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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    (Late to the party, I know)

    In a way, I can't say I'm anything but glad. But then, I haven't watched it since S8, because the show ends with Jack for me. This proves, in a round-about way that the show can't last without good acting and good storylines, which TPTB seemed to ignore.

    At least we still have Atlantis.


      I don't know much about US TV, so what are the chances of another network picking it up?


        I'm sure I'm not the first one to post this, since I haven't had a chance to check in today, but here's the link to the cancellation notice anyway:

        I can't say I'm surprised. When you disregard the past that made you successful and try to reinvent the wheel, these things happen. This year's ratings are an indication that fans had been given more change (and less resolution) than they were willing to take. It'll be interesting to see what the ratings for 200 were like, although I'm sure the execs had reviewed the overnight trends from the major markets before announcing the decision today.

        Going out to dinner. I'll check back in afterwards.


          Instead of getting upset get mad and start emailing: [email protected]
          Get your family, friends whoever email email email-bring their server down! Get mad and get even, no Stargate--no money and I promise I will never watch that stupid channel again!!!!!!


            Originally posted by Terrah
            I don't know much about US TV, so what are the chances of another network picking it up?
            Probably slim to none. Sci Fi was the perfect fit for a niche series (i.e., a series that's in a less common genre). It wasn't crime; it wasn't medicine, and it certainly wasn't reality TV, which is so popular right now here (and very cheap to produce by comparison to series).

            So, if there's any silver lining, it's that this probably opens up the chance for some DVD movie possibilities, if they could get RDA to join in. If not, I guess Dean Devlin could try to recast the whole thing and make his second picture.

            I still think the magic could be recaptured, if Rick would come back. And I think he'd be willing to work enough to do a couple of projects a year. But with the ratings so low, studio execs who don't understand the show may be hesitant to try and take it to the big screen, or put any more money into the original team at all. I bet Anderson and Greenburg could get the funding, though. It worked when Gekko was running it.

            We'll just have to wait and see.


              Originally posted by Buc252
              Okay, something just occurred to me: The X-Files parallel continues!

              The male lead in both series left to spend more time with their families. In both cases, the show's decision-makers chose to add new people they didn't really need to the cast to try to keep the show going, and in both cases, it didn't work.

              And now, in both cases, the shows aired two seasons after the actors' departure and then were cancelled due to low ratings. I just hope to God that they end SG1 better than they ended XF, and we get more of a positive ship resolution.
              You mean we're in.....The Twilight Zone?

              Ok.....really going to dinner now.


                I knew that was coming, but I was not at all prepared for it. I am so disappointed, I was really hoping they'd keep going for 11. I'd love to see it get picked up by another station - I really don't think SG1 has run its course yet. And if it's hopes are still high for the film...


                  Here's another email address: [email protected]


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    Would you believe cast and crew found out just before their big 200 viewing party this weekend? Talk about timing! Here's the link if you can handle it.

                    Why can't anyone in command just say the show wasn't as good, the new characters not written well, instead of blaming lack of publicity, etc. Yes, I know some fans don't agree with that and still liked the show, but obviously quite a number didn't acc. to the ratings.


                      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                      Why can't anyone in command just say the show wasn't as good, the new characters not written well, instead of blaming lack of publicity, etc. Yes, I know some fans don't agree with that and still liked the show, but obviously quite a number didn't acc. to the ratings.
                      Because they're too proud to admit they did some errors. Damn writers and their ego! It's only logical after so many years but that's the problem, in TV business you can never be too confident in your abbilities.


                        Originally posted by trupi
                        Here's another email address: [email protected]
                        Thanks Trupi!

                        If people would like to write and are struggling for a form of words then I'm posting what I sent if you'd like a template. Obviously don't use the exact same thing as it may lose impact but it will give you a starter for 10.


                        I am writing to express my concern on the news that broke earlier today reporting that Sci-fi had cancelled Stargate SG1.

                        I am a long-term fan of the show and have watched it from its first airing. If what is reported is true, I would like to express my anger and sadness at this decision particularly in terms of its timing following straight after the airing of the historic 200th episode.

                        While I understand the business factors that drive decision making around programming and realise that the show has struggled with ratings during the last month, I believe a continued investment in the show over another Season will prove to be worthwhile with the renewed format of the show settling and ultimately regaining audience share.

                        I sincerely hope that you can confirm these reports are false and if not, I would encourage you to reconsider your decision.

                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Originally posted by Rogue
                          Actually, I missed worded my post. What I meant to say was that SG-1 would be cancelled before we got our resolution. Sorry, I was still in shock from the news.
                          I did that mean. I meant that the ship was a big part of it but there are other factors to consider too. Like new actors, not knowing what to do with the old ones, RDA's leaving,...


                            Originally posted by Rachel500
                            Thanks Trupi!

                            If people would like to write and are struggling for a form of words then I'm posting what I sent if you'd like a template. Obviously don't use the exact same thing as it may lose impact but it will give you a starter for 10.


                            I am writing to express my concern on the news that broke earlier today reporting that Sci-fi had cancelled Stargate SG1.

                            I am a long-term fan of the show and have watched it from its first airing. If what is reported is true, I would like to express my anger and sadness at this decision particularly in terms of its timing following straight after the airing of the historic 200th episode.

                            While I understand the business factors that drive decision making around programming and realise that the show has struggled with ratings during the last month, I believe a continued investment in the show over another Season will prove to be worthwhile with the renewed format of the show settling and ultimately regaining audience share.

                            I sincerely hope that you can confirm these reports are false and if not, I would encourage you to reconsider your decision.

                            Nice post. But some don't have the same tact and wording as you.

                            I very much do hope they're going to change their minds but they don't do that a lot in the showbiz. If everything has already been set to end then it's almost sure there's no going back. Whatever we have to say about it. If they don't like the show anymore or are tired with it or whatever then we won't see it again, ever! JMO!


                              Originally posted by Twilight506
                              Well I disagree with Lislove, I think JAG ended beautifully (I loved it being left up to my imagination!). I want to say "I can't believe they're ending sg-1" but on the other hand... it has been ten years. I guess I thought it would have been another season or two out since everyone sounded so optimistic. Do they think it's a "leave while you're ahead" thing??? Or maybe this is a ploy to find out how much fan support is out there?? I don't know. They've kept shows going before b/c of fan love!

                              I think for the sake of seeing s/j resolved we should definitely fight to keep it
                              There certainly are people who enjoyed it but I don't know a lot who did. It was a good, romantic ending but the big question at the end led to some kind of dissapointment for me. Same for my mom, best friend and sister.


                                I don't care about the past right now, we need to work together to keep it going so we can get our resolutions. If it's gone this season, that's it and 10 years of watching is in the toilet. Please email, please watch the episode-don't TIVO. It's not right what they did to the show. They made their money and ran! This is a repeat of what NBC did to Star Trek 36 years ago. You have the money that speaks to their hearts, take it away!!!

