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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Hey there *waves*
    Question for whoever is on now. If I post a fic on sjalways right now, how long would it take to update?


      Should be almost instantaneous. Unless there's a problem.


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        Should be almost instantaneous. Unless there's a problem.
        Thanks, Jennifer. You're sweet! ^^

        I was quite worried I wouldn't make it.
        Last edited by shippyangel; 27 July 2007, 01:38 PM.


          I'm going to post before I read anything. Just wonderin' what mini bombshell hit us today, if any. How well I remember the day we heard about Sam and the "ring." Consternation!!! THAT was an H-Bomb.

          Also years ago I witnessed a terrible fight (and the only word that describes it correctly) between Han and Luke fans. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was on the sidelines, not part of it. That was before the Internet and E-mail, so people should have had time to think before mailing that letter to a letterzine. "Course there was also the phone. Some bittersweet nostalgia here. Not for the fight, but for letterzines. Got 'em squirrelled away somewhere.


            mmm.. Han Solo.. *drools* oh sorry am I in the wrong thread?

            mmm... Jack.. *drools*

            must be a ruffly hair thing. this is seriously why no one will ever marry me. i'm fixated on older men. with scars. and intergalactic travel abilities.

            Do I recall someone calling Jenn sweet? I'm in the right reality.. right?

            Having just discovered what the heck it means to have facebook I've successfully completed a degree in confusion.

            *goes on the run from JenniferJF*

            Ooh ship day... are we there yet?


              Okay, I'm out of it, I know, but what's a sock puppet besides something my kids made when they were in Kindergarten or Sunday school or Brownies, ateven at home, etc.

              I'm not sure I like something so nice and easy for a little kid to make take on a baaad meaning.


                Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                Also years ago I witnessed a terrible fight (and the only word that describes it correctly) between Han and Luke fans. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was on the sidelines, not part of it. That was before the Internet and E-mail, so people should have had time to think before mailing that letter to a letterzine. "Course there was also the phone. Some bittersweet nostalgia here. Not for the fight, but for letterzines. Got 'em squirrelled away somewhere.
                It's funny, 'cause I'm working back through the Legacy of the Force series (so far) and I realized recently that the conflict between Leia/Han and Leia/Luke was my absolute first Ship War and I still remember the arguments I used to have with my friends.

                Unfortunately, I was Leia/Luke. But I was young and naive. :~ Of course, I'm still Jaina/Kyp. Cause there's still time, darn it.

                Wow, was this OT or what.

                To be more on topic, Leia and Han were 13 years apart in age, which is about how far apart Sam and Jack are. Oddly, my favorite book ship characters are also 13 years apart. And like Leia and Han they got married and had kids. Good omen?

                Sure, of course it is.

                EDIT: The books may have been 13 years... I just realized I may be wrong.


                  Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post


                  After ten years of shipping, I don't trust TPTB to deliver what I want to see happen between Sam and Jack.

                  I appreciate they feel they resolved it with Threads/Moebius and enjoyed what they gave us but I don't agree its resolved.

                  I appreciate the shippy hints they've thrown our way even though I don't agree with the direction they took on the ship in S9/S10 to leave it ambiguous.

                  Somehow, after ten years, I still have hope that they'll deliver something in the movies and in particular Continuum (not expecting anything at all in The Ark of Truth)....but will I trust them to deliver something Sam/Jack shippy?


                  now see, there's something... it's not just not going forward with s/j, it's adding in sam/other ships through out season's 9 and 10. in s9, we had sam/orlin, sam/martouf, and sam/mckay. in s10 we had sam/teal'c. we had small hints of s/j too, but with the 'others' in there screwing up the effect.

                  so it's not just not showing an s/j resolve, it's adding in other ships for sam that's done just as much disappointment.

                  wonder how comic-con is going?...

                  but do i trust them? starting with season 7 and seeing how issues became 'issues', no.




                    Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                    I agree with you Rachel, i live in hope, but certainly not trust.
                    And season 9 & 10 were ruined in more ways then just the ambiguousness of the ship.
                    i still live in hope. when we have ppl like joe mallozzi and brad wright still involved in the franchise, i feel we stand a better chance of resolve.




