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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by i'ddie4sci-fi
    Hi all, im new to this Thread..and Forum
    I have however ALWAYS been a sam/jack shipper....since i cant remember that far back.
    Been watching some older episodes recently...just makes me miss Jack more .
    Im british so have not seen any of season 10....i have however seen clips of '200' and am very excited!

    I am also a Shepp/Weir shipper too
    Do you find that alot of S/J shippers ship that pairing in Atlantis or is there pretty much a divide?
    Just curious?
    Heres to the original sg couple! May they fish happily ever after
    iddie xxx
    I am a Shepp/Weir shipper, too. The Sam/Jack ship is my main ship, but at least the PTB are moving the Shepp/Weir ship at a normal rate of progression. JM's influence is obvious in Atlantis. I just wish we had gotten the same consideration to ship development when RDA was still a regular. I see more chemistry between Sam and Jack, but I see the sparks in Shepp/Weir, too. It helps that they aren't both air force.


      Originally posted by Zoser
      And here I thought you wore the boy out.
      I wish! Unfortunately for me, Sam got to him first.


        Ok not to be really pesimistic but just read this on GW meansite: and I don't think the ship will not be solved because of it
        Ok someone cheer me up here!! Tell me that the ship will be resolved someone tell me that it is just a bad dream.


          Originally posted by Rachel500


          The wedding had been real then my wish list (staying with canon so dead people remain dead) would have been:

          *Hammond giving away Sam (although guess there may have been a question about why Mark, her brother, isn't doing it)
          *Cassie as bridesmaid
          *Daniel and Teal'c both stood up as best men (and maybe if the groom has two best men, then fine have Vala as the 2nd bridesmaid to even up the numbers)
          *Jonas sat front and centre as part of the happy congregation which would include Landry, Mitchell, Walter, Siler, Dr Lee, a crying Dr Felger, Maj Davis, maybe Weir and Sheppard as reps from Atlantis, Col Emerson and some of the crew of the Odyssey along with a number of their alien friends including Thor

          If someone was to try for a logical answer in what was a completely illogical show, as the wedding in 200 is Vala's interpretation of a Sam/Jack wedding then you can understand the lack of Hammond, Jonas and Cassie or even Sam's family because she maybe isn't completely conversant with who those people are and therefore they don't appear...
          IMO, making the wedding Vala's idea was a stroke of brilliance for that very reason. They didn't have Hammond (except as a puppet), Jonas, or Cassie for the episode, so since Vala doesn't know them she doesn't put them in the fantasy wedding. Also, remember, in all of Vala's other pitches she was the star. In the wedding, Sam and Jack were the stars. This implies that Vala knows about Sam and Jack's relationship, especially when added to the "royal marriage" comment from Insiders.


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            Ok not to be really pesimistic but just read this on GW meansite: and I don't think the ship will not be solved because of it
            Ok someone cheer me up here!! Tell me that the ship will be resolved someone tell me that it is just a bad dream.
            O.K., I should have know this was going to be a bad day! I had a flat tire at 8:00am, spent two and a half hours in the doctor's office (over an hour just waiting to get blood work done), spent another hour getting a new tire (children in tow), and now this news!!!!!! I HATE MONDAYS!!!!!!!

            If we don't get a movie then I don't think we'll get ship resolution. I guess I'll have to put the dvds on Ebay, because I won't be able to watch if the ship is not resolved in the end. Of course, it wouldn't kill them to take Sam and Jack to Atlantis for a few episodes and resolve the ship there.


              I don't know how many of you have read the front page but it looks like Sci-fi might be cancelling SG1.

              To save the show (and in my mind any hope of a ship resolution!) someone has started an online petition

              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by Rogue
                You know this morning I was just telling Pittsburghgirl this was going to happen if they keep putting off the resolution.
                It has more to do with the whole thing going downhill. They don't desserve it and I'm sad!


                  Originally posted by Gate gal
                  O.K., I should have know this was going to be a bad day! I had a flat tire at 8:00am, spent two and a half hours in the doctor's office (over an hour just waiting to get blood work done), spent another hour getting a new tire (children in tow), and now this news!!!!!! I HATE MONDAYS!!!!!!!

                  If we don't get a movie then I don't think we'll get ship resolution. I guess I'll have to put the dvds on Ebay, because I won't be able to watch if the ship is not resolved in the end. Of course, it wouldn't kill them to take Sam and Jack to Atlantis for a few episodes and resolve the ship there.
                  ((((((((Gate gal))))))))

                  They usually do look at providing something S/J when they think the show is going to end...
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    Ok not to be really pesimistic but just read this on GW meansite: and I don't think the ship will not be solved because of it
                    Ok someone cheer me up here!! Tell me that the ship will be resolved someone tell me that it is just a bad dream.
                    It was bound to happen if PTB write silly eps without real resolutions ...

                    Now maybe since they know it is the end , the ship will be resolve and Sam and Jack can have that BHK and say their "I do's"

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Originally posted by gatebee
                      It was bound to happen if PTB write silly eps without real resolutions ...

                      Now maybe since they know it is the end , the ship will be resolve and Sam and Jack can have that BHK and say their "I do's"
                      Well I certakainly don't want it to be like JAG. And you don't want it either believe me. The fans knowing Harm/Mac were going to be resolved expected very much. They ended with them together but there was still a big question/issue hanging in the air!

                      It'l be the same with Jack and Sam. I don't want to see any rapid 'I do's' or 'I Love You's' if it's going to be as bad as the rest we got this two last years. I much prefer them walking away hand in hand then. Or seeing it resolved in the possible movie.


                        Well I disagree with Lislove, I think JAG ended beautifully (I loved it being left up to my imagination!). I want to say "I can't believe they're ending sg-1" but on the other hand... it has been ten years. I guess I thought it would have been another season or two out since everyone sounded so optimistic. Do they think it's a "leave while you're ahead" thing??? Or maybe this is a ploy to find out how much fan support is out there?? I don't know. They've kept shows going before b/c of fan love!

                        I think for the sake of seeing s/j resolved we should definitely fight to keep it


                          If the show is ending at the end of S10, then I think we all need to keep in mind that at present as far as we know RDA will not be in the finale as his second SG1 appearance has apparently already been filmed. They would need to bring him back for an all-out S/J resolution.
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            I think they should finish what they started and give us our ship ... the ratings will go through the roof when they do ...

                            yes yes they should have several eps leading to that final I DO

                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              Originally posted by Rachel500
                              If the show is ending at the end of S10, then I think we all need to keep in mind that at present as far as we know RDA will not be in the finale as his second SG1 appearance has apparently already been filmed. They would need to bring him back for an all-out S/J resolution.
                              Well who says they can't be sweet in SGA .Sam and Jack could be at SGA and when off the clock, show their affections.

                              avatar and sig by flidget


                                Originally posted by Rachel500
                                If the show is ending at the end of S10, then I think we all need to keep in mind that at present as far as we know RDA will not be in the finale as his second SG1 appearance has apparently already been filmed. They would need to bring him back for an all-out S/J resolution.
                                Yes that is why I am so upset. I really knew that it was a matter of time before Sg1 get cancelled because of the low rating and not that great quality. But I was hoping for some resolving so...
                                Now with the fact that everything with RDA already is filmed, I think there is not much change of resolving the ship. But I sincerely hope that RDA and the PTB see our needs and hopes and still resolve the ship. Who know TPTB can maybe, hopefully ask RDA to do one more ep so that they can resolve the ship on a beautifull way...So that everyone is happy with it.

                                I have to say the news was expected but still a shock!

                                ((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))))

