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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

    I recall the pix that showed RDA on the set w/Baal's ship...but, do we know it was before the time shift? Or could it have been when ATL Jack joins SG1 to set things back in motion as Baal is getting ready to attack earth?

    I just know we'll get real Jack somewhere. And remember a few weeks ago that someone said RDA was interviewed about 200 durning the filming of the movies and he was in his General's uniform? I might be remembering incorrectly, so no one get excited....but it was like an extra in the S10 DVDs I think? At any rate, I'm sure we'll get some real Jack.


      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

      I recall the pix that showed RDA on the set w/Baal's ship...but, do we know it was before the time shift? Or could it have been when ATL Jack joins SG1 to set things back in motion as Baal is getting ready to attack earth?

      *is imagining APA's face as that smilie ^^ lol.


      "In the movie, SG-1 gathers to witness the execution of Ba'al, the last of the Goa'uld System Lords, but suddenly history is changed, and SG-1 must journey through several alternate timelines in an attempt to set things right. On June 4th and 5th, the cast and crew were shooting the pivotal scenes in which SG-1 confronts their nemesis, Ba'al, and the events are set into motion that will send them through time. "

      In hindsight, perhaps it is the reverse and this is when they are coming back after having set things right. But the words "and the events are set into motion" speak more to a start than an end. But I guess that I can guess until I turn blue.

      But not to worry, we've only got another year to speculate, ruminate, and generally go nuts.


        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

        I recall the pix that showed RDA on the set w/Baal's ship...but, do we know it was before the time shift? Or could it have been when ATL Jack joins SG1 to set things back in motion as Baal is getting ready to attack earth?

        I would think it's before the time shift because his eyebrow has been shaved to show off his scare.

        Could be wrong, but that's what I think.


        Just read PengYn's post and now I'm confused, all this timeline stuff gives me a headache.
        Last edited by Terrah; 05 August 2007, 01:38 PM.


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
          I just know we'll get real Jack somewhere. And remember a few weeks ago that someone said RDA was interviewed about 200 durning the filming of the movies and he was in his General's uniform? I might be remembering incorrectly, so no one get excited....but it was like an extra in the S10 DVDs I think? At any rate, I'm sure we'll get some real Jack.
          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          *is imagining APA's face as that smilie ^^ lol.


          "In the movie, SG-1 gathers to witness the execution of Ba'al, the last of the Goa'uld System Lords, but suddenly history is changed, and SG-1 must journey through several alternate timelines in an attempt to set things right. On June 4th and 5th, the cast and crew were shooting the pivotal scenes in which SG-1 confronts their nemesis, Ba'al, and the events are set into motion that will send them through time. "

          In hindsight, perhaps it is the reverse and this is when they are coming back after having set things right. But the words "and the events are set into motion" speak more to a start than an end. But I guess that I can guess until I turn blue.

          But not to worry, we've only got another year to speculate, ruminate, and generally go nuts.
          Originally posted by Terrah View Post
          I would think it's before the time shift because his eyebrow has been shaved to show off his scare.

          Could be wrong, but that's what I think.

          Good...good...gathering evidence is good detective work. I'm sure by the time we ever actually get to see the movie, there will have been so many spoilers we'll have it figured out...(sorry...when it comes to books like HP, I want NO spoilers...when it comes to SG...BRING THEM ON...!)

          And PengYn, I look like this all the time...


            Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
            Lol! Wow you two must be pretty serious. You have your own smilies and everything!

            That's commitment.
            ack...see that my post of that night wasnt posted..stupid camping internet..can't trust it

            yup very warning..peepz..stay of Shep

            And.for the smileys thanks again so much Zuz since she made them

            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
            Hey shippers.

            I don't know if anyone remebers but a few days ago we were talking about Jack's sidearm...ahem...the literal one I mentioned a fic that i'd read from the sidearms POV and the scene in 'Its Good To be King'.

            Anyway here it is

            Its only a short little piece but i liked it. And special thanks to Parsifal for finding it an PMing me with the link.

