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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I've really come to hate AU with a passion. I have no interest in seeing another Moebius. TPTB should get a tiny shock if they even think AU. TPTB have covered AU to death. There is no need for them to go back to AU.


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      I agree with Rachel and Mara.

      I think if they would somehow casually show they're married since somewhere since Threads, that would be soooo cool. The "normalness" of it would make me really happy, cause that's just it, for me they are just a normal couple, who took a while to get together, but now have been married for quite a while and are living a normal life (uhhh, except the going through the stargate part he he).

      And also, if they were to do this, they wouldn't upset viewers who aren't interested in the ship as much. Remember with the Daniel/Vala in your face stuff, that people actually said they liked the subtle Sam/Jack ship better?

      I really would prefer to see a sense of normalcy in their relationship then a BHK or a BHW.

      But in Continuum
      when Jack comes to resque them, it would be quite normal to kiss his wife
      To handle it that way SamJackShipLover, would be absolutely awesome!
      Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


        Sam and Jack Ship Resolution Would Look Like This to Me:

        Shippers, please click on quote to add to the list.

        Big, honkin' kiss in Real Time. No reset. (nell)
        Last edited by nell; 05 August 2007, 09:52 AM. Reason: correction


          Sam and Jack Ship Resolution Would Look Like This to Me:

          Shippers, please click on quote to add to the list.

          1. Big, honkin' kiss in Real Time. No reset. (nell)
          2. [for the Continuum movie] BIIIIIG "Welcome home" hug and a little sweet kiss from the real (meaning non-AU) Jack would be nice. (zuz)
          "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
          Colonel Jack O'Neill


            Sam and Jack Ship Resolution Would Look Like This to Me:

            Shippers, please click on quote to add to the list.

            1. Big, honkin' kiss in Real Time. No reset. (nell)
            2. [for the Continuum movie] BIIIIIG "Welcome home" hug and a little sweet kiss from the real (meaning non-AU) Jack would be nice. (zuz)
            3. In Atlantis, Sam takes off her wedding ring before going on a mission and sets it in front of the fishing picture. (gater62)
            Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


              Sorry...when I posted this am I didn't have time to go read AT's interview. Hmmmm. It does sound like Moebius in reverse...(*grumble, grumble*).

              Let me get this straight, now, as best we know to date...

              A) Baal goes back in time and steals the stargate as it's being transferred from Egypt to the states. It crashes into the arctic.
              B) Cuz of that, the future is altered, but somehow Sam, Cam and Daniel are protected from the changes.
              C) S/C/D (we'll call them SG1 for brevity) try to convince the military in the new timeline (Landry) who they are and what threat the face from Baal, Teal'c and Qtesh.
              D) The military either don't believe them or do, but refuse to do anything about it.
              E)SG1 are separated, denied contact w/each other and sent to reintegrate into their new society (ala Sam in RNT)
              F)They obviously defy that order and go in search of the stargate in the arctic. Daniel gets frostbite. S/C are lost/stranded
              G) Colonel Jack O'Neill--from the new timeline--rescues them (I doubt if the new timeline would affect the original Charlie/Sara scenario, as Charlie's death occurred before the trip to Abydos, so the presenced or absence of the stargate is immaterial to what happens there. Except that something happens to keep Jack from killing himself in this timeline. Hopefully not Sara...)
              H) SG1 probably convinces Jack to help them and they get the stargate working and they gate to Maybourne's planet to get the puddle jumper w/the time machine , go back and then forward in time (remember, can only make jumps of several hundred years...) to stop Baal from stealing the gate, resetting the timeline and all is well with the world again... (BTW, (H) is pure speculation...)

              Any tidbits I'm missing?

              *reaches for aspirin*

              Anybody got any extra?--I've used mine all up...

              Well...I could see where they could shoe-horn in a few things here and there, even after-the-fact, given what we now know about SGA S4. But I think my ship-o-meter for Continuum just tanked....


                It sure does sound like Moebius. I just hope TPTB are smart enough to put in real Sam/Jack Ship and not just AU. I cannot image many Shippers will be happy after waiting forever for this Movie and we just get AU Ship. Jack should have been the focus of this Movie especially after hardly hearing about Jack the last two years and RDA being a big draw.I could be wrong but I cannot see the first Movie being a big hit so the 2nd Movie becomes very important.


