a couple of things, the first one (which we are shown) is when she says "Is it true that the Air Force is the only thing keeping you two apart?" Clearly, she's heard rumors- the fact that she specifically states it's the Air Force which happens to be the truth, rather than some other conclusion that she just comes to on her own.

          But second, and this we aren't shown, is she would come to it on her own, anyway. He probably talks about her way more than he should. I'm sure Kerry noticed that. And, I'm sure she noticed it was always in a positive way, since (in my experience) people talk about other people to complain more often than to praise, especially in fields where first-rate performance is expected. I bet Kerry was sick of hearing "Carter this and Carter that and guess how Carter saved the universe today."


            Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
            Eyyyy shippers! Hope everyone is well. Rose is excited because she gets to go to her first Canucks game tomorrow! *hopes around excitedly*


            Congrats APA! 3000 eh? Gee wiz... that's a huge post count.

            Also, VSS I love your sig!

            (yay for acronyms!)

            I agree!
            *drums fingers impatiently*
            Well, SamJackShipLover made that sig for me, I just said no gushy stuff and look what I got! Yay! And it really helped me techno-wise because now I have a photobucket to keep it in, which I was too lazy to get before so I can stash all the drool-worthy Jack pictures I want! And yes, acronyms are nice for those of us with wordy nics. Mine happens to be my kid's favorite Jackism so I picked it- not knowing what a huge pain in the mikt'ah it was going to be.


              Originally posted by ljevans View Post
              What?! You have guttery photos and you're not sharing?! Some of the rest of us like to wallow in the gutter too!
              If you insist on guttery, I always wondered why someone didn't comment on Sam's
              facial expression in Out of Mind, when they are back up against that wall. Or maybe someone did.


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                What I did wonder about with this scene was how much Teal'c and Janet heard...
                On the commentary they say that they didn't hear a word of was said between Sam and Jack during the test, but that just doesn't make sense to me. If they didn't, what's with 'the look' in the end? And why would they sit and watch a situation like that without sound? And, if there really was no sound, wouldn't they still have noticed what was going on?

                So. Teal'c and Janet knew.
                But that aside

                EDIT: And we're sweeties? Really? Aww....
                I know I'm arriving late, but I just had to weigh in on this. That doesn't make sense! Sam heard what Jack said...and she was standing in the observation booth with Janet and Teal'c. So either they all heard it...or none of them did. And from the looks on their faces, it was clear that they all heard.

                Oh, and this:

                Congratulations, Linda06, on 3,100 posts!!!

                Congratulations, AstraPerAspera, on 3,000 posts!!!

                Congratulations, atlantis babe34, on 2,400 posts!!!


                  Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                  Well, SamJackShipLover made that sig for me, I just said no gushy stuff and look what I got! Yay! And it really helped me techno-wise because now I have a photobucket to keep it in, which I was too lazy to get before so I can stash all the drool-worthy Jack pictures I want! And yes, acronyms are nice for those of us with wordy nics. Mine happens to be my kid's favorite Jackism so I picked it- not knowing what a huge pain in the mikt'ah it was going to be.
                  Cute. I use the same user name for everything otherwise I'd forget. It really has no story other than... well... it rhymes?

                  I think I have a photobucket account floating around somewhere on the internets... should really make a new one, I have a very dangerous picture saving addiction. I remember once I found a site where one could download big zip files of SG-1 screencaps.... it wasn't very pretty at all.
                  Too cool for a signature.


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                    I know I'm arriving late, but I just had to weigh in on this. That doesn't make sense! Sam heard what Jack said...and she was standing in the observation booth with Janet and Teal'c. So either they all heard it...or none of them did. And from the looks on their faces, it was clear that they all heard.

                    Oh, and this:

                    Congratulations, Linda06, on 3,100 posts!!!

                    Congratulations, AstraPerAspera, on 3,000 posts!!!

                    Congratulations, atlantis babe34, on 2,400 posts!!!
                    Sam was in the room with Jack right next to Anise. That's how they got all those angsty shots of her when he said "I care about her alot more than I'm supposed to." They couldn't have gotten those big puppy eyes on screen if she'd been in the observation booth. Actually, the commentary on that DVD talks a lot about how they got the shots of AT in D & C to take advantage of the puppy eyes. Still, I agree, Teal'c and Janet heard it all. Janet would have had to- his condition was her responsibility. I'd like to know how she wrote it up.

                    Does anybody know of a fic for that?

                    And it finally dawned on me that they had to have a really dramatic event like the possibility of a Presidential assassination to have Hammond and everybody else out of that room, otherwise it would have been pretty crowded!


                      Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
                      Cute. I use the same user name for everything otherwise I'd forget. It really has no story other than... well... it rhymes?