            Lol thanx for posting it, hadnt read it yet, lovely

            Originally posted by Über View Post
            Sam and ship-related updates on Joe's blog:
            Promogirl writes: “You mentioned in a previous blog that Carter would come face to face with a Wraith. Can you tell us in what episode that will occur?”

            Answer: Do you mean an actual face to face rather than an encounter? If so, then The Seer is your episode.

            Anonymous #2 writes: “You already said that you weren't going to deal with Sam's love life on atlantis.”

            Answer: That’s right. We will not be dealing with Sam’s love life on Atlantis. However, a passing mention of her personal life during a candid moment is another matter.

            Anonymous #3 writes: “I was wondering, could you please tell me who wrote the teen Stargate SG1 piece in the 200th episode? And the bit where Sam/Jack were going to get married?”

            Answer: Robert Cooper wrote the teen SG-1 piece. As for the wedding, I believe that was Brad Wright.

            Anonymous #3 writes: “The SDJ was all about Daniel Jackson and many from that campaign have nothing now to do with the lot over at a certain delphi forum whose lives seem to revolve around the bashing of Sam Carter.”

            Answer: I stand corrected although, in all fairness, they still do use the old SDJ url.

            Linzi writes: “Just because one article has that headline doesn't make it true. Joe F. is leading man, and Carter heading over to Atlantis can't change that. Unless, of course, Carter is having a sex change...I would take everything you read with a pinch of salt, I do. However, Carter coming to Atlantis needs to be publicised, or non hard core fans won't know. So, I'm not concerned with Joe/Shep being usurped at all. Joe M has said what Sam's role will be, and that the show is primarily about the team with lots of support from those around them, Carter included.”

            Answer: Well said.

            Anonymous #5 writes: "I know you won't post this one so between you, me and the gate post, if even your stalwart shippers are now seeing through your spinning just who is there left to fool?"

            Answer: Who's the wangry widdle anti-Carter sourpuss? You are you fwisky widdle whiner. Sooooo cuuuuuute!


            Makes me happy again...some good blog updates lately...they are making this shipper happy

            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
            Welcome, welcome! And don't be afraid to ask questions. Many of us were raw newbies when we started. Here's a few forum-speak defs to help you get started...

            TPTB: The Powers That Be (ie, those who create SG; some think of them as they do the goa'uld...false gods who we nonetheless bow down before cuz w/o them we have no show...)
            S/J: Sam/Jack (two letters which continue to be divided by a /forcefield but which we hope some day will simply be SJ...or "The O'Neills"...
            IMHO: In my humble opinion...what one says when expressing a particular point of view in hope of not offending anyone by it
            LOL: Laugh Out Loud...something we do a lot around here
            ROFLMAO: Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off...something we do even more of around here
            : a smilie some folks use in place of writing the oft-cursed name "Pete Shanahan" (aka He Who Shall Not Be Named)
            BTW: By the Way, how you add something, usually off-topic, while trying to make it seem relevent to the thread...
            Thunk: (and this one I only recently got clarified) finding a character particularly attractive, taken from the sound one makes when falling into a dead faint at the mere mention of their name
            Squee: the sound made by S/J shippers when encountering something shippish...made especially loud and colorful by news of possible future shipping, especially in the movies Ark of Truth (unlikely), Continuum (possible) and S4 of SGA (confirmed)
            Gutter: a place one lands when contemplating certain non-military-sanctioned activities between S and J

            Please feel free to ask if other things pop up...we're full of helpfulness!
            Lol nice list and doesnt has to be S/J...only most of the time its that on this thread

            And fav place to home

            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            Okay, Ship Family. I've had a vid kicking around in my head (ouch) for a couple days. Question is, are we ready for another vid so soon after ship day? I think I have about 6 that I still haven't watched. Whutcha think?

            And just so I'm on topic:
            ok im late with saying this but:

            make make make..!!! I love vids i always need new ones

            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

            Congratulations, L. A. Doyle, on 6,600 posts!!!
            Congratulations, chelle db, on 4,700 posts!!!
            Congratulations, nell, on 4,500 posts!!!
            Congratulations, NZNeep, on 2,000 posts!!!
            Congratulations, Terrah, on 1,400 posts!!!
            Congratulations, JackandSamAddict, on 1,100 posts!!!
            Ditto WTG people!!