                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                  Sorry...when I posted this am I didn't have time to go read AT's interview. Hmmmm. It does sound like Moebius in reverse...(*grumble, grumble*).

                  Let me get this straight, now, as best we know to date...

                  A) Baal goes back in time and steals the stargate as it's being transferred from Egypt to the states. It crashes into the arctic.
                  B) Cuz of that, the future is altered, but somehow Sam, Cam and Daniel are protected from the changes.
                  C) S/C/D (we'll call them SG1 for brevity) try to convince the military in the new timeline (Landry) who they are and what threat the face from Baal, Teal'c and Qtesh.
                  D) The military either don't believe them or do, but refuse to do anything about it.
                  E)SG1 are separated, denied contact w/each other and sent to reintegrate into their new society (ala Sam in RNT)
                  F)They obviously defy that order and go in search of the stargate in the arctic. Daniel gets frostbite. S/C are lost/stranded
                  G) Colonel Jack O'Neill--from the new timeline--rescues them (I doubt if the new timeline would affect the original Charlie/Sara scenario, as Charlie's death occurred before the trip to Abydos, so the presenced or absence of the stargate is immaterial to what happens there. Except that something happens to keep Jack from killing himself in this timeline. Hopefully not Sara...)
                  H) SG1 probably convinces Jack to help them and they get the stargate working and they gate to Maybourne's planet to get the puddle jumper w/the time machine , go back and then forward in time (remember, can only make jumps of several hundred years...) to stop Baal from stealing the gate, resetting the timeline and all is well with the world again... (BTW, (H) is pure speculation...)

                  Any tidbits I'm missing?

                  *reaches for aspirin*

                  Anybody got any extra?--I've used mine all up...

                  Well...I could see where they could shoe-horn in a few things here and there, even after-the-fact, given what we now know about SGA S4. But I think my ship-o-meter for Continuum just tanked....
                  My version

                  A) SG-1+/- Jack and Landry attend Baa'l's execution on another planet
                  A) Baal goes back in time and steals the stargate as it's being transferred from Egypt to the states. It crashes into the arctic.
                  B) Cuz of that, the future is altered, but somehow Sam, Cam and Daniel are protected from the changes.
                  C) S/C/D go through the stargate on said planet and lend in the arctic(we'll call them SG1 for brevity). D frostbite, S/C wonder the wastelands
                  D) Colonel Jack O'Neill--from the new timeline--rescues them (I doubt if the new timeline would affect the original Charlie/Sara scenario, as Charlie's death occurred before the trip to Abydos, so the presenced or absence of the stargate is immaterial to what happens there. Except that something happens to keep Jack from killing himself in this timeline. Hopefully not Sara...)
                  E) SG-1 tries to convince the military (Landry/Jack/ Hammond) that they need to change the timeline. The military either don't believe them or do, but refuse to do anything about it.
                  F) SG-1 are separated, denied contact w/each other and sent to reintegrate into their new society (ala Sam in RNT)
                  G) Baa'l/Tealc/Vala(Quetesh) attack Earth
                  H) SG1 probably convinces Jack to help them and they get the stargate working and they gate to Maybourne's planet to get the puddle jumper w/the time machine, go back and then forward in time (remember, can only make jumps of several hundred years...) to stop Baal from stealing the gate, resetting the timeline and all is well with the world again... (BTW, (H) is pure speculation...) - I hope something like this happens but I don't hold my breath - I think the reset of the timeline will have more to do with what happened on "Unending"
                  I) Baa'l's execution resumes hopefully with Jack attending and some shippy bits...
                  Any tidbits I'm missing

                  Anyway the good news is we'll know whether or not Sam/Jack are together 'cause "Trio" airs prior to the movies although it's placed timeline-wise post them...
                  Hope that made sense...


