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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    I can live with Sam on Atlantis only if the Sam and Jack Ship is resolved and we get to see it and we get to see Sam and Jack together from time to time and no Sam and McKay Shipping.I would watch Atlantis if we got all those things.
    well i would rather have sg1 carry on but if sam was on atlantis then at least we'd still get to see sam. i'd start watching atlantis then. but yeah i agree it would have to be sam and jack together, i wouldnt be okay with sam and mckay. but would they seriously do that, put sam on atlantis cause mckay's there? just wondering

    sig by starlover1990


      Yea! I got my high speed! Unfortunately though, my head is about to explode. I found out all the crud I have to do this semester . *kisses GW goodbye*

      I keep having these random outbursts....saying things like "No! It can't be over!" and "I want my ship resolved!" Needless to say, I'm in a sad state right now. I think I'll take a nap.


        im sad too. im not too sure that the ship will be resolved.

        going to read some fanfic to cheer myself up

        sig by starlover1990



          i just read the news that stargate sg1 has been cancelled, i don't lik it at al. also that there is a posibility that characters from sg1 go to atlantis--> i don't like it. Atlantis is a serie on his own, it doesn't need characters from sg1. not that i don't want to see them any more, maby sometimes as a guest star but not more!
          i only read the last page of this tread and i can see that there are different opinions about how people think about the cancelation. i can understand from some people that they are happy about it, because the show isn't what it used to be, but i like the show. okay i don't like the characters from Mitchell, Vala and Landry but i can live with them if i still see the 'old'cast. and Teal'c, Daniel and Sam are still there, they are still important. if i have seen the spoilers right then
          we are going to see some episode about them, where mitchell, vala and landry are not so important. i like that kind of episodes. i also want to see the episode where daniel goes
          but we will have to see how that will turn out

          i stil will watch the show just because its stargate sg1, it's not the same as the first 8 seasons but i still like it. I hope we will get a good resolution for the ship, i think that we also deserve it after 10(!) years of waiting. TPTB had enough time to think about something to resolve it.
          I also hope that they going to make a good ending of the ori story line and that i can enjoy the last 15 episodes of sg1, and that the show still will go out with a bang(what i don't think that is going to happen)
          And then i will still be watching Atlantis, because i like that show as well! So stargate will go on in some way, and maby we will get a movie or something, i stay optimistic!


            Originally posted by chelle db
            And even though I'm relatively new to GW having joined in April this year...I have been having the best time of my guys are're a great bunch of people to chat with...and I hope that we can continue to meet here and chat about our ship and SG1...and about whatever we want.
            It really makes more days more enjoyable when I come here!!
            Thank you Ship're all super fantastic!!! Even if we don't always see eye to eye!!!
            (((Ship Family))) I'm pretty new here too, and I've had a great time as well! I mean, if we could keep this thread going through these last two mostly shipless seasons...I imagine we can chat for some time. Just because the show may be over, doesn't mean we don't have 8 other great years to reflect on. Fanfics are waiting to be written, vids made, collages put together. And hopefully, we'll get our ship.


              Originally posted by sacme
              The show can't go on forever-- it's natural for interest to wane.

              ship sistah
              The thing is, when I look at the ratings, S8 had great ones. Interest definitely wasn't waning then. S9 started a downfall, and there are many, many reasons for that. I think they messed with the right formula and this is what happened.


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                (((Ship Family))) I'm pretty new here too, and I've had a great time as well! I mean, if we could keep this thread going through these last two mostly shipless seasons...I imagine we can chat for some time. Just because the show may be over, doesn't mean we don't have 8 other great years to reflect on. Fanfics are waiting to be written, vids made, collages put together. And hopefully, we'll get our ship.
                i think the same about that..i'm also prety new..and i like to spend my time guys/girls are amazing!! and i think you're right we can still talk, make fanfics,vids ect. and maby we still will get our ship(thumbs crossed)

                just saw that this is my 100 post, that really fast(for me atleast)


                  Originally posted by starlover1990
                  i think the same about that..i'm also prety new..and i like to spend my time guys/girls are amazing!! and i think you're right we can still talk, make fanfics,vids ect. and maby we still will get our ship(thumbs crossed)

                  just saw that this is my 100 post, that really fast(for me atleast)
                  congrats on 100 posts

                  im still going to come here to chat and stuff, this place always makes me laugh and its really great tlking to you guys. the people here are, like u said, amazing. ill be reading lost of fanfic

                  sig by starlover1990


                    Originally posted by Rachel500
                    So having spent the morning reading the thread and the posts that happened once I went off to bed and having spent the morning contemplating the news of the cancellation here are my thoughts.


                    This is a rather long commentary. My final thought is this: despite the show's current flaws, I find I still love it enough to fight for its survival; I hope MGM is successful in finding another network; and I will lobby respectfully that whatever happens with the show that the producers and writers finish the S/J storyline with a real resolution for the characters. That's MHO, I hope others join me but respect if others do not wish to.

                    Wonderful post.

