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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Congrats SamJackShipLover on your 100th post. Great sig too.
    RepliCartertje, love the blend with the BTS & Threads images. I can't rep you & a cute fic too. SQUEEEE


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
      The O´Neills?? LOL I should be playing Sims, sounds great!
      I know! Now I want a Sims game to make an O'Neill family!

      And of course, their friends Janet, Daniel and Teal'c!
      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


        The only problem is that you can't make the adults have grey hair until they become elders so Jack has brown hair. But there are loads of new cool things on the Sims 2 like genius baby milk (makes Sim kids into Einstein! lol)

        Congrats on 100 posts, SamJackShipLover!
        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

        My fanfic


          Originally posted by AmberLM
          The only problem is that you can't make the adults have grey hair until they become elders so Jack has brown hair. But there are loads of new cool things on the Sims 2 like genius baby milk (makes Sim kids into Einstein! lol)

          Congrats on 100 posts, SamJackShipLover!
          You can make that grey hair I have it just do it with bodyshop from the sims. you can do awsome things with can also make your own clothes and so on...


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            You can make that grey hair I have it just do it with bodyshop from the sims. you can do awsome things with can also make your own clothes and so on...
            Goodness, you all make me want to go buy a copy of the Sims! Then I'd probably spend all my time on there instead of talking to all of you lovely people!

            Oh! And then Jack/Sam and Daniel/Janet's kids could get married!

            Hmmmm... now back to reading Karibou's work...
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Just a quick post to say:

              Congrats on the milestones!

              OK, off to bed! 'Night shippers.
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by Rachel500
                Just a quick post to say:

                Congrats on the milestones!

                OK, off to bed! 'Night shippers.

                How are you coming your fanfic?
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                  Hmmmm... now back to reading Karibou's work...
                  Have you finished Reap What Is Sown? I did, thank god for happy endings
                  It was a great story, made me laugh and cry And there´s a prequel and a sequel, so much more nice reading to do


                    Originally posted by aske
                    It all comes down to money. UST makes money, RST does not! The producers/writers know that and thus it will be in the year 2110 when the 'franchise' stops making money that they'll finally let our ship come sailing in......

                    See, I think that is a fallacy that TPTB believe to be true so it becomes a self-fulfilling reality. I think the REAL truth is that today's writers either don't have the ability, the creativity, the education or the backbone to write a relationship from UST to RST in a long-term series. It requires an author to think outside the box. It's not easy, but it can be done.

                    It's kinda like marriage. Most people are interested in the "chase"; but when it comes to the "marriage", people don't know how to keep the fires burning. It's interesting to know that if a series starts out with a couple already being a couple, there doesn't seem to be a problem keeping the ship going such as MacMillan & Wife.

                    The point is that the relationship should be in the background of the true story. The relationship shouldn't be the main story. That is a problem SG-1 is having. When the writers want to make a "shippy" episode, they completely focus on it instead of letting the storyline play out over several episodes in the background. Sam and Jack's relationship doesn't need to be the focus; it is just a part of the characters. JMHO and a long one at that.

                    Token ~


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                      Have you finished Reap What Is Sown? I did, thank god for happy endings
                      It was a great story, made me laugh and cry And there´s a prequel and a sequel, so much more nice reading to do
                      I finished the original. Now working on the prequel, THEN, the sequel...

                      I love having a bunch of good fanfiction to read!
                      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                        Originally posted by Token
                        See, I think that is a fallacy that TPTB believe to be true so it becomes a self-fulfilling reality. I think the REAL truth is that today's writers either don't have the ability, the creativity, the education or the backbone to write a relationship from UST to RST in a long-term series. It requires an author to think outside the box. It's not easy, but it can be done.

                        It's kinda like marriage. Most people are interested in the "chase"; but when it comes to the "marriage", people don't know how to keep the fires burning. It's interesting to know that if a series starts out with a couple already being a couple, there doesn't seem to be a problem keeping the ship going such as MacMillan & Wife.

                        The point is that the relationship should be in the background of the true story. The relationship shouldn't be the main story. That is a problem SG-1 is having. When the writers want to make a "shippy" episode, they completely focus on it instead of letting the storyline play out over several episodes in the background. Sam and Jack's relationship doesn't need to be the focus; it is just a part of the characters. JMHO and a long one at that.

                        What comes to mind is WoO and BtS. In both, the ship was addressed, but was by NO MEANS the focal of the ep. And, still as shippers, we adore those episodes.

                        I mean, don't we live for all the small things, such as the scenes in 'Sacrifices', 'Heros', 'Metamorphis', 'Paradise Lost' and others?

                        And my angst self wants to mention 'Entity'.
                        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                          Originally posted by 0xNatashax0
                          I made a video, it is my first Sam/Jack video so I hope you like it:
                          Great vid! And I watched especially carefully during the Moebuis clip, and I saw the hand brushing...COOL!!!!

                          Sig by RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by CamandVala
                            Great vid! And I watched especially carefully during the Moebuis clip, and I saw the hand brushing...COOL!!!!
                            Congrats on 100 posts,


                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING 100 POSTS CamandVala


                                Originally posted by Buc252
                                Here's a question in response to the "other ships" discussion, from a different angle.
                                Since we're all here, I'll grant that we must have the predisposition to be shippers. In spite of that fact, what shows were you totally into where there was *no* ship in which you could invest yourself, but there was an intense friendship that kept your attention. (No slash, please!)

                                I had these. I loved Starsky & Hutch and The Big Valley. I also loved the duality of the Spock/McCoy friendship - it's always been much more fascinating to me than anything involving Kirk. Simon & Simon was great for that, too.
                                On my current "ship" shows, there are friendships like this, too. Temperence and Angela on Bones, Teal'c and Jonas on SG, (no, no Daniel & Jack - I don't buy into that), and Skinner had a fatherly relationship with both Mulder and Scully that I adored. (I guess I always saw Skinner and Hammond as equals - I believed both guys *knew* that their people belonged together, but couldn't really take an active position to *get* them together. LOL)
                                Wow…that’s a really good question. There are certainly shows that I ship for in which there are really strong friendships that also keep me invested. Daniel & Jack is the first relationship that really drew me into SG. Tom & Harry in Voyager, Hawkeye & BJ (and to an extent, Charles) on MASH, Turk & JD on Scrubs, JD & Dr Cox on Scrubs, and now that you mention it, I’d probably put Teal’c & Jonas in there too.
                                The only show I can think of where there was a relationship that kept me hooked but there was no ship is Lister and Rimmer on Red Dwarf. I never shipped for Red Dwarf, but I always loved the relationship between those two.
                                Oh, I thought of another one! Jack & Will in Will & Grace. I love their friendship so much, I wish they showed it seriously a bit more. (although I’m not sure it quite counts as an answer to your question, cos I kinda slashed for them till Vince came on the scene…oh hey, that’s my one slash!!)

                                Hmmm.... they’re all male friendships. That’s interesting, I do tend to prefer seeing male friendships than female. Women can be so nasty to each other…I can’t think of any male/female friendships that I really like offhand. And the only female/female one I can think of is Sam & Janet. We did not see enough of that!