                    Originally posted by ccdsah View Post
                    My version

                    A) SG-1+/- Jack and Landry attend Baa'l's execution on another planet
                    A) Baal goes back in time and steals the stargate as it's being transferred from Egypt to the states. It crashes into the arctic.
                    B) Cuz of that, the future is altered, but somehow Sam, Cam and Daniel are protected from the changes.
                    C) S/C/D go through the stargate on said planet and lend in the arctic(we'll call them SG1 for brevity). D frostbite, S/C wonder the wastelands
                    D) Colonel Jack O'Neill--from the new timeline--rescues them (I doubt if the new timeline would affect the original Charlie/Sara scenario, as Charlie's death occurred before the trip to Abydos, so the presenced or absence of the stargate is immaterial to what happens there. Except that something happens to keep Jack from killing himself in this timeline. Hopefully not Sara...)
                    E) SG-1 tries to convince the military (Landry/Jack/ Hammond) that they need to change the timeline. The military either don't believe them or do, but refuse to do anything about it.
                    F) SG-1 are separated, denied contact w/each other and sent to reintegrate into their new society (ala Sam in RNT)
                    G) Baa'l/Tealc/Vala(Quetesh) attack Earth
                    H) SG1 probably convinces Jack to help them and they get the stargate working and they gate to Maybourne's planet to get the puddle jumper w/the time machine, go back and then forward in time (remember, can only make jumps of several hundred years...) to stop Baal from stealing the gate, resetting the timeline and all is well with the world again... (BTW, (H) is pure speculation...) - I hope something like this happens but I don't hold my breath - I think the reset of the timeline will have more to do with what happened on "Unending"
                    I) Baa'l's execution resumes hopefully with Jack attending and some shippy bits...
                    Any tidbits I'm missing

                    Anyway the good news is we'll know whether or not Sam/Jack are together 'cause "Trio" airs prior to the movies although it's placed timeline-wise post them...
                    Hope that made sense...

                    It does...and it puts the pieces together better than mine...! But I doubt if

                    Jack/Landry would be at the execution, otherwise they would not have been affected by the change either...unless there was some weird bubble or something that S/D/C got caught in that kept only the 3 of them from shifting to the alternate timeline. Altho', come-on, this is SG and nothing is impossible...

                    And yes, by then we'll have had our SGA reveal and we'll KNOW, one way or another (frankly, I really don't think its even a question at this point); but stilll, for anyone who was hoping for S/J of the same timeline in Continuum, it ain't lookin' good....

                    Still, I guess it could happen.

                    Come-on, this is SG and nothing is impossible...

                    *feels like a ping pong ball...goes back and forth and can't decide what to think about Continuum...*


                      I just want to thank SamJackShipLover for creating my wonderful signature! I don't have any photoediting skills, and I really appreciate the work done! Thanks!
                      Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        I was thinking, I haven't seen anything after Lost City
                        Are you've not ever seen 'Threads'? Any of s8?
                        Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                        So, the only 'clean' way for them to do that and be together would be if they were married.
                        I have to admit *prepares to duck* that I would prefer that they didn't do a wedding/proposal/marriage thing in Continuum.
                        I think they must have been married for quite a while. That's the best way, apparently, to get around those pesky regs. And I wouldn't want a proposal/marriage thing in the movie either. That's waaaay past.
                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        In case you want to vote in the favourite ships episode picture votes (don't forget to go to the last post first!!). Evolution only needs 2 more votes Pics under spoiler because of length.
                        I have really neglected the game threads.
                        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                        My thoughts on any ship in Continuum....
                        I don't think we'll get least not with our Sam and Jack if any at all!! I won't be overly shocked by that either...coz isn't Jack a colonel not a general in Continuum?? Don't get me wrong...I'd love to see Sam and Jack's relationship confirmed in the movie but I just have this weird feeling that it ain't gonna happen...still holding out for SGA though!! I hope I don't sound too pessimistic about our ship, I don't mean to, it's just a nagging feeling that we won't get it in either of the movies....I do hope however, that they prove me wrong!!
                        I have some hope that we will! Especially with RDA being present and this news on Trio. We still have a chance, and I'm holding on to it!
                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        And also, lol, on thinking about it.. if I had a bone to throw.. I'd much rather give it to the folks who not only invited him to join and view their ship day but also gave over 2000 posts in appreciation of a relationship that he himself had a hand in, than give it to the people who strung up wanted posters and hissed death threats. I'm just sayin'
                        Yes, good point!
                        Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                        Its totally indicitive of what regular Jack has probably been thinking all these years. "she's hot!" and "how can someone so smart be so hot?!"