                    I still love the show as well-enough to fight like you. Sure I'm not happy with everything, but it's still the only show(besides SGA-boy I'd really be crying if both got canned) I want to watch in the bleak wasteland of television. I feel S10 is looking up, and I just joined in on this party! I don't want it to end so soon! I will write Sci-Fi and express my disappointment in them. I will contact MGM/Sony and tell them I still support the show. I will tell TPTB that I wish for resolution for all the characters(especially the ship), and that they should consider the fans when they pen that last episode.

                    SG-1 may be taking it's final bow, but I want to throw roses, not tomatoes.
                    Last edited by L.A. Doyle; 22 August 2006, 09:43 AM.


                      Originally posted by blueiris
                      Nothing has struck me the way Sam and Jack did.
                      Me either. I am not a hopeless romantic, believe it or not. Give me action over a romance or chick flick any day. Throw that romance novel out the window. Gah! Get rid of that pink and all those hearts!

                      But Jack and Sam...I'm a sucker for those two. I mean, I just adore them. I love them together! I see chemistry there, and I see love. I have to see them end up together. It would be wrong for them not to.

                      When I write TPTB I will say that the main thing that drew me to the show was the 'team feel'. I loved seeing them interact and grow into a family. That was missing for me in S9, but I was starting to see some of it in 10. The Jack/Sam relationship is something else I really like about the show...obviously...look how much I post here! I want RCC and the rest to know that I want that resolved. I'll put it in a polite and respectful way, but I want to be clear. We will NOT forget about the ship. Now we want it more than ever.


                        Originally posted by Makk
                        Hi there.

                        I have never posted here (although it is always great reading!) but I have a question.

                        I also want the relationship resolved by the series end..

                        Have they already filmed all the season's episodes? If they have, then I am not sure how we could see it be resolved.. unless they were planning on surprising us on that 1 other episode that RDA is doing for SG-1 (which I doubt, since usually stuff like that gets spoiled ahead of time and we would have heard by now).

                        Now, if they haven't.. and if the decision to cancel the show is a new decision, perhaps they have time to change the script for the season's end and approach all the right people (including RDA) to film another episode in order to complete the series correctly (hard for me to picture them closing out the series with RDA not being part of a final episode, ship or no ship).
                        WELCOME MAKK!!!!!


                        Welcome. I'm pretty sure they haven't finished filming. I think they have time to write something great and I think RDA would be willing to come participate.

                        Welcome here and have fun. There's plenty to talk about!


                          Originally posted by Rachel500
                          So having spent the morning reading the thread and the posts that happened once I went off to bed and having spent the morning contemplating the news of the cancellation here are my thoughts.

                          I'm a relatively new member of the S/J Shipper family here on GW although I am a long term S/J shipper. Over the last couple of months, I've been very welcomed and you've all been a definite highlight in what has been a difficult personal time for me with my health; you're now part of my daily routine. I enjoy that the thread is home to a wide range of opinion and that there is a healthy debate across a number of topics to do with S/J, the show and the decisions of TPTB.
                          This is a great place for reading everyone's different views on the show, and I find myself rewatching certain scenes and thinking more about them because of posts here.
                          It's a very addictive thread!

                          Originally posted by Rachel500
                          That vast and wide ranging set of opinions certainly showed up in the posts on the cancellation.

                          There was everything from 'I told you so', happy dancing and glee to sadness, anger and rallying cries of 'save the show.' All viewpoints are valid but I admit for me personally reading some of the jubilation on the cancellation, not just on this thread but others, was almost as disappointing as reading of the cancellation itself. Not a criticism - simply an observation.
                          I can't say I've seen jubilation about the cancellation. I think that everyone here is sad that something we've invested our time and emotions in for ten years is finally ending.
                          Some folk are going all out to try to save the show, and I salute you all and hope you have a great success.
                          Others, myself included, are more thankful that the show is being put out of it's misery, much like putting down an animal when it is gravely ill. We are sad about the death, but happy that it's the end to it suffering.
                          I don't want the show to be remembered as something that went on too long, but as a wonderful show that kept me entertained for all these years.

                          Originally posted by Rachel500

                          However, maybe the timing does leave the possibility that the show either finds a new home or at least provides the producers/writers with time to prepare for the end of S10 and wrap up the storylines with some dignity.
                          One can only hope for this.

                          Originally posted by Rachel500
                          So it is, admittedly with some surprise, that I find myself joining the rallying cries to save the show and I hoping that MGM do find another network.
                          Part of this is because I truly do believe that trying to resolve the storylines as they currently stand completely in S10 will feel rushed including any resolution to the S/J ship. I have yet to see any resolution of any storyline slapped together on the back of a cancellation done well by any TV show and it certainly never leaves the fanbase satisfied. It is certainly my worst fear that we'll get a cliff hanger at the end of S10 and then have to wait forever for a mini-series to tie up the loose ends. I would like a resolution before the end of S10 if S10 is the actual end.
                          I think the show is probably too expensive in its current format to be taken up by another network, but I would love a mini-series to happen. I agree with you that I don't want a cliff-hanger!
                          I definitely want all the loose ends tied up....mainly the Sam and Jack ship.
                          I'm not sure if it would feel rushed because, let's face it, we've been waiting for long enough for our resolution.