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post

            well, we'll get either -








            those aren't bad options.

            I love those...happy can only be good eh yeah...!! we will get something im sure of it

            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

            Congratulations, trupi, on 3,700 posts!!!
            Congratulations, NZNeep, on 2,000 posts!!!
            Congratulations, Gatetrixer, on 1,700 posts!!!
            Congratulations, Dexterav, on 1,000 posts!!!
            Congratulations, Caladria, on 300 posts!!!
            Ditto again..lots of milestoners lately...including myself i saw...

            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

            It's going to take some time anyway, cause I'm just at the beginning of S7.
            Before vacation i was further then you with rewatching but you catched up on me again still at S6..since i watched together with bro

            Originally posted by zuz View Post
            I'm all for the kiss, too, Lies. Surprisingly.
            Count me in i love already seen Grace kiss today??

            Originally posted by zuz View Post
            For those who can't resist spoilers.

            link to the interview with Amanda:


            contains spoilers for Continuum, SGA season 4 and Sanctuary!!!

            I just hope that some of the
            "tender hearty moments" in Continuum
            Amanda mentioned are Sam/Jack related. *fingers crossed*

            tx for the link Zuz...and i hope we get some good stuff as well in the movie...lets hope...everything is looking postive atm...we have to keep this way..we can do it we can do it

   home again*happy dance*..had lovely vacation..but good to be home*sigh*...long journey..and 4 hours sleep in 3 days havent helped so im almost off tired to read much and think


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              Okay, Ship Family. I've had a vid kicking around in my head (ouch) for a couple days. Question is, are we ready for another vid so soon after ship day? I think I have about 6 that I still haven't watched. Whutcha think?

              And just so I'm on topic:
              I'm still pretty new to this, but who wouldn't want a shippy vid? Bring it on!
              Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                I'm still pretty new to this, but who wouldn't want a shippy vid? Bring it on!
                Was planning on starting it tomorrow, actually. Once I get an idea, I really have to do it or it just hangs around in the back of my mind. So, hopefully, I'll have it done by week's end.

                Have you guys been to see the 500 Touches thread lately? Soooo good. Lots of great touches.


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  Was planning on starting it tomorrow, actually. Once I get an idea, I really have to do it or it just hangs around in the back of my mind. So, hopefully, I'll have it done by week's end.
                  Do you post a link on this thread for your vids? Or is there another thread where these are found?
                  Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                    Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                    Do you post a link on this thread for your vids? Or is there another thread where these are found?
                    There are lots of different sites to upload a video to. Some people use YouTube, some use imeem, some use the MGM site (which is really the only one you're supposed to use), some use photbucket (I do). Anyway, then we just post a link that takes you to the video and it starts playing automatically. I've only done a few vids, so someone else around here could be a lot more help with the technical stuff.


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      There are lots of different sites to upload a video to. Some people use YouTube, some use imeem, some use the MGM site (which is really the only one you're supposed to use), some use photbucket (I do). Anyway, then we just post a link that takes you to the video and it starts playing automatically. I've only done a few vids, so someone else around here could be a lot more help with the technical stuff.
                      *raises hand for extra adding stuff*

                      my way for uploading vids..i load my file up to a download site(fileden, filefront etc...some use there own site for it..but you have to think about bandwith then a lot..more then on fileden, filefront etc...)
                      But wat Luvnjack said you can see vids live on internet what i say is a way to have the file on your computer and play it from saved it..

                      And there are i thought in here threads to put your vid in, but mostly ship vids come directly on this thread(from our online shippers)

                      And there are also vid forums...and all..

                      oh yeah..time to find my bed..nighty night all(again)


                        I'm getting giddy reading all these Continuum spoilers (or is it dizzy ) but something popped out at me. There's another delay in the release? Really? As in later than March to June 2008?