                        Originally posted by zuz View Post

                        I just hope that some of the
                        "tender hearty moments" in Continuum
                        Amanda mentioned are Sam/Jack related. *fingers crossed*
                        I hope so too!
                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                        Actually, according to the commentary for Unending,

                        MS came to TPTB and lobbied for that *lovely* scene between Daniel and Vala, as a way to address the UST that had been between them since they'd met. Originally it wasn't supposed to be quite that way, from what I think RCC said.
               don't say....
                        Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
                        Moebius was alright but the whole reset button thing really bugs the crap out of me.
                        Me too. I'm sick of AUs a rest buttons. I'll scream if all we get is AUs and rest buttons again....
                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                        Sorry...when I posted this am I didn't have time to go read AT's interview. Hmmmm. It does sound like Moebius in reverse...(*grumble, grumble*).

                        Let me get this straight, now, as best we know to date...

                        A) Baal goes back in time and steals the stargate as it's being transferred from Egypt to the states. It crashes into the arctic.
                        B) Cuz of that, the future is altered, but somehow Sam, Cam and Daniel are protected from the changes.
                        C) S/C/D (we'll call them SG1 for brevity) try to convince the military in the new timeline (Landry) who they are and what threat the face from Baal, Teal'c and Qtesh.
                        D) The military either don't believe them or do, but refuse to do anything about it.
                        E)SG1 are separated, denied contact w/each other and sent to reintegrate into their new society (ala Sam in RNT)
                        F)They obviously defy that order and go in search of the stargate in the arctic. Daniel gets frostbite. S/C are lost/stranded
                        G) Colonel Jack O'Neill--from the new timeline--rescues them (I doubt if the new timeline would affect the original Charlie/Sara scenario, as Charlie's death occurred before the trip to Abydos, so the presenced or absence of the stargate is immaterial to what happens there. Except that something happens to keep Jack from killing himself in this timeline. Hopefully not Sara...)
                        H) SG1 probably convinces Jack to help them and they get the stargate working and they gate to Maybourne's planet to get the puddle jumper w/the time machine , go back and then forward in time (remember, can only make jumps of several hundred years...) to stop Baal from stealing the gate, resetting the timeline and all is well with the world again... (BTW, (H) is pure speculation...)

                        Any tidbits I'm missing?

                        *reaches for aspirin*

                        Anybody got any extra?--I've used mine all up...

                        Well...I could see where they could shoe-horn in a few things here and there, even after-the-fact, given what we now know about SGA S4. But I think my ship-o-meter for Continuum just tanked....
               Even with all the info we have, I still, honestly, have no idea what to expect from this movie. But as for Ship....
                        somewhere there has to be real Jack in the movies! Somewhere!


                          *hands bottle of Excedrin for Migraines
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                            Jack/Landry would be at the execution, otherwise they would not have been affected by the change either...unless there was some weird bubble or something that S/D/C got caught in that kept only the 3 of them from shifting to the alternate timeline. Altho', come-on, this is SG and nothing is impossible...

                            *feels like a ping pong ball...goes back and forth and can't decide what to think about Continuum...*
                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            But as for Ship....somewhere there has to be real Jack in the movies! Somewhere!
                            Adding to more ping-pongness...

                            Indeed Jena.

                            Especially as the filming news from showed

                            that Rick was filming scenes in early June with SG1 and Baal before the latter manages to set into motion his time altering plans.



                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              Oooops...sorry...I was aiming at the cat!!
                              That's okay. I was waxing poetic...or biblical...or something.

                              I honestly don't want to see a wedding/proposal in Continuum, either. But I'm glad my random speculation sparked so much discussion!

                              After watching Moebois last night, I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed before how close Jack and Sam are standing in Daniel's lab! Their arms are actually touching! I had to rewind it at watch it again. Then I SQUEEED. Hubby thought I was nuts. I love the idea of Our Jack being distracted by Sam during her technobabble. "I love her eyes...she is so HOT!...She's looking at me! Quick, what was she talking about??!"

                              I am trying really hard not to think about Continuum and AUs and ATLs. These things are not condusive to a happy luvnjack. *chants* All AUs and no real ship makes luvnjack a sad shipper...


                                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                                Adding to more ping-pongness...

                                Indeed Jena.

                                Especially as the filming news from showed

                                that Rick was filming scenes in early June with SG1 and Baal before the latter manages to set into motion his time altering plans.


                                I recall the pix that showed RDA on the set w/Baal's ship...but, do we know it was before the time shift? Or could it have been when ATL Jack joins SG1 to set things back in motion as Baal is getting ready to attack earth?