                          Originally posted by Rachel500
                          The other observation I made from reading all the posts, is that the one thing we all have in common whether we like the current format or not, whether we're trying to save the show or not, is that we all would like a resolution to the S/J ship. I have said before in previous posts that I do believe that when TPTB decided to put the S/J storyline on screen, they did create an invisible contract with us that one day, our Sam and Jack would be together. I would like a moment of real resolution between our Sam and Jack that shows they are together and happy before the end of the show. However, while I don't believe RCC, BW et al spend all their time on the forums, I do worry that had some of the producers/writers or anyone else from the show stopped by to see what the reaction was to the news and read some of the more jubilant posts on the cancellation whether they would want to give us any resolution at all. Certainly if I was them, I'd be tempted to do just the opposite and give us nothing at all.
                          I think that everyone here wants the Sam/Jack storyline resolved.
                          As to TPTB reading the posts here....I don't think they care one iota about us and what we are saying. Remember, we are 'females with issues', so our thoughts will just be dismissed.

                          I certainly don't think we should censor what is said in this thread, or anywhere on the forum, as long as we abide by the forum rules.

                          Originally posted by Rachel500
                          My final thought is this: despite the show's current flaws, I find I still love it enough to fight for its survival; I hope MGM is successful in finding another network; and I will lobby respectfully that whatever happens with the show that the producers and writers finish the S/J storyline with a real resolution for the characters. That's MHO, I hope others join me but respect if others do not wish to.
                          I know that many people are still enjoying the show, and I respect them for doing whatever they feel is needed for the show to continue, as long as that respect goes both ways. Folk shouldn't feel that they are doing something wrong if they don't join in the battle.

                          All in all, whatever happens, I just hope that we find out that Sam and Jack are together (forever)......and we get a big honkin' kiss!


                            Hi Ship mates

                            Ok, I know my last post was a bit of a downer. I was sad. What can I say?
                            I apologize.

                            So who here wants one last season of SG1 so that we can hopefully get our ship resolved?

                            Well, me for one. So, here's what I want you to consider. No matter where in the world you live. I have sent the following email to Chum Ltd, who owns the Space channel in Canada (sort of like the Cdn. Vers. of Sci Fi)

                            Hope you all cut, paste, and add your own contact info and email to CHum.
                            You know me and my letter writing campaigns Still waiting to hear about the Walk of Fame nominations for 2007

                            August 22, 2006

                            Executive Office:
                            299 Queen Street West
                            Toronto, Ontario
                            Canada M5V 2Z5
                            Tel: 416-591-5757
                            Fax: 416-591-8497
                            Email: [email protected]

                            Dear Sir/Madam:

                            As I’m sure you are now aware, the US Sci fi Channel has cancelled Stargate SG1 after it’s ground breaking 10th season.

                            This television series remains intensely popular. As you are also aware, SG1 is filmed and produced in Canada at the Bridge Studios in British Columbia.

                            What a wonderful gift it would be, if Chum Ltd. rewarded it’s customers (and the world) by contacting MGM and negotiating the rights that Sci Fi had, so that SG1 could have one last season (11) owned by our own SPACE. A season that would be even more wonderfully Canadian.

                            I truly hope that you consider this suggestion.
                            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                            Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              Me either. I am not a hopeless romantic, believe it or not. Give me action over a romance or chick flick any day. Throw that romance novel out the window. Gah! Get rid of that pink and all those hearts!

                              But Jack and Sam...I'm a sucker for those two. I mean, I just adore them. I love them together! I see chemistry there, and I see love. I have to see them end up together. It would be wrong for them not to.
                              im not a hopeless romantic either, but there is something about jack and sam, the chemistry, the way they are together, i dont know but i was just drawn in from the start. i would be so sad if it ended it all together without the ship being resolved.

                              sig by starlover1990


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                This is a great place for reading everyone's different views on the show, and I find myself rewatching certain scenes and thinking more about them because of posts here.
                                It's a very addictive thread!

                                I can't say I've seen jubilation about the cancellation. I think that everyone here is sad that something we've invested our time and emotions in for ten years is finally ending.
                                Some folk are going all out to try to save the show, and I salute you all and hope you have a great success.
                                Others, myself included, are more thankful that the show is being put out of it's misery, much like putting down an animal when it is gravely ill. We are sad about the death, but happy that it's the end to it suffering.
                                I don't want the show to be remembered as something that went on too long, but as a wonderful show that kept me entertained for all these years.

                                All in all, whatever happens, I just hope that we find out that Sam and Jack are together (forever)......and we get a big honkin' kiss!

                                Well said Dips .... and in that same thought I shall post my past shippy pics
                                SAM AND JACK FOREVER

                                Last edited by gatebee; 22 August 2006, 10:39 AM.

                                avatar and sig by flidget