                          Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                          I remember MS saying he though SG-1 was going to be a Jack/Daniel buddy Show. I get the feeling he though it would be like the Movie with Jack and Daniel being the focus. MS also said he likes Action Adventure over Romance.
                          Hmm, in all honesty, I don't really like the Stargate movie, and I think it's a shame that a lot of people criticise the show for being less the "Jack and Daniel" show, and instead focusing on the new additional characters as well as the movie ones. SG-1 isn't the movie. It does mostly follow on from the movie, but I've got the impression it was always meant to be it's own show, with it's own identity seperate from the film (but at the same time connected somewhat). For me anyway, the addition of Sam and Teal'c (and better actors playing Jack and Daniel) has made SG-1 what the movie wasn't - good. Anyway, this is my longwinded defence that S/J doesn't take anything away from SG-1, or the Jack and Daniel friendship!

                          As for Michael Shanks favouring action over romance, I'm sure that probably came out wrong, but anyway...I like SG-1 because it contains lots of everything! Action, comedy, fantasy, romance, etc.

                          Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                          You don't say to your wife who is having problems conceiving, " I thought we'd have several children by now." Insensitive man. Too bad Sam isn't the hysterical kind, it would serve him right to have had a wife who would start sobbing noisily in public.
                          I know! What a gimp he was. Wasn't supportive to Sam at all with her conception problems.

                          Anyways, with regards to the Atlantis S4 and SG-1 movies speculation...I can't help but be sceptical, yet hopeful (if that makes sense? ) about a 100%, solid, concrete confirmation of Sam and Jack actually being in a relationship. I doubt strongly they'll be married (well, I don't care either way about them being married or not, just as long as they are together! ) I'm swinging like a minute I'm hopeful (because of what JM said), on the other hand I'm sceptical because I'm sure that TPTB are capable of mass shipper traumatisation. Hmm, how much longer till "Trio"?! I can't wait for a final resolution! Granted I've not been waiting as long as many other fans, but I think it's time we knew for sure if they are an item or not!
                          "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jello..."


                            Originally posted by Cascade View Post
                            I like SG-1 because it contains lots of everything!

                            I doubt strongly they'll be married
                            I agree! It's got a little bit of everything! In all honesty, if it were just a romance, I'd have never watched. Ever. I love how so many different aspects are squashed together.

                            Well...being married would have solved a whole slew of problems for them. Something about regs and military couples get married fast. Jenn knows. Jenn?


                              Originally posted by Cascade View Post
                              Hmm, in all honesty, I don't really like the Stargate movie, and I think it's a shame that a lot of people criticise the show for being less the "Jack and Daniel" show, and instead focusing on the new additional characters as well as the movie ones. SG-1 isn't the movie. It does mostly follow on from the movie, but I've got the impression it was always meant to be it's own show, with it's own identity seperate from the film (but at the same time connected somewhat). For me anyway, the addition of Sam and Teal'c (and better actors playing Jack and Daniel) has made SG-1 what the movie wasn't - good. Anyway, this is my longwinded defence that S/J doesn't take anything away from SG-1, or the Jack and Daniel friendship!
                              True confession time: I'm not crazy about the original SG movie either...grew up with Kurt Russell in those Disney movies and just couldn't...well, anyway. If you can't say something nice.... The premise of the movie was great...obviously, or else we wouldn't be so caught up in it...and I agree that SG1 was a huge improvement over the movie; and after all, "buddy" tales have only a limited range of stories before they start repeating themselves. I agree that the addition of Sam and Teal'c added depth to the story universe and vastly increased the story-telling range available to the writers (at least 10 years worth!). A much better product, overall, that its forebearer!


                                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

                                I guess my slight hesitation came from knowing the group (or elements of the group) JM was referencing now seem mostly anti-Sam/AT full stop rather than anti-Sam/Jack. Still, I'm fairly confident he was referring to us and keeping all fingers and toes crossed if not quite celebrating and rejoicing.

                                It is great that there is a hint of something for us!

                                i do want to keep any excessive expectations down, though, because with me, i expect want the moon and stars!

                                but man, we've got a looooong wait until this ep comes along, but still... *sighs and *