                      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                      On the question of who would propose and how...

                      I have to admit that I think it would be Jack.

                      Up until Threads, he'd allowed Sam to set the boundaries on their relationship but once Jack was free from Kerry and knowing Sam wasn't happy with her own relationship, he actually started to take the initiative. He goes to see her ostensibly to be there for her and comfort her but completely unprompted he hugs her and tells her 'Always' when she thanks him. At the end of Moebius, he tells her to go pack - giving her a personal order in a way that he would never have done before. So, I think Jack would have been the one to propose or at least I think he would definitely have planned to be the one to propose...but then I can also see Jack not wanting to rush Sam (especially in light of her father's death), Sam getting impatient and turning round one day and going 'we are getting married, right?'

                      Or maybe neither propose...maybe a fed-up Daniel and Teal'c spring a surprise wedding on them both

                      i 'think' i've proposed this scenario before, but...

                      i could see sam and jack driving down the street and jack suddenly pulling the car over to the side. when sam asks what's up, he points to the church and says 'what do you say?'. i could see her smile and turn towards jack and say, 'i do'. then both super grin.




                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i 'think' i've proposed this scenario before, but...

                        i could see sam and jack driving down the street and jack suddenly pulling the car over to the side. when sam asks what's up, he points to the church and says 'what do you say?'. i could see her smile and turn towards jack and say, 'i do'. then both super grin.

                        *grinning like a fool*
                        Aw, that's so nice, Sally. And so... THEM


                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          Hello all. My computer has been in the shop for the past 5 weeks - wound up having to have a new hard-drive so now I've lost about 2000 pics, loads of them Sam/Jack. Sad. Anywho, at least it's back in time for Ship Day.
                          Originally posted by Lady eliza View Post
                          Welcome back! My computer is now also back online, so I know what you mean.
                          Welcome Back!!

                          *plays fan fair* Finished my vid for Ship Day woohoo!!! Will post the links tomorrow when I get up, Shippy dreams everyone, night night

                          (((((((((((((Ship Family))))))))))))))))

                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                            As i said before, though I can't really see Sam doing it - for reasons i'm still mulling over - If she did, how would dhe do it? Would she plan it? I'm sure there wouldn't be any corny dinner, or cliche knee stuff. So how would Sam propose?

                            first thing to pop into my head --

                            sam and jack having dinner together at her house. sam has poured a glass of beer for jack (chilled glass of course ), and jack starts to down it when sam yells -

                            'not all at once!'

                            jack pulls the glass back. 'what?'

                            'there's something at the bottom of the glass, jack.'

                            jack looks and then grins. he drinks most of it then lifts the ring out. 'carter', let me be the man and ask first, okay?'

                            sam grins. 'this is a sophisticated relationship, jack, where the woman can ask too.'

                            'yeah, that might be, but... ' he pulls out a ring and presents it to sam. 'i kind of wanted to give this to you, IF you don't mind.'

                            sam laughs. 'we can both wears the pants in the family, jack... but i'll wear the neglige... deal?'

                            jack just nods and...


                            hmm, not sure i like what i wrote. it's not romantic enough.




                              ^^ Sal has definitely thought this out way better than I have.

                              *digs around for muse*


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                                first thing to pop into my head --

                                sam and jack having dinner together at her house. sam has poured a glass of beer for jack (chilled glass of course ), and jack starts to down it when sam yells -

                                'not all at once!'

                                jack pulls the glass back. 'what?'

                                'there's something at the bottom of the glass, jack.'

                                jack looks and then grins. he drinks most of it then lifts the ring out. 'carter', let me be the man and ask first, okay?'

                                sam grins. 'this is a sophisticated relationship, jack, where the woman can ask too.'

                                'yeah, that might be, but... ' he pulls out a ring and presents it to sam. 'i kind of wanted to give this to you, IF you don't mind.'

                                sam laughs. 'we can both wears the pants in the family, jack... but i'll wear the neglige... deal?'

                                jack just nods and...


                                hmm, not sure i like what i wrote. it's not romantic enough.




