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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    I guess you're probably right. But Orlin definitely construed it as sexual, and I think it's intimate, whatever. I'll have to watch the ep again.
    I couldn't quite figure Orlin out. Kind, naieve, gentle, lovestruck, compassionate. I don't know what about him. Maybe I didn't like him putting the moves on Sam. I'll watch it again too.


      I feel kinda sorry for poor Orlin.... the girl he likes is in love with someone else (whom we all perfer), he left the ascended groupie to save the world, and his head is gonna explode.... kinda sad.

      Thanks to -Jules- for the sig pic!

      "It hops, it hops! It hops jolly high!" The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux


        That's exactly it. He was Character of the Week. Getting in the way of Destiny.
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          S/J was my ship for a good 7 years before Shep/Weir came along... Sam and Jack had that really good chemiistry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


            Ahhh... don't you miss it? A bit of good chemistry and all! I mean, being an S/W shipper
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Okay gang...

              I've FINALLY added a 'link to me' page at Stargate Intel


              go to the links page (link is in the side menu) and then clickety on the link!

              And if you want your page added, scroll to the very bottom and click on the button!
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                I don't think he'd need to actually buy her anything. As long as they could have a long romantic night in, no interruptions, I think Sam would be happy.

                As for Sam and Orlin being "intimate", I actually assumed that the glowy thing was the ascended intimate of intimates (trying to keep it PG). I mean, it's all about feelings and two people merging as one etc, it was the nearest a PG pre-watershed show could get. Or so I thought until Spud.

                Sorry guys, but I did think it was intimate. Hence why I was horrified at it.

                Thanks again Lys, you are a STAR yourself!
                Was there an "after glowy?"


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  One thing that I'm annoyed with at the moment, is the poll on the GW front page...the one about Vala joining the cast. The first option is 'yes, it's about time'

                  For crying out LOUD! She's been on the show for what? Five minutes? Give us all a break!

                  On line polls are noted for not having the right answer for me, i.e. one I could fill in.


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    I dunno. I'd assume some of them do. Have you thought about going to Forbidden Planet? I'm pretty sure they have a branch in Manchester. They're a very good Sci-fi store. I got a Carter nodding dog type doll thing from there.
                    Do you mean there is a Carter doll before those talked about now on GW? I think Pierre Bernard asked AT about "when will there be a Carter doll?" That was on one of the lowdowns, but not the version the UK got, I think. Wonder if the nodding head doll is official.


                      Originally posted by sacme
                      thanks for trying to offer hope, but, actually, I was pissed about the whole Worf thing in the last season (my first Pete) and that T/R didn't get together before the end of that series. And by the time they did get together in movie 3 and 4, I had moved on and really didn't care. I basically went through the shipper cycle of despair that I mentioned before.

                      I saw the TNG movies, but I can't imagine ever buying the films that had my supposed ship resolution. By the time that particular PTB got around to/felt like addressing it, they had already pissed off a lot of shippers and their product had lost it's shelf life. It's a lesson to learn from.

                      ship sistah

                      you and i have talked about the troi/riker relay privately, but i just wanted to say 'here' YEP! the next gen writers waited too long, and i (and i think) many fans lost some interest. i really, really, really, really, really, REALLY don't want the sg1 writers to do this with sam/jack.




                        Not to rain on anyone's parade but from the latest comments it appears as though Sam and Jack are the farthest thing from the writers mind. I mean, anti-shippers have actually wanted to call a truce. Again, call me cynical, but I don't think this would happen if ship were front and center, or even a mere hint (...not exactly). I just continue to become upset over comments made by this season's cast, all except Amanda Tapping. If you read the interviews with CG he is asked who he wishes would return to the show. He mentions Martouf, Gen. Hammond and Janet. Really, how glaring can you make it over the fact that he doesn't(for whatever reason) want RDA back on the show. And withour RDA they have repeatedly said that they can't or won't write the Sam and Jack relationship. Again, my apologies for being negative but I find season 9 such a huge disappointment and am having a hard time seeing a show that I loved being slowly destroyed. CG actually mentioned Promethius Unbound as what he saw as one of the BEST eoisodes of Stargate. That about sums it up.


                          there was a recent con in germany called 'german city con' (duh ). anyways, peter, david, and michael deluise were in attendance. someone finally put up a transcript of it, but it's in german and the translation of it is atrocious.

                          here's the link from the site that has the transcript:

                          i goggled a translation and edit out only the david parts. here's what it said. remember that this is a tranlation that stinks.

                          Load but emergency leases - David DeLuise. Also it is thoroughly and at the same time very charming an energy bundle, a Komiker. Actually it was the whole weekend thereby only employs the room numbers of the girls to collect to bring its brother Michael to the laughter and annoy Peter. My friend and I have together with him even somewhat: As also with us, was the German town center Con its first Convention at all. And also it really did not know, what expects it. He came to our table, welcomed us and its first question was: "who has me from you as ' Pete Shanahan ' hated?" And one of the women sitting with us at the table must probably have hated it, because he recognized in their view. He said that this view was exactly these, which it had to much too often see in this evening already. It apologized also the role to have played. It had to already often make the experience that it made itself very unpopular by the role of the Pete particularly with Shippern. We asked it, what it expected of the Convention. It wanted to have fun with its brothers, and that thereby each quantity was present fans, was an priceless bonus. David looked forward to it many new people to know to learn to be allowed. I asked it, as it was Amanda Tapping to kiss to be allowed. And it began to dissolve. He loved it to be allowed to work with it. Before the kiss scenes it often talked with Amanda and wanted to help on professional level Amanda to feel well. "I put head to mine to the right, you yours to the left! Tongue - or no?" And the largest radix complement made it for it, when such a kiss scene was finished after several Takes correct and of course, it however it said that the scene still another mark should be turned. Apparently you pleased the kind, how he kissed her. Since it was already late in the evening, and David still some tables before itself had, made we our last photos fast and said good-bye for this evening of him.