                      I think I have a photobucket account floating around somewhere on the internets... should really make a new one, I have a very dangerous picture saving addiction. I remember once I found a site where one could download big zip files of SG-1 screencaps.... it wasn't very pretty at all.
                      I never use the same user name. I don't want my reputation following me around!



                        Is down for everyone else, too?

                        You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!


                          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                          I know that we're supposed to see the seeds of that 2010 future there, and I could see it happening, had things progressed along the 2010 timeline.
                          I had the thought recently that 2010 isn't that far away at all...
                          Nope. He never called her Sam again, after Serpent Song, as far as I can remember.
                          Besides PoV and Grace, but those don't really count. Wow...I can't believe it's been that long. I'm hoping for some Sam's in Continuum then, darn it all!

                          I guess my interpretation of Jack is that he really doesn't think he's good enough for Sam
                          I'm thinking even if they're together, he still has those lingering thoughts...why in the world is she with me? That's Jack for you...but I'm sure he also realizes(now, after all that angst) that he really is what Sam wants needs, even if he doesn't quite get it.
                          As for the catalyst that changed Jack's mind...well, I'm probably way off here, but I can't help notice that the last thing Sam says before Kerry interrupts them is "if I don't tell you now, I may never...." I think that word "never" is key...cuz if there's anything that would linger in Jack's thoughts it's the image "never" creates. Suddenly a future without Sam in it looks very bleak indeed.
                          Yep. Down to the wire. It's kind of a now or never thing. Last chance. I think this, along with the fact Sam came to him(Yes you, Jack. Not Daniel or Teal'c, or even Pete. This is about you and her and those feelings and she needs to talk to YOU before she takes that final leap with eek, er, Pete), obviously unhappy(which blows his 'she's happy with Pete, that must be what is best for her' theory outta the water), plus the fact Kerry could tell they had feelings(not just he had feelings, they) and confronted him about it, plus the 'Always' where just being there for her was enough-he did have something to give(possibly he could see he could be worthy of her love-he doesn't have to be anything other than he his or do anything other than he does-she loves him for him) etc....okay, someone shut me up and this nonsensical rambling!

                          Now would Jack have still pushed Sam away had Kerry not come out...I'm not sure. I'm more curious as to what Sam would have told him.
                          Originally posted by waterfall View Post
                          This may have been discussed here before, but I haven't been here in ,like, forever, but I always wondered what Kerry saw that convinced her that Jack was in love with Sam.
                          It must have been something because he didn't deny it when she confronted him with it....maybey he was talking in his sleep or something...

                          IMSHO, all you have to do is see those two together for a minute to know they're meant to be. *shrugs* I don't know, Kerry was a smart one though.
                          Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                          Of course, in another forum today they asked the question "If you had a time machine and could change anything in Stargate, what would you do?" I said Jack should take that ring and throw it across Sam's lab and say "What the hell are you thinking?"- so I favor the direct approach, I guess.
                          Oh, I like!


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            awwww,that's sweet..I love Cats...I would so name it after a Stagate Character if i got another Cat!
                            This is way OT, but since we're mentioning cats:
                            Just got a call from my daughter. Her sweet kitty had a bump taken off that has been diagnosed as cancer and now the cancer has spread. It was at the spot of an inoculation. Research is finding out that inoculations of several kinds can seem to start a tumor. So, I'm not saying not to have your cat have his/her shots, they can prevent many deadly illnesses and it's the law to have the rabies one. But, please have him checked over for bumps or check him yourself from time to time. The chances are better if tumor is found early and removed ASAP, naturally. My daughter has a difficult decision to make soon . Not sure about dogs with regards to this problem.


                              Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post

                              Is down for everyone else, too?
                              Hmm... seems to be working for me!

                              Darn... now I want to read fan fiction. On a random note: anybody read the Birthday Traditions series by... *goes to check* ...Kate McCaye? When I decided to tackle that series it totally consumed my life until I finished it. (I don't usually read long fics... I have the attention span of a peanut.)
                              Too cool for a signature.


                                Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                                I think it's a couple of things, the first one (which we are shown) is when she says "Is it true that the Air Force is the only thing keeping you two apart?" Clearly, she's heard rumors- the fact that she specifically states it's the Air Force which happens to be the truth, rather than some other conclusion that she just comes to on her own.

                                But second, and this we aren't shown, is she would come to it on her own, anyway. He probably talks about her way more than he should. I'm sure Kerry noticed that. And, I'm sure she noticed it was always in a positive way, since (in my experience) people talk about other people to complain more often than to praise, especially in fields where first-rate performance is expected. I bet Kerry was sick of hearing "Carter this and Carter that and guess how Carter saved the universe today."
                                Good he did talk about her. A lot.

                                But I'm not sure she said "Is it true" though. I think it's "Is the AF the only thing keeping you two apart?" The two different wordings make me think two different things.
                                Last edited by L.A. Doyle; 07 January 2008, 07:31 PM.