                          (snipped to other paragraph)

                          Following a small break was David DeLuise and had to the questions of the fans and mean views of some Shipper to place itself. But sovereign and reliably he mastered his panel, answered a question about the other one. Thus for example the question arose whether it would be married, and it answered the fact that it was it nine years long since two years however divorced and was finally "again freely... aeh... single". It has two daughters with names Riley and Dylan.


                          My question on the VIP party to it cannot have been so originally, in addition because also from the public someone asked this question and this girl wanted also to know, how often this question was actually already asked to it. It protested again like already in the evening before, how much fun and joy made the work with Amanda Tapping ("SAM Carter") for it and which for a mad and forestalling woman and a professional actress it is. It could not answer the second question, but it told that this question would sound normally differently: He was asked already very often, as it feels, Jack its potential friend to have stretched. It thinks still that the role of the Pete Shanahan fit it, and that the character was well written. And in addition he created it by the character that SAM and Jack saw that there - apparently - nevertheless more is than only friendship. Naturally this explanation did not go out without the use of some curses, and so it had to call several times the small Dorian on the stage, in order to pay its "curse debts". In addition it is glad that it could interrupt Sams "Pechstraehne" and not like all different of their partners died. And perhaps there would be the chance that he returns a daily. Thus the panel of David was terminated and it got a long applause.

                          so, guys, what the heck did david *really* say!? anyone who can translate this into understandable english, please do so.




                            STARGATE7777 you beat me to it.I read the comments from CJ and I'am not surprised.IMO It's clear some of the Actors and TPTB are jealous of RDA.They do not want RDA back because they know it would be the best ratings they get and make some the Actors and TPTB look bad.The ratings would go right back down after RDA leaves so they rather RDA does not come back.I think I will ask JM if RDA was asked to be in the Season 9 finale or any Season 10 episodes.IMO some of the Actors are very happy RDA left because they wanted the spotlight for themselves even though they prove they cannot carry this Show without RDA.I'am still waiting for the first great episode without RDA.Comments like this make me thrilled I decided to not watch the Show anymore unless there is Sam/Jack Ship or RDA in the episode.Some of the Actors and TPTB make it very difficult to root for this Show.Let me get this staight Anti-Shippers hammered the Sam/Jack Ship and Shippers for Years and now that RDA is off the Show they want a truce.IMO they can shove there truce.They want Shippers to keep watching so they can get more Daniel/Vala time.
                            Last edited by ses110; 10 December 2005, 07:10 PM.


                              Originally posted by ses110
                              STARGATE7777 you beat me to it.I read the comments from CJ and I'am not surprised.IMO It's clear some of the Actors and TPTB are jealous of RDA.They do not want RDA back because they know it would be the best ratings they get and make some the Actors and TPTB look bad.The ratings would go right back down after RDA leaves so they rather RDA does not come back.I think I will ask JM if RDA was asked to be in the Season 9 finale or any Season 10 episodes.IMO some of the Actors are very happy RDA left because they wanted the spotlight for themselves even though they prove they cannot carry this Show without RDA.I'am still waiting for the first great episode without RDA.Comments like this make me thrilled I decided to not watch the Show anymore unless there is Sam/Jack Ship or RDA in the episode.Some of the Actors and TPTB make it very difficult to root for this Show.Let me get this staight Anti-Shippers hammered the Sam/Jack Ship and Shippers for Years and now that RDA is off the Show they want a truce.IMO they can shove there truce.They want Shippers to keep watching so they can get more Daniel/Vala time.
                              Hmmm. I don't think I'm too far off track with this --- I think some of the younger guys on the show may have a bit of attitude over the fact that the fans drool over RDA more than they ever will over them. There's probably that kind of "WTH?? I'm 20 years younger than him!" vibe going on.
                              CJ not mentioning RDA is interesting. MS made some 'interesting' comments about RDA before at a con --- people were kind of "is he being sarcastic, or is he serious??"

                              Bottom line is RDA was a big name before coming into this. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't signed on. Not saying that these people wouldn't have had careers -- they would have. But RDA is a big drawcard when it comes to getting an audience, and people need to remember that.
                              Lucky for us the likes of Amanda and Teryl are always positive in the things they say about other cast members! (from what I've seen and heard, anyway!) Don't you love those girls?? And Don Davis! The ultimate convention guest, especially when mixed with a good dose of Teryl!!!


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                SueKay, don't you think the poll is factitious? Come on, I can keep going back and vote over and over again ( which is stupid). I wouldn't think it beyond imagination that someone keeps going back and vote again, again , and again just get their poll to win.
                                I agree with you, Trupi, about the poll being fixed. Unfortunately, it seems there are a few suspicious goings on here on GW, but there's nothing to be done about it, especially by a s/j shipper, who are the lowest of the low by some people's perspectives.

                                Good thing we're strong and support each other. No amount of bashing can get us down for long. <g>

                                (Shutting up now before I say something that'll get me thrown off the GW forum entirely.)
                                - Mary
                                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.

